{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Network.ADB.Transport where

import Control.Exception

import Control.Monad.Error

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C

import Data.Monoid

import Network.Socket.ByteString

import System.IO.Error (IOError(..))

import Prelude hiding (read)

-- | \'m\' is the monad to to run it in, \'h\' is the heuristic value which, where

-- \'e\' is 'ByteString', is the number of bytes to read.  \'e\' is the stream

-- element type.

data Transport m = Transport {

        write :: ByteString -> m (),  -- ^ Write an item.

        read  :: Int -> m ByteString, -- ^ Read an item with 'h' being the heuristic to say what it

                                      -- is we want to read.

        close :: m ()


data TransportError = ADBFailure String

                    | SocketFailure IOError

                    | ConnectionFailure ByteString

                    | ClosedByPeer

                    | IllegalData

    deriving Show

instance Error TransportError where

    noMsg = IllegalData

    strMsg _ = IllegalData

-- | Block until the specified number of bytes has been read.

readFully :: Monad m => Transport m -> Int -> m ByteString

readFully rem n = doRecv C.empty


    doRecv sofar | C.length sofar == n = return sofar

    doRecv sofar = do

        blk <- read rem (n - C.length sofar)

        doRecv (sofar `mappend` blk)