    Copyright 2019 Vidar 'koala_man' Holen

    This file is part of ShellCheck.

    ShellCheck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ShellCheck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ShellCheck.Formatter.Diff (format, ShellCheck.Formatter.Diff.runTests) where

import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Fixer
import ShellCheck.Formatter.Format

import Control.Monad
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Array
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import GHC.Exts (sortWith)
import System.IO
import System.FilePath

import Test.QuickCheck

import Debug.Trace
ltt x = trace (show x) x

format :: FormatterOptions -> IO Formatter
format options = do
    didOutput <- newIORef False
    shouldColor <- shouldOutputColor (foColorOption options)
    let color = if shouldColor then colorize else nocolor
    return Formatter {
        header = return (),
        footer = checkFooter didOutput color,
        onFailure = reportFailure color,
        onResult  = reportResult didOutput color

contextSize = 3
red = 31
green = 32
yellow = 33
cyan = 36
bold = 1

nocolor n = id
colorize n s = (ansi n) ++ s ++ (ansi 0)
ansi n = "\x1B[" ++ show n ++ "m"

printErr :: ColorFunc -> String -> IO ()
printErr color = hPutStrLn stderr . color bold . color red
reportFailure color file msg = printErr color $ file ++ ": " ++ msg

checkFooter didOutput color = do
    output <- readIORef didOutput
    unless output $
            printErr color "Issues were detected, but none were auto-fixable. Use another format to see them."

type ColorFunc = (Int -> String -> String)
data LFStatus = LinefeedMissing | LinefeedOk
data DiffDoc a = DiffDoc String LFStatus [DiffRegion a]
data DiffRegion a = DiffRegion (Int, Int) (Int, Int) [Diff a]

reportResult :: (IORef Bool) -> ColorFunc -> CheckResult -> SystemInterface IO -> IO ()
reportResult didOutput color result sys = do
    let comments = crComments result
    let suggestedFixes = mapMaybe pcFix comments
    let fixmap = buildFixMap suggestedFixes
    mapM_ output $ M.toList fixmap
    output (name, fix) = do
        file <- (siReadFile sys) name
        case file of
            Right contents -> do
                putStrLn $ formatDoc color $ makeDiff name contents fix
                writeIORef didOutput True
            Left msg -> reportFailure color name msg

hasTrailingLinefeed str =
    case str of
        [] -> True
        _ -> last str == '\n'

coversLastLine regions =
    case regions of
        [] -> False
        _ -> (fst $ last regions)

-- TODO: Factor this out into a unified diff library because we're doing a lot
-- of the heavy lifting anyways.
makeDiff :: String -> String -> Fix -> DiffDoc String
makeDiff name contents fix = do
    let hunks = groupDiff $ computeDiff contents fix
    let lf = if coversLastLine hunks && not (hasTrailingLinefeed contents)
             then LinefeedMissing
             else LinefeedOk
    DiffDoc name lf $ findRegions hunks

computeDiff :: String -> Fix -> [Diff String]
computeDiff contents fix =
    let old = lines contents
        array = listArray (1, fromIntegral $ (length old)) old
        new = applyFix fix array
    in getDiff old new

-- Group changes into hunks
groupDiff :: [Diff a] -> [(Bool, [Diff a])]
groupDiff = filter (\(_, l) -> not (null l)) . hunt []
    -- Churn through 'Both's until we find a difference
    hunt current [] = [(False, reverse current)]
    hunt current (x@Both {}:rest) = hunt (x:current) rest
    hunt current list =
        let (context, previous) = splitAt contextSize current
        in (False, reverse previous) : gather context 0 list

    -- Pick out differences until we find a run of Both's
    gather current n [] =
        let (extras, patch) = splitAt (max 0 $ n - contextSize) current
        in [(True, reverse patch), (False, reverse extras)]

    gather current n list@(Both {}:_) | n == contextSize*2 =
        let (context, previous) = splitAt contextSize current
        in (True, reverse previous) : hunt context list

    gather current n (x@Both {}:rest) = gather (x:current) (n+1) rest
    gather current n (x:rest) = gather (x:current) 0 rest

-- Get line numbers for hunks
findRegions :: [(Bool, [Diff String])] -> [DiffRegion String]
findRegions = find' 1 1
    find' _ _ [] = []
    find' left right ((output, run):rest) =
        let (dl, dr) = countDelta run
            remainder = find' (left+dl) (right+dr) rest
            if output
            then DiffRegion (left, dl) (right, dr) run : remainder
            else remainder

-- Get left/right line counts for a hunk
countDelta :: [Diff a] -> (Int, Int)
countDelta = count' 0 0
    count' left right [] = (left, right)
    count' left right (x:rest) =
        case x of
            Both {} -> count' (left+1) (right+1) rest
            First {} -> count' (left+1) right rest
            Second {} -> count' left (right+1) rest

formatRegion :: ColorFunc -> LFStatus -> DiffRegion String -> String
formatRegion color lf (DiffRegion left right diffs) =
    let header = color cyan ("@@ -" ++ (tup left) ++ " +" ++ (tup right) ++" @@")
        unlines $ header : reverse (getStrings lf (reverse diffs))
    noLF = "\\ No newline at end of file"

    getStrings LinefeedOk list = map format list
    getStrings LinefeedMissing list@((Both _ _):_) = noLF : map format list
    getStrings LinefeedMissing list@((First _):_) = noLF : map format list
    getStrings LinefeedMissing (last:rest) = format last : getStrings LinefeedMissing rest

    tup (a,b) = (show a) ++ "," ++ (show b)
    format (Both x _) = ' ':x
    format (First x) = color red $ '-':x
    format (Second x) = color green $ '+':x

splitLast [] = ([], [])
splitLast x =
    let (last, rest) = splitAt 1 $ reverse x
    in (reverse rest, last)

formatDoc color (DiffDoc name lf regions) =
    let (most, last) = splitLast regions
          (color bold $ "--- " ++ ("a" </> name)) ++ "\n" ++
          (color bold $ "+++ " ++ ("b" </> name)) ++ "\n" ++
          concatMap (formatRegion color LinefeedOk) most ++
          concatMap (formatRegion color lf) last

-- Create a Map from filename to Fix
buildFixMap :: [Fix] -> M.Map String Fix
buildFixMap fixes = perFile
    splitFixes = concatMap splitFixByFile fixes
    perFile = groupByMap (posFile . repStartPos . head . fixReplacements) splitFixes

-- There are currently no multi-file fixes, but let's handle it anyways
splitFixByFile :: Fix -> [Fix]
splitFixByFile fix = map makeFix $ groupBy sameFile (fixReplacements fix)
    sameFile rep1 rep2 = (posFile $ repStartPos rep1) == (posFile $ repStartPos rep2)
    makeFix reps = newFix { fixReplacements = reps }

groupByMap :: (Ord k, Monoid v) => (v -> k) -> [v] -> M.Map k v
groupByMap f = M.fromListWith Monoid.mappend . map (\x -> (f x, x))

-- For building unit tests
b n = Both n n
l = First
r = Second

prop_identifiesProperContext = groupDiff [b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, l 5, b 6, b 7, b 8, b 9] ==
    [(False, [b 1]), -- Omitted
    (True, [b 2, b 3, b 4, l 5, b 6, b 7, b 8]), -- A change with three lines of context
    (False, [b 9])]  -- Omitted

prop_includesContextFromStartIfNecessary = groupDiff [b 4, l 5, b 6, b 7, b 8, b 9] ==
    [ -- Nothing omitted
    (True, [b 4, l 5, b 6, b 7, b 8]), -- A change with three lines of context
    (False, [b 9])]  -- Omitted

prop_includesContextUntilEndIfNecessary = groupDiff [b 4, l 5] ==
    [ -- Nothing omitted
        (True, [b 4, l 5])
    ] -- Nothing Omitted

prop_splitsIntoMultipleHunks = groupDiff [l 1, b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, b 6, b 7, r 8] ==
    [ -- Nothing omitted
        (True, [l 1, b 1, b 2, b 3]),
        (False, [b 4]),
        (True, [b 5, b 6, b 7, r 8])
    ] -- Nothing Omitted

prop_splitsIntoMultipleHunksUnlessTouching = groupDiff [l 1, b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, b 6, r 7] ==
        (True, [l 1, b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, b 6, r 7])

prop_countDeltasWorks = countDelta [b 1, l 2, r 3, r 4, b 5] == (3,4)
prop_countDeltasWorks2 = countDelta [] == (0,0)

return []
runTests = $quickCheckAll