QIO-1.3: The Quantum IO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone



This module contains QIO unitaries that represent various Arithmetic functions. These are exactly the Arithmetic functions required to implement Shor's algorithm.



swapQInt :: QInt -> QInt -> U Source #

A swap operation can be applied to two QInts, by mapping qubit swap operations over the underlying qubits that make up a QInt.

ifElseQ :: Qbit -> U -> U -> U Source #

ifElseQ defines a quantum If statement, whereby depending on the state of the given (control) qubit, one of two unitaries are applied.

ifQ :: Qbit -> U -> U Source #

ifQ defines a special case of ifElseQ, where the Else part of the computation is simply the identity.

cnot :: Qbit -> Qbit -> U Source #

A controlled-not operations, that applies a Not to the second qubit, depending on the state of the first qubit.

addBit :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit -> U Source #

A three-qubit adder.

carry :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit -> U Source #

Calculates the carry (qu)bit.

addBits :: [Qbit] -> [Qbit] -> Qbit -> U Source #

uses the addBit and carry unitaries to add the contents of two quantum registers, setting an overflow bit if necessary. This unitary makes use of a letU construct to introduce ancilla bits as necessary.

addBits' :: [Qbit] -> [Qbit] -> [Qbit] -> Qbit -> U Source #

An alternate implementation of addBits that is explicitly given a register of ancilla qubits for all the intermediate carry results.

adder :: QInt -> QInt -> Qbit -> U Source #

Defines the QIO unitary that adds two QInts, with an overflow qubit

tadder :: (Int, (Int, Bool)) -> QIO (Int, (Int, Bool)) Source #

A small function to test the adder unitary

tRadder :: (Int, (Int, Bool)) -> QIO (Int, (Int, Bool)) Source #

A small function to test applying the adder unitary in reverse, ie. this defines subtraction.

tBiAdder :: (Int, (Int, Bool)) -> QIO (Int, (Int, Bool)) Source #

A small function to test applying the adder unitary, and then applying the reverse of the adder unitary, which should give the identity function.

adderMod :: Int -> QInt -> QInt -> U Source #

This unitary is for modular addition, and is done modulo some fixed classical modulus, given as the first Int argument.

tadderMod :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> QIO (Int, Int) Source #

A small function to test the modular addition unitary.

multMod :: Int -> Int -> QInt -> QInt -> U Source #

This unitary defines modular multiplication, whereby the integer n is the the modulus, and the integer a is the scalar by which to multiply the quantum integer x. The result is added to the quantum integer y, ie. if y is in state 0 before the operation, then it is left in the sate a*x mod n.

tmultMod :: Int -> Int -> Int -> QIO (Int, Int) Source #

A small function for testing the modular multiplication unitary. This function initialises y as zero, so the output is as expected.

condMultMod :: Qbit -> Int -> Int -> QInt -> QInt -> U Source #

A unitary that adds a single qubit control to modular multiplication

inverseMod :: Int -> Int -> Int Source #

A classical Haskell function that returns the smalles positive inverse of a `mod n (if one exists). That is, the smallest positive integer x, such that x*a mod n equals 1.

modExpStep :: Qbit -> Int -> Int -> QInt -> Int -> U Source #

The unitary that represents modular exponentiation is constructed in terms of multiple "steps". This function defines those steps.

modExpStept :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> QIO Int Source #

A QIO computation that forms a test of the modExpStep unitary

modExp :: Int -> Int -> QInt -> QInt -> U Source #

This function defines a unitary that implements modular exponentiation, as required in Shor's algorithm. Given classical arguments n and a, a quantum register containg x, and a quantum register o in state 1, this unitary will leave the quantum register o in the state a^x mod n.

modExpt :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> QIO Int Source #

A QIO computation that forms a test of the modular exponentiation unitary.