TLT- Testing in monads and transformers without explicit specs
Copyright(c) John Maraist 2022
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Assertion infrastructure for the TLT testing system. See TLT for more information.


Specifying individual tests

type Assertion m = m [TestFail] Source #

An assertion is a computation (typically in the monad wrapped by TLT) which returns a list of zero of more reasons for the failure of the assertion. A successful computation returns an empty list: no reasons for failure, hence success.

assertFailed :: Monad m => String -> Assertion m Source #

This assertion always fails with the given message.

assertSuccess :: Monad m => Assertion m Source #

This assertion always succeeds.

(~:) :: MonadTLT m n => String -> Assertion m -> m () infix 0 Source #

Label and perform a test of an Assertion.

test :: Monad m => TLT m ()
test = do
  "2 is 2 as result" ~: 2 @== return 2    -- This test passes.
  "2 not 3" ~: 2 @/=- 3                   -- This test fails.

(~::-) :: MonadTLT m n => String -> Bool -> m () infix 0 Source #

Label and perform a test of a (pure) boolean value.

test :: Monad m => TLT m ()
test = do
  "True passes" ~::- return True                 -- This test passes.
  "2 is 2 as single Bool" ~::- return (2 == 2)   -- This test passes.
  "2 is 3!?" ~::- myFn 4 "Hammer"                -- Passes if myFn (which
                                                 -- must be monadic)
                                                 -- returns True.

(~::) :: MonadTLT m n => String -> m Bool -> m () infix 0 Source #

Label and perform a test of a boolean value returned by a computation in the wrapped monad m.

test :: Monad m => TLT m ()
test = do
  "True passes" ~::- True               -- This test passes.
  "2 is 2 as single Bool" ~::- 2 == 2   -- This test passes.
  "2 is 3!?" ~::- 2 == 2                -- This test fails.

liftAssertion2Pure :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> String) -> a -> a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a binary function on an expected and an actual value (plus a binary generator of a failure message) into an Assertion for a pure given actual value.


TLT's scalar-testing operators like @==- are defined with this function:

(@==-) :: (Monad m, Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion m
(@==-) = liftAssertion2Pure (==) $
  \ exp actual -> "Expected " ++ show exp ++ " but got " ++ show actual

The (==) operator tests equality, and the result here allows the assertion that a value should be exactly equal to a target. The second argument formats the detail reported when the assertion fails.

assertion2PtoM :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Assertion m) -> a -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Given an Assertion for two pure values (expected and actual), lift it to an Assertion expecting the actual value to be returned from a computation.


The TLT assertion `Test.TLT.(==)` lifts `Test.TLT.(==-)` (both defined in Standard) from expecting a pure actual result to expecting a computation returning a value to test.

(@==) :: (Monad m, Eq a, Show a) => a -> m a -> Assertion m
(@==) = assertion2PtoM (@==-)

liftAssertion2M :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> String) -> a -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a binary function on expected and actual values (plus a generator of a failure message) into an Assertion where the actual value is to be returned from a subcomputation.

liftAssertionPure :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> String) -> a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a unary function on a value (plus a generator of a failure message) into a unary function returning an Assertion for a pure given actual value.


The TLT assertion emptyP (defined in Standard) is built from the Traversable predicate null

emptyP :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => t a -> Assertion m
emptyP = liftAssertionPure null
           (\ _ -> "Expected empty structure but got non-empty")

assertionPtoM :: Monad m => (a -> Assertion m) -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Given an Assertion for a pure (actual) value, lift it to an Assertion expecting the value to be returned from a computation.


The TLT assertion empty (defined in Standard) on monadic computations returning lists is defined in terms of the corresponging assertion on pure list-valued expressions.

empty :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => m (t a) -> Assertion m
empty = assertionPtoM emptyP

liftAssertionM :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> String) -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a unary function on an actual value (plus a generator of a failure message) into an Assertion where the value is to be returned from a subcomputation.