{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Sound.OpenAL.AL.Buffer
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sven Panne 2003-2016
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Sven Panne <svenpanne@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module corresponds to chapter 6 (Buffers) of the OpenAL Specification
-- and Reference (version 1.1).
-- A buffer encapsulates OpenAL state related to storing sample data. The
-- application can request and release buffer objects, and fill them with
-- data. Data can be supplied compressed and encoded as long as the format is
-- supported. Buffers can, internally, contain waveform data as uncompressed or
-- compressed samples.
-- Unlike source (see "Sound.OpenAL.AL.Source") and listener (see
-- "Sound.OpenAL.AL.Listener") objects, buffer objects can be shared among AL
-- contexts. Buffers are referenced by sources. A single buffer can be referred
-- to by multiple sources. This separation allows drivers and hardware to
-- optimize storage and processing where applicable.
-- The simplest supported format for buffer data is PCM. PCM data is assumed to
-- use the processor\'s native byte order. Other formats use the byte order
-- native to that format.
-- At this time, buffer states are defined for purposes of discussion. The
-- states described in this section are not exposed through the API (can not be
-- queried, or be set directly), and the state description used in the
-- implementation might differ from this.
-- A buffer is considered to be in one of the following states, with respect to
-- all sources:
-- [/unused/] The buffer is not included in any queue for any source. In
-- particular, the buffer is neither pending nor current for any source. The
-- buffer name can be deleted at this time.
-- [/processed/] The buffer is listed in the queue of at least one source, but
-- is neither pending nor current for any source. The buffer can be deleted as
-- soon as it has been unqueued for all sources it is queued with.
-- [/pending/] There is at least one source for which the buffer has been queued,
-- for which the buffer data has not yet been dereferenced. The buffer can only
-- be unqueued for those sources that have dereferenced the data in the buffer
-- in its entirety, and cannot be deleted or changed.
-- The buffer state is dependent on the state of all sources that is has been
-- queued for. A single queue occurrence of a buffer propagates the buffer state
-- (over all sources) from /unused/ to /processed/ or higher. Sources that are
-- in the 'Stopped' or 'Initial' states still have queue entries that cause
-- buffers to be /processed/.
-- A single queue entry with a single source for which the buffer is not yet
-- /processed/ propagates the buffer\'s queuing state to /pending/.
-- Buffers that are /processed/ for a given source can be unqueued from that
-- source\'s queue. Buffers that have been unqueued from all sources are
-- /unused/. Buffers that are /unused/ can be deleted, or changed by writing
-- 'bufferData'.

module Sound.OpenAL.AL.Buffer (
   Buffer, MemoryRegion(..), Format(..), BufferData(..), bufferData
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
-- Make the foreign imports happy.
import Foreign.C.Types

import Data.StateVar ( StateVar, makeStateVar )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr )

import Sound.OpenAL.AL.BasicTypes
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.BufferInternal
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.Format
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.PeekPoke
import qualified Sound.OpenAL.ALC.Context as ALC
import Sound.OpenAL.Constants

-- For Haddock only.
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.Errors
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.SourceState


data MemoryRegion a = MemoryRegion (Ptr a) ALsizei
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

data BufferData a = BufferData (MemoryRegion a) Format ALC.Frequency
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )


-- | A special case of buffer state is the actual sound sample data stored in
-- association with the buffer. Applications can specify sample data using
-- 'bufferData'.
-- The data specified is copied to an internal software, or if possible,
-- hardware buffer. The implementation is free to apply decompression,
-- conversion, resampling, and filtering as needed. The internal format of the
-- buffer is not exposed to the application, and not accessible.
-- Buffers containing audio data with more than one channel will be played
-- without 3D spatialization features, these formats are normally used for
-- background music. Applications should always check for an error condition
-- after attempting to specify buffer data in case an implementation has to
-- generate an 'ALOutOfMemory' or a conversion related 'ALInvalidValue' error.
-- The application is free to reuse the memory specified by the data pointer
-- once 'bufferData' is set. The implementation has to dereference, e.g. copy,
-- the data while accessing 'bufferData' execution.

bufferData :: Buffer -> StateVar (BufferData a)
bufferData buffer = makeStateVar (getBufferData buffer) (setBufferData buffer)

getBufferData :: Buffer -> IO (BufferData a)
getBufferData buffer = do
   channels <- getBufferi buffer Channels
   bits <- getBufferi buffer Bits
   raw <- return nullPtr -- ToDo: AL_DATA query missing!!!
   size <- getBufferi buffer Size
   frequency <- getBufferi buffer Frequency
   return $ BufferData (MemoryRegion  raw size) (makeFormat channels bits) frequency

setBufferData :: Buffer -> BufferData a -> IO ()
setBufferData buffer (BufferData (MemoryRegion raw size) format frequency) =
      alBufferData buffer (marshalFormat format) raw size (round frequency)

foreign import ccall unsafe "alBufferData"
   alBufferData :: Buffer -> ALenum -> Ptr a -> ALsizei -> ALsizei -> IO ()


-- ToDo: What about IMAADPCMMono16, IMAADPCMStereo16, Vorbis...?
makeFormat :: ALint -> ALint -> Format
makeFormat 1  8 = Mono8
makeFormat 2  8 = Stereo8
makeFormat 1 16 = Mono16
makeFormat 2 16 = Stereo16
makeFormat channels bits =
   error ("makeFormat: illegal values " ++ show (channels, bits))


data BufferQuery =
   | Size
   | Bits
   | Channels

marshalBufferQuery :: BufferQuery -> ALenum
marshalBufferQuery x = case x of
   Frequency -> al_FREQUENCY
   Size -> al_SIZE
   Bits -> al_BITS
   Channels -> al_CHANNELS


getBufferi :: Num a => Buffer -> BufferQuery -> IO a
getBufferi buffer query =
   alloca $ \buf -> do
      alGetBufferi buffer (marshalBufferQuery query) buf
      peek1 fromIntegral buf

foreign import ccall unsafe "alGetBufferi"
   alGetBufferi :: Buffer -> ALenum -> Ptr ALint -> IO ()