{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2020 Kevin P. Barry

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-- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com]

-- | Generic document-editing components.

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

module WEditor.Document (
  -- From Base >>>
  -- <<< From Base
) where

import WEditor.Base
import WEditor.Internal.Line
import WEditor.Internal.Para

-- | Generic document editor with a dynamic viewport.
--   This editor bounds vertical view scrolling (see 'ViewAction') to keep the
--   cursor within view.
data EditingDocument c =
  forall a. FixedFontParser a c => EditingDocument {
    edBefore :: [VisibleParaBefore c (BreakType a)],  -- Reversed.
    edEditing :: EditingPara c (BreakType a),
    edAfter :: [VisibleParaAfter c (BreakType a)],
    edWidth :: Int,
    edHeight :: Int,
    edOffset :: Int,
    edLastCursor :: Int,
    edParser :: a

-- | Create an editor for a document.
editDocument :: FixedFontParser a c => a                 -- ^ Parser used to break paragraphs into lines.
                                    -> [UnparsedPara c]  -- ^ List of unparsed paragraphs to be edited.
                                    -> EditingDocument c -- ^ Document editor.
editDocument parser ps = document where
  document = EditingDocument {
      edBefore = [],
      edEditing = editPara parser first,
      edAfter = map (parseParaAfter parser) rest,
      edWidth = 0,
      edHeight = 0,
      edOffset = 0,
      edLastCursor = 0,
      edParser = parser
  (first:rest) = nonempty ps
  nonempty [] = [emptyPara]
  nonempty ps = ps

-- Private below here.

instance Show (EditingDocument c) where
  show d =
    "EditingDocument { size: " ++ show (getViewSize d) ++
                    ", cursor: " ++ show (getCursor d) ++
                    ", point: " ++ show (getEditPoint d) ++ " }"

instance FixedFontViewer (EditingDocument c) c where
  setViewSize d s@(w,h)
    | w /= edWidth d  = storeCursor $ resizeHeight h $ resizeWidth w d
    | h /= edHeight d = storeCursor $ resizeHeight h d
    | otherwise = d
  getViewSize d = (edWidth d,edHeight d)
  getVisible = getVisibleLines
  updateView = flip updateDocView

instance FixedFontEditor (EditingDocument c) c where
  editText da m d = storeCursor $ modifyDoc m d da
  breakPara da d = storeCursor $ insertParaSplit d da
  moveCursor da d = updateCursor $ moveDocCursor d da where
      | d == MovePrev || d == MoveNext || d == MoveHome || d == MoveEnd = storeCursor
      | otherwise = applyCursor
  getCursor (EditingDocument _ e _ _ h k _ p) =
    (tweakCursor p (getCurrentLine e) $ getParaCursorChar e,boundOffset h k)
  getEditPoint = getDocEditPoint
  setEditPoint da (p,c) = storeCursor $ setDocEditPoint (p,c) da
  getParaSize (EditingDocument _ e _ _ _ _ _ _) = getParaCharCount e
  getParaCount da@(EditingDocument bs _ as _ _ _ _ _) = 1 + length bs + length as
  exportData = exportDocument

exportDocument :: EditingDocument c -> [UnparsedPara c]
exportDocument (EditingDocument bs e as _ _ _ _ _) =
  reverse (map unparseParaBefore bs) ++ [unparsePara e] ++ (map unparseParaAfter as)

boundOffset :: Int -> Int -> Int
boundOffset h k
  | h < 1 = max 0 k
  | otherwise = max 0 (min (h-1) k)

storeCursor :: EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
storeCursor (EditingDocument bs e as w h k _ p) =
  EditingDocument bs e as w h k (getParaCursorChar e) p

applyCursor :: EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
applyCursor (EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) =
  EditingDocument bs (setParaCursorChar c e) as w h k c p

joinParaNext :: EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
joinParaNext da@(EditingDocument _ _ [] _ _ _ _ _) = da
joinParaNext (EditingDocument bs e (a:as) w h k c p) =
  EditingDocument bs (appendToPara p e a) as w h k c p

joinParaPrev :: EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
joinParaPrev da@(EditingDocument [] _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = da
joinParaPrev (EditingDocument (b:bs) e as w h k c p) =
  EditingDocument bs (prependToPara p b e) as w h (boundOffset h (k-1)) c p

resizeWidth :: Int -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
resizeWidth w (EditingDocument bs e as _ h k c p) = (EditingDocument bs2 e2 as2 w h k c p2) where
  p2 = setLineWidth p w
  bs2 = map (parseParaBefore p2 . unparseParaBefore) bs
  as2 = map (parseParaAfter  p2 . unparseParaAfter)  as
  e2 = reparsePara p2 e

resizeHeight :: Int -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
resizeHeight h da@(EditingDocument bs e as w _ k c p) =
  (EditingDocument bs e as w h offset c p) where
      | h < 1 = paraLinesBefore da
      | otherwise = boundOffset h $ min (paraLinesBefore da) k

paraLinesBefore :: EditingDocument c -> Int
paraLinesBefore (EditingDocument bs e _ _ _ _ _ _) = total where
  total = countLinesBefore bs'
  bs' = getBeforeLines e:bs

paraLinesAfter :: EditingDocument c -> Int
paraLinesAfter (EditingDocument _ e as _ _ _ _ _) = total where
  total = countLinesAfter as'
  as' = getAfterLines e:as

getVisibleLines :: EditingDocument c -> [[c]]
getVisibleLines (EditingDocument bs e as _ h k _ p) = visible where
  visible = map (renderLine p) $ bs2 ++ [e2] ++ as2
  bs2 = takeLinesBefore getBefore before
  e2 = getCurrentLine e
  as2 = takeLinesAfter getAfter after
  before = getBeforeLines e:bs
  after = getAfterLines e:as
    | h < 1 = countLinesBefore before
    | otherwise = boundOffset h k
    | h < 1 = countLinesAfter after
    | otherwise = h-length bs2-1

moveDocCursor :: MoveDirection -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
moveDocCursor d da@(EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = revised where
    | paraCursorMovable d e =
      let e2 = moveParaCursor d e in (EditingDocument bs e2 as w h (fixOffset e2) c p)
    | d == MoveDown && null as && atParaBack e =
      EditingDocument bs e as w h (boundOffset h (k-1)) c p
    | (d == MoveUp && null bs) || (d == MoveDown && null as) =
      -- NOTE: The cursor is explicitly stored here so that the position at the
      -- front or back of the paragraph is preserved.
      let e2 = moveParaCursor d e in storeCursor $ (EditingDocument bs e2 as w h (fixOffset e2) c p)
    | d == MoveUp =
          bs2 = tail bs
          e2 = seekParaBack $ editPara p $ unparseParaBefore $ head bs
          as2 = viewParaAfter e:as
          k2 = boundOffset h (k-1) in
        -- NOTE: This doesn't preserve cursor position.
        EditingDocument bs2 e2 as2 w h k2 c p
    | d == MoveDown =
          bs2 = viewParaBefore e:bs
          e2 = editPara p $ unparseParaAfter $ head as
          as2 = tail as
          k2 = boundOffset h (k+1) in
        -- NOTE: This doesn't preserve cursor position.
        EditingDocument bs2 e2 as2 w h k2 c p
    | d == MovePrev && not (null bs) = seekBack  $ moveDocCursor MoveUp   da
    | d == MoveNext && not (null as) = seekFront $ moveDocCursor MoveDown da
    | d == MovePageUp   = editAtTop $ repeatTimes h (moveDocCursor MoveUp)   da
    | d == MovePageDown = editAtTop $ repeatTimes h (moveDocCursor MoveDown) da
    | otherwise = da
  fixOffset e2 = boundOffset h $ k + (getParaCursorLine e2 - getParaCursorLine e)
  seekBack  (EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = EditingDocument bs (seekParaBack e)  as w h k c p
  seekFront (EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = EditingDocument bs (seekParaFront e) as w h k c p
  repeatTimes n = foldr (flip (.)) id . replicate n
  editAtTop (EditingDocument bs e as w h _ c p) = EditingDocument bs e as w h 0 c p

modifyDoc :: EditAction c -> EditDirection -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
modifyDoc m d da@(EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = revised m d where
  revised DeleteText EditBefore
    | atParaFront e && not (null bs) =
      EditingDocument (tail bs) (prependToPara p (head bs) e) as w h (boundOffset h (k-1)) c p
  revised DeleteText EditAfter
    | atParaBack e && not (null as) =
      EditingDocument bs (appendToPara p e (head as)) (tail as) w h k c p
  revised _ _ = let e2 = (modifyPara p m d e) in EditingDocument bs e2 as w h (fixOffset e2) c p
  fixOffset e2 = boundOffset h $ k + (getParaCursorLine e2 - getParaCursorLine e)

insertParaSplit :: EditDirection -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
insertParaSplit d (EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = revised where
  (b,a) = splitPara p e
    | d == EditBefore = EditingDocument (parseParaBefore p b:bs) (editPara p a) as w h (boundOffset h (k+1)) c p
    | d == EditAfter  = EditingDocument bs (seekParaBack $ editPara p b) (parseParaAfter p a:as) w h k c p

getDocEditPoint :: EditingDocument c -> (Int,Int)
getDocEditPoint (EditingDocument bs e _ _ _ _ _ _) = (length bs,getParaEditChar e)

setEditPara :: Int -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
setEditPara n (EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = revised where
  revised = resizeHeight h $ EditingDocument bs2 e2 as2 w h k c p
  (bs2,e2,as2) = shift bs e as
  shift bs e as
    | length bs < n && not (null as) =
      shift (viewParaBefore e:bs) (editPara p $ unparseParaAfter $ head as)  (tail as)
    | length bs > n && not (null bs) =
      shift (tail bs)             (editPara p $ unparseParaBefore $ head bs) (viewParaAfter e:as)
    | otherwise = (bs,e,as)

setEditChar :: Int -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
setEditChar n (EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = EditingDocument bs (setParaEditChar n e) as w h k c p

setDocEditPoint :: (Int,Int) -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
setDocEditPoint (p,c) = setEditChar c . setEditPara p

updateDocView :: ViewAction -> EditingDocument c -> EditingDocument c
updateDocView _ da@(EditingDocument _ _ _ _ h _ _ _) | h <= 0 = da
updateDocView FillView da@(EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = revised where
  revised = EditingDocument bs e as w h (boundOffset h (min before k2)) c p
  before = paraLinesBefore da
  after  = paraLinesAfter  da
  k2 = if after >= h-k-1  -- The view is already full.
          then k
          else h-after-1  -- k2+after=h-1, i.e., a full viewport.
updateDocView (ShiftVertical n) da@(EditingDocument bs e as w h k c p) = revised where
  revised = EditingDocument bs e as w h (boundOffset h k2) c p
  before = paraLinesBefore da
  k2 = min before (k-n)