ONC-RPC-0.1: ONC RPC (aka Sun RPC) and XDR library

Safe HaskellNone



Various kinds of arrays (lists, vectors, bytestrings) with statically aserted length constraints encoded in their type.



class KnownNat (n :: Nat) #

This class gives the integer associated with a type-level natural. There are instances of the class for every concrete literal: 0, 1, 2, etc.


Minimal complete definition


class KnownOrdering (o :: Ordering) Source #

Minimal complete definition



data LengthArray (o :: Ordering) (n :: Nat) a Source #

Assertion that the contained array satisfies compareLength a n = o


Eq a => Eq (LengthArray o n a) Source # 


(==) :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Bool #

(/=) :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (LengthArray o n a) Source # 


compare :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Ordering #

(<) :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Bool #

(<=) :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Bool #

(>) :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Bool #

(>=) :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> Bool #

max :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a #

min :: LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o n a #

Show a => Show (LengthArray o n a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> LengthArray o n a -> ShowS #

show :: LengthArray o n a -> String #

showList :: [LengthArray o n a] -> ShowS #

(KnownOrdering o, KnownNat n, IsString a, HasLength a) => IsString (LengthArray o n a) Source # 


fromString :: String -> LengthArray o n a #

KnownNat n => XDR (LengthArray LT n ByteString) Source # 
(KnownNat n, XDR a) => XDR (LengthArray LT n (Vector a)) Source # 
(KnownNat n, XDR a) => XDR (LengthArray LT n [a]) Source # 
KnownNat n => XDR (LengthArray EQ n ByteString) Source # 
(KnownNat n, XDR a) => XDR (LengthArray EQ n (Vector a)) Source # 
(KnownNat n, XDR a) => XDR (LengthArray EQ n [a]) Source # 

type FixedLengthArray n a = LengthArray EQ n a Source #

Assertion that the contained array is exactly a static length

type BoundedLengthArray n a = LengthArray LT (n + 1) a Source #

Assertion that the contained array is at most a static length (inclusive)

boundedLengthArrayBound :: KnownNat n => LengthArray LT n a -> Int Source #

Static upper-bound (inclusive) of a BoundedLengthArray

unsafeLengthArray :: a -> LengthArray o n a Source #

Unsafely create a LengthArray without checking the length bound assertion. May cause unpredictable behavior if the bound does not hold.

lengthArray :: forall o n a. (KnownOrdering o, KnownNat n, HasLength a) => a -> Maybe (LengthArray o n a) Source #

Safely create a LengthArray out of an array if it conforms to the static length assertion.

lengthArray' :: forall o n a. (KnownOrdering o, KnownNat n, HasLength a) => a -> LengthArray o n a Source #

Create a LengthArray or runtime error if the assertion fails: fromMaybe undefined . lengthArray

boundLengthArray :: (KnownNat n, Array a) => a -> LengthArray LT n a Source #

Create a BoundedLengthArray by trimming the given array if necessary.

boundLengthArrayFromList :: (KnownNat n, Array a) => [Elem a] -> LengthArray LT n a Source #

Create a BoundedLengthArray by trimming the given array if necessary.

padLengthArray :: (KnownNat n, Array a) => a -> Elem a -> LengthArray EQ n a Source #

Create a FixedLengthArray by trimming or padding (on the right) as necessary.

constLengthArray :: (KnownNat n, Array a) => Elem a -> LengthArray EQ n a Source #

Create a FixedLengthArray filled with the same value.

appendLengthArray :: Monoid a => LengthArray o n a -> LengthArray o m a -> LengthArray o (n + m) a Source #

Append to two LengthArrays.

fromLengthList :: Array a => LengthArray o n [Elem a] -> LengthArray o n a Source #