-- | A set with two binary operations, one for addition (@srplus@), one for
-- multiplication (@srmul@). Together with a neutral element for @srplus@,
-- named @srzero@, and one for @srmul@, named @srone@.

module Algebra.Structure.Semiring
  ( module Algebra.Structure.Semiring
  , Data.Semiring.Semiring (..)
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Semiring (Semiring(..))
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Unbox)
import GHC.Generics
import Numeric.Log
import Unsafe.Coerce

import Numeric.Limits

-- | Unicode variant of @srplus@.

infixl 6 
()  Semiring a  a  a  a
() = plus
{-# Inline () #-}

-- | Unicode variant of @srmul@.

infixl 7 
()  Semiring a  a  a  a
() = times
{-# Inline () #-}

-- * Newtype wrappers for 'SemiRing' that make the semiring to use explicit.
-- This is important, because several types, say Prob(ability) have multiple
-- useful semiring instances.
-- 'Data.Monoid' in @base@ provides a number of newtype wrappers (@Sum@,
-- @Product@, etc) for monoids, which have one binary operation and identity.
-- There is, obviously, overlap with the structures constructed here.

-- | The Viterbi SemiRing. It maximizes over the product.

newtype Viterbi x = Viterbi { getViterbi  x }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num)

derivingUnbox "Viterbi"
  [t| forall x . Unbox x  Viterbi x  x |]  [| getViterbi |]  [| Viterbi |]

instance NFData x  NFData (Viterbi x) where
  rnf (Viterbi x) = rnf x
  {-# Inline rnf #-}

-- |
-- TODO Shall we have generic instances, or specific ones like @SemiRing
-- (Viterbi Prob)@?
-- TODO Consider either a constraint @ProbLike x@ or the above.

instance (Ord x, Semiring x)  Semiring (Viterbi x) where
  plus  (Viterbi x) (Viterbi y) = Viterbi $ max x y
  times (Viterbi x) (Viterbi y) = Viterbi $ x `times` y
  zero = Viterbi zero
  one  = Viterbi one
  {-# Inline plus  #-}
  {-# Inline times #-}
  {-# Inline zero  #-}
  {-# Inline one   #-}

-- | The tropical MinPlus SemiRing. It minimizes over the sum.

newtype MinPlus x = MinPlus { getMinPlus  x }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num)

derivingUnbox "MinPlus"
  [t| forall x . Unbox x  MinPlus x  x |]  [| getMinPlus |]  [| MinPlus |]

instance NFData x  NFData (MinPlus x) where
  rnf (MinPlus x) = rnf x
  {-# Inline rnf #-}

instance NumericLimits x  NumericLimits (MinPlus x) where
  minFinite = MinPlus minFinite
  maxFinite = MinPlus maxFinite

-- |
-- Be careful, if the numeric limits are hits, underflows, etc will happen.

instance (Ord x, Semiring x, NumericLimits x)  Semiring (MinPlus x) where
  plus  (MinPlus x) (MinPlus y) = MinPlus $ min x y
  times (MinPlus x) (MinPlus y) = MinPlus $ x `plus` y
  zero = MinPlus maxFinite
  one  = MinPlus zero
  {-# Inline plus  #-}
  {-# Inline times #-}
  {-# Inline zero  #-}
  {-# Inline one   #-}

-- | The tropical MaxPlus SemiRing. It maximizes over the sum.

newtype MaxPlus x = MaxPlus { getMaxPlus  x }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Generic, Generic1, Num)

derivingUnbox "MaxPlus"
  [t| forall x . Unbox x  MaxPlus x  x |]  [| getMaxPlus |]  [| MaxPlus |]

instance NFData x  NFData (MaxPlus x) where
  rnf (MaxPlus x) = rnf x
  {-# Inline rnf #-}

instance NumericLimits x  NumericLimits (MaxPlus x) where
  minFinite = MaxPlus minFinite
  maxFinite = MaxPlus maxFinite

-- |
-- TODO Shall we have generic instances, or specific ones like @SemiRing
-- (Viterbi Prob)@?
-- TODO Consider either a constraint @ProbLike x@ or the above.

instance (Ord x, Semiring x, NumericLimits x)  Semiring (MaxPlus x) where
  plus  (MaxPlus x) (MaxPlus y) = MaxPlus $ max x y
  times (MaxPlus x) (MaxPlus y) = MaxPlus $ x `plus` y
  zero = MaxPlus minFinite
  one  = MaxPlus zero
  {-# Inline plus  #-}
  {-# Inline times #-}
  {-# Inline zero  #-}
  {-# Inline one   #-}

-- * Generic semiring structure encoding.

-- | The generic semiring, defined over two 'Semigroup' and 'Monoid'
-- constructions.
-- It can be used like this:
-- @
-- zero ∷ GSemiring Min Sum Int  == maxBound
-- one  ∷ GSemiring Min Sum Int  == 0
-- @
-- It is generally useful to still provide explicit instances, since @Min@
-- requires a @Bounded@ instance.

newtype GSemiring (zeroMonoid  *  *) (oneMonoid  *  *) (x  *) = GSemiring { getSemiring  x }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)

  forall zeroMonoid oneMonoid x
  . ( Semigroup (zeroMonoid x)
    , Monoid    (zeroMonoid x)
    , Semigroup ( oneMonoid x)
    , Monoid    ( oneMonoid x)
    , Coercible (zeroMonoid x) (GSemiring zeroMonoid oneMonoid x)
    , Coercible (oneMonoid x) (GSemiring zeroMonoid oneMonoid x)
   Semiring (GSemiring zeroMonoid oneMonoid x) where
  plus (GSemiring x) (GSemiring y) =
    let x'  zeroMonoid x = coerce x
        y'  zeroMonoid x = coerce y
    in  coerce $ x' <> y'
  times (GSemiring x) (GSemiring y) =
    let x'  oneMonoid x = coerce x
        y'  oneMonoid x = coerce y
    in  coerce $ x' <> y'
  zero = coerce (mempty  zeroMonoid x)
  one  = coerce (mempty   oneMonoid x)
  {-# Inline plus  #-}
  {-# Inline times #-}
  {-# Inline zero  #-}
  {-# Inline one   #-}

-- * Semiring on 'Numeric.Log'. This is an orphan instance, but it can't be
-- helped much, unless we want to wrap into yet another newtype.

instance (Precise a, RealFloat a)  Semiring (Log a) where
  plus  = (+)
  times = (*)
  zero  = 0
  one   = 1
  {-# Inline plus  #-}
  {-# Inline times #-}
  {-# Inline zero  #-}
  {-# Inline one   #-}