X11-xfixes-0.1.1: A binding to the Xfixes X11 extension library
xfixesQueryExtension :: Display -> IO (Maybe (CInt, CInt))Source
xfixesQueryVersion :: Display -> IO (Maybe (CInt, CInt))Source
type Region = XIDSource
type WindowRegion = CIntSource
windowRegionBounding :: WindowRegionSource
windowRegionClip :: WindowRegionSource
xfixesCreateRegion :: Display -> Ptr Rectangle -> CInt -> IO RegionSource
xfixesCreateRegionFromBitmap :: Display -> Pixmap -> IO RegionSource
xfixesCreateRegionFromWindow :: Display -> Window -> WindowRegion -> IO RegionSource
xfixesCreateRegionFromGC :: Display -> GC -> IO RegionSource
xfixesDestroyRegion :: Display -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesSetRegion :: Display -> Region -> Ptr Rectangle -> CInt -> IO ()Source
xfixesCopyRegion :: Display -> Region -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesUnionRegion :: Display -> Region -> Region -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesIntersectRegion :: Display -> Region -> Region -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesSubtractRegion :: Display -> Region -> Region -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesInvertRegion :: Display -> Region -> Ptr Rectangle -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesTranslateRegion :: Display -> Region -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()Source
xfixesRegionExtents :: Display -> Region -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesFetchRegion :: Display -> Region -> CInt -> IO ()Source
xfixesSetGCClipRegion :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> CInt -> Region -> IO ()Source
xfixesExpandRegion :: Display -> Region -> Region -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()Source