agda-unused-0.2.0: Check for unused code in an Agda project.
Safe HaskellNone



Definitions and interface for the Context and AccessContext types, which represent namespaces of definitions.



data Item Source #

The data associated with a name in context. This includes:

  • Whether the name is a constructor, pattern synonym, or ordinary definition.
  • A list of ranges associated with the name, which includes the site of the original definition, as well as any relevant import or open statements.
  • Alternative syntax for the name, if any.


Instances details
Show Item Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context


showsPrec :: Int -> Item -> ShowS #

show :: Item -> String #

showList :: [Item] -> ShowS #

data Module Source #

The data associated with a module in context. This includes:

  • A list of ranges associated with the module, which includes the site of the original definition, as well as any relevant import or open statements.
  • The inner context of the module.


Module !(Set Range) !Context 


Instances details
Show Module Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context

data AccessModule Source #

Like Module, but also recording whether the module is public or private.


AccessModule !Access !(Set Range) !Context 


Instances details
Show AccessModule Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context

data Context Source #

A namespace of definitions. Any Agda module produces a Context.


Instances details
Show Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context

Semigroup Context Source #

Prefer values from second context.

Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context

Monoid Context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context

data AccessContext Source #

A namespace of definitions, which may be public or private. Any collection of Agda declarations produces an AccessContext, for example.

accessContextUnion :: AccessContext -> AccessContext -> AccessContext Source #

Like (<>), but public items take precedence over private items. This is important when combining contexts from successive declarations; for example:

module M where

    A : Set

module N where

    A : Set

  open M

x : N.A
x = ?

This code type-checks, and the identifier N.A refers to the postulate declared in the definition of N, not the definition opened from M.



data LookupError where Source #

A description of failure for an AccessContext lookup.


Instances details
Show LookupError Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.Unused.Types.Context

contextLookupItem :: QName -> Context -> Maybe Item Source #

Get the item for the given name, or Nothing if not in context.

contextLookupModule :: QName -> Context -> Maybe Module Source #

Get the inner module for the given name, or Nothing if not in context.

accessContextLookup :: QName -> AccessContext -> Either LookupError (Set Range) Source #

Get the ranges for the given name, or produce a LookupError.

accessContextLookupModule :: QName -> AccessContext -> Either LookupError Module Source #

Get the inner module for the given name, or produce a LookupError.

accessContextLookupDefining :: QName -> AccessContext -> Either LookupError (Bool, Set Range) Source #

Like accessContextLookup, but also return a boolean indicating whether we are currently defining the referenced item.

accessContextLookupSpecial :: QName -> AccessContext -> Maybe Bool Source #

Determine whether a name represents a constructor or pattern synonym. Return Nothing if the name is not in context.


contextInsertRangeAll :: Range -> Context -> Context Source #

Insert a range for all names in a context.

accessContextInsertRangeAll :: Range -> AccessContext -> AccessContext Source #

Insert a range for all names in an access context.


contextDelete :: Name -> Context -> Context Source #

Delete an item from the context.

contextDeleteModule :: Name -> Context -> Context Source #

Delete a module from the context.


accessContextDefine :: Name -> AccessContext -> AccessContext Source #

Mark an existing name as in process of being defined.

accessContextDefineFields :: AccessContext -> AccessContext Source #

Mark all fields as in process of being defined.


moduleRanges :: Module -> Set Range Source #

Get all ranges associated with names in the given module, including ranges associated with the module itself.

contextRanges :: Context -> Set Range Source #

Get all ranges associated with names in the given context.

accessContextRanges :: AccessContext -> Set Range Source #

Get all ranges associated with names in the given access context.


accessContextMatch :: [String] -> AccessContext -> [Name] Source #

Find all operators matching the given list of tokens.


contextItem :: Name -> Item -> Context Source #

Construct a Context with a single item.

contextModule :: Name -> Module -> Context Source #

Construct a Context with a single module.

accessContextConstructor :: Name -> Access -> Set Range -> Maybe Name -> AccessContext Source #

Construct an AccessContext with a single constructor.

accessContextPattern :: Name -> Access -> Set Range -> Maybe Name -> AccessContext Source #

Construct an AccessContext with a single pattern synonym.

accessContextField :: Name -> Access -> Set Range -> Maybe Name -> AccessContext Source #

Construct an AccessContext with a single field.

accessContextItem :: Name -> Access -> Set Range -> Maybe Name -> AccessContext Source #

Construct an AccessContext with a single ordinary definition.

accessContextModule :: Name -> AccessModule -> AccessContext Source #

Construct an AccessContext with a single access module.

accessContextModule' :: Name -> Access -> Set Range -> AccessContext -> AccessContext Source #

Like accessContextModule, but taking an access context. We convert the given access context to an ordinary context using toContext:

accessContextModule' n a rs c
  = accessContextModule n (AccessModule a rs (toContext c))

accessContextImport :: QName -> Context -> AccessContext Source #

Construct an access context with a single import.


fromContext :: Access -> Context -> AccessContext Source #

Convert a Context to AccessContext. Give all items the given access.

toContext :: AccessContext -> Context Source #

Convert an AccessContext to Context. Discard private items and imports.