RepLib-0.3: Generic programming library with representation types

Portabilitynon-portable (-XKitchenSink)
MaintainerStephanie Weirich <>




A generic implementation of name binding functions using a locally nameless representation. Datatypes with binding can be defined using the Name and Bind types. Expressive patterns for binding come from the Annot and Rebind types.

Important classes are:

  • Alpha -- the class of types and patterns that include binders,
  • Subst -- for subtitution functions.

Name generation is controlled via monads which implement the Fresh and LFresh classes.


Basic types

data Name a Source

Names are things that get bound. This type is intentionally abstract; to create a Name you can use string2Name or integer2Name. The type parameter is a tag, or sort, which tells us what sorts of things this name may stand for. The sort must be an instance of the Rep type class.


(Rep a[aKgL], Sat (ctx[aKnq] (R a[aKgL])), Sat (ctx[aKnq] (String, Integer)), Sat (ctx[aKnq] Integer)) => Rep1 ctx[aKnq] (Name a[aKgL]) 
Rep a => Subst b (Name a) 
Eq (Name a) 
Ord (Name a) 
Show (Name a) 
Rep a[aKgL] => Rep (Name a[aKgL]) 
Rep a => Alpha (Name a) 

data AnyName Source

A name with a hidden (existentially quantified) sort.


forall a . Rep a => AnyName (Name a) 


Eq AnyName 
Ord AnyName 
Show AnyName 
Rep AnyName 
Alpha AnyName 
Rep1 ctx[aKum] AnyName 
Subst b AnyName 
LFresh (Reader (Set AnyName))

A monad instance for LFresh which renames to the lowest number not currently being used

data Bind a b Source

The type of a binding. We can Bind an a object in a b object if we can create "fresh" a objects, and a objects can occur unbound in b objects. Often a is Name but that need not be the case.

Like Name, Bind is also abstract. You can create bindings using bind and take them apart with unbind and friends.


(Rep a[aKgI], Rep b[aKgJ], Sat (ctx[aKnS] a[aKgI]), Sat (ctx[aKnS] b[aKgJ])) => Rep1 ctx[aKnS] (Bind a[aKgI] b[aKgJ]) 
(Subst c b, Subst c a, Alpha a, Alpha b) => Subst c (Bind a b) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b, Read a, Read b) => Read (Bind a b)

The Eq instance for Bind compares bindings for alpha-equality.

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Bind a b) 
(Rep a[aKgI], Rep b[aKgJ]) => Rep (Bind a[aKgI] b[aKgJ]) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b) => Alpha (Bind a b) 

newtype Annot a Source

An annotation is a "hole" in a pattern where variables can be used, but not bound. For example, patterns may include type annotations, and those annotations can reference variables without binding them. Annotations do nothing special when they appear elsewhere in terms.


Annot a 


(Rep a[aKgF], Sat (ctx[aKni] a[aKgF])) => Rep1 ctx[aKni] (Annot a[aKgF]) 
Subst c a => Subst c (Annot a) 
Eq a => Eq (Annot a) 
Read a => Read (Annot a) 
Show a => Show (Annot a) 
Rep a[aKgF] => Rep (Annot a[aKgF]) 
Alpha a => Alpha (Annot a) 

data Rebind a b Source

Rebind supports "telescopes" --- that is, patterns where bound variables appear in multiple subterms.


(Rep a[aKgD], Rep b[aKgE], Sat (ctx[aKn5] a[aKgD]), Sat (ctx[aKn5] b[aKgE])) => Rep1 ctx[aKn5] (Rebind a[aKgD] b[aKgE]) 
(Subst c b, Subst c a, Alpha a, Alpha b) => Subst c (Rebind a b) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b, Eq b) => Eq (Rebind a b)

Compare for alpha-equality.

(Show a, Show b) => Show (Rebind a b) 
(Rep a[aKgD], Rep b[aKgE]) => Rep (Rebind a[aKgD] b[aKgE]) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b) => Alpha (Rebind a b) 


integer2Name :: Rep a => Integer -> Name aSource

Create a Name from an Integer.

string2Name :: Rep a => String -> Name aSource

Create a Name from a String.

makeName :: Rep a => String -> Integer -> Name aSource

Create a Name from a String and an Integer index.

name2Integer :: Name a -> IntegerSource

Get the integer index of a Name.

name2String :: Name a -> StringSource

Get the string part of a Name.

anyName2Integer :: AnyName -> IntegerSource

Get the integer index of an AnyName.

anyName2String :: AnyName -> StringSource

Get the string part of an AnyName.

name1 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name2 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name3 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name4 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name5 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name6 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name7 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name8 :: Rep a => Name aSource

name9 :: Rep a => Name aSource

The Alpha class

class (Show a, Rep1 AlphaD a) => Alpha a whereSource

The Alpha type class is for types which may contain names. The Rep1 constraint means that we can only make instances of this class for types that have generic representations (which can be automatically derived by RepLib.)

Note that the methods of Alpha should never be called directly! Instead, use other methods provided by this module which are defined in terms of Alpha methods. (The only reason they are exported is to make them available to automatically-generated code.)

Most of the time, the default definitions of these methods will suffice, so you can make an instance for your data type by simply declaring

 instance Alpha MyType


swaps' :: AlphaCtx -> Perm AnyName -> a -> aSource

See swaps.

fv' :: AlphaCtx -> a -> Set AnyNameSource

See fv.

lfreshen' :: LFresh m => AlphaCtx -> a -> (a -> Perm AnyName -> m b) -> m bSource

See lfreshen.

freshen' :: Fresh m => AlphaCtx -> a -> m (a, Perm AnyName)Source

See freshen.

match' :: AlphaCtx -> a -> a -> Maybe (Perm AnyName)Source

close :: Alpha b => AlphaCtx -> b -> a -> aSource

Replace free names by bound names.

open :: Alpha b => AlphaCtx -> b -> a -> aSource

Replace bound names by free names.

nthpatrec :: a -> Integer -> (Integer, Maybe AnyName)Source

nthpatrec b n looks up the nth name in the pattern b (zero-indexed), returning the number of names encountered if not found.

findpatrec :: a -> AnyName -> (Integer, Bool)Source

Find the (first) index of the name in the pattern if it exists; if not found (Bool = False), return the number of names encountered instead.


Alpha Bool 
Alpha Char 
Alpha Double 
Alpha Float 
Alpha Int 
Alpha Integer 
Alpha () 
Alpha AnyName 
Alpha Exp 
Alpha a => Alpha [a] 
Alpha a => Alpha (Maybe a) 
Rep a => Alpha (R a) 
Alpha a => Alpha (Annot a) 
Rep a => Alpha (Name a) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b) => Alpha (Either a b) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b) => Alpha (a, b) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b) => Alpha (Rebind a b) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b) => Alpha (Bind a b) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b, Alpha c) => Alpha (a, b, c) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b, Alpha c, Alpha d) => Alpha (a, b, c, d) 
(Alpha a, Alpha b, Alpha c, Alpha d, Alpha e) => Alpha (a, b, c, d, e) 

swaps :: Alpha a => Perm AnyName -> a -> aSource

Apply a permutation to a term.

swapsAnnots :: Alpha a => Perm AnyName -> a -> aSource

Apply a permutation to the annotations in a pattern. Binding names are left alone by the permutation.

swapsBinders :: Alpha a => Perm AnyName -> a -> aSource

Apply a permutation to the binding variables in a pattern. Annotations are left alone by the permutation.

match :: Alpha a => a -> a -> Maybe (Perm AnyName)Source

Compare two data structures and produce a permutation of their Names that will make them alpha-equivalent to each other (Names that appear in annotations must match exactly). Return Nothing if no such renaming is possible. Note that two terms are alpha-equivalent if the empty permutation is returned.

matchAnnots :: Alpha a => a -> a -> Maybe (Perm AnyName)Source

Compare two patterns, ignoring the names of binders, and produce a permutation of their annotations to make them alpha-equivalent to eachother. Return Nothing if no such renaming is possible.

matchBinders :: Alpha a => a -> a -> Maybe (Perm AnyName)Source

Compare two patterns for equality and produce a permutation of their binding Names to make them alpha-equivalent to each other (Names that appear in annotations must match exactly). Return Nothing if no such renaming is possible.

fv :: (Rep b, Alpha a) => a -> Set (Name b)Source

Calculate the free variables of a particular sort contained in a term.

patfv :: (Rep a, Alpha b) => b -> Set (Name a)Source

List variables of a particular sort that occur freely in annotations (not bindings).

binders :: (Rep a, Alpha b) => b -> Set (Name a)Source

List all the binding variables (of a particular sort) in a pattern.

aeq :: Alpha a => a -> a -> BoolSource

Determine alpha-equivalence.

aeqBinders :: Alpha a => a -> a -> BoolSource

Determine (alpha-)equivalence of patterns

Binding operations

bind :: (Alpha b, Alpha c) => b -> c -> Bind b cSource

A smart constructor for binders, also sometimes known as "close".

unsafeUnBind :: (Alpha a, Alpha b) => Bind a b -> (a, b)Source

A destructor for binders that does not guarantee fresh names for the binders.

The Fresh class

class Monad m => Fresh m whereSource

Type class for monads which can generate new globally unique Names based on a given Name.


fresh :: Name a -> m (Name a)Source


(Monad m, HasNext m) => Fresh m

A monad m supports the fresh operation if it can generate a new unique names.

freshen :: (Fresh m, Alpha a) => a -> m (a, Perm AnyName)Source

Freshen a term by replacing all old binding Names with new fresh Names, returning a new term and a Perm Name specifying how Names were replaced.

unbind :: (Fresh m, Alpha b, Alpha c) => Bind b c -> m (b, c)Source

Unbind (also known as "open") is the destructor for bindings. It ensures that the names in the binding are fresh.

unbind2 :: (Fresh m, Alpha b, Alpha c, Alpha d) => Bind b c -> Bind b d -> m (Maybe (b, c, d))Source

Unbind two terms with the same fresh names, provided the binders match.

unbind3 :: (Fresh m, Alpha b, Alpha c, Alpha d, Alpha e) => Bind b c -> Bind b d -> Bind b e -> m (Maybe (b, c, d, e))Source

The LFresh class

class HasNext m whereSource

Type class for contexts which can generate new globally fresh integers.


nextInteger :: m IntegerSource

Get a new, globally fresh Integer.

resetNext :: Integer -> m ()Source

Reset the internal state, i.e. forget about Integers that have already been generated.

class Monad m => LFresh m whereSource

This is the class of monads that support freshness in an (implicit) local scope. Generated names are fresh for the current local scope, but not globally fresh. This class has a basic instance based on the reader monad.


lfresh :: Rep a => Name a -> m (Name a)Source

Pick a new name that is fresh for the current (implicit) scope.

avoid :: [AnyName] -> m a -> m aSource

Avoid the given names when freshening in the subcomputation.


LFresh (Reader Integer)

Simple reader monad instance for LFresh.

LFresh (Reader (Set AnyName))

A monad instance for LFresh which renames to the lowest number not currently being used

lfreshen :: (Alpha a, LFresh m) => a -> (a -> Perm AnyName -> m b) -> m bSource

"Locally" freshen a term. TODO: explain this type signature a bit better.

lunbind :: (LFresh m, Alpha a, Alpha b) => Bind a b -> ((a, b) -> m c) -> m cSource

Destruct a binding in an LFresh monad.

lunbind2 :: (LFresh m, Alpha b, Alpha c, Alpha d) => Bind b c -> Bind b d -> (Maybe (b, c, d) -> m e) -> m eSource

Unbind two terms with the same fresh names, provided the binders match.

lunbind3 :: (LFresh m, Alpha b, Alpha c, Alpha d, Alpha e) => Bind b c -> Bind b d -> Bind b e -> (Maybe (b, c, d, e) -> m f) -> m fSource

Unbind three terms with the same fresh names, provided the binders match.

Rebinding operations

rebind :: (Alpha a, Alpha b) => a -> b -> Rebind a bSource

Constructor for binding in patterns.

reopen :: (Alpha a, Alpha b) => Rebind a b -> (a, b)Source

destructor for binding patterns, the names should have already been freshened.


class Rep1 (SubstD b) a => Subst b a whereSource

The Subst class governs capture-avoiding substitution. To derive this class, you only need to indicate where the variables are in the data type, by overriding the method isvar.


isvar :: a -> Maybe (Name b, b -> a)Source

If the argument is a variable, return its name and a function to generate a substituted term. Return Nothing for non-variable arguments.

subst :: Name b -> b -> a -> aSource

subst nm sub tm substitutes sub for nm in tm.

substs :: [Name b] -> [b] -> a -> aSource

Perform several simultaneous substitutions.


Subst b AnyName 
Subst b Double 
Subst b Float 
Subst b Integer 
Subst b Char 
Subst b () 
Subst b Bool 
Subst b Int 
Subst Exp Exp 
Subst c a => Subst c (Annot a) 
Subst c a => Subst c (Maybe a) 
Subst c a => Subst c [a] 
Rep a => Subst b (Name a) 
Rep a => Subst b (R a) 
(Subst c b, Subst c a, Alpha a, Alpha b) => Subst c (Rebind a b) 
(Subst c b, Subst c a, Alpha a, Alpha b) => Subst c (Bind a b) 
(Subst c a, Subst c b) => Subst c (Either a b) 
(Subst c a, Subst c b) => Subst c (a, b) 
(Subst c a, Subst c b, Subst c d) => Subst c (a, b, d) 
(Subst c a, Subst c b, Subst c d, Subst c e) => Subst c (a, b, d, e) 
(Subst c a, Subst c b, Subst c d, Subst c e, Subst c f) => Subst c (a, b, d, e, f) 

For abstract types

abs_swaps :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t2Source

abs_fv :: t -> t1 -> Set aSource

abs_freshen :: Monad m => t -> t1 -> m (t1, Perm a)Source

abs_match :: Eq a => t -> a -> a -> Maybe (Perm a1)Source

abs_nthpatrec :: t -> t1 -> (t1, Maybe a)Source

abs_findpatrec :: Num a => t -> t1 -> (a, Bool)Source

abs_close :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t2Source

abs_open :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t2Source


data AlphaCtx Source

Match returns a permutation ordering. Either the terms are known to be LT or GT, or there is some permutation that can make them equal to eachother data POrdering = PLT | PEq (Perm AnyName) | PGT

Many of the operations in the Alpha class take an AlphaCtx: stored information about the iteration as it progresses. This type is abstract, as classes that override these operations should just pass the context on.

matchR1 :: R1 AlphaD a -> AlphaCtx -> a -> a -> Maybe (Perm AnyName)Source

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

These type representation objects are exported so they can be referenced by auto-generated code. Please pretend they do not exist.

rName :: forall a[aKgL]. Rep a[aKgL] => R (Name a[aKgL])Source

rBind :: forall a[aKgI] b[aKgJ]. (Rep a[aKgI], Rep b[aKgJ]) => R (Bind a[aKgI] b[aKgJ])Source

rRebind :: forall a[aKgD] b[aKgE]. (Rep a[aKgD], Rep b[aKgE]) => R (Rebind a[aKgD] b[aKgE])Source

rAnnot :: forall a[aKgF]. Rep a[aKgF] => R (Annot a[aKgF])Source