{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Villefort.Util where

import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader,MonadIO,liftIO)
import Villefort.Definitions (VConfig(..))
import Paths_Villefort (getDataFileName)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Time (Day(..),fromGregorian,getZonedTime)
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate (mondayStartWeek)
import Data.List.Split as S (splitOn)

-- | Returns header of Villefortx
getHeader :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m String
getHeader = do
  headerPath <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "templates/header"
  liftIO $ readFile headerPath

-- | Helper function to generate row of table
makeRow :: [String] -> String
makeRow x =  "<tr> <th>" ++ (intercalate "</th> <th>  "  x )++ "</th> </tr>"

-- | Generate Table
makeTable ::[String] ->  [[String]] -> String
makeTable tableData stats = "<table class='table' style='width:100%'> "  ++ "<thead class='thead-inverse'>" ++ ( makeRow  tableData) ++ "</thead>" ++ (mconcat (map  makeRow stats)) ++  "</table>"

-- | toatals minutes on row
total :: [[String]] -> Int
total row = sum $ map (\x -> read $ x !! 1 :: Int) row

-- | Date representation
data D = D { year :: Integer,
             month :: Int,
             day :: Int} deriving (Show)

-- | Convert from string to Day datatype
fromZonedTimeToDay :: String -> Day
fromZonedTimeToDay x = fromGregorian (year up ) (month up ) (day up)
  where up = unpackStringToDate x

-- | get Current local time
getDate :: IO Day
getDate = fromZonedTimeToDay <$> show <$> getZonedTime

-- | get Local Date
getDateD :: IO D
getDateD = unpackStringToDate <$> show <$> getZonedTime

-- | convert from String to internal Day representation 
unpackStringToDate :: [Char] -> D
unpackStringToDate x = D (read (nums !! 0) :: Integer) (read (nums !! 1) :: Int) (read (nums !! 2) :: Int)
  where nums = S.splitOn "-" $  take 10 x

-- | Get local day of week as number
getDay :: IO Int
getDay = do
  z <- getDate
  return $ snd $mondayStartWeek z