{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}
module Z.Data.Builder.Numeric (
, defaultIFormat
, Padding(..)
, int
, intWith
, integer
, hex, heX
, FFormat(..)
, double
, doubleWith
, float
, floatWith
, scientific
, scientificWith
, grisu3
, grisu3_sp
, i2wDec, i2wHex, i2wHeX
, countDigits
, c_intWith, hs_intWith
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci
import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Float
import GHC.Integer
import Z.Data.Builder.Base
import Z.Data.Builder.Numeric.DigitTable
import Z.Foreign
import System.IO.Unsafe
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary(..), CoArbitrary(..))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dtoa.h" c_int_dec :: Word64 -> Int -> Int -> Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
data IFormat = IFormat
{ width :: Int
, padding :: Padding
, posSign :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Arbitrary IFormat where
arbitrary = IFormat <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance CoArbitrary IFormat where
coarbitrary (IFormat w pad p) = coarbitrary (w, pad, p)
defaultIFormat :: IFormat
defaultIFormat = IFormat 0 NoPadding False
data Padding = NoPadding | RightSpacePadding | LeftSpacePadding | ZeroPadding deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
instance Arbitrary Padding where
arbitrary = toEnum . (`mod` 4) <$> arbitrary
instance CoArbitrary Padding where
coarbitrary = coarbitrary . fromEnum
int :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> Builder ()
{-# INLINE int #-}
int = intWith defaultIFormat
intWith :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder ()
intWith = hs_intWith
{-# INLINE[0] intWith #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Int8" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Int8 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Int" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Int -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Int16" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Int16 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Int32" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Int32 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Int64" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Int64 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Word" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Word -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Word8" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Word8 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Word16" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Word16 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Word32" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Word32 -> Builder () #-}
{-# RULES "intWith'/Word64" intWith = c_intWith :: IFormat -> Word64 -> Builder () #-}
c_intWith :: (Integral a, Bits a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder ()
{-# INLINE c_intWith #-}
c_intWith (IFormat{..}) x
| x < 0 =
let !x' = (fromIntegral (complement x) :: Word64) + 1
in atMost width' (\ (MutablePrimArray mba#) i ->
unsafeIOToST (c_int_dec x' (-1) width pad (unsafeCoerce# mba#) i))
| posSign =
atMost width' (\ (MutablePrimArray mba#) i ->
unsafeIOToST (c_int_dec (fromIntegral x) 1 width pad (unsafeCoerce# mba#) i))
| otherwise =
atMost width' (\ (MutablePrimArray mba#) i ->
unsafeIOToST (c_int_dec (fromIntegral x) 0 width pad (unsafeCoerce# mba#) i))
width' = max 21 width
pad = case padding of NoPadding -> 0
RightSpacePadding -> 1
LeftSpacePadding -> 2
ZeroPadding -> 3
hs_intWith :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder ()
{-# INLINABLE hs_intWith #-}
hs_intWith format@IFormat{..} i
| i < 0 =
if i == minBound
then do
let (q, r) = i `quotRem` 10
!qq = -q
!rr = i2wDec (-r)
!n = countDigits qq
!n' = n + 2
if width > n'
then case padding of
NoPadding ->
writeN n' $ \marr off -> do
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n qq
let off'' = off' + n
writePrimArray marr off'' rr
ZeroPadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n'
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
setPrimArray marr off' leadingN zero
let off'' = off' + leadingN
writePositiveDec marr off'' n qq
let off''' = off'' + n
writePrimArray marr off''' rr
LeftSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n'
setPrimArray marr off leadingN space
let off' = off + leadingN
writePrimArray marr off' minus
let off'' = off' + 1
writePositiveDec marr off'' n qq
let off''' = off'' + n
writePrimArray marr off''' rr
RightSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !trailingN = width-n'
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n qq
let off'' = off' + n
writePrimArray marr off'' rr
let off''' = off'' + 1
setPrimArray marr off''' trailingN space
writeN n' $ \marr off -> do
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n qq
let off'' = off' + n
writePrimArray marr off'' rr
else do
let !qq = -i
!n = countDigits qq
!n' = n + 1
if width > n'
then case padding of
NoPadding ->
writeN n' $ \marr off -> do
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n qq
ZeroPadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n'
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
setPrimArray marr off' leadingN zero
let off'' = off' + leadingN
writePositiveDec marr off'' n qq
LeftSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n'
setPrimArray marr off leadingN space
let off' = off + leadingN
writePrimArray marr off' minus
let off'' = off' + 1
writePositiveDec marr off'' n qq
RightSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !trailingN = width-n'
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n qq
let off'' = off' + n
setPrimArray marr off'' trailingN space
writeN n' $ \marr off -> do
writePrimArray marr off minus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n qq
| otherwise = positiveInt format i
positiveInt :: (Integral a) => IFormat -> a -> Builder ()
{-# INLINABLE positiveInt #-}
positiveInt (IFormat width padding ps) i =
let !n = countDigits i
in if ps
let n' = n+1
in if width > n'
then case padding of
NoPadding ->
writeN n' $ \marr off -> do
writePrimArray marr off plus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n i
ZeroPadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n'
writePrimArray marr off plus
let off' = off + 1
setPrimArray marr off' leadingN zero
let off'' = off' + leadingN
writePositiveDec marr off'' n i
LeftSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n'
setPrimArray marr off leadingN space
let off' = off + leadingN
writePrimArray marr off' plus
let off'' = off' + 1
writePositiveDec marr off'' n i
RightSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !trailingN = width-n'
writePrimArray marr off plus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n i
let off'' = off' + n
setPrimArray marr off'' trailingN space
writeN n' $ \marr off -> do
writePrimArray marr off plus
let off' = off + 1
writePositiveDec marr off' n i
else if width > n
then case padding of
NoPadding ->
writeN n $ \marr off -> do
writePositiveDec marr off n i
ZeroPadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n
setPrimArray marr off leadingN zero
let off' = off + leadingN
writePositiveDec marr off' n i
LeftSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !leadingN = width-n
setPrimArray marr off leadingN space
let off' = off + leadingN
writePositiveDec marr off' n i
RightSpacePadding ->
writeN width $ \marr off -> do
let !trailingN = width-n
writePositiveDec marr off n i
let off' = off + n
setPrimArray marr off' trailingN space
writeN n $ \marr off -> do
writePositiveDec marr off n i
writePositiveDec :: (Integral a)
=> forall s. MutablePrimArray s Word8
-> Int
-> Int
-> a
-> ST s ()
{-# INLINE writePositiveDec #-}
writePositiveDec marr off0 ds = go (off0 + ds - 1)
go off v
| v >= 100 = do
let (q, r) = v `quotRem` 100
write2 off r
go (off - 2) q
| v < 10 = writePrimArray marr off (i2wDec v)
| otherwise = write2 off v
write2 off i0 = do
let i = fromIntegral i0; j = i + i
writePrimArray marr off $ indexOffPtr decDigitTable (j + 1)
writePrimArray marr (off - 1) $ indexOffPtr decDigitTable j
#include "MachDeps.h"
#define DIGITS 9
#define BASE 1000000000
#elif SIZEOF_HSWORD == 8
#define DIGITS 18
#define BASE 1000000000000000000
#error Please define DIGITS and BASE
integer :: Integer -> Builder ()
integer (S# i#) = int (I# i#)
integer n0
| n0 < 0 = encodePrim minus >> integer' (-n0)
| otherwise = integer' n0
integer' :: Integer -> Builder ()
integer' n
| n < BASE = jhead (fromInteger n)
| otherwise = jprinth (jsplitf (BASE*BASE) n)
jprinth :: [Integer] -> Builder ()
jprinth (n:ns) =
case n `quotRemInteger` BASE of
(# q', r' #) ->
let q = fromInteger q'
r = fromInteger r'
in if q > 0 then jhead q >> jblock r >> jprintb ns
else jhead r >> jprintb ns
jprinth [] = errorWithoutStackTrace "jprinth []"
jprintb :: [Integer] -> Builder ()
jprintb [] = pure ()
jprintb (n:ns) = case n `quotRemInteger` BASE of
(# q', r' #) ->
let q = fromInteger q'
r = fromInteger r'
in jblock q >> jblock r >> jprintb ns
jhead :: Int -> Builder ()
jhead = int
jblock :: Int -> Builder ()
jblock = intWith defaultIFormat{padding = ZeroPadding, width=DIGITS}
jsplitf :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
jsplitf p n
| p > n = [n]
| otherwise = jsplith p (jsplitf (p*p) n)
jsplith :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
jsplith p (n:ns) =
case n `quotRemInteger` p of
(# q, r #) ->
if q > 0 then q : r : jsplitb p ns
else r : jsplitb p ns
jsplith _ [] = errorWithoutStackTrace "jsplith: []"
jsplitb :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
jsplitb _ [] = []
jsplitb p (n:ns) = case n `quotRemInteger` p of
(# q, r #) ->
q : r : jsplitb p ns
countDigits :: (Integral a) => a -> Int
{-# INLINE countDigits #-}
countDigits v0
| fromIntegral v64 == v0 = go 1 v64
| otherwise = goBig 1 (fromIntegral v0)
where v64 = fromIntegral v0
goBig !k (v :: Integer)
| v > big = goBig (k + 19) (v `quot` big)
| otherwise = go k (fromIntegral v)
big = 10000000000000000000
go !k (v :: Word64)
| v < 10 = k
| v < 100 = k + 1
| v < 1000 = k + 2
| v < 1000000000000 =
k + if v < 100000000
then if v < 1000000
then if v < 10000
then 3
else 4 + fin v 100000
else 6 + fin v 10000000
else if v < 10000000000
then 8 + fin v 1000000000
else 10 + fin v 100000000000
| otherwise = go (k + 12) (v `quot` 1000000000000)
fin v n = if v >= n then 1 else 0
minus, plus, zero, space :: Word8
{-# INLINE plus #-}
{-# INLINE minus #-}
{-# INLINE zero #-}
{-# INLINE space #-}
plus = 43
minus = 45
zero = 48
space = 32
i2wDec :: (Integral a) => a -> Word8
{-# INLINE i2wDec #-}
i2wDec v = zero + fromIntegral v
i2cDec :: (Integral a) => a -> Char
{-# INLINE i2cDec #-}
i2cDec v = chr . fromIntegral $ zero + fromIntegral v
i2wHex :: (Integral a) => a -> Word8
{-# INLINE i2wHex #-}
i2wHex v
| v <= 9 = zero + fromIntegral v
| otherwise = 87 + fromIntegral v
i2wHeX :: (Integral a) => a -> Word8
{-# INLINE i2wHeX #-}
i2wHeX v
| v <= 9 = zero + fromIntegral v
| otherwise = 55 + fromIntegral v
hex :: forall a. (FiniteBits a, Integral a) => a -> Builder ()
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Int -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Int8 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Int16 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Int32 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Int64 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Word -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Word8 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Word16 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Word32 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE hex :: Word64 -> Builder () #-}
hex w = writeN hexSiz (go w (hexSiz-2))
bitSiz = finiteBitSize (undefined :: a)
hexSiz = (bitSiz+3) `unsafeShiftR` 2
go !v !d marr off
| d > 0 = do
let !i = fromIntegral v .&. 0xFF; !j = i + i
writePrimArray marr (off + d) $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTable j
writePrimArray marr (off + d + 1) $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTable (j+1)
go (v `unsafeShiftR` 8) (d-2) marr off
| d == 0 = do
let !i = fromIntegral v .&. 0xFF; !j = i + i
writePrimArray marr off $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTable j
writePrimArray marr (off + 1) $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTable (j+1)
| d < 0 = do
let !i = fromIntegral v .&. 0x0F :: Int
writePrimArray marr off $ i2wHex i
heX :: forall a. (FiniteBits a, Integral a) => a -> Builder ()
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Int -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Int8 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Int16 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Int32 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Int64 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Word -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Word8 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Word16 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Word32 -> Builder () #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE heX :: Word64 -> Builder () #-}
heX w = writeN hexSiz (go w (hexSiz-2))
bitSiz = finiteBitSize (undefined :: a)
hexSiz = (bitSiz+3) `unsafeShiftR` 2
go !v !d marr off
| d > 0 = do
let !i = fromIntegral v .&. 0xFF; !j = i + i
writePrimArray marr (off + d) $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTableUpper j
writePrimArray marr (off + d + 1) $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTableUpper (j+1)
go (v `unsafeShiftR` 8) (d-2) marr off
| d == 0 = do
let !i = fromIntegral v .&. 0xFF; !j = i + i
writePrimArray marr off $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTableUpper j
writePrimArray marr (off + 1) $ indexOffPtr hexDigitTableUpper (j+1)
| d < 0 = do
let !i = fromIntegral v .&. 0x0F :: Int
writePrimArray marr off $ i2wHeX i
data FFormat = Exponent
| Fixed
| Generic
deriving (Enum, Read, Show)
float :: Float -> Builder ()
{-# INLINE float #-}
float = floatWith Generic Nothing
double :: Double -> Builder ()
{-# INLINE double #-}
double = doubleWith Generic Nothing
floatWith :: FFormat
-> Maybe Int
-> Float
-> Builder ()
{-# INLINE floatWith #-}
floatWith fmt decs x
| isNaN x = "NaN"
| isInfinite x = if x < 0 then "-Infinity" else "Infinity"
| x < 0 = char8 '-' >> doFmt fmt decs (grisu3_sp (-x))
| isNegativeZero x = char8 '-' >> doFmt fmt decs ([0], 0)
| x == 0 = doFmt fmt decs ([0], 0)
| otherwise = doFmt fmt decs (grisu3_sp x)
doubleWith :: FFormat
-> Maybe Int
-> Double
-> Builder ()
{-# INLINE doubleWith #-}
doubleWith fmt decs x
| isNaN x = "NaN"
| isInfinite x = if x < 0 then "-Infinity" else "Infinity"
| x < 0 = char8 '-' >> doFmt fmt decs (grisu3 (-x))
| isNegativeZero x = char8 '-' >> doFmt fmt decs ([0], 0)
| x == 0 = doFmt fmt decs ([0], 0)
| otherwise = doFmt fmt decs (grisu3 x)
doFmt :: FFormat
-> Maybe Int
-> ([Int], Int)
-> Builder ()
{-# INLINABLE doFmt #-}
doFmt format decs (is, e) =
let ds = map i2cDec is
in case format of
Generic ->
doFmt (if e < 0 || e > 7 then Exponent else Fixed) decs (is,e)
Exponent ->
case decs of
Nothing ->
let show_e' = int (e-1)
in case ds of
"0" -> "0.0e0"
[d] -> char8 d >> ".0e" >> show_e'
(d:ds') -> char8 d >> char8 '.' >>
string8 ds' >> char8 'e' >> show_e'
[] -> error "doFmt/Exponent: []"
Just dec
| dec <= 0 ->
case is of
[0] -> "0e0"
_ -> do
let (ei,is') = roundTo 10 1 is
n:_ = map i2cDec (if ei > 0 then init is' else is')
char8 n
char8 'e'
int (e-1+ei)
Just dec ->
let dec' = max dec 1 in
case is of
[0] -> do
char8 '0'
char8 '.'
replicateM_ dec' $ char8 '0'
char8 'e'
char8 '0'
_ -> do
let (ei,is') = roundTo 10 (dec'+1) is
(d:ds') = map i2cDec (if ei > 0 then init is' else is')
char8 d
char8 '.'
string8 ds'
char8 'e'
int (e-1+ei)
Fixed ->
let mk0 ls = case ls of { "" -> char8 '0' ; _ -> string8 ls}
in case decs of
| e <= 0 -> do
char8 '0'
char8 '.'
replicateM_ (-e) $ char8 '0'
string8 ds
| otherwise ->
let f 0 s rs = mk0 (reverse s) >> char8 '.' >> mk0 rs
f n s "" = f (n-1) ('0':s) ""
f n s (r:rs) = f (n-1) (r:s) rs
in f e "" ds
Just dec ->
let dec' = max dec 0
in if e >= 0
let (ei,is') = roundTo 10 (dec' + e) is
(ls,rs) = splitAt (e+ei) (map i2cDec is')
in mk0 ls >>
(unless (List.null rs) $ char8 '.' >> string8 rs)
let (ei,is') = roundTo 10 dec' (List.replicate (-e) 0 ++ is)
d:ds' = map i2cDec (if ei > 0 then is' else 0:is')
in char8 d >>
(unless (List.null ds') $ char8 '.' >> string8 ds')
foreign import ccall unsafe "static grisu3" c_grisu3
:: Double
-> MBA# Word8
-> MBA# Int
-> MBA# Int
-> IO Int
grisu3 :: Double -> ([Int], Int)
{-# INLINE grisu3 #-}
grisu3 d = unsafePerformIO $
allocMutableByteArrayUnsafe GRISU3_DOUBLE_BUF_LEN $ \ pBuf -> do
(len, (e, success)) <- allocPrimUnsafe $ \ pLen ->
allocPrimUnsafe $ \ pE ->
c_grisu3 (realToFrac d) pBuf pLen pE
if success == 0
then pure (floatToDigits 10 d)
else do
buf <- forM [0..len-1] $ \ i -> do
w8 <- readByteArray (MutableByteArray pBuf) i :: IO Word8
pure $! fromIntegral w8
let !e' = e + len
pure (buf, e')
foreign import ccall unsafe "static grisu3_sp" c_grisu3_sp
:: Float
-> MBA# Word8
-> MBA# Int
-> MBA# Int
-> IO Int
grisu3_sp :: Float -> ([Int], Int)
{-# INLINE grisu3_sp #-}
grisu3_sp d = unsafePerformIO $
allocMutableByteArrayUnsafe GRISU3_SINGLE_BUF_LEN $ \ pBuf -> do
(len, (e, success)) <- allocPrimUnsafe $ \ pLen ->
allocPrimUnsafe $ \ pE ->
c_grisu3_sp (realToFrac d) pBuf pLen pE
if success == 0
then pure (floatToDigits 10 d)
else do
buf <- forM [0..len-1] $ \ i -> do
w8 <- readByteArray (MutableByteArray pBuf) i :: IO Word8
pure $! fromIntegral w8
let !e' = e + len
pure (buf, e')
scientific :: Sci.Scientific -> Builder ()
{-# INLINE scientific #-}
scientific = scientificWith Generic Nothing
scientificWith :: FFormat
-> Maybe Int
-> Sci.Scientific
-> Builder ()
{-# INLINE scientificWith #-}
scientificWith fmt decs scntfc
| scntfc < 0 = char8 '-' <> doFmt fmt decs (Sci.toDecimalDigits (-scntfc))
| otherwise = doFmt fmt decs (Sci.toDecimalDigits scntfc)