TCache- A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence

Safe HaskellNone



Implements full text indexation (indexText) and text search(contains), as an addition to the query language implemented in IndexQuery it also can index the lists of elements in a field (with indexList) so that it is possible to ask for the registers that contains a given element in the given field (with containsElem)

An example of full text search and element search in a list in combination using the .&&. operator defined in indexQuery. before and after the update of the register

data Doc= Doc{title :: String , authors :: [String], body :: String} deriving (Read,Show, Typeable)
instance Indexable Doc where
  key Doc{title=t}= t

instance Serializable Doc  where
  serialize= pack . show
  deserialize= read . unpack

main= do
  indexText  body T.pack
  indexList authors  (map T.pack)

let doc= Doc{title=  "title", authors=["john","Lewis"], body=  "Hi, how are you"}
  rdoc <- atomically $ newDBRef doc

r0 <- atomically $ select title $ authors `containsElem` "Lewis"
  print r0

r1 <- atomically $ select title $ body `contains` "how are you"
  print r1

r2 <- atomically $ select body $ body `contains` "how are you" .&&. authors containsElem john
  print r2

atomically $ writeDBRef rdoc  doc{ body=  "what's up"}

r3 <- atomically $ select title $ body  `'contains'\` "how are you"
  print r3

if  r0== r1 && r1== [title doc] then print "OK" else print "FAIL"
  if  r3== [] then print "OK" else print "FAIL"





:: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) 
=> (a -> b)

field to index

-> (b -> Text)

method to convert the field content to lazy Text (for example pack in case of String fields). This permits to index non Textual fields

-> IO () 

start a trigger to index the contents of a register field



:: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) 
=> (a -> b)

field to index

-> (b -> [Text])

method to convert a field element to Text (for example `pack . show` in case of elemets with Show instances)

-> IO () 

trigger the indexation of list fields with elements convertible to Text



:: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) 
=> (a -> b)

field to search in

-> String

text to search

-> STM [DBRef a] 

return the DBRefs whose fields include all the words in the requested text contents.Except the words with less than three characters that are not digits or uppercase, that are filtered out before making the query

containsElem :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> b) -> String -> STM [DBRef a]Source

return the DBRefs of the registers whose field (first parameter, usually a container) contains the requested value.

allElemsOf :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> b) -> STM [Text]Source