aftovolio- An AFTOVolio implementation for creating texts with special phonetic / prosodic properties.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




generalF Source #


:: Int

A power of 10. The distance value is quoted by 10 in this power if the next [Word8] argument is not empty. The default one is 0. The right values are in the range [0..4].

-> Int

A length of the next argument here.

-> Compards

A value that the different options are compared with. If no command line argument "+di" was added, then this is a Compards applied to the list of positive values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works without comparison. The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of '_digits' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next FilePath and String arguments are not null. If "+di" command line argument was provided, then this corresponds to the case of differentiation.

-> Bool

If True then adds "br" to line endings for double column output

-> FilePath

A path to the file to save double columns output to. If empty then just prints to stdout.

-> String

If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified String here using the selectSounds function. For more information, see: ''

-> (String, String)

If the next element is not equal to -1, then the prepending and appending lines to be displayed. Used basically for working with the multiline textual input data.

-> Int

The number of the line in the file to be read the lines from. If equal to -1 then neither reading from the file is done nor the first argument influences the processment results.

-> FilePath

The file to read the sound representation durations from.

-> Int 
-> HashCorrections 
-> (Int8, [Int8]) 
-> Int 
-> Bool 
-> Int 
-> Bool 
-> Int8 
-> (FilePath, Int) 
-> Bool

Whether to run tests concurrently or not. True corresponds to concurrent execution that can speed up the getting results but use more resources.

-> String

An initial string to be analysed.

-> [String] 
-> IO [String] 

data AftovolioUkr Source #


S Int Integer String 


Instances details
Generic AftovolioUkr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Aftovolio.Ukrainian.IO

Associated Types

type Rep AftovolioUkr :: Type -> Type #

Show AftovolioUkr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Aftovolio.Ukrainian.IO

NFData AftovolioUkr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Aftovolio.Ukrainian.IO


rnf :: AftovolioUkr -> () #

Eq AftovolioUkr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Aftovolio.Ukrainian.IO

type Rep AftovolioUkr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Aftovolio.Ukrainian.IO

stat1 :: Int -> (Int8, [Int8]) -> Int Source #

selectSounds :: String -> FlowSound Source #

selectSounds converts the argument after "+ul" command line argument into a list of Ukrainian sound representations that is used for evaluation of 'uniqueness periods' properties of the line. Is a modified Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Array.Ukrainian.FuncRep2RelatedG2.parsey0Choice from the phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array- package.

testsOutput Source #


:: (Show a1, Integral a1) 
=> Bool

Whether to run tests concurrently or not. True corresponds to concurrent execution that can speed up the getting results but use more resources.

-> Int 
-> (Int -> Compards -> p2 -> Int8 -> [Int8] -> String -> a1) 
-> Int 
-> p2 
-> Int 
-> [String] 
-> IO [String] 

Part of the generalF for processment in case of using tests mode.

outputWithFile Source #


:: String

If not null than instead of rhythmicity evaluation using hashes and and feets, there is computed a diversity property for the specified String here using the selectSounds function. For more information, see: ''

-> Compards

A value that the different options are compared with. If no command line argument "+di" was added, then this is a Compards applied to the list of positive values normed by 255 (the greatest of which is 255) that the line options are compared with. If null, then the program works without comparison. The length of it must be a least common multiplier of the (number of syllables plus number of '_digits' groups) to work correctly. Is not used when the next FilePath and String arguments are not null. If "+di" command line argument was provided, then this corresponds to the case of differentiation.

-> [AftovolioUkr] 
-> FilePath

The file to read the sound representation durations from.

-> [[[[Sound8]]] -> [[Word8]]] 
-> Int 
-> Int8 
-> Int 
-> FilePath

A file to be probably added output parts to.

-> Int 
-> IO () 

Part of generalF for processment with a file.