Haskell Symbolic Execution with STG Semantics
Based on the paper: Making a Fast Curry: Push/Enter vs. Eval/Apply for Higher-order Languages
Hackage Page:
Installation with Cabal
cabal install SSTG
As an API
SSTG is designed for use as an API to perform extraction and symbolic execution of models extracted from Haskell source, curated by hand, or derived from other sources.
import SSTG
SSTG represents GHC StgSyn as a near one-to-one translation of an internal language called SSTG Lang.
This can be extracted from Haskell source by performing a call to the function:
mkTargetBindings :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Binding]
mkTargetBinding proj src = ...
Here proj
denotes the project directory, while src
respresents the source file. This enables compilation of multiple Haskell files simultaneously, as GHC requires reference paths to a common project directory for compilation accuracy.
In a given file structure as follows:
+-- project/
+-- folder-one/
+-- source.hs
The corresponding proj
and src
would be equivalent to:
proj = path/to/stuff
src = path/to/stuff/folder-one/source.hs
The extracted [Binding]
, like almost everything in SSTG, is endowed with Show, Equal, Read
. However, it is advised to use the pretty-print functions defined in SSTG.Utils.Printing
. For instance:
pprBindingStr :: Binding -> String
Defunctionalization Wikipedia article
Symbolic Execution
Symbolic execution is done by performin a series of graph reductions on a State
until we reach some value form, or our step_count
tick runs out, creating a form of bounded execution exploration.
To load a State
, two functions can be used:
data LoadResult = LoadOkay State | LoadGuess State [Binding] | LoadError String
newtype Program = Program [Binding]
loadState :: Program -> LoadResult
loadStateEntry :: String -> Program -> LoadResult
Next we have to fill out the flags for execution:
data StepType = BFS | BFSLogged | DFS | DFSLogged
data RunFlags = RunFlags { step_count :: Int
, step_type :: StepType
, dump_dir :: Maybe FilePath }
Here step_count
is the number of steps we may take, the step_type
is currently only implemented for BFS
and BFSLogged
, the latter of which keeps track of every step taken, while BFS
only returns the very last state. Note that BFSLogged
is currently unoptimized because it is easy to implement that way :)
Finally, to perform execution, the execute
function is used:
execute :: RunFlags -> State -> [([LiveState], [DeadState])]
This yields a list of execution snapshots. The list is a singleton list if BFS
or DFS
is used, while multiple snapshots if the BFSLogged
or DFSLogged
is done. These can be then printed by using pprLivesDeadsStr
pprLivesDeadsStr :: ([LiveState], [DeadState]) -> String
Constraint Solving
To come.
- Defunctionalization pre-processing
- SMT integration
- Uninterpreted function evaluations are abstracted as symbolic computations. This includes all functions defined in
and those not defined in the scope of the target programs.
- There might be bugs, who knows? :)