- data Args = Args {
- replay :: Maybe (StdGen, Int)
- maxSuccess :: Int
- maxDiscard :: Int
- maxSize :: Int
- data Result
- isSuccess :: Result -> Bool
- stdArgs :: Args
- quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()
- quickCheckWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO ()
- quickCheckResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO Result
- quickCheckWithResult :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO Result
- test :: State -> (StdGen -> Int -> Prop) -> IO Result
- doneTesting :: State -> (StdGen -> Int -> Prop) -> IO Result
- giveUp :: State -> (StdGen -> Int -> Prop) -> IO Result
- runATest :: State -> (StdGen -> Int -> Prop) -> IO Result
- summary :: State -> [(String, Int)]
- success :: State -> IO ()
- foundFailure :: State -> Result -> [Rose (IO Result)] -> IO ()
- localMin :: State -> Result -> [Rose (IO Result)] -> IO ()
- localMinFound :: State -> Result -> IO ()
- callbackPostTest :: State -> Result -> IO ()
- callbackPostFinalFailure :: State -> Result -> IO ()
Running tests
Args specifies arguments to the QuickCheck driver
Result represents the test result
Success | |
GaveUp | |
Failure | |
NoExpectedFailure | |
quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()Source
Tests a property and prints the results to stdout
quickCheckWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO ()Source
Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results to stdout
quickCheckResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ResultSource
Tests a property, produces a test result, and prints the results to stdout