ad-1.5: Automatic Differentiation

PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellSafe-Infered






AD modes

class Lifted t => Mode t whereSource


isKnownConstant :: t a -> BoolSource

allowed to return False for items with a zero derivative, but we'll give more NaNs than strictly necessary

isKnownZero :: Num a => t a -> BoolSource

allowed to return False for zero, but we give more NaN's than strictly necessary then

lift :: Num a => a -> t aSource

Embed a constant

(<+>) :: Num a => t a -> t a -> t aSource

Vector sum

(*^) :: Num a => a -> t a -> t aSource

Scalar-vector multiplication

(^*) :: Num a => t a -> a -> t aSource

Vector-scalar multiplication

(^/) :: Fractional a => t a -> a -> t aSource

Scalar division

(<**>) :: Floating a => t a -> t a -> t aSource

Exponentiation, this should be overloaded if you can figure out anything about what is constant!

zero :: Num a => t aSource

 'zero' = 'lift' 0

AD variables

newtype AD f a Source

AD serves as a common wrapper for different Mode instances, exposing a traditional numerical tower. Universal quantification is used to limit the actions in user code to machinery that will return the same answers under all AD modes, allowing us to use modes interchangeably as both the type level "brand" and dictionary, providing a common API.




runAD :: f a


Typeable1 f => Typeable1 (AD f) 
Primal f => Primal (AD f) 
Mode f => Mode (AD f) 
Lifted f => Lifted (AD f) 
Var (AD Reverse) 
Iso (f a) (AD f a) 
(Num a, Lifted f, Bounded a) => Bounded (AD f a) 
(Num a, Lifted f, Enum a) => Enum (AD f a) 
(Num a, Lifted f, Eq a) => Eq (AD f a) 
(Lifted f, Floating a) => Floating (AD f a) 
(Lifted f, Fractional a) => Fractional (AD f a) 
(Typeable1 f, Typeable a, Data (f a), Data a) => Data (AD f a) 
(Lifted f, Num a) => Num (AD f a) 
(Num a, Lifted f, Ord a) => Ord (AD f a) 
(Lifted f, Real a) => Real (AD f a) 
(Lifted f, RealFloat a) => RealFloat (AD f a) 
(Lifted f, RealFrac a) => RealFrac (AD f a) 
(Num a, Lifted f, Show a) => Show (AD f a) 
Num a => Grad (AD Sparse a) [a] (a, [a]) a 
Num a => Grad (AD Reverse a) [a] (a, [a]) a 
Grads i o a => Grads (AD Sparse a -> i) (a -> o) a 
Num a => Grads (AD Sparse a) (Cofree [] a) a 
Grad i o o' a => Grad (AD Sparse a -> i) (a -> o) (a -> o') a 
Grad i o o' a => Grad (AD Reverse a -> i) (a -> o) (a -> o') a 


data Jet f a Source

A jet is a tower of all (higher order) partial derivatives of a function


a :- (Jet f (f a)) 


Functor f => Functor (Jet f) 
Typeable1 f => Typeable1 (Jet f) 
Foldable f => Foldable (Jet f) 
Traversable f => Traversable (Jet f) 
(Functor f, Show (f Showable), Show a) => Show (Jet f a) 

headJet :: Jet f a -> aSource

tailJet :: Jet f a -> Jet f (f a)Source

jet :: Functor f => Cofree f a -> Jet f aSource

Apply functions that use lift

lowerUU :: (forall s. Mode s => AD s a -> AD s a) -> a -> aSource

lowerUF :: (forall s. Mode s => AD s a -> f (AD s a)) -> a -> f aSource

lowerFU :: (forall s. Mode s => f (AD s a) -> AD s a) -> f a -> aSource

lowerFF :: (forall s. Mode s => f (AD s a) -> g (AD s a)) -> f a -> g aSource