    Copyright 2012-2015 Vidar Holen

    This file is part of ShellCheck.

    ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell  #-}
module ShellCheck.AnalyzerLib where
import           ShellCheck.AST
import           ShellCheck.ASTLib
import           ShellCheck.Data
import           ShellCheck.Interface
import           ShellCheck.Parser
import           ShellCheck.Regex

import           Control.Arrow          (first)
import           Control.Monad.Identity
import           Control.Monad.RWS
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Writer
import           Data.Char
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map               as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Semigroup

import           Test.QuickCheck.All    (forAllProperties)
import           Test.QuickCheck.Test   (maxSuccess, quickCheckWithResult, stdArgs)

type Analysis = AnalyzerM ()
type AnalyzerM a = RWS Parameters [TokenComment] Cache a
nullCheck = const $ return ()

data Checker = Checker {
    perScript :: Root -> Analysis,
    perToken  :: Token -> Analysis

runChecker :: Parameters -> Checker -> [TokenComment]
runChecker params checker = notes
        root = rootNode params
        check = perScript checker `composeAnalyzers` (\(Root x) -> void $ doAnalysis (perToken checker) x)
        notes = snd $ evalRWS (check $ Root root) params Cache

instance Semigroup Checker where
    (<>) x y = Checker {
        perScript = perScript x `composeAnalyzers` perScript y,
        perToken = perToken x `composeAnalyzers` perToken y

instance Monoid Checker where
    mempty = Checker {
        perScript = nullCheck,
        perToken = nullCheck
    mappend = (Data.Semigroup.<>)

composeAnalyzers :: (a -> Analysis) -> (a -> Analysis) -> a -> Analysis
composeAnalyzers f g x = f x >> g x

data Parameters = Parameters {
    hasLastpipe        :: Bool,           -- Whether this script has the 'lastpipe' option set/default.
    hasSetE            :: Bool,           -- Whether this script has 'set -e' anywhere.
    variableFlow       :: [StackData],   -- A linear (bad) analysis of data flow
    parentMap          :: Map.Map Id Token, -- A map from Id to parent Token
    shellType          :: Shell,            -- The shell type, such as Bash or Ksh
    shellTypeSpecified :: Bool,    -- True if shell type was forced via flags
    rootNode           :: Token              -- The root node of the AST

-- TODO: Cache results of common AST ops here
data Cache = Cache {}

data Scope = SubshellScope String | NoneScope deriving (Show, Eq)
data StackData =
    StackScope Scope
    | StackScopeEnd
    -- (Base expression, specific position, var name, assigned values)
    | Assignment (Token, Token, String, DataType)
    | Reference (Token, Token, String)
  deriving (Show)

data DataType = DataString DataSource | DataArray DataSource
  deriving (Show)

data DataSource =
    SourceFrom [Token]
    | SourceExternal
    | SourceDeclaration
    | SourceInteger
    | SourceChecked
  deriving (Show)

data VariableState = Dead Token String | Alive deriving (Show)

defaultSpec root = spec {
    asShellType = Nothing,
    asCheckSourced = False,
    asExecutionMode = Executed
} where spec = newAnalysisSpec root

pScript s =
    pSpec = newParseSpec {
        psFilename = "script",
        psScript = s
  in prRoot . runIdentity $ parseScript (mockedSystemInterface []) pSpec

-- For testing. If parsed, returns whether there are any comments
producesComments :: Checker -> String -> Maybe Bool
producesComments c s = do
        root <- pScript s
        let spec = defaultSpec root
        let params = makeParameters spec
        return . not . null $ runChecker params c

makeComment :: Severity -> Id -> Code -> String -> TokenComment
makeComment severity id code note =
    newTokenComment {
        tcId = id,
        tcComment = newComment {
            cSeverity = severity,
            cCode = code,
            cMessage = note

addComment note = tell [note]

warn :: MonadWriter [TokenComment] m => Id -> Code -> String -> m ()
warn  id code str = addComment $ makeComment WarningC id code str
err   id code str = addComment $ makeComment ErrorC id code str
info  id code str = addComment $ makeComment InfoC id code str
style id code str = addComment $ makeComment StyleC id code str

makeParameters spec =
    let params = Parameters {
        rootNode = root,
        shellType = fromMaybe (determineShell root) $ asShellType spec,
        hasSetE = containsSetE root,
        hasLastpipe =
            case shellType params of
                Bash -> containsLastpipe root
                Dash -> False
                Sh   -> False
                Ksh  -> True,

        shellTypeSpecified = isJust $ asShellType spec,
        parentMap = getParentTree root,
        variableFlow = getVariableFlow params root
    } in params
  where root = asScript spec

-- Does this script mention 'set -e' anywhere?
-- Used as a hack to disable certain warnings.
containsSetE root = isNothing $ doAnalysis (guard . not . isSetE) root
    isSetE t =
        case t of
            T_Script _ str _ -> str `matches` re
            T_SimpleCommand {}  ->
                t `isUnqualifiedCommand` "set" &&
                    ("errexit" `elem` oversimplify t ||
                        "e" `elem` map snd (getAllFlags t))
            _ -> False
    re = mkRegex "[[:space:]]-[^-]*e"

-- Does this script mention 'shopt -s lastpipe' anywhere?
-- Also used as a hack.
containsLastpipe root =
        isNothing $ doAnalysis (guard . not . isShoptLastPipe) root
        isShoptLastPipe t =
            case t of
                T_SimpleCommand {}  ->
                    t `isUnqualifiedCommand` "shopt" &&
                        ("lastpipe" `elem` oversimplify t)
                _ -> False

prop_determineShell0 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#!/bin/sh") == Sh
prop_determineShell1 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#!/usr/bin/env ksh") == Ksh
prop_determineShell2 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "") == Bash
prop_determineShell3 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#!/bin/sh -e") == Sh
prop_determineShell4 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript
    "#!/bin/ksh\n#shellcheck shell=sh\nfoo") == Sh
prop_determineShell5 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript
    "#shellcheck shell=sh\nfoo") == Sh
prop_determineShell6 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#! /bin/sh") == Sh
prop_determineShell7 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#! /bin/ash") == Dash
determineShell t = fromMaybe Bash $ do
    shellString <- foldl mplus Nothing $ getCandidates t
    shellForExecutable shellString
    forAnnotation t =
        case t of
            (ShellOverride s) -> return s
            _                 -> fail ""
    getCandidates :: Token -> [Maybe String]
    getCandidates t@T_Script {} = [Just $ fromShebang t]
    getCandidates (T_Annotation _ annotations s) =
        map forAnnotation annotations ++
           [Just $ fromShebang s]
    fromShebang (T_Script _ s t) = executableFromShebang s

-- Given a string like "/bin/bash" or "/usr/bin/env dash",
-- return the shell basename like "bash" or "dash"
executableFromShebang :: String -> String
executableFromShebang = shellFor
    shellFor s | "/env " `isInfixOf` s = head (drop 1 (words s)++[""])
    shellFor s | ' ' `elem` s = shellFor $ takeWhile (/= ' ') s
    shellFor s = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ s

-- Given a root node, make a map from Id to parent Token.
-- This is used to populate parentMap in Parameters
getParentTree :: Token -> Map.Map Id Token
getParentTree t =
    snd . snd $ runState (doStackAnalysis pre post t) ([], Map.empty)
    pre t = modify (first ((:) t))
    post t = do
        (x, map) <- get
        case x of
          _:rest -> case rest of []    -> put (rest, map)
                                 (x:_) -> put (rest, Map.insert (getId t) x map)

-- Given a root node, make a map from Id to Token
getTokenMap :: Token -> Map.Map Id Token
getTokenMap t =
    execState (doAnalysis f t) Map.empty
    f t = modify (Map.insert (getId t) t)

-- Is this token in a quoting free context? (i.e. would variable expansion split)
-- True:  Assignments, [[ .. ]], here docs, already in double quotes
-- False: Regular words
isStrictlyQuoteFree = isQuoteFreeNode True

-- Like above, but also allow some cases where splitting may be desired.
-- True:  Like above + for loops
-- False: Like above
isQuoteFree = isQuoteFreeNode False

isQuoteFreeNode strict tree t =
    (isQuoteFreeElement t == Just True) ||
        head (mapMaybe isQuoteFreeContext (drop 1 $ getPath tree t) ++ [False])
    -- Is this node self-quoting in itself?
    isQuoteFreeElement t =
        case t of
            T_Assignment {} -> return True
            T_FdRedirect {} -> return True
            _               -> Nothing

    -- Are any subnodes inherently self-quoting?
    isQuoteFreeContext t =
        case t of
            TC_Nullary _ DoubleBracket _    -> return True
            TC_Unary _ DoubleBracket _ _    -> return True
            TC_Binary _ DoubleBracket _ _ _ -> return True
            TA_Sequence {}                  -> return True
            T_Arithmetic {}                 -> return True
            T_Assignment {}                 -> return True
            T_Redirecting {}                -> return False
            T_DoubleQuoted _ _              -> return True
            T_DollarDoubleQuoted _ _        -> return True
            T_CaseExpression {}             -> return True
            T_HereDoc {}                    -> return True
            T_DollarBraced {}               -> return True
            -- When non-strict, pragmatically assume it's desirable to split here
            T_ForIn {}                      -> return (not strict)
            T_SelectIn {}                   -> return (not strict)
            _                               -> Nothing

-- Check if a token is a parameter to a certain command by name:
-- Example: isParamTo (parentMap params) "sed" t
isParamTo :: Map.Map Id Token -> String -> Token -> Bool
isParamTo tree cmd =
    go x = case Map.lookup (getId x) tree of
                Nothing     -> False
                Just parent -> check parent
    check t =
        case t of
            T_SingleQuoted _ _ -> go t
            T_DoubleQuoted _ _ -> go t
            T_NormalWord _ _   -> go t
            T_SimpleCommand {} -> isCommand t cmd
            T_Redirecting {}   -> isCommand t cmd
            _                  -> False

-- Get the parent command (T_Redirecting) of a Token, if any.
getClosestCommand :: Map.Map Id Token -> Token -> Maybe Token
getClosestCommand tree t =
    findFirst findCommand $ getPath tree t
    findCommand t =
        case t of
            T_Redirecting {} -> return True
            T_Script {}      -> return False
            _                -> Nothing

-- Like above, if koala_man knew Haskell when starting this project.
getClosestCommandM t = do
    tree <- asks parentMap
    return $ getClosestCommand tree t

-- Is the token used as a command name (the first word in a T_SimpleCommand)?
usedAsCommandName tree token = go (getId token) (tail $ getPath tree token)
    go currentId (T_NormalWord id [word]:rest)
        | currentId == getId word = go id rest
    go currentId (T_DoubleQuoted id [word]:rest)
        | currentId == getId word = go id rest
    go currentId (T_SimpleCommand _ _ (word:_):_)
        | currentId == getId word = True
    go _ _ = False

-- A list of the element and all its parents up to the root node.
getPath tree t = t :
    case Map.lookup (getId t) tree of
        Nothing     -> []
        Just parent -> getPath tree parent

-- Version of the above taking the map from the current context
-- Todo: give this the name "getPath"
getPathM t = do
    map <- asks parentMap
    return $ getPath map t

isParentOf tree parent child =
    elem (getId parent) . map getId $ getPath tree child

parents params = getPath (parentMap params)

pathTo t = do
    parents <- reader parentMap
    return $ getPath parents t

-- Find the first match in a list where the predicate is Just True.
-- Stops if it's Just False and ignores Nothing.
findFirst :: (a -> Maybe Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
findFirst p l =
    case l of
        [] -> Nothing
        (x:xs) ->
            case p x of
                Just True  -> return x
                Just False -> Nothing
                Nothing    -> findFirst p xs

-- Check whether a word is entirely output from a single command
tokenIsJustCommandOutput t = case t of
    T_NormalWord id [T_DollarExpansion _ cmds] -> check cmds
    T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_DollarExpansion _ cmds]] -> check cmds
    T_NormalWord id [T_Backticked _ cmds] -> check cmds
    T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_Backticked _ cmds]] -> check cmds
    _ -> False
    check [x] = not $ isOnlyRedirection x
    check _   = False

-- TODO: Replace this with a proper Control Flow Graph
getVariableFlow params t =
    let (_, stack) = runState (doStackAnalysis startScope endScope t) []
    in reverse stack
    startScope t =
        let scopeType = leadType params t
        in do
            when (scopeType /= NoneScope) $ modify (StackScope scopeType:)
            when (assignFirst t) $ setWritten t

    endScope t =
        let scopeType = leadType params t
        in do
            setRead t
            unless (assignFirst t) $ setWritten t
            when (scopeType /= NoneScope) $ modify (StackScopeEnd:)

    assignFirst T_ForIn {}    = True
    assignFirst T_SelectIn {} = True
    assignFirst _             = False

    setRead t =
        let read    = getReferencedVariables (parentMap params) t
        in mapM_ (\v -> modify (Reference v:)) read

    setWritten t =
        let written = getModifiedVariables t
        in mapM_ (\v -> modify (Assignment v:)) written

leadType params t =
    case t of
        T_DollarExpansion _ _  -> SubshellScope "$(..) expansion"
        T_Backticked _ _  -> SubshellScope "`..` expansion"
        T_Backgrounded _ _  -> SubshellScope "backgrounding &"
        T_Subshell _ _  -> SubshellScope "(..) group"
        T_CoProcBody _ _  -> SubshellScope "coproc"
        T_Redirecting {}  ->
            if fromMaybe False causesSubshell
            then SubshellScope "pipeline"
            else NoneScope
        _ -> NoneScope
    parentPipeline = do
        parent <- Map.lookup (getId t) (parentMap params)
        case parent of
            T_Pipeline {} -> return parent
            _             -> Nothing

    causesSubshell = do
        (T_Pipeline _ _ list) <- parentPipeline
        if length list <= 1
            then return False
            else if not $ hasLastpipe params
                then return True
                else return . not $ (getId . head $ reverse list) == getId t

getModifiedVariables t =
    case t of
        T_SimpleCommand _ vars [] ->
            concatMap (\x -> case x of
                                T_Assignment id _ name _ w  ->
                                    [(x, x, name, dataTypeFrom DataString w)]
                                _ -> []
                      ) vars
        c@T_SimpleCommand {} ->
            getModifiedVariableCommand c

        TA_Unary _ "++|" v@(TA_Variable _ name _)  ->
            [(t, v, name, DataString $ SourceFrom [v])]
        TA_Unary _ "|++" v@(TA_Variable _ name _)  ->
            [(t, v, name, DataString $ SourceFrom [v])]
        TA_Assignment _ op (TA_Variable _ name _) rhs -> maybeToList $ do
            guard $ op `elem` ["=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "+=", "-=", "<<=", ">>=", "&=", "^=", "|="]
            return (t, t, name, DataString $ SourceFrom [rhs])

        -- Count [[ -v foo ]] as an "assignment".
        -- This is to prevent [ -v foo ] being unassigned or unused.
        TC_Unary id _ "-v" token -> maybeToList $ do
            str <- fmap (takeWhile (/= '[')) $ -- Quoted index
                    flip getLiteralStringExt token $ \x ->
                case x of
                    T_Glob _ s -> return s -- Unquoted index
                    _          -> Nothing

            guard . not . null $ str
            return (t, token, str, DataString SourceChecked)

        T_DollarBraced _ l -> maybeToList $ do
            let string = bracedString t
            let modifier = getBracedModifier string
            guard $ ":=" `isPrefixOf` modifier
            return (t, t, getBracedReference string, DataString $ SourceFrom [l])

        t@(T_FdRedirect _ ('{':var) op) -> -- {foo}>&2 modifies foo
            [(t, t, takeWhile (/= '}') var, DataString SourceInteger) | not $ isClosingFileOp op]

        t@(T_CoProc _ name _) ->
            [(t, t, fromMaybe "COPROC" name, DataArray SourceInteger)]

        --Points to 'for' rather than variable
        T_ForIn id str [] _ -> [(t, t, str, DataString SourceExternal)]
        T_ForIn id str words _ -> [(t, t, str, DataString $ SourceFrom words)]
        T_SelectIn id str words _ -> [(t, t, str, DataString $ SourceFrom words)]
        _ -> []

isClosingFileOp op =
    case op of
        T_IoDuplicate _ (T_GREATAND _) "-" -> True
        T_IoDuplicate _ (T_LESSAND  _) "-" -> True
        _                                  -> False

-- Consider 'export/declare -x' a reference, since it makes the var available
getReferencedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ x:_):rest)) =
    case x of
        "export" -> if "f" `elem` flags
            then []
            else concatMap getReference rest
        "declare" -> if
                any (`elem` flags) ["x", "p"] &&
                    (not $ any (`elem` flags) ["f", "F"])
            then concatMap getReference rest
            else []
        "readonly" ->
            if any (`elem` flags) ["f", "p"]
            then []
            else concatMap getReference rest
        "trap" ->
            case rest of
                head:_ -> map (\x -> (head, head, x)) $ getVariablesFromLiteralToken head
                _ -> []
        _ -> []
    getReference t@(T_Assignment _ _ name _ value) = [(t, t, name)]
    getReference t@(T_NormalWord _ [T_Literal _ name]) | not ("-" `isPrefixOf` name) = [(t, t, name)]
    getReference _ = []
    flags = map snd $ getAllFlags base

getReferencedVariableCommand _ = []

-- The function returns a tuple consisting of four items describing an assignment.
-- Given e.g. declare foo=bar
-- (
--   BaseCommand :: Token,     -- The command/structure assigning the variable, i.e. declare foo=bar
--   AssignmentToken :: Token, -- The specific part that assigns this variable, i.e. foo=bar
--   VariableName :: String,   -- The variable name, i.e. foo
--   VariableValue :: DataType -- A description of the value being assigned, i.e. "Literal string with value foo"
-- )
getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ x:_):rest)) =
   filter (\(_,_,s,_) -> not ("-" `isPrefixOf` s)) $
    case x of
        "read" ->
            let params = map getLiteral rest
                readArrayVars = getReadArrayVariables rest
                catMaybes . (++ readArrayVars) . takeWhile isJust . reverse $ params
        "getopts" ->
            case rest of
                opts:var:_ -> maybeToList $ getLiteral var
                _          -> []

        "let" -> concatMap letParamToLiteral rest

        "export" ->
            if "f" `elem` flags then [] else concatMap getModifierParamString rest

        "declare" -> if any (`elem` flags) ["F", "f", "p"] then [] else declaredVars
        "typeset" -> declaredVars

        "local" -> concatMap getModifierParamString rest
        "readonly" ->
            if any (`elem` flags) ["f", "p"]
            then []
            else concatMap getModifierParamString rest
        "set" -> maybeToList $ do
            params <- getSetParams rest
            return (base, base, "@", DataString $ SourceFrom params)

        "printf" -> maybeToList $ getPrintfVariable rest

        "mapfile" -> maybeToList $ getMapfileArray base rest
        "readarray" -> maybeToList $ getMapfileArray base rest

        _ -> []
    flags = map snd $ getAllFlags base
    stripEquals s = let rest = dropWhile (/= '=') s in
        if rest == "" then "" else tail rest
    stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 (T_Literal id2 s:rs)) =
        T_NormalWord id1 (T_Literal id2 (stripEquals s):rs)
    stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 s]]) =
        T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 (stripEquals s)]]
    stripEqualsFrom t = t

    declaredVars = concatMap (getModifierParam defaultType) rest
        defaultType = if any (`elem` flags) ["a", "A"] then DataArray else DataString

    getLiteralOfDataType t d = do
        s <- getLiteralString t
        when ("-" `isPrefixOf` s) $ fail "argument"
        return (base, t, s, d)

    getLiteral t = getLiteralOfDataType t (DataString SourceExternal)

    getLiteralArray t = getLiteralOfDataType t (DataArray SourceExternal)

    getModifierParamString = getModifierParam DataString

    getModifierParam def t@(T_Assignment _ _ name _ value) =
        [(base, t, name, dataTypeFrom def value)]
    getModifierParam def t@T_NormalWord {} = maybeToList $ do
        name <- getLiteralString t
        guard $ isVariableName name
        return (base, t, name, def SourceDeclaration)
    getModifierParam _ _ = []

    letParamToLiteral token =
          if var == ""
            then []
            else [(base, token, var, DataString $ SourceFrom [stripEqualsFrom token])]
        where var = takeWhile isVariableChar $ dropWhile (`elem` "+-") $ concat $ oversimplify token

    getSetParams (t:_:rest) | getLiteralString t == Just "-o" = getSetParams rest
    getSetParams (t:rest) =
        let s = getLiteralString t in
            case s of
                Just "--"    -> return rest
                Just ('-':_) -> getSetParams rest
                _            -> return (t:fromMaybe [] (getSetParams rest))
    getSetParams [] = Nothing

    getPrintfVariable list = f $ map (\x -> (x, getLiteralString x)) list
        f ((_, Just "-v") : (t, Just var) : _) = return (base, t, var, DataString $ SourceFrom list)
        f (_:rest) = f rest
        f [] = fail "not found"

    -- mapfile has some curious syntax allowing flags plus 0..n variable names
    -- where only the first non-option one is used if any. Here we cheat and
    -- just get the last one, if it's a variable name.
    getMapfileArray base arguments = do
        lastArg <- listToMaybe (reverse arguments)
        name <- getLiteralString lastArg
        guard $ isVariableName name
        return (base, lastArg, name, DataArray SourceExternal)

    -- get all the array variables used in read, e.g. read -a arr
    getReadArrayVariables args = do
        map (getLiteralArray . snd)
            (filter (\(x,_) -> getLiteralString x == Just "-a") (zip (args) (tail args)))

getModifiedVariableCommand _ = []

getIndexReferences s = fromMaybe [] $ do
    match <- matchRegex re s
    index <- match !!! 0
    return $ matchAllStrings variableNameRegex index
    re = mkRegex "(\\[.*\\])"

prop_getOffsetReferences1 = getOffsetReferences ":bar" == ["bar"]
prop_getOffsetReferences2 = getOffsetReferences ":bar:baz" == ["bar", "baz"]
prop_getOffsetReferences3 = getOffsetReferences "[foo]:bar" == ["bar"]
prop_getOffsetReferences4 = getOffsetReferences "[foo]:bar:baz" == ["bar", "baz"]
getOffsetReferences mods = fromMaybe [] $ do
-- if mods start with [, then drop until ]
    match <- matchRegex re mods
    offsets <- match !!! 1
    return $ matchAllStrings variableNameRegex offsets
    re = mkRegex "^(\\[.+\\])? *:([^-=?+].*)"

getReferencedVariables parents t =
    case t of
        T_DollarBraced id l -> let str = bracedString t in
            (t, t, getBracedReference str) :
                map (\x -> (l, l, x)) (
                    getIndexReferences str
                    ++ getOffsetReferences (getBracedModifier str))
        TA_Variable id name _ ->
            if isArithmeticAssignment t
            then []
            else [(t, t, name)]
        T_Assignment id mode str _ word ->
            [(t, t, str) | mode == Append] ++ specialReferences str t word

        TC_Unary id _ "-v" token -> getIfReference t token
        TC_Unary id _ "-R" token -> getIfReference t token
        TC_Binary id DoubleBracket op lhs rhs ->
            if isDereferencing op
            then concatMap (getIfReference t) [lhs, rhs]
            else []

        t@(T_FdRedirect _ ('{':var) op) -> -- {foo}>&- references and closes foo
            [(t, t, takeWhile (/= '}') var) | isClosingFileOp op]
        x -> getReferencedVariableCommand x
    -- Try to reduce false positives for unused vars only referenced from evaluated vars
    specialReferences name base word =
        if name `elem` [
            "PS1", "PS2", "PS3", "PS4",
            map (\x -> (base, base, x)) $
                getVariablesFromLiteralToken word
        else []

    literalizer t = case t of
        T_Glob _ s -> return s    -- Also when parsed as globs
        _          -> Nothing

    getIfReference context token = maybeToList $ do
            str <- getLiteralStringExt literalizer token
            guard . not $ null str
            when (isDigit $ head str) $ fail "is a number"
            return (context, token, getBracedReference str)

    isDereferencing = (`elem` ["-eq", "-ne", "-lt", "-le", "-gt", "-ge"])

    isArithmeticAssignment t = case getPath parents t of
        this: TA_Assignment _ "=" lhs _ :_ -> lhs == t
        _                                  -> False

dataTypeFrom defaultType v = (case v of T_Array {} -> DataArray; _ -> defaultType) $ SourceFrom [v]

--- Command specific checks

-- Compare a command to a string: t `isCommand` "sed" (also matches /usr/bin/sed)
isCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (\cmd -> cmd  == str || ('/' : str) `isSuffixOf` cmd)

-- Compare a command to a literal. Like above, but checks full path.
isUnqualifiedCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (== str)

isCommandMatch token matcher = fromMaybe False $
    fmap matcher (getCommandName token)

-- Does this regex look like it was intended as a glob?
-- True:  *foo*
-- False: .*foo.*
isConfusedGlobRegex :: String -> Bool
isConfusedGlobRegex ('*':_) = True
isConfusedGlobRegex [x,'*'] | x /= '\\' = True
isConfusedGlobRegex _       = False

isVariableStartChar x = x == '_' || isAsciiLower x || isAsciiUpper x
isVariableChar x = isVariableStartChar x || isDigit x
variableNameRegex = mkRegex "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"

prop_isVariableName1 = isVariableName "_fo123"
prop_isVariableName2 = not $ isVariableName "4"
prop_isVariableName3 = not $ isVariableName "test: "
isVariableName (x:r) = isVariableStartChar x && all isVariableChar r
isVariableName _     = False

getVariablesFromLiteralToken token =
    getVariablesFromLiteral (fromJust $ getLiteralStringExt (const $ return " ") token)

-- Try to get referenced variables from a literal string like "$foo"
-- Ignores tons of cases like arithmetic evaluation and array indices.
prop_getVariablesFromLiteral1 =
    getVariablesFromLiteral "$foo${bar//a/b}$BAZ" == ["foo", "bar", "BAZ"]
getVariablesFromLiteral string =
    map (!! 0) $ matchAllSubgroups variableRegex string
    variableRegex = mkRegex "\\$\\{?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)"

-- Get the variable name from an expansion like ${var:-foo}
prop_getBracedReference1 = getBracedReference "foo" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference2 = getBracedReference "#foo" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference3 = getBracedReference "#" == "#"
prop_getBracedReference4 = getBracedReference "##" == "#"
prop_getBracedReference5 = getBracedReference "#!" == "!"
prop_getBracedReference6 = getBracedReference "!#" == "#"
prop_getBracedReference7 = getBracedReference "!foo#?" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference8 = getBracedReference "foo-bar" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference9 = getBracedReference "foo:-bar" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference10= getBracedReference "foo: -1" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference11= getBracedReference "!os*" == ""
prop_getBracedReference12= getBracedReference "!os?bar**" == ""
prop_getBracedReference13= getBracedReference "foo[bar]" == "foo"
getBracedReference s = fromMaybe s $
    nameExpansion s `mplus` takeName noPrefix `mplus` getSpecial noPrefix `mplus` getSpecial s
    noPrefix = dropPrefix s
    dropPrefix (c:rest) = if c `elem` "!#" then rest else c:rest
    dropPrefix ""       = ""
    takeName s = do
        let name = takeWhile isVariableChar s
        guard . not $ null name
        return name
    getSpecial (c:_) =
        if c `elem` "*@#?-$!" then return [c] else fail "not special"
    getSpecial _ = fail "empty"

    nameExpansion ('!':rest) = do -- e.g. ${!foo*bar*}
        let suffix = dropWhile isVariableChar rest
        guard $ suffix /= rest -- e.g. ${!@}
        first <- suffix !!! 0
        guard $ first `elem` "*?"
        return ""
    nameExpansion _ = Nothing

prop_getBracedModifier1 = getBracedModifier "foo:bar:baz" == ":bar:baz"
prop_getBracedModifier2 = getBracedModifier "!var:-foo" == ":-foo"
prop_getBracedModifier3 = getBracedModifier "foo[bar]" == "[bar]"
getBracedModifier s = fromMaybe "" . listToMaybe $ do
    let var = getBracedReference s
    a <- dropModifier s
    dropPrefix var a
    dropPrefix [] t        = return t
    dropPrefix (a:b) (c:d) | a == c = dropPrefix b d
    dropPrefix _ _         = []

    dropModifier (c:rest) | c `elem` "#!" = [rest, c:rest]
    dropModifier x        = [x]

-- Useful generic functions.

-- Run an action in a Maybe (or do nothing).
-- Example:
-- potentially $ do
--   s <- getLiteralString cmd
--   guard $ s `elem` ["--recursive", "-r"]
--   return $ warn .. "Something something recursive"
potentially :: Monad m => Maybe (m ()) -> m ()
potentially = fromMaybe (return ())

-- Get element 0 or a default. Like `head` but safe.
headOrDefault _ (a:_) = a
headOrDefault def _   = def

--- Get element n of a list, or Nothing. Like `!!` but safe.
(!!!) list i =
    case drop i list of
        []    -> Nothing
        (r:_) -> Just r

-- Run a command if the shell is in the given list
whenShell l c = do
    shell <- asks shellType
    when (shell `elem` l ) c

filterByAnnotation asSpec params =
    filter (not . shouldIgnore)
    token = asScript asSpec
    shouldIgnore note =
        any (shouldIgnoreFor (getCode note)) $
            getPath parents (T_Bang $ tcId note)
    shouldIgnoreFor num (T_Annotation _ anns _) =
        any hasNum anns
        hasNum (DisableComment ts) = num == ts
        hasNum _                   = False
    shouldIgnoreFor _ T_Include {} = not $ asCheckSourced asSpec
    shouldIgnoreFor _ _ = False
    parents = parentMap params
    getCode = cCode . tcComment

-- Is this a ${#anything}, to get string length or array count?
isCountingReference (T_DollarBraced id token) =
    case concat $ oversimplify token of
        '#':_ -> True
        _     -> False
isCountingReference _ = False

-- FIXME: doesn't handle ${a:+$var} vs ${a:+"$var"}
isQuotedAlternativeReference t =
    case t of
        T_DollarBraced _ _ ->
            getBracedModifier (bracedString t) `matches` re
        _ -> False
    re = mkRegex "(^|\\]):?\\+"

-- getGnuOpts "erd:u:" will parse a SimpleCommand like
--     read -re -d : -u 3 bar
-- into
--     Just [("r", -re), ("e", -re), ("d", :), ("u", 3), ("", bar)]
-- where flags with arguments map to arguments, while others map to themselves.
-- Any unrecognized flag will result in Nothing.
getGnuOpts = getOpts getAllFlags
getBsdOpts = getOpts getLeadingFlags
getOpts :: (Token -> [(Token, String)]) -> String -> Token -> Maybe [(String, Token)]
getOpts flagTokenizer string cmd = process flags
    flags = flagTokenizer cmd
    flagList (c:':':rest) = ([c], True) : flagList rest
    flagList (c:rest)     = ([c], False) : flagList rest
    flagList []           = []
    flagMap = Map.fromList $ ("", False) : flagList string

    process [] = return []
    process [(token, flag)] = do
        takesArg <- Map.lookup flag flagMap
        guard $ not takesArg
        return [(flag, token)]
    process ((token1, flag1):rest2@((token2, flag2):rest)) = do
        takesArg <- Map.lookup flag1 flagMap
        if takesArg
            then do
                guard $ flag2 == ""
                more <- process rest
                return $ (flag1, token2) : more
            else do
                more <- process rest2
                return $ (flag1, token1) : more

return []
runTests =  $( [| $(forAllProperties) (quickCheckWithResult (stdArgs { maxSuccess = 1 }) ) |])