activitystreams-aeson- An interface to the ActivityStreams specification

Copyright(c) Getty Ritter, 2014
Safe HaskellNone




This is an interface to the extended ActivityStreams schema which defines an extensive set of verb values, additional objectType values, and a set of extended properties for Objects.

Most of the inline documentation is drawn directly from the Activity Base Schema draft specification, with minor modifications to refer to the corresponding data types in this module and to clarify certain aspects. This is not an approved draft, and as such may be subject to changes which will be reflected in this module. In contrast to Codec.ActivityStream, the API in this module makes no guarantees about long-term stability.




data SchemaVerb Source

The ActivityStreams Base Schema specification defines the following core verbs in addition to the default post verb that is defined in Section 6 of activitystreams:



Indicates that that the actor has accepted the object. For instance, a person accepting an award, or accepting an assignment.


Indicates that the actor has accessed the object. For instance, a person accessing a room, or accessing a file.


Indicates that the actor has acknowledged the object. This effectively signals that the actor is aware of the object's existence.


Indicates that the actor has added the object to the target. For instance, adding a photo to an album.


Indicates that the actor agrees with the object. For example, a person agreeing with an argument, or expressing agreement with a particular issue.


Indicates that the actor has appended the object to the target. For instance, a person appending a new record to a database.


Indicates that the actor has approved the object. For instance, a manager might approve a travel request.


Indicates that the actor has archived the object.


Indicates that the actor has assigned the object to the target.


Indicates that the actor is currently located at the object. For instance, a person being at a specific physical location.


Indicates that the actor has attached the object to the target. For instance, a person attaching a file to a wiki page or an email.


Indicates that the actor has attended the object. For instance, a person attending a meeting.


Indicates that the actor has authored the object. Note that this is a more specific form of the verb "create".


Indicates that the actor has authorized the object. If a target is specified, it means that the authorization is specifically in regards to the target. For instance, a service can authorize a person to access a given application; in which case the actor is the service, the object is the person, and the target is the application. In contrast, a person can authorize a request; in which case the actor is the person and the object is the request and there might be no explicit target.


Indicates that the actor has borrowed the object. If a target is specified, it identifies the entity from which the object was borrowed. For instance, if a person borrows a book from a library, the person is the actor, the book is the object and the library is the target.


Indicates that the actor has built the object. For example, if a person builds a model or compiles code.


Indicates that the actor has canceled the object. For instance, canceling a calendar event.


Indicates that the actor has closed the object. For instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management system.


Indicates that the actor has completed the object.


Indicates that the actor has confirmed or agrees with the object. For instance, a software developer might confirm an issue reported against a product.


Indicates that the actor has consumed the object. The specific meaning is dependent largely on the object's type. For instance, an actor may "consume" an audio object, indicating that the actor has listened to it; or an actor may "consume" a book, indicating that the book has been read. As such, the "consume" verb is a more generic form of other more specific verbs such as "read" and "play".


Indicates that the actor has checked-in to the object. For instance, a person checking-in to a Place.


Indicates that the actor has created the object.


Indicates that the actor has deleted the object. This implies, but does not require, the permanent destruction of the object.


Indicates that the actor has delivered the object. For example, delivering a package.


Indicates that the actor has denied the object. For example, a manager may deny a travel request.


Indicates that the actor disagrees with the object.


Indicates that the actor dislikes the object. Note that the "dislike" verb is distinct from the "unlike" verb which assumes that the object had been previously "liked".


Indicates that the actor has experienced the object in some manner. Note that, depending on the specific object types used for both the actor and object, the meaning of this verb can overlap that of the "consume" and "play" verbs. For instance, a person might "experience" a movie; or "play" the movie; or "consume" the movie. The "experience" verb can be considered a more generic form of other more specific verbs as "consume", "play", "watch", "listen", and "read"


Indicates that the actor marked the object as an item of special interest.


Indicates that the actor has found the object.


Indicates that the actor has flagged the object as being inappropriate for some reason. When using this verb, the context property can be used to provide additional detail about why the object has been flagged.


Indicates that the actor began following the activity of the object. In most cases, the objectType will be a "person", but it can potentially be of any type that can sensibly generate activity. Processors MAY ignore (silently drop) successive identical "follow" activities.


Indicates that the actor is giving an object to the target. Examples include one person giving a badge object to another person. The object identifies the object being given. The target identifies the receiver.


Indicates that the actor is hosting the object. As in hosting an event, or hosting a service.


Indicates that the actor has ignored the object. For instance, this verb may be used when an actor has ignored a friend request, in which case the object may be the request-friend activity.


Indicates that the actor has inserted the object into the target.


Indicates that the actor has installed the object, as in installing an application.


Indicates that the actor has interacted with the object. For instance, when one person interacts with another.


Indicates that the actor has invited the object, typically a person object, to join or participate in the object described by the target. The target could, for instance, be an event, group or a service.


Indicates that the actor has become a member of the object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when the object of the Activity has an objectType of group, though implementors need to be prepared to handle other types of objects.


Indicates that the actor has left the object. For instance, a Person leaving a Group or checking-out of a Place.


Indicates that the actor marked the object as an item of special interest. The "like" verb is considered to be an alias of "favorite". The two verb are semantically identical.


Indicates that the actor has listened to the object. This is typically only applicable for objects representing audio content, such as music, an audio-book, or a radio broadcast. The "listen" verb is a more specific form of the "consume", "experience" and "play" verbs.


Indicates that the actor has lost the object. For instance, if a person loses a game.


Indicates the creation of a friendship that is reciprocated by the object. Since this verb implies an activity on the part of its object, processors MUST NOT accept activities with this verb unless they are able to verify through some external means that there is in fact a reciprocated connection. For example, a processor may have received a guarantee from a particular publisher that the publisher will only use this Verb in cases where a reciprocal relationship exists.


Indicates that the actor has opened the object. For instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management system.


Indicates that the actor spent some time enjoying the object. For example, if the object is a video this indicates that the subject watched all or part of the video. The "play" verb is a more specific form of the "consume" verb.


The default action.


Indicates that the actor has presented the object. For instance, when a person gives a presentation at a conference.


Indicates that the actor has purchased the object. If a target is specified, in indicates the entity from which the object was purchased.


Indicates that the actor has qualified for the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the qualification applies.


Indicates that the actor read the object. This is typically only applicable for objects representing printed or written content, such as a book, a message or a comment. The "read" verb is a more specific form of the "consume", "experience" and "play" verbs.


Indicates that the actor is receiving an object. Examples include a person receiving a badge object. The object identifies the object being received.


Indicates that the actor has rejected the object.


Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the target.


Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of friends.


Indicates that the actor has replaced the target with the object.


Indicates that the actor has requested the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity from which the object is being requested.


Indicates the creation of a friendship that has not yet been reciprocated by the object.


Indicates that the actor has resolved the object. For instance, the object could represent a ticket being tracked in an issue management system.


Indicates that the actor has returned the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was returned.


Indicates that the actor has retracted the object. For instance, if an actor wishes to retract a previously published activity, the object would be the previously published activity that is being retracted.


The "possible RSVP" verb indicates that the actor has made a possible RSVP for the object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when its object is an event, though implementors need to be prepared to handle other object types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an attendee by an event organiser or administrator.


The "negative RSVP" verb indicates that the actor has made a negative RSVP for the object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when its object is an event, though implementors need to be prepared to handle other object types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an attendee by an event organiser or administrator.


The "positive RSVP" verb indicates that the actor has made a positive RSVP for an object. This specification only defines the meaning of this verb when its object is an event, though implementors need to be prepared to handle other object types. The use of this verb is only appropriate when the RSVP was created by an explicit action by the actor. It is not appropriate to use this verb when a user has been added as an attendee by an event organiser or administrator.


Indicates that the actor has satisfied the object. If a target is specified, it indicate the context within which the object was satisfied. For instance, if a person satisfies the requirements for a particular challenge, the person is the actor; the requirement is the object; and the challenge is the target.


Indicates that the actor has called out the object as being of interest primarily to him- or herself. Though this action MAY be shared publicly, the implication is that the object has been saved primarily for the actor's own benefit rather than to show it to others as would be indicated by the "share" verb.


Indicates that the actor has scheduled the object. For instance, scheduling a meeting.


Indicates that the actor is or has searched for the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the search is or has been conducted.


Indicates that the actor has sold the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was sold.


Indicates that the actor has sent the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was sent.


Indicates that the actor has called out the object to readers. In most cases, the actor did not create the object being shared, but is instead drawing attention to it.


Indicates that the actor has sponsored the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the sponsorship is offered. For instance, a company can sponsor an event; or an individual can sponsor a project; etc.


Indicates that the actor has started the object. For instance, when a person starts a project.


Indicates that the actor has stopped following the object.


Indicates that the actor has submitted the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity to which the object was submitted.


Indicates that the actor has associated the object with the target. For example, if the actor specifies that a particular user appears in a photo. the object is the user and the target is the photo.


Indicates that the actor has terminated the object.


Indicates that the actor has neither won or lost the object. This verb is generally only applicable when the object represents some form of competition, such as a game.


Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of favorited items.


Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of liked items.


Indicates that the actor has not satisfied the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the context within which the object was not satisfied. For instance, if a person fails to satisfy the requirements of some particular challenge, the person is the actor; the requirement is the object and the challenge is the target.


Indicates that the actor has removed the object from the collection of saved items.


Indicates that the actor is no longer sharing the object. If a target is specified, it indicates the entity with whom the object is no longer being shared.


The "update" verb indicates that the actor has modified the object. Use of the "update" verb is generally reserved to indicate modifications to existing objects or data such as changing an existing user's profile information.


Indicates that the actor has used the object in some manner.


Indicates that the actor has watched the object. This verb is typically applicable only when the object represents dynamic, visible content such as a movie, a television show or a public performance. This verb is a more specific form of the verbs "experience", "play" and "consume".


Indicates that the actor has won the object. This verb is typically applicable only when the object represents some form of competition, such as a game.

Object Types

data SchemaObjectType Source

This data type contains the core set of common objectTypes in addition to the "activity" objectType defined in Section 7 of activitystreams.

All Activity Stream Objects inherit the same fundamental set of basic properties as defined in section 3.4 of activitystreams. In addition to these, objects of any specific type are permitted to introduce additional optional or required properties that are meaningful to objects of that type.



Represents any kind of significant notification.


Represents any kind of software application.


Represents objects such as news articles, knowledge base entries, or other similar construct. Such objects generally consist of paragraphs of text, in some cases incorporating embedded media such as photos and inline hyperlinks to other resources.


Represents audio content of any kind. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional property as specified here.


Represents a badge or award granted to an object (typically a person object)


Objects of this type are used to carry arbirary Base64-encoded binary data within an Activity Stream object. It is primarily intended to attach binary data to other types of objects through the use of the attachments property. Objects of this type will contain the additional properties specified here.


Represents a pointer to some URL -- typically a web page. In most cases, bookmarks are specific to a given user and contain metadata chosen by that user. Bookmark Objects are similar in principle to the concept of bookmarks or favorites in a web browser. A bookmark represents a pointer to the URL, not the URL or the associated resource itself. Objects of this type SHOULD contain an additional targetUrl property whose value is a String containing the IRI of the target of the bookmark.


Represents a generic collection of objects of any type. This object type can be used, for instance, to represent a collection of files like a folder; a collection of photos like an album; and so forth. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional objectTypes property whose value is an Array of Strings specifying the expected objectType of objects contained within the collection.


Represents a textual response to another object. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional inReplyTo property whose value is an Array of one or more other Activity Stream Objects for which the object is to be considered a response.


Represents a device of any type.


Represents an event that occurs at a certain location during a particular period of time. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional properties specified here.


Represents any form of document or file. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional fileUrl property whose value a dereferenceable IRI that can be used to retrieve the file; and an additional mimeType property whose value is the MIME type of the file described by the object.


Represents a game or competition of any kind.


Represents a grouping of objects in which member objects can join or leave. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional properties specified here.


Represents a graphical image. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional fullImage property whose value is an Activity Streams Media Link to a "full-sized" representation of the image.


Represents a report about a problem or situation that needs to be resolved. For instance, the issue object can be used to represent reports detailing software defects, or reports of acceptable use violations, and so forth. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional properties specified here.


Represents information about a job or a job posting.


Represents a short-form text message. This object is intended primarily for use in "micro-blogging" scenarios and in systems where users are invited to publish short, often plain-text messages whose useful lifespan is generally shorter than that of an article of weblog entry. A note is similar in structure to an article, but typically does not have a title or distinct paragraphs and tends to be much shorter in length.


Represents an offer of any kind.


Represents an organization of any kind.


Represents an area, typically a web page, that is representative of, and generally managed by a particular entity. Such areas are usually dedicated to displaying descriptive information about the entity and showcasing recent content such as articles, photographs and videos. Most social networking applications, for example, provide individual users with their own dedicated "profile" pages. Several allow similar types of pages to be created for commercial entities, organizations or events. While the specific details of how pages are implemented, their characteristics and use may vary, the one unifying property is that they are typically "owned" by a single entity that is represented by the content provided by the page itself.


Represents a permission that can be granted to an individual. For instance, a person can be granted permission to modify a file. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional properties specified here.


Represents an individual person.


Represents a physical location. Locations can be represented using geographic coordinates, a physical address, a free-form location name, or any combination of these. Objects of this type MAY contain the additional properties specified here.


Represents any form of process. For instance, a long-running task that is started and expected to continue operating for a period of time.


Represents a commercial good or service. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional fullImage property whose value is an Activity Streams Media Link to an image resource representative of the product.


Represents a question or a poll. Objects of this type MAY contain an additional options property whose value is an Array of possible answers to the question in the form of Activity Stream objects of any type.


Represents a primarily prose-based commentary on another object. Objects of this type MAY contain a rating property as specified here.


Represents any form of hosted or consumable service that performs some kind of work or benefit for other entities. Examples of such objects include websites, businesses, etc.


Represents an activity that has yet to be completed. Objects of this type can contain additional properties as specified here.


Represents a team of any type.


Represents video content of any kind. Objects of this type MAY contain additional properties as specified here.


avEmbedCode :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

A fragment of HTML markup that, when embedded within another HTML page, provides an interactive user-interface for viewing or listening to the video or audio stream.

avStream :: Lens' Object (Maybe MediaLink) Source

An Activity Streams Media Link to the video or audio content itself.


bnCompression :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

An optional token identifying a compression algorithm applied to the binary data prior to Base64-encoding. Possible algorithms are "deflate" and "gzip", respectively indicating the use of the compression mechanisms defined by RFC 1951 and RFC 1952. Additional compression algorithms MAY be used but are not defined by this specification. Note that previous versions of this specification allowed for multiple compression algorithms to be applied and listed using a comma-separated format. The use of multiple compressions is no longer permitted.

bnData :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

The URL-Safe Base64-encoded representation of the binary data

bnFileUrl :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

An optional IRI for the binary data described by this object.

bnLength :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

The total number of unencoded, uncompressed octets contained within the "data" field.

bnMd5 :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

An optional MD5 checksum calculated over the unencoded, uncompressed octets contained within the "data" field

bnMimeType :: Lens' Object (Maybe Text) Source

The MIME Media Type of the binary data contained within the object.


evAttendedBy :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection) Source

A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON Activity Streams specification that provides information about entities that attended the event.

evAttending :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection) Source

A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON Activity Streams specification that provides information about entities that intend to attend the event.

evEndTime :: Lens' Object (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time that the event ends represented as a String conforming to the "date-time" production in [RFC3339].

evInvited :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection) Source

A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON Activity Streams specification that provides information about entities that have been invited to the event.

evMaybeAttending :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection) Source

A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON Activity Streams specification that provides information about entities that possibly may attend the event.

evNotAttendedBy :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection) Source

A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON Activity Streams specification that provides information about entities that did not attend the event.

evNotAttending :: Lens' Object (Maybe Collection) Source

A collection object as defined in Section 3.5 of the JSON Activity Streams specification that provides information about entities that do not intend to attend the event.

evStartTime :: Lens' Object (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time that the event begins represented as a String confirming to the "date-time" production in RFC 3339.


isTypes :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Text]) Source

An array of one or more absolute IRI's that describe the type of issue represented by the object. Note that the IRI's are intended for use as identifiers and MAY or MAY NOT be dereferenceable.


pmScope :: Lens' Object (Maybe Object) Source

A single Activity Streams Object, of any objectType, that identifies the scope of the permission. For example, if the permission objects describes write permissions for a given file, the scope property would be a file object describing that file.

pmActions :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Text]) Source

An array of Strings that identify the specific actions associated with the permission. The actions are application and scope specific. No common, core set of actions is defined by this specification.


plPosition :: Lens' Object (Maybe PlacePosition) Source

The latitude, longitude and altitude of the place as a point on Earth. Represented as a JSON Object as described below.

plAddress :: Lens' Object (Maybe PlaceAddress) Source

A physical address represented as a JSON object as described below.




rlMembers :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object]) Source

An optional Activity Streams Collection object listing the members of a group, or listing the entities assigned to a particular role.


tsActor :: Lens' Object (Maybe Object) Source

An Activity Streams Object that provides information about the actor that is expected to complete the task.

tsBy :: Lens' Object (Maybe UTCTime) Source

A RFC 3339 date-time specifying the date and time by which the task is to be completed.

tsObject :: Lens' Object (Maybe Object) Source

An Activity Streams object describing the object of the task.

tsPrerequisites :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object]) Source

An Array of other Task objects that are to be completed before this task can be completed.

tsRequired :: Lens' Object (Maybe Bool) Source

A boolean value indicating whether completion of this task is considered to be mandatory.

tsSupersedes :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object]) Source

An Array of other Task objects that are superseded by this task object.

tsVerb :: Lens' Object (Maybe SchemaVerb) Source

A string indicating the verb for this task as defined in Section 3.2 of [activitystreams].

Basic Extension Properties

acContext :: Lens' Activity (Maybe Object) Source

The additional context property allows an Activity to further include information about why a particular action occurred by providing details about the context within which a particular Activity was performed. The value of the context property is an Object of any objectType. The meaning of the context property is only defined when used within an Activity object.

getLocation :: Lens' a Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Object) Source

When appearing within an activity, the location data indicates the location where the activity occurred. When appearing within an object, the location data indicates the location of that object at the time the activity occurred.

oMood :: Lens' Object (Maybe Mood) Source

Mood describes the mood of the user when the activity was performed. This is usually collected via an extra field in the user interface used to perform the activity. For the purpose of the schema, a mood is a freeform, short mood keyword or phrase along with an optional mood icon image.

oRating :: Lens' Object (Maybe Double) Source

A rating given as a number between 1.0 and 5.0 inclusive with one decimal place of precision. Represented in JSON as a property called rating whose value is a JSON number giving the rating.

acResult :: Lens' Activity (Maybe Object) Source

The result provides a description of the result of any particular activity. The value of the result property is an Object of any objectType. The meaning of the result property is only defined when used within an Activity object.

getSource :: Lens' a Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Object) Source

The source property provides a reference to the original source of an object or activity. The value of the source property is an Object of any objectType.

The source property is closely related to the generator and provider properties but serves the distinct purpose of identifying where the activity or object was originally published as opposed to identifying the applications that generated or published it.

getStartTime :: Lens' a Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Text) Source

When an long running Activity occurs over a distinct period of time, or when an Object represents a long-running process or event, the startTime propertiy can be used to specify the date and time at which the activity or object begins. The values for each are represented as JSON Strings conforming to the "date-time" production in RFC3339.

getEndTime :: Lens' a Object -> Lens' a (Maybe Text) Source

When an long running Activity occurs over a distinct period of time, or when an Object represents a long-running process or event, the endTime propertiy can be used to specify the date and time at which the activity or object concludes. The values for each are represented as JSON Strings conforming to the "date-time" production in RFC3339.

oTags :: Lens' Object (Maybe [Object]) Source

A listing of the objects that have been associated with a particular object. Represented in JSON using a property named tags whose value is an Array of objects.


data Mood Source

Mood describes the mood of the user when the activity was performed. This is usually collected via an extra field in the user interface used to perform the activity. For the purpose of this schema, a mood is a freeform, short mood keyword or phrase along with an optional mood icon image.

moodRest :: Lens' Mood Object Source

Access to the underlying JSON object of a Mood

moodDisplayName :: Lens' Mood Text Source

The natural-language, human-readable and plain-text keyword or phrase describing the mood. HTML markup MUST NOT be included.

moodImage :: Lens' Mood MediaLink Source

An optional image that provides a visual representation of the mood.