TCache- A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence

Safe HaskellNone






writeCached :: (Typeable b, Typeable a, Indexable a, Executable m) => a -> (a -> m b) -> b -> Integer -> STM ()Source

memoize the result of a computation for a certain time. This is useful for caching costly data such web pages composed on the fly.

time == 0 means infinite

cachedByKey :: (Typeable a, Executable m, MonadIO m) => String -> Int -> m a -> m aSource

Memoize the result of a computation for a certain time. A string key is used to index the result

The Int parameter is the timeout, in second after the last evaluation, after which the cached value will be discarded and the expression will be evaluated again if demanded . Time == 0 means no timeout

cachedp :: (Indexable a, Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> b) -> a -> bSource

a pure version of cached

addrStr :: a -> [Char]Source

given a string, return a key that can be used in Indexable instances Of non persistent objects, such are cached objects (it changes fron execution to execution) . It uses addrHash

class Executable m whereSource

to execute a monad for the purpose of memoizing its result


execute :: m a -> aSource