{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2020 Kevin P. Barry

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-- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com]

-- | Line-wrapping implementations. (See 'FixedFontParser' for custom wrapping.)

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module WEditor.LineWrap (
) where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (when)

import WEditor.Base

-- | Line break type for a single paragraph line.
data LineBreak = ParagraphEnd | SimpleBreak | HyphenatedWord deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- | The line is at the end of the paragraph.
lineBreakEnd :: LineBreak
lineBreakEnd = ParagraphEnd

-- | The line is nothing special.
lineBreakSimple :: LineBreak
lineBreakSimple = SimpleBreak

-- | The line ends with a hyphenated word.
lineBreakHyphen :: LineBreak
lineBreakHyphen = HyphenatedWord

data NoSplit c = NoSplit deriving (Show)

-- | Wrapping policy that breaks at exactly the viewer width.
breakExact :: BreakWords c
breakExact = breakWords NoSplit

instance WordSplitter (NoSplit c) c

-- | Word-splitting operations for use with 'BreakWords'.
--     * @s@: Splitter type providing the operations.
--     * @c@: Character type.
class WordSplitter s c | s -> c where
  -- | Determine where to break a word.
  --   * The splitter can refuse to process the word by returning 'Nothing'.
  --   * The segment sizes must provide space for a hyphen if 'appendHyphen'
  --     extends the line.
  --   * Once the word has been split up by 'BreakWords', the segments are
  --     processed as follows:
  --       1. The last segment is prepended to the next line to be parsed. This
  --          means that if the word is not split, it gets deferred to the
  --          next line.
  --       2. If there are more segments, the first is appended to the current
  --          line being parsed.
  --       3. All remaining segments are put on separate lines between the
  --          current and next lines.
  splitWord :: s
            -> Int         -- ^ Space available on the first line.
            -> Int         -- ^ Space available on new lines.
            -> [c]         -- ^ The word to break.
            -> Maybe [Int] -- ^ List of segment sizes.
  splitWord _ _ _ _ = Nothing
  -- | Predicate for characters that should be treated as a part of a word.
  isWordChar :: s -> c -> Bool
  isWordChar _ _ = False
  -- | Predicate for detecting whitespace between words.
  isWhitespace :: s -> c -> Bool
  isWhitespace _ _ = False
  -- | Append the canonical hyphen character to show word breaks.
  appendHyphen :: s -> [c] -> [c]
  appendHyphen _ = id
  -- | Check the word segment for an existing hyphenation.
  endsWithHyphen :: s -> [c] -> Bool
  endsWithHyphen _ _ = False

-- | Wrapping policy that breaks lines based on words. Use 'breakWords' to
--   construct a new value.
data BreakWords c = forall s. (Show s, WordSplitter s c) => BreakWords Int s

-- | Wrapping policy that breaks lines based on words.
breakWords :: (Show s, WordSplitter s c) => s -> BreakWords c
breakWords = BreakWords 0

data NoHyphen c = NoHyphen deriving (Show)

-- | Avoids splitting words unless they are longer than a single line.
noHyphen :: WordChar c => NoHyphen c
noHyphen = NoHyphen

data LazyHyphen c = LazyHyphen deriving (Show)

-- | Hyphenates words using simple aesthetics, without dictionary awareness.
lazyHyphen :: (WordChar c, HyphenChar c) => LazyHyphen c
lazyHyphen = LazyHyphen

-- Private below here.

instance Show LineBreak where
  show ParagraphEnd   = "lineBreakEnd"
  show SimpleBreak    = "lineBreakSimple"
  show HyphenatedWord = "lineBreakHyphen"

instance Show (BreakWords c) where
  show (BreakWords w s) =
    "breakWords { width: " ++ show w ++
               ", split: " ++ show s ++ " }"

instance WordChar c => WordSplitter (NoHyphen c) c where
  splitWord _ k w _ = if k < w then Just [] else Nothing
  isWordChar _ = defaultIsWordChar
  isWhitespace _ = defaultIsWhitespace

instance (WordChar c, HyphenChar c) => WordSplitter (LazyHyphen c) c where
  splitWord _ k w cs
    | w < 4 || k > w          = Nothing
    | k >= length cs || k < 3 = Just []
    | otherwise = Just $ (k-1):(replicate count size) where
        size = w-1
        remainder = length cs-(k-1)
        -- Uses remainder-2 because the last line needs no hyphen. This is the
        -- same as iteratively breaking off w-1 until the remainder is < w+1.
        count = (remainder-2) `div` size
  isWordChar _ = defaultIsWordChar
  isWhitespace _ = defaultIsWhitespace
  appendHyphen _ = (++[defaultHyphen])
  endsWithHyphen _ cs = not (null cs) && isDefaultHyphen (last cs)

instance FixedFontParser (BreakWords c) c where
  type BreakType (BreakWords c) = LineBreak
  setLineWidth (BreakWords _ s) w = BreakWords w s
  breakLines (BreakWords w s) = breakAllLines w s
  splitLine _ k (VisibleLine b cs) =
    (VisibleLine lineBreakEnd (take k cs),
     VisibleLine b            (drop k cs))
  emptyLine _ = VisibleLine lineBreakEnd []
  renderLine (BreakWords w _) (VisibleLine ParagraphEnd cs)
    | w < 1 = cs
    | otherwise = take w cs
  renderLine (BreakWords _ s) (VisibleLine SimpleBreak cs) =
    reverse $ dropWhile (isWhitespace s) $ reverse cs
  renderLine (BreakWords _ s) (VisibleLine HyphenatedWord cs) = appendHyphen s cs
  tweakCursor (BreakWords w _) (VisibleLine ParagraphEnd _)
    | w < 1 = id
    | otherwise = min w
  tweakCursor (BreakWords _ s) (VisibleLine SimpleBreak cs) = max 0 . min (total-post) where
    post = length $ takeWhile (isWhitespace s) $ reverse cs
    total = length cs
  tweakCursor _ (VisibleLine HyphenatedWord cs) = id

breakAllLines :: WordSplitter s c => Int -> s -> [c] -> [VisibleLine c LineBreak]
breakAllLines _ _ [] = [VisibleLine lineBreakEnd []]
breakAllLines w s cs
  | w < 1 = [VisibleLine lineBreakEnd cs]
  | otherwise = breakOrEmpty cs where
      breakOrEmpty cs = let (Just ls) = handleSplit (reverse $ take w cs) (drop w cs) in ls
      handleSplit line rest =
        tryWord line rest <|>
        trySpaces line rest <|>
        lineDefault line rest
      lineDefault []  _ = Just []
      lineDefault ls [] = Just [VisibleLine lineBreakEnd (reverse ls)]
      lineDefault ls rs = Just $ VisibleLine lineBreakSimple (reverse ls):(breakOrEmpty rs)
      tryWord ls@(l:_) rs@(r:_) | isWordChar s l && isWordChar s r = newLines where
        newLines = do
          breaks <- splitWord s (length wordFront) w word
          -- Safety fallback for misbehaving splitters.
          when (null breaks && length wordFront == w) Nothing
          return $ case breaks of
                        []     -> VisibleLine lineBreakSimple (reverse ls2):(breakOrEmpty (word ++ rs2))
                        (b:bs) -> (autoHyphen (reverse ls2 ++ take b word)):(hyphenate (drop b word) bs)
        ls2 = dropWhile (isWordChar s) ls
        rs2 = dropWhile (isWordChar s) rs
        wordFront = reverse $ takeWhile (isWordChar s) ls
        wordBack = takeWhile (isWordChar s) rs
        word = wordFront ++ wordBack
        autoHyphen ls = if endsWithHyphen s ls
                           then VisibleLine lineBreakSimple ls
                           else VisibleLine lineBreakHyphen ls
        hyphenate word bs | null word || null bs = breakOrEmpty (word ++ rs2)
        hyphenate word (b:bs) = (autoHyphen (take b word)):(hyphenate (drop b word) bs)
      tryWord _ _ = Nothing
      trySpaces ls rs@(r:_) | isWhitespace s r = newLines where
        ls' = reverse ls ++ takeWhile (isWhitespace s) rs
        rs' = dropWhile (isWhitespace s) rs
          | null rs'  = Just [VisibleLine lineBreakEnd ls']
          | otherwise = Just $ (VisibleLine lineBreakSimple ls'):(breakOrEmpty rs')
      trySpaces _ _ = Nothing