{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Graphics.Rasterific.CubicBezier
    ( cubicBezierCircle
    , cubicBezierFromPath
    , cubicBezierBreakAt
    , divideCubicBezier
    , clipCubicBezier
    , decomposeCubicBeziers
    , sanitizeCubicBezier
    , offsetCubicBezier
    , flattenCubicBezier
    , cubicBezierLengthApproximation
    , cubicBezierBounds
    , cubicFromQuadraticBezier
    , isCubicBezierPoint
    ) where

import Prelude hiding( or )

import Data.Monoid( (<>) )
import Control.Applicative( liftA2 )
import Graphics.Rasterific.Linear
             ( V2( .. )
             , (^-^)
             , (^+^)
             , (^*)
             , norm
             , lerp
import Data.List( nub )
import Graphics.Rasterific.Operators
import Graphics.Rasterific.Types
import Graphics.Rasterific.QuadraticFormula

-- | Create a list of cubic bezier patch from a list of points.
-- > cubicBezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e] = [CubicBezier a b c d]
-- > cubicBezierFromPath [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] =
-- >    [CubicBezier a b c d, CubicBezier d e f g]
cubicBezierFromPath :: [Point] -> [CubicBezier]
cubicBezierFromPath (a:b:c:rest@(d:_)) =
    CubicBezier a b c d : cubicBezierFromPath rest
cubicBezierFromPath _ = []

cubicBezierLengthApproximation :: CubicBezier -> Float
cubicBezierLengthApproximation (CubicBezier a _ _ d) =
    norm $ d ^-^ a

-- | Represent a circle of radius 1 centered on 0 of
-- a cubic bezier curve.
cubicBezierCircle :: [CubicBezier]
cubicBezierCircle =
    [ CubicBezier (V2 0 1) (V2 c 1) (V2 1 c) (V2 1 0)
    , CubicBezier (V2 1 0) (V2 1 (-c)) (V2 c (-1)) (V2 0 (-1))
    , CubicBezier (V2 0 (-1)) (V2 (-c) (-1)) (V2 (-1) (-c)) (V2 (-1) 0)
    , CubicBezier (V2 (-1) 0) (V2 (-1) c) (V2 (-c) 1) (V2 0 1)
  where c = 0.551915024494 -- magic constant? magic constant.

straightLine :: Point -> Point -> CubicBezier
straightLine a b = CubicBezier a p p b
  where p = a `midPoint` b

isSufficientlyFlat :: Float -- ^ Tolerance
                   -> CubicBezier
                   -> Bool
isSufficientlyFlat tol (CubicBezier a b c d) =
    x + y <= tolerance
  where u = (b ^* 3) ^-^ (a ^* 2) ^-^ d
        v = (c ^* 3) ^-^ (d ^* 2) ^-^ a
        (^*^) = liftA2 (*)
        V2 x y = vmax (u ^*^ u) (v ^*^ v)
        tolerance = 16 * tol * tol

splitCubicBezier :: CubicBezier -> (Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point)
{-# INLINE splitCubicBezier #-}
splitCubicBezier (CubicBezier a b c d) = (ab, bc, cd, abbc, bccd, abbcbccd)
    --                     BC
    --         B X----------X---------X C
    --    ^     /      ___/   \___     \     ^
    --   u \   /   __X------X------X_   \   / v
    --      \ /___/ ABBC       BCCD  \___\ /
    --    AB X/                          \X CD
    --      /                              \
    --     /                                \
    --    /                                  \
    -- A X                                    X D
    ab = a `midPoint` b
    bc = b `midPoint` c
    cd = c `midPoint` d

    abbc = ab `midPoint` bc
    bccd = bc `midPoint` cd
    abbcbccd = abbc `midPoint` bccd

flattenCubicBezier :: CubicBezier -> Container Primitive
flattenCubicBezier bezier@(CubicBezier a _ _ d)
    | isSufficientlyFlat 1 bezier = pure $ CubicBezierPrim bezier
    | otherwise =
        flattenCubicBezier (CubicBezier a ab abbc abbcbccd) <>
            flattenCubicBezier (CubicBezier abbcbccd bccd cd d)
    (ab, _bc, cd, abbc, bccd, abbcbccd) = splitCubicBezier bezier

--               3                    2            2                  3
-- x(t) = (1 - t) ∙x     + 3∙t∙(1 - t) ∙x     + 3∙t ∙(1 - t)∙x     + t ∙x
--                   0                    1                    2          3
--               3                    2            2                  3
-- y(t) = (1 - t) ∙y     + 3∙t∙(1 - t) ∙y     + 3∙t ∙(1 - t)∙y     + t ∙y
--                   0                    1                    2          3

-- Other representation:
--                3                2        2              3
-- B(t) = x(1 - t)  + 3∙y∙t∙(1 - t)  + 3∙z∙t ∙(1 - t) + w∙t

-- | Represent the cubic bezier curve as a vector ready
-- for matrix multiplication
data CachedBezier = CachedBezier
    { _cachedA :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
    , _cachedB :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
    , _cachedC :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
    , _cachedD :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float

cacheBezier :: CubicBezier -> (CachedBezier, CachedBezier)
cacheBezier (CubicBezier p0@(V2 x0 y0) p1 p2 p3) =
    (CachedBezier x0 bX cX dX, CachedBezier y0 bY cY dY)
   V2 bX bY = p1 ^* 3 ^-^ p0 ^* 3
   V2 cX cY = p2 ^* 3 ^-^ p1 ^* 6 + p0 ^* 3
   V2 dX dY = p3 ^-^ p2 ^* 3 ^+^ p1 ^* 3 ^-^ p0

cachedBezierAt :: CachedBezier -> Float -> Float
cachedBezierAt (CachedBezier a b c d) t =
    a + b * t + c * tSquare + tCube * d
    tSquare = t * t
    tCube = tSquare * t

cachedBezierDerivative :: CachedBezier -> QuadraticFormula Float
cachedBezierDerivative (CachedBezier _ b c d) =
    QuadraticFormula (3 * d) (2 * c) b

-- | Find the coefficient of the extremum points
extremums :: CachedBezier -> [Float]
extremums cached =
  [ root | root <- formulaRoots $ cachedBezierDerivative cached
         , 0 <= root && root <= 1.0 ]

extremumPoints :: (CachedBezier, CachedBezier) -> [Point]
extremumPoints (onX, onY) = toPoints <$> nub (extremums onX <> extremums onY)
  where toPoints at = V2 (cachedBezierAt onX at) (cachedBezierAt onY at)

cubicBezierBounds :: CubicBezier -> [Point]
cubicBezierBounds bez@(CubicBezier p0 _ _ p3) =
    p0 : p3 : extremumPoints (cacheBezier bez)

offsetCubicBezier :: Float -> CubicBezier -> Container Primitive
offsetCubicBezier offset bezier@(CubicBezier a b c d)
    | isSufficientlyFlat 1 bezier =
        pure . CubicBezierPrim $ CubicBezier shiftedA shiftedB shiftedC shiftedD
    | otherwise =
        recurse (CubicBezier a ab abbc abbcbccd) <>
            recurse (CubicBezier abbcbccd bccd cd d)
    recurse = offsetCubicBezier offset

    u = a `normal` b
    v = c `normal` d

    --                     BC
    --         B X----------X---------X C
    --    ^     /      ___/   \___     \     ^
    --   u \   /   __X------X------X_   \   / v
    --      \ /___/ ABBC       BCCD  \___\ /
    --    AB X/                          \X CD
    --      /                              \
    --     /                                \
    --    /                                  \
    -- A X                                    X D
    (ab, bc, cd, abbc, bccd, abbcbccd) = splitCubicBezier bezier

    w = ab `normal` bc
    x = bc `normal` cd

    shiftedA = a ^+^ (u ^* offset)
    shiftedD = d ^+^ (v ^* offset)

    {-shiftedABBCBCCD = abbcbccd ^+^ (w ^* offset)-}
    shiftedB = b ^+^ (w ^* offset)
    shiftedC = c ^+^ (x ^* offset)

-- | Clamp the cubic bezier curve inside a rectangle
-- given in parameter.
    :: Point   -- ^ Point representing the "minimal" point for cliping
    -> Point  -- ^ Point representing the "maximal" point for cliping
    -> CubicBezier -- ^ The cubic bezier curve to be clamped
    -> Container Primitive
clipCubicBezier mini maxi bezier@(CubicBezier a b c d)
    -- If we are in the range bound, return the curve
    -- unaltered
    | insideX && insideY = pure $ CubicBezierPrim bezier
    -- If one of the component is outside, clamp
    -- the components on the boundaries and output a
    -- straight line on this boundary. Useful for the
    -- filing case, to clamp the polygon drawing on
    -- the edge
    | outsideX || outsideY =
        pure . CubicBezierPrim $ clampedA `straightLine` clampedD
    -- Not completly inside nor outside, just divide
    -- and conquer.
    | otherwise =
        recurse (CubicBezier a ab abbc m) <>
            recurse (CubicBezier m bccd cd d)
  where -- Minimal & maximal dimension of the bezier curve
        bmin = vmin a . vmin b $ vmin c d
        bmax = vmax a . vmax b $ vmax c d

        recurse = clipCubicBezier mini maxi

        clamper = clampPoint mini maxi
        clampedA = clamper a
        clampedD = clamper d

        V2 insideX insideY = mini ^<=^ bmin ^&&^ bmax ^<=^ maxi
        V2 outsideX outsideY = bmax ^<=^ mini ^||^ maxi ^<=^ bmin

        --                     BC
        --         B X----------X---------X C
        --          /      ___/   \___     \
        --         /   __X------X------X_   \
        --        /___/ ABBC       BCCD  \___\
        --    AB X/                          \X CD
        --      /                              \
        --     /                                \
        --    /                                  \
        -- A X                                    X D
        (ab, _bc, cd, abbc, bccd, abbcbccd) = splitCubicBezier bezier

        edgeSeparator = vabs (abbcbccd ^-^ mini) ^<^ vabs (abbcbccd ^-^ maxi)
        edge = vpartition edgeSeparator mini maxi
        m = vpartition (vabs (abbcbccd ^-^ edge) ^< 0.1) edge abbcbccd

divideCubicBezier :: CubicBezier -> (CubicBezier, CubicBezier)
divideCubicBezier bezier@(CubicBezier a _ _ d) = (left, right) where
  left = CubicBezier a ab abbc abbcbccd
  right = CubicBezier abbcbccd bccd cd d
  (ab, _bc, cd, abbc, bccd, abbcbccd) = splitCubicBezier bezier

-- | Will subdivide the bezier from 0 to coeff and coeff to 1
cubicBezierBreakAt :: CubicBezier -> Float
                   -> (CubicBezier, CubicBezier)
cubicBezierBreakAt (CubicBezier a b c d) val =
    (CubicBezier a ab abbc abbcbccd, CubicBezier abbcbccd bccd cd d)
    ab = lerp val b a
    bc = lerp val c b
    cd = lerp val d c

    abbc = lerp val bc ab
    bccd = lerp val cd bc
    abbcbccd = lerp val bccd abbc

decomposeCubicBeziers :: CubicBezier -> Producer EdgeSample
decomposeCubicBeziers cb@(CubicBezier a b c d)
   -- handle case of self closed bezier curve
  | not (a `isDistingableFrom` d) && ((a `isDistingableFrom` b) || (a `isDistingableFrom` c)) =
    let (l, r) = cubicBezierBreakAt cb 0.5 in
    decomposeCubicBeziers l . decomposeCubicBeziers r
decomposeCubicBeziers (CubicBezier (V2 aRx aRy) (V2 bRx bRy) (V2 cRx cRy) (V2 dRx dRy)) =
    go aRx aRy bRx bRy cRx cRy dRx dRy where
  go ax ay _bx _by _cx _cy dx dy cont | insideX && insideY =
    let !px = fromIntegral $ min floorAx floorDx
        !py = fromIntegral $ min floorAy floorDy
        !w = px + 1 - (dx `middle` ax)
        !h = dy - ay
    EdgeSample (px + 0.5) (py + 0.5) (w * h) h : cont
      floorAx, floorAy :: Int
      !floorAx = floor ax
      !floorAy = floor ay

      !floorDx = floor dx
      !floorDy = floor dy

      !insideX =
          floorAx == floorDx || ceiling ax == (ceiling dx :: Int)
      !insideY =
          floorAy == floorDy || ceiling ay == (ceiling dy :: Int)

  go !ax !ay !bx !by !cx !cy !dx !dy cont =
     go ax ay abx aby abbcx abbcy mx my $
        go mx my bccdx bccdy cdx cdy dx dy cont
      --                     BC
      --         B X----------X---------X C
      --          /      ___/   \___     \
      --         /   __X------X------X_   \
      --        /___/ ABBC       BCCD  \___\
      --    AB X/                          \X CD
      --      /                              \
      --     /                                \
      --    /                                  \
      -- A X                                    X D
      !abx = ax `middle` bx
      !aby = ay `middle` by
      !bcx = bx `middle` cx
      !bcy = by `middle` cy
      !cdx = cx `middle` dx
      !cdy = cy `middle` dy
      !abbcx = abx `middle` bcx
      !abbcy = aby `middle` bcy
      !bccdx = bcx `middle` cdx
      !bccdy = bcy `middle` cdy

      !abbcbccdx = abbcx `middle` bccdx
      !abbcbccdy = abbcy `middle` bccdy

      !mx | abs (abbcbccdx - mini) < 0.1 = mini
          | abs (abbcbccdx - maxi) < 0.1 = maxi
          | otherwise = abbcbccdx
            where !mini = fromIntegral (floor abbcbccdx :: Int)
                  !maxi = fromIntegral (ceiling abbcbccdx :: Int)

      !my | abs (abbcbccdy - mini) < 0.1 = mini
          | abs (abbcbccdy - maxi) < 0.1 = maxi
          | otherwise = abbcbccdy
            where !mini = fromIntegral (floor abbcbccdy :: Int)
                  !maxi = fromIntegral (ceiling abbcbccdy :: Int)

isCubicBezierPoint :: CubicBezier -> Bool
isCubicBezierPoint (CubicBezier a b c d) =
  not $ a `isDistingableFrom` b ||
        b `isDistingableFrom` c ||
        c `isDistingableFrom` d

sanitizeCubicBezier :: CubicBezier -> Container Primitive
sanitizeCubicBezier bezier@(CubicBezier a b c d)
  | a `isDistingableFrom` b &&
    c `isDistingableFrom` d =
       pure . CubicBezierPrim $ bezier
  | ac `isDistingableFrom` b &&
     bd `isDistingableFrom` c =
      pure . CubicBezierPrim $ bezier
  | ac `isDistingableFrom` b =
      pure . CubicBezierPrim $ CubicBezier a ac c d
  | bd `isDistingableFrom` c =
      pure . CubicBezierPrim $ CubicBezier a b bd d
  | otherwise = mempty
    where ac = a `midPoint` c
          bd = a `midPoint` d

cubicFromQuadraticBezier :: Bezier -> CubicBezier
cubicFromQuadraticBezier (Bezier p0 p1 p2) = CubicBezier p0 pa pb p2 where
  pa = p0 ^+^ (p1 ^-^ p0) ^* (2 / 3)
  pb = p2 ^+^ (p1 ^-^ p2) ^* (2 / 3)