TypeNat- Some Nat-indexed types for GHC
Safe HaskellNone




data Nat Source #

Natural numbers


S Nat 


Instances details
Eq Nat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypeNat.Nat


(==) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool #

(/=) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool #

Ord Nat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypeNat.Nat


compare :: Nat -> Nat -> Ordering #

(<) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool #

(<=) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool #

(>) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool #

(>=) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool #

max :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat #

min :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat #

class IsNat (n :: Nat) where Source #

Proof that a given type is a Nat. With this fact, you can do type-directed computation.


natRecursion :: (forall m. b -> a m -> a (S m)) -> (b -> a Z) -> (b -> b) -> b -> a n Source #


Instances details
IsNat 'Z Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypeNat.Nat


natRecursion :: (forall (m :: Nat). b -> a m -> a ('S m)) -> (b -> a 'Z) -> (b -> b) -> b -> a 'Z Source #

IsNat n => IsNat ('S n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypeNat.Nat


natRecursion :: (forall (m :: Nat). b -> a m -> a ('S m)) -> (b -> a 'Z) -> (b -> b) -> b -> a ('S n) Source #

class LTE (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) where Source #

Nat n is less than or equal to nat m. Comes with functions to do type-directed computation for Nat-indexed datatypes.


lteInduction Source #


:: StrongLTE m l 
=> Proxy l 
-> (forall k. LTE (S k) l => d k -> d (S k))

The parameter l is fixed by any call to lteInduction, but due to the StrongLTE m l constraint, we have LTE j l for every j <= m. This allows us to implement the nontrivial case in the LTE p q => LTE p (S q) instance, where we need to use this function to get x :: d p and then again to get f x :: d (S p). So long as p and S p are both less or equal to l, this can be done.

-> d n 
-> d m 

lteRecursion :: (forall k. LTE n k => d (S k) -> d k) -> d m -> d n Source #


Instances details
LTE n n Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypeNat.Nat


lteInduction :: forall (l :: Nat) d. StrongLTE n l => Proxy l -> (forall (k :: Nat). LTE ('S k) l => d k -> d ('S k)) -> d n -> d n Source #

lteRecursion :: (forall (k :: Nat). LTE n k => d ('S k) -> d k) -> d n -> d n Source #

LTE n m => LTE n ('S m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypeNat.Nat


lteInduction :: forall (l :: Nat) d. StrongLTE ('S m) l => Proxy l -> (forall (k :: Nat). LTE ('S k) l => d k -> d ('S k)) -> d n -> d ('S m) Source #

lteRecursion :: (forall (k :: Nat). LTE n k => d ('S k) -> d k) -> d ('S m) -> d n Source #

type family StrongLTE (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Constraint where ... Source #

A constrint which includes LTE k m for every k <= m.


StrongLTE Z m = LTE Z m 
StrongLTE (S n) m = (LTE (S n) m, StrongLTE n m) 

type Zero = Z Source #

type One = S Z Source #

type Two = S One Source #

type Three = S Two Source #

type Five = S Four Source #

type Six = S Five Source #

type Seven = S Six Source #

type Ten = S Nine Source #