Rasterific-0.2.1: A pure haskell drawing engine.

Safe HaskellNone




Main module of Rasterific, an Haskell rasterization engine.

Creating an image is rather simple, here is a simple example of a drawing and saving it in a PNG file:

 import Codec.Picture( PixelRGBA8( .. ), writePng )
 import Graphics.Rasterific
 import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   let white = PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255
       drawColor = PixelRGBA8 0 0x86 0xc1 255
       recColor = PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x53 0x73 255
       img = renderDrawing 400 200 white $
          withTexture (uniformTexture drawColor) $ do
             fill $ circle (V2 0 0) 30
             stroke 4 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $
                    circle (V2 400 200) 40
             withTexture (uniformTexture recColor) .
                    fill $ rectangle (V2 100 100) 200 100

   writePng "yourimage.png" img

The coordinate system is the picture classic one, with the origin in the upper left corner; with the y axis growing to the bottom and the x axis growing to the right:


Rasterization command

fill :: [Primitive] -> Drawing px () Source

Fill some geometry. The geometry should be "looping", ie. the last point of the last primitive should be equal to the first point of the first primitive.

The primitive should be connected.

fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 75

fillWithMethod :: FillMethod -> [Primitive] -> Drawing px () Source

This function let you choose how to fill the primitives in case of self intersection. See FillMethod documentation for more information.

withTexture :: Texture px -> Drawing px () -> Drawing px () Source

Define the texture applyied to all the children draw call.

withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0x86 0xc1 255) $ do
    fill $ circle (V2 50 50) 20
    fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 20
    withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x53 0x73 255)
         $ circle (V2 150 150) 20

withClipping Source


:: (forall innerPixel. Drawing innerPixel ())

The clipping path

-> Drawing px ()

The actual geometry to clip

-> Drawing px () 

Draw some geometry using a clipping path.

withClipping (fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 75) $
    mapM_ (stroke 7 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound))
      [line (V2 0 yf) (V2 200 (yf + 10))
                     | y <- [5 :: Int, 17 .. 200]
                     , let yf = fromIntegral y ]

withTransformation :: Transformation -> Drawing px () -> Drawing px () Source

Draw all the sub drawing commands using a transformation.

stroke Source


:: Float

Stroke width

-> Join

Which kind of join will be used

-> (Cap, Cap)

Start and end capping.

-> [Primitive]

List of elements to render

-> Drawing px () 

Will stroke geometry with a given stroke width. The elements should be connected

stroke 5 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ circle (V2 100 100) 75

dashedStroke Source


:: DashPattern

Dashing pattern to use for stroking

-> Float

Stroke width

-> Join

Which kind of join will be used

-> (Cap, Cap)

Start and end capping.

-> [Primitive]

List of elements to render

-> Drawing px () 

With stroke geometry with a given stroke width, using a dash pattern.

dashedStroke [5, 10, 5] 3 JoinRound (CapRound, CapStraight 0)
       [line (V2 0 100) (V2 200 100)]

dashedStrokeWithOffset Source


:: Float

Starting offset

-> DashPattern

Dashing pattern to use for stroking

-> Float

Stroke width

-> Join

Which kind of join will be used

-> (Cap, Cap)

Start and end capping.

-> [Primitive]

List of elements to render

-> Drawing px () 

With stroke geometry with a given stroke width, using a dash pattern. The offset is there to specify the starting point into the pattern, the value can be negative.

dashedStrokeWithOffset 3 [5, 10, 5] 3 JoinRound (CapRound, CapStraight 0)
       [line (V2 0 100) (V2 200 100)]

printTextAt Source


:: Font

Drawing font

-> Int

font Point size

-> Point

Baseline begining position

-> String

String to print

-> Drawing px () 

Draw a string at a given position. Text printing imply loading a font, there is no default font (yet). Below an example of font rendering using a font installed on Microsoft Windows.

 import Graphics.Text.TrueType( loadFontFile )
 import Codec.Picture( PixelRGBA8( .. ), writePng )
 import Graphics.Rasterific
 import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   fontErr <- loadFontFile "C:/Windows/Fonts/arial.ttf"
   case fontErr of
     Left err -> putStrLn err
     Right font ->
       writePng "text_example.png" .
           renderDrawing 300 70 (PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255)
               . withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255) $
                       printTextAt font 12 (V2 20 40) "A simple text test!"

You can use any texture, like a gradient while rendering text.

renderDrawing Source


:: (Pixel px, Pixel (PixelBaseComponent px), Modulable (PixelBaseComponent px), PixelBaseComponent (PixelBaseComponent px) ~ PixelBaseComponent px) 
=> Int

Rendering width

-> Int

Rendering height

-> px

Background color

-> Drawing px ()

Rendering action

-> Image px 

Function to call in order to start the image creation. Tested pixels type are PixelRGBA8 and Pixel8, pixel types in other colorspace will probably produce weird results.

pathToPrimitives :: Path -> [Primitive] Source

Transform a path description into a list of renderable primitives.

Rasterization types

type Texture px = SamplerRepeat -> Float -> Float -> px Source

A texture is just a function which given pixel coordinate give back a pixel. The float coordinate type allow for transformations to happen in the pixel space.

type Drawing px = Free (DrawCommand px) Source

Monad used to record the drawing actions.

class (Ord a, Num a) => Modulable a Source

Typeclass intented at pixel value modulation. May be throwed out soon.

Minimal complete definition

emptyValue, fullValue, clampCoverage, modulate, modiv, alphaOver, alphaCompose

Geometry description

data V2 a :: * -> *

A 2-dimensional vector

>>> pure 1 :: V2 Int
V2 1 1
>>> V2 1 2 + V2 3 4
V2 4 6
>>> V2 1 2 * V2 3 4
V2 3 8
>>> sum (V2 1 2)


V2 !a !a 


Monad V2 
Functor V2 
Applicative V2 
Foldable V2 
Traversable V2 
Generic1 V2 
Distributive V2 
Representable V2 
Traversable1 V2 
R2 V2 
R1 V2 
Metric V2 
Additive V2 
Foldable1 V2 
Apply V2 
Bind V2 
PointFoldable Point 
Transformable Point 
Unbox a => Vector Vector (V2 a) 
Unbox a => MVector MVector (V2 a) 
Eq a => Eq (V2 a) 
Fractional a => Fractional (V2 a) 
Data a => Data (V2 a) 
Num a => Num (V2 a) 
Ord a => Ord (V2 a) 
Read a => Read (V2 a) 
Show a => Show (V2 a) 
Ix a => Ix (V2 a) 
Generic (V2 a) 
Storable a => Storable (V2 a) 
Unbox a => Unbox (V2 a) 
Ixed (V2 a) 
Epsilon a => Epsilon (V2 a) 
FunctorWithIndex (E V2) V2 
FoldableWithIndex (E V2) V2 
TraversableWithIndex (E V2) V2 
Typeable (* -> *) V2 
type Rep1 V2 = D1 D1V2 (C1 C1_0V2 ((:*:) (S1 NoSelector Par1) (S1 NoSelector Par1))) 
type Rep V2 = E V2 
data MVector s (V2 a) = MV_V2 !Int (MVector s a) 
type Rep (V2 a) = D1 D1V2 (C1 C1_0V2 ((:*:) (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 a)) (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 a)))) 
data Vector (V2 a) = V_V2 !Int (Vector a) 
type Index (V2 a) = E V2 
type IxValue (V2 a) = a 

type Point = V2 Float Source

Represent a point

type Vector = V2 Float Source

Represent a vector

data CubicBezier Source

Describe a cubic bezier spline, described using 4 points.

stroke 4 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $
   [CubicBezierPrim $ CubicBezier (V2 0 10) (V2 205 250)
                                  (V2 (-10) 250) (V2 160 35)]




_cBezierX0 :: !Point

Origin point, the spline will pass through it.

_cBezierX1 :: !Point

First control point of the cubic bezier curve.

_cBezierX2 :: !Point

Second control point of the cubic bezier curve.

_cBezierX3 :: !Point

End point of the cubic bezier curve

data Line Source

Describe a simple 2D line between two points.

fill $ LinePrim <$> [ Line (V2 10 10) (V2 190 10)
                    , Line (V2 190 10) (V2 95 170)
                    , Line (V2 95 170) (V2 10 10)]




_lineX0 :: !Point

Origin point

_lineX1 :: !Point

End point

data Bezier Source

Describe a quadratic bezier spline, described using 3 points.

fill $ BezierPrim <$> [Bezier (V2 10 10) (V2 200 50) (V2 200 100)
                      ,Bezier (V2 200 100) (V2 150 200) (V2 120 175)
                      ,Bezier (V2 120 175) (V2 30 100) (V2 10 10)]




_bezierX0 :: !Point

Origin points, the spline will pass through it.

_bezierX1 :: !Point

Control point, the spline won't pass on it.

_bezierX2 :: !Point

End point, the spline will pass through it.

data Primitive Source

This datatype gather all the renderable primitives, they are kept separated otherwise to allow specialization on some specific algorithms. You can mix the different primitives in a single call :

   [ CubicBezierPrim $ CubicBezier (V2 50 20) (V2 90 60)
                                   (V2  5 100) (V2 50 140)
   , LinePrim $ Line (V2 50 140) (V2 120 80)
   , LinePrim $ Line (V2 120 80) (V2 50 20) ]


LinePrim !Line

Primitive used for lines

BezierPrim !Bezier

Primitive used for quadratic beziers curves

CubicBezierPrim !CubicBezier

Primitive used for cubic bezier curve

data Path Source

Describe a path in a way similar to many graphical packages, using a "pen" position in memory and reusing it for the next "move" For example the example from Primitive could be rewritten:

fill . pathToPrimitives $ Path (V2 50 20) True
   [ PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 90 60) (V2  5 100) (V2 50 140)
   , PathLineTo (V2 120 80) ]




_pathOriginPoint :: Point

Origin of the point, equivalent to the first "move" command.

_pathClose :: Bool

Tell if we must close the path.

_pathCommand :: [PathCommand]

List of commands in the path

data PathCommand Source

Actions to create a path


PathLineTo Point

Draw a line from the current point to another point

PathQuadraticBezierCurveTo Point Point

Draw a quadratic bezier curve from the current point through the control point to the end point.

PathCubicBezierCurveTo Point Point Point

Draw a cubic bezier curve using 2 control points.

class Transformable a where Source

This typeclass is there to help transform the geometry, by applying a transformation on every point of a geometric element.


transform :: (Point -> Point) -> a -> a Source

Apply a transformation function for every point in the element.

class PointFoldable a where Source

Typeclass helper gathering all the points of a given geometry.


foldPoints :: (b -> Point -> b) -> b -> a -> b Source

Fold an accumulator on all the points of the primitive.


line :: Point -> Point -> [Primitive] Source

Return a simple line ready to be stroked.

stroke 17 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $
    line (V2 10 10) (V2 180 170)

rectangle Source


:: Point

Corner upper left

-> Float

Width in pixel

-> Float

Height in pixel

-> [Primitive] 

Generate a list of primitive representing a rectangle

fill $ rectangle (V2 30 30) 150 100

roundedRectangle Source


:: Point

Corner upper left

-> Float

Width in pixel

-> Float

Height in pixel.

-> Float

Radius along the x axis of the rounded corner. In pixel.

-> Float

Radius along the y axis of the rounded corner. In pixel.

-> [Primitive] 

Generate a list of primitive representing a rectangle with rounded corner.

fill $ roundedRectangle (V2 10 10) 150 150 20 10

circle Source


:: Point

Circle center in pixels

-> Float

Circle radius in pixels

-> [Primitive] 

Generate a list of primitive representing a circle.

fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 75

ellipse :: Point -> Float -> Float -> [Primitive] Source

Generate a list of primitive representing an ellipse.

fill $ ellipse (V2 100 100) 75 30

polyline :: [Point] -> [Primitive] Source

Generate a strokable line out of points list. Just an helper around lineFromPath.

stroke 4 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $
   polyline [V2 10 10, V2 100 70, V2 190 190]

polygon :: [Point] -> [Primitive] Source

Generate a fillable polygon out of points list. Similar to the polyline function, but close the path.

fill $ polygon [V2 30 30, V2 100 70, V2 80 170]

drawImageAtSize Source


:: (Pixel px, Modulable (PixelBaseComponent px)) 
=> Image px

Image to be drawn

-> StrokeWidth

Border size, drawn with current texture.

-> Point

Position of the corner upper left of the image.

-> Float

Width of the drawn image

-> Float

Height of the drawn image

-> Drawing px () 

Draw an image with the desired size

drawImageAtSize textureImage 2 (V2 30 30) 128 128

drawImage Source


:: (Pixel px, Modulable (PixelBaseComponent px)) 
=> Image px

Image to be drawn

-> StrokeWidth

Border size, drawn with current texture.

-> Point

Position of the corner upper left of the image.

-> Drawing px () 

Simply draw an image into the canvas. Take into account any previous transformation performed on the geometry.

drawImage textureImage 0 (V2 30 30)

Geometry Helpers

clip Source


:: Point

Minimum point (corner upper left)

-> Point

Maximum point (corner bottom right)

-> Primitive

Primitive to be clipped

-> [Primitive] 

Clip the geometry to a rectangle.

bezierFromPath :: [Point] -> [Bezier] Source

Create a list of bezier patch from a list of points,

bezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e] == [Bezier a b c, Bezier c d e]
bezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e, f] == [Bezier a b c, Bezier c d e]
bezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] ==
    [Bezier a b c, Bezier c d e, Bezier e f g]

lineFromPath :: [Point] -> [Line] Source

Transform a list a point to a list of lines

lineFromPath [a, b, c, d] = [Line a b, Line b c, Line c d]

cubicBezierFromPath :: [Point] -> [CubicBezier] Source

Create a list of cubic bezier patch from a list of points.

cubicBezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e] = [CubicBezier a b c d]
cubicBezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] =
   [CubicBezier a b c d, CubicBezier d e f g]

Rasterization control

data Join Source

Describe how to display the join of broken lines while stroking.



Make a curved join.

JoinMiter Float

Make a mitter join. Value must be positive or null. Seems to make sense in [0;1] only

  • Miter join with 0 :
  • Miter join with 5 :


data Cap Source

Describe how we will "finish" the stroking that don't loop.


CapStraight Float

Create a straight caping on the stroke. Cap value should be positive and represent the distance from the end of curve to the actual cap

  • cap straight with param 0 :
  • cap straight with param 1 :

Create a rounded caping on the stroke.


data SamplerRepeat Source

Describe the behaviour of samplers and texturers when they are out of the bounds of image and/or gradient.



Will clamp (ie. repeat the last pixel) when out of bound


Will loop on it's definition domain


Will loop inverting axises

data FillMethod Source

Tell how to fill complex shapes when there is self intersections. If the filling mode is not specified, then it's the FillWinding method which is used.

The examples used are produced with the following function:

fillingSample :: FillMethod -> Drawing px ()
fillingSample fillMethod = fillWithMethod fillMethod geometry where
  geometry = transform (applyTransformation $ scale 0.35 0.4
                                           <> translate (V2 (-80) (-180)))
           $ concatMap pathToPrimitives
     [ Path (V2 484 499) True
         [ PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 681 452) (V2 639 312) (V2 541 314)
         , PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 327 337) (V2 224 562) (V2 484 499)
     , Path (V2 136 377) True
         [ PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 244 253) (V2 424 420) (V2 357 489)
         , PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 302 582) (V2 47 481) (V2 136 377)
     , Path (V2 340 265) True
         [ PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 64 371) (V2 128 748) (V2 343 536)
         , PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 668 216) (V2 17 273) (V2 367 575)
         , PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 589 727) (V2 615 159) (V2 340 265)



Also known as nonzero rule. To determine if a point falls inside the curve, you draw an imaginary line through that point. Next you will count how many times that line crosses the curve before it reaches that point. For every clockwise rotation, you subtract 1 and for every counter-clockwise rotation you add 1.


This rule determines the insideness of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

type DashPattern = [Float] Source

Dash pattern to use

Debugging helper

dumpDrawing :: Show px => Drawing px () -> String Source

This function will spit out drawing instructions to help debugging.

The outputted code looks like Haskell, but there is no guarantee that it is compilable.