{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

  Shpadoinkle Continuation is the abstract structure of Shpadoinkle's event handling system.
  It allows for asynchronous effects in event handlers by providing a model for atomic updates
  of application state.

module Shpadoinkle.Continuation (
  -- * The Continuation Type
  Continuation (..)
  , runContinuation
  , done, pur, impur, kleisli, causes, contIso
  -- * The Class
  , Continuous (..)
  -- ** Hoist
  , hoist
  -- * Forgetting
  , voidC', voidC, forgetC
  -- * Lifts
  , liftC', liftCMay', liftC, liftCMay
  -- * Utilities
  -- ** Product
  , leftC', leftC, rightC', rightC
  -- ** Coproduct
  , eitherC', eitherC
  -- ** Maybe
  , maybeC', maybeC, comaybe, comaybeC', comaybeC
  -- * Updates
  , writeUpdate, shouldUpdate, constUpdate
  -- * Monad Transformer
  , ContinuationT (..), voidRunContinuationT, kleisliT, commit
  ) where

import           Control.Arrow                 (first)
import qualified Control.Categorical.Functor   as F
import           Control.Monad                 (liftM2, void)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class     (MonadTrans (..))
import           Control.PseudoInverseCategory (EndoIso (..))
import           Data.Maybe                    (fromMaybe)
import           GHC.Conc                      (retry)
import           UnliftIO                      (MonadUnliftIO, TVar, atomically,
                                                newTVarIO, readTVar, readTVarIO,
import           UnliftIO.Concurrent           (forkIO)

-- | A Continuation builds up an
--   atomic state update incrementally in a series of stages. For each stage we perform
--   a monadic IO computation and we may get a pure state updating function. When
--   all of the stages have been executed we are left with a composition of the resulting
--   pure state updating functions, and this composition is applied atomically to the state.
--   Additionally, a Continuation stage may feature a Rollback action which cancels all state
--   updates generated so far but allows for further state updates to be generated based on
--   further monadic IO computation.
--   The functions generating each stage of the Continuation
--   are called with states which reflect the current state of the app, with all
--   the pure state updating functions generated so far having been
--   applied to it, so that each stage "sees" both the current state
--   (even if it changed since the start of computing the Continuation), and the updates made
--   so far, although those updates are not committed to the real state until the Continuation
--   finishes and they are all done atomically together.
data Continuation m a = Continuation (a -> a, a -> m (Continuation m a))
                      | Rollback (Continuation m a)
                      | Pure (a -> a)

-- | A pure state updating function can be turned into a Continuation. This function
--   is here so that users of the Continuation API can do basic things without needing
--   to depend on the internal structure of the type.
pur :: (a -> a) -> Continuation m a
pur = Pure

-- | A Continuation which doesn't touch the state and doesn't have any side effects
done :: Continuation m a
done = pur id

-- | A monadic computation of a pure state updating function can be turned into a Continuation.
impur :: Monad m => m (a -> a) -> Continuation m a
impur m = Continuation . (id,) . const $ do
  f <- m
  return $ Continuation (f, const (return done))

-- | This turns a Kleisli arrow for computing a Continuation into the Continuation which
--   reads the state, runs the monadic computation specified by the arrow on that state,
--   and runs the resulting Continuation.
kleisli :: (a -> m (Continuation m a)) -> Continuation m a
kleisli = Continuation . (id,)

-- | A monadic computation can be turned into a Continuation which does not touch the state.
causes :: Monad m => m () -> Continuation m a
causes m = impur (m >> return id)

-- | 'runContinuation' takes a 'Continuation' and a state value and runs the whole Continuation
--   as if the real state was frozen at the value given to 'runContinuation'. It performs all the
--   IO actions in the stages of the Continuation and returns a pure state updating function
--   which is the composition of all the pure state updating functions generated by the
--   non-rolled-back stages of the Continuation. If you are trying to update a 'Continuous'
--   territory, then you should probably be using 'writeUpdate' instead of 'runContinuation',
--   because 'writeUpdate' will allow each stage of the Continuation to see any extant updates
--   made to the territory after the Continuation started running.
runContinuation :: Monad m => Continuation m a -> a -> m (a -> a)
runContinuation = runContinuation' id

runContinuation' :: Monad m => (a -> a) -> Continuation m a -> a -> m (a -> a)
runContinuation' f (Continuation (g, h)) x = do
  i <- h (f x)
  runContinuation' (g.f) i x
runContinuation' _ (Rollback f) x = runContinuation' id f x
runContinuation' f (Pure g) _ = return (g.f)

-- | @f@ is a Functor to Hask from the category where the objects are
--   Continuation types and the morphisms are functions.
class Continuous f where
  mapC :: (Continuation m a -> Continuation m b) -> f m a -> f m b

instance Continuous Continuation where
  mapC = id

-- | Given a natural transformation, change a Continuation's underlying functor.
hoist :: Functor m => (forall b. m b -> n b) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation n a
hoist _ (Pure f)              = Pure f
hoist f (Rollback r)          = Rollback (hoist f r)
hoist f (Continuation (g, h)) = Continuation . (g,) $ \x -> f $ hoist f <$> h x

-- | Apply a lens inside a Continuation to change the Continuation's type.
liftC' :: Functor m => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b
liftC' f g (Pure h) = Pure (\x -> f (h (g x)) x)
liftC' f g (Rollback r) = Rollback (liftC' f g r)
liftC' f g (Continuation (h, i)) = Continuation (\x -> f (h (g x)) x, \x -> liftC' f g <$> i (g x))

-- | Apply a traversal inside a Continuation to change the Continuation's type.
liftCMay' :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b
liftCMay' f g (Pure h)     = Pure $ \x -> maybe x (flip f x . h) $ g x
liftCMay' f g (Rollback r) = Rollback (liftCMay' f g r)
liftCMay' f g (Continuation (h, i)) =
  Continuation (\x -> maybe x (flip f x . h) $ g x, maybe (pure done) (fmap (liftCMay' f g) . i) . g)

-- | Given a lens, change the value type of @f@ by applying the lens in the Continuations inside @f@.
liftC :: Functor m => Continuous f => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> a) -> f m a -> f m b
liftC f g = mapC (liftC' f g)

-- | Given a traversal, change the value of @f@ by apply the traversal in the Continuations inside @f@.
liftCMay :: Applicative m => Continuous f => (a -> b -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> f m a -> f m b
liftCMay f g = mapC (liftCMay' f g)

-- | Change a void continuation into any other type of Continuation.
voidC' :: Monad m => Continuation m () -> Continuation m a
voidC' f = Continuation . (id,) $ \_ -> do
  _ <- runContinuation f ()
  return done

-- | Change the type of the f-embedded void Continuations into any other type of Continuation.
voidC :: Monad m => Continuous f => f m () -> f m a
voidC = mapC voidC'

-- | Forget about the Continuations.
forgetC :: Continuous f => f m a -> f m b
forgetC = mapC (const done)

--- | Change the type of a Continuation by applying it to the left coordinate of a tuple.
leftC' :: Functor m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m (a,b)
leftC' = liftC' (\x (_,y) -> (x,y)) fst

-- | Change the type of @f@ by applying the Continuations inside @f@ to the left coordinate of a tuple.
leftC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m a -> f m (a,b)
leftC = mapC leftC'

-- | Change the type of a Continuation by applying it to the right coordinate of a tuple.
rightC' :: Functor m => Continuation m b -> Continuation m (a,b)
rightC' = liftC' (\y (x,_) -> (x,y)) snd

-- | Change the value type of @f@ by applying the Continuations inside @f@ to the right coordinate of a tuple.
rightC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m b -> f m (a,b)
rightC = mapC rightC'

-- | Transform a Continuation to work on 'Maybe's. If it encounters 'Nothing', then it cancels itself.
maybeC' :: Applicative m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m (Maybe a)
maybeC' (Pure f) = Pure (fmap f)
maybeC' (Rollback r) = Rollback (maybeC' r)
maybeC' (Continuation (f, g)) = Continuation . (fmap f,) $
    Just x  -> maybeC' <$> g x
    Nothing -> pure (Rollback done)

-- | Change the value type of @f@ by transforming the Continuations inside @f@ to work on 'Maybe's using maybeC'.
maybeC :: Applicative m => Continuous f => f m a -> f m (Maybe a)
maybeC = mapC maybeC'

-- | Turn a @Maybe a@ updating function into an @a@ updating function which acts as
--   the identity function when the input function outputs 'Nothing'.
comaybe :: (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> a)
comaybe f x = fromMaybe x . f $ Just x

-- | Change the type of a Maybe-valued Continuation into the Maybe-wrapped type.
--   The resulting Continuation acts like the input Continuation except that
--   when the input Continuation would replace the current value with 'Nothing',
--   instead the current value is retained.
comaybeC' :: Functor m => Continuation m (Maybe a) -> Continuation m a
comaybeC' (Pure f) = Pure (comaybe f)
comaybeC' (Rollback r) = Rollback (comaybeC' r)
comaybeC' (Continuation (f,g)) = Continuation (comaybe f, fmap comaybeC' . g . Just)

-- | Transform the Continuations inside @f@ using comaybeC'.
comaybeC :: Functor m => Continuous f => f m (Maybe a) -> f m a
comaybeC = mapC comaybeC'

-- Just define these rather than introducing another dependency even though they are in either
mapLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
mapLeft f (Left x)  = Left (f x)
mapLeft _ (Right x) = Right x

mapRight :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
mapRight _ (Left x)  = Left x
mapRight f (Right x) = Right (f x)

-- | Combine Continuations heterogeneously into coproduct Continuations.
--   The first value the Continuation sees determines which of the
--   two input Continuation branches it follows. If the coproduct Continuation
--   sees the state change to a different Either-branch, then it cancels itself.
--   If the state is in a different Either-branch when the Continuation
--   completes than it was when the Continuation started, then the
--   coproduct Continuation will have no effect on the state.
eitherC' :: Monad m => Continuation m a -> Continuation m b -> Continuation m (Either a b)
eitherC' f g = Continuation . (id,) $ \case
  Left x -> case f of
    Pure h -> return (Pure (mapLeft h))
    Rollback r -> return . Rollback $ eitherC' r done
    Continuation (h, i) -> do
      j <- i x
      return $ Continuation (mapLeft h, const . return $ eitherC' j (Rollback done))
  Right x -> case g of
    Pure h -> return (Pure (mapRight h))
    Rollback r -> return . Rollback $ eitherC' done r
    Continuation (h, i) -> do
      j <- i x
      return $ Continuation (mapRight h, const . return $ eitherC' (Rollback done) j)

-- | Create a structure containing coproduct Continuations using two case
--   alternatives which generate structures containing Continuations of
--   the types inside the coproduct. The Continuations in the resulting
--   structure will only have effect on the state while it is in the branch
--   of the coproduct selected by the input value used to create the structure.
eitherC :: Monad m => Continuous f => (a -> f m a) -> (b -> f m b) -> Either a b -> f m (Either a b)
eitherC l _ (Left x)  = mapC (\c -> eitherC' c (pur id)) (l x)
eitherC _ r (Right x) = mapC (eitherC' (pur id)) (r x)

-- | Transform the type of a Continuation using an isomorphism.
contIso :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Continuation m a -> Continuation m b
contIso f g (Continuation (h, i)) = Continuation (f.h.g, fmap (contIso f g) . i . g)
contIso f g (Rollback h) = Rollback (contIso f g h)
contIso f g (Pure h) = Pure (f.h.g)

-- | @Continuation m@ is a Functor in the EndoIso category (where the objects
--   are types and the morphisms are EndoIsos).
instance Applicative m => F.Functor EndoIso EndoIso (Continuation m) where
  map (EndoIso f g h) =
    EndoIso (Continuation . (f,) . const . pure) (contIso g h) (contIso h g)

-- | You can combine multiple Continuations homogeneously using the 'Monoid' typeclass
--   instance. The resulting Continuation will execute all the subcontinuations in parallel,
--   allowing them to see each other's state updates and roll back each other's updates,
--   applying all of the updates generated by all the subcontinuations atomically once
--   all of them are done.
instance Monad m => Semigroup (Continuation m a) where
  (Continuation (f, g)) <> (Continuation (h, i)) =
    Continuation (f.h, \x -> liftM2 (<>) (g x) (i x))
  (Continuation (f, g)) <> (Rollback h) =
    Rollback (Continuation (f, \x -> liftM2 (<>) (g x) (return h)))
  (Rollback h) <> (Continuation (_, g)) =
    Rollback (Continuation (id, fmap (h <>) . g))
  (Rollback f) <> (Rollback g) = Rollback (f <> g)
  (Pure f) <> (Pure g) = Pure (f.g)
  (Pure f) <> (Continuation (g,h)) = Continuation (f.g,h)
  (Continuation (f,g)) <> (Pure h) = Continuation (f.h,g)
  (Pure f) <> (Rollback g) = Continuation (f, const (return (Rollback g)))
  (Rollback f) <> (Pure _) = Rollback f

-- | Since combining Continuations homogeneously is an associative operation,
--   and this operation has a unit element (done), Continuations are a 'Monoid'.
instance Monad m => Monoid (Continuation m a) where
  mempty = done

writeUpdate' :: MonadUnliftIO m => (a -> a) -> TVar a -> (a -> m (Continuation m a)) -> m ()
writeUpdate' h model f = do
  i <- readTVarIO model
  m <- f (h i)
  case m of
    Continuation (g,gs) -> writeUpdate' (g.h) model gs
    Pure g -> atomically (writeTVar model . g . h =<< readTVar model)
    Rollback gs -> writeUpdate' id model (const (return gs))

-- | Run a Continuation on a state variable. This may update the state.
--   This is a synchronous, non-blocking operation for pure updates,
--   and an asynchronous, non-blocking operation for impure updates.
writeUpdate :: MonadUnliftIO m => TVar a -> Continuation m a -> m ()
writeUpdate model = \case
  Continuation (f,g) -> void . forkIO $ writeUpdate' f model g
  Pure f             -> atomically (writeTVar model . f =<< readTVar model)
  Rollback f         -> writeUpdate model f

-- | Execute a fold by watching a state variable and executing the next
--   step of the fold each time it changes.
shouldUpdate :: MonadUnliftIO m => Eq a => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> TVar a -> m ()
shouldUpdate sun prev model = do
  i' <- readTVarIO model
  p  <- newTVarIO i'
  () <$ forkIO (go prev p)
    go x p = do
      a <- atomically $ do
        new' <- readTVar model
        old  <- readTVar p
        if new' == old then retry else new' <$ writeTVar p new'
      y <- sun x a
      go y p

-- | A monad transformer for building up a Continuation in a series of steps in a monadic computation
newtype ContinuationT model m a = ContinuationT
  { runContinuationT :: m (a, Continuation m model) }

-- | This adds the given Continuation to the Continuation being built up in the monadic context
--   where this function is invoked.
commit :: Monad m => Continuation m model -> ContinuationT model m ()
commit = ContinuationT . return . ((),)

-- | This turns a monadic computation to build up a Continuation into the Continuation which it
--   represents. The actions inside the monadic computation will be run when the Continuation
--   is run. The return value of the monadic computation will be discarded.
voidRunContinuationT :: Monad m => ContinuationT model m a -> Continuation m model
voidRunContinuationT m = Continuation . (id,) . const $ snd <$> runContinuationT m

-- | This turns a function for building a Continuation in a monadic computation
--   which is parameterized by the current state of the model
--   into a Continuation which reads the current state of the model,
--   runs the resulting monadic computation, and runs the Continuation
--   resulting from that computation.
kleisliT :: Monad m => (model -> ContinuationT model m a) -> Continuation m model
kleisliT f = kleisli $ \x -> return . voidRunContinuationT $ f x

instance Functor m => Functor (ContinuationT model m) where
  fmap f = ContinuationT . fmap (first f) . runContinuationT

instance Monad m => Applicative (ContinuationT model m) where
  pure = ContinuationT . pure . (, done)

  ft <*> xt = ContinuationT $ do
    (f, fc) <- runContinuationT ft
    (x, xc) <- runContinuationT xt
    return (f x, fc <> xc)

instance Monad m => Monad (ContinuationT model m) where
  return = ContinuationT . return . (, done)

  m >>= f = ContinuationT $ do
    (x, g) <- runContinuationT m
    (y, h) <- runContinuationT (f x)
    return (y, g <> h)

instance MonadTrans (ContinuationT model) where
  lift = ContinuationT . fmap (, done)

-- | Create an update to a constant value.
constUpdate :: a -> Continuation m a
constUpdate = pur . const
{-# INLINE constUpdate #-}