Readme for WAVE-0.1

WAVE -- WAVE format audio file IO library version 0.1 Bart Massey <> 8 March 2008 This library provides Data.WAVE, a module for reading and writing audio files in the WAVE audio format. See the Haddock documentation for the gory details. I have used this code with ghc 6.6 and ghc 6.8 on Linux, although the current cabal setup has only been tested with cabal 1.2 and ghc 6.8. It is a fairly standard Hackage-ready package, to the extent I know how to construct such. This is definitely a simple implementation: a number of "advanced" WAVE features are not supported (such as nonlinear encodings), and non-WAVE audio files are in no way supported. I thought others might find it useful, though; I also have released other code that depends on it. Have fun with it, and let me know if there are problems.