Changelog for OpenVG-0.5.0
version 0.5.0 (16 Jan 2010):
* Split into 2 packages OpenVG (this package) and OpenVGRaw.
version 0.4.0 (13 Dec 2009):
* LinearGradient type changed to be Vector4 VGfloat.
* RadialGradient changed to (Vector4 VGfloat, VGfloat).
* Removed Marshal and Unmarshal type classes, marshallBool and
unmarshalBool moved out of the BasicTypes module.
* Type change for colorRampStops.
* Name change - maxStops changed to maxColorRampStops.
* PathType(..) changed to PathAbsRel(..).
* Substantial changes to Haddock docs.
* Error handling in VGU redone - the original code in
ErrorsInternal was taken wholesale from Sven Panne\'s
OpenGL binding to help me bootstrap OpenVG binding.
Regrettably I forgot to replace it or attribute it -
I've now replaced it. Sincere apologies to Sven Panne.
version 0.3.0 (10 Dec 2009):
* Changes to use the split OpenGL packages
* Added type coercions for the Size data type (these
might not be ideal).
version 0.2.1 (10 Dec 2009):
* .cabal file upper bounds for OpenGL and GLUT
* Windows installation instructions updated.
version 0.2 (07 Jul 2009):
* Updated to support ShivaVG version 0.2.1
* ShivaVG 0.2.1 add support for
- vgHardwareQuery
* ShivaVG 0.2.1 stubbed a number of functions that were previously missing
- vgMask
- vgChildImage
- vgGetParent
- vgColorMatrix
- vgConvolve
- vgSeparableConvolve
- vgGaussianBlur
- vgLookup
- vgLookupSingle
- vguComputeWarpQuadToSquare
- vguComputeWarpSquareToQuad
- vguComputeWarpQuadToQuad
version 0.1 (02 Feb 2009):
* Support for ShivaVG version 0.2.0