{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.Budgets.Types.Product
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2018 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay+amazonka@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Network.AWS.Budgets.Types.Product where

import Network.AWS.Budgets.Types.Sum
import Network.AWS.Lens
import Network.AWS.Prelude

-- | Represents the output of the @CreateBudget@ operation. The content consists of the detailed metadata and data file information, and the current status of the @budget@ .
-- The ARN pattern for a budget is: @arn:aws:budgetservice::AccountId:budget/budgetName@
-- /See:/ 'budget' smart constructor.
data Budget = Budget'
  { _bCalculatedSpend :: !(Maybe CalculatedSpend)
  , _bBudgetLimit     :: !(Maybe Spend)
  , _bTimePeriod      :: !(Maybe TimePeriod)
  , _bCostTypes       :: !(Maybe CostTypes)
  , _bCostFilters     :: !(Maybe (Map Text [Text]))
  , _bBudgetName      :: !Text
  , _bTimeUnit        :: !TimeUnit
  , _bBudgetType      :: !BudgetType
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Budget' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'bCalculatedSpend' - The actual and forecasted cost or usage being tracked by a budget.
-- * 'bBudgetLimit' - The total amount of cost, usage, or RI utilization that you want to track with your budget. @BudgetLimit@ is required for cost or usage budgets, but optional for RI utilization budgets. RI utilization budgets default to the only valid value for RI utilization budgets, which is @100@ .
-- * 'bTimePeriod' - The period of time covered by a budget. Has a start date and an end date. The start date must come before the end date. There are no restrictions on the end date.  If you created your budget and didn't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period (i.e. DAILY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY). For example, if you created your budget on January 24th 2018, chose @DAILY@ , and didn't set a start date, AWS set your start date to @01/24/18 00:00 UTC@ . If you chose @MONTHLY@ , AWS set your start date to @01/01/18 00:00 UTC@ . If you didn't specify an end date, AWS set your end date to @06/15/87 00:00 UTC@ . The defaults are the same for the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and the API.  You can change either date with the @UpdateBudget@ operation. After the end date, AWS deletes the budget and all associated notifications and subscribers.
-- * 'bCostTypes' - The types of costs included in this budget.
-- * 'bCostFilters' - The cost filters applied to a budget, such as service or region.
-- * 'bBudgetName' - The name of a budget. Unique within accounts. @:@ and @\@ characters are not allowed in the @BudgetName@ .
-- * 'bTimeUnit' - The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend.
-- * 'bBudgetType' - Whether this budget tracks monetary costs, usage, or RI utilization.
    :: Text -- ^ 'bBudgetName'
    -> TimeUnit -- ^ 'bTimeUnit'
    -> BudgetType -- ^ 'bBudgetType'
    -> Budget
budget pBudgetName_ pTimeUnit_ pBudgetType_ =
    { _bCalculatedSpend = Nothing
    , _bBudgetLimit = Nothing
    , _bTimePeriod = Nothing
    , _bCostTypes = Nothing
    , _bCostFilters = Nothing
    , _bBudgetName = pBudgetName_
    , _bTimeUnit = pTimeUnit_
    , _bBudgetType = pBudgetType_

-- | The actual and forecasted cost or usage being tracked by a budget.
bCalculatedSpend :: Lens' Budget (Maybe CalculatedSpend)
bCalculatedSpend = lens _bCalculatedSpend (\ s a -> s{_bCalculatedSpend = a})

-- | The total amount of cost, usage, or RI utilization that you want to track with your budget. @BudgetLimit@ is required for cost or usage budgets, but optional for RI utilization budgets. RI utilization budgets default to the only valid value for RI utilization budgets, which is @100@ .
bBudgetLimit :: Lens' Budget (Maybe Spend)
bBudgetLimit = lens _bBudgetLimit (\ s a -> s{_bBudgetLimit = a})

-- | The period of time covered by a budget. Has a start date and an end date. The start date must come before the end date. There are no restrictions on the end date.  If you created your budget and didn't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period (i.e. DAILY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY). For example, if you created your budget on January 24th 2018, chose @DAILY@ , and didn't set a start date, AWS set your start date to @01/24/18 00:00 UTC@ . If you chose @MONTHLY@ , AWS set your start date to @01/01/18 00:00 UTC@ . If you didn't specify an end date, AWS set your end date to @06/15/87 00:00 UTC@ . The defaults are the same for the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and the API.  You can change either date with the @UpdateBudget@ operation. After the end date, AWS deletes the budget and all associated notifications and subscribers.
bTimePeriod :: Lens' Budget (Maybe TimePeriod)
bTimePeriod = lens _bTimePeriod (\ s a -> s{_bTimePeriod = a})

-- | The types of costs included in this budget.
bCostTypes :: Lens' Budget (Maybe CostTypes)
bCostTypes = lens _bCostTypes (\ s a -> s{_bCostTypes = a})

-- | The cost filters applied to a budget, such as service or region.
bCostFilters :: Lens' Budget (HashMap Text [Text])
bCostFilters = lens _bCostFilters (\ s a -> s{_bCostFilters = a}) . _Default . _Map

-- | The name of a budget. Unique within accounts. @:@ and @\@ characters are not allowed in the @BudgetName@ .
bBudgetName :: Lens' Budget Text
bBudgetName = lens _bBudgetName (\ s a -> s{_bBudgetName = a})

-- | The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend.
bTimeUnit :: Lens' Budget TimeUnit
bTimeUnit = lens _bTimeUnit (\ s a -> s{_bTimeUnit = a})

-- | Whether this budget tracks monetary costs, usage, or RI utilization.
bBudgetType :: Lens' Budget BudgetType
bBudgetType = lens _bBudgetType (\ s a -> s{_bBudgetType = a})

instance FromJSON Budget where
          = withObject "Budget"
              (\ x ->
                 Budget' <$>
                   (x .:? "CalculatedSpend") <*> (x .:? "BudgetLimit")
                     <*> (x .:? "TimePeriod")
                     <*> (x .:? "CostTypes")
                     <*> (x .:? "CostFilters" .!= mempty)
                     <*> (x .: "BudgetName")
                     <*> (x .: "TimeUnit")
                     <*> (x .: "BudgetType"))

instance Hashable Budget where

instance NFData Budget where

instance ToJSON Budget where
        toJSON Budget'{..}
          = object
                 [("CalculatedSpend" .=) <$> _bCalculatedSpend,
                  ("BudgetLimit" .=) <$> _bBudgetLimit,
                  ("TimePeriod" .=) <$> _bTimePeriod,
                  ("CostTypes" .=) <$> _bCostTypes,
                  ("CostFilters" .=) <$> _bCostFilters,
                  Just ("BudgetName" .= _bBudgetName),
                  Just ("TimeUnit" .= _bTimeUnit),
                  Just ("BudgetType" .= _bBudgetType)])

-- | The spend objects associated with this budget. The @actualSpend@ tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, or RI units, and the @forecastedSpend@ tracks how much you are predicted to spend if your current usage remains steady.
-- For example, if it is the 20th of the month and you have spent @50@ dollars on Amazon EC2, your @actualSpend@ is @50 USD@ , and your @forecastedSpend@ is @75 USD@ .
-- /See:/ 'calculatedSpend' smart constructor.
data CalculatedSpend = CalculatedSpend'
  { _csForecastedSpend :: !(Maybe Spend)
  , _csActualSpend     :: !Spend
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CalculatedSpend' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'csForecastedSpend' - The amount of cost, usage, or RI units that you are forecasted to use.
-- * 'csActualSpend' - The amount of cost, usage, or RI units that you have used.
    :: Spend -- ^ 'csActualSpend'
    -> CalculatedSpend
calculatedSpend pActualSpend_ =
    {_csForecastedSpend = Nothing, _csActualSpend = pActualSpend_}

-- | The amount of cost, usage, or RI units that you are forecasted to use.
csForecastedSpend :: Lens' CalculatedSpend (Maybe Spend)
csForecastedSpend = lens _csForecastedSpend (\ s a -> s{_csForecastedSpend = a})

-- | The amount of cost, usage, or RI units that you have used.
csActualSpend :: Lens' CalculatedSpend Spend
csActualSpend = lens _csActualSpend (\ s a -> s{_csActualSpend = a})

instance FromJSON CalculatedSpend where
          = withObject "CalculatedSpend"
              (\ x ->
                 CalculatedSpend' <$>
                   (x .:? "ForecastedSpend") <*> (x .: "ActualSpend"))

instance Hashable CalculatedSpend where

instance NFData CalculatedSpend where

instance ToJSON CalculatedSpend where
        toJSON CalculatedSpend'{..}
          = object
                 [("ForecastedSpend" .=) <$> _csForecastedSpend,
                  Just ("ActualSpend" .= _csActualSpend)])

-- | The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
-- /See:/ 'costTypes' smart constructor.
data CostTypes = CostTypes'
  { _ctUseAmortized             :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeRecurring         :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctUseBlended               :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeSupport           :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeDiscount          :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeSubscription      :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeRefund            :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeUpfront           :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeOtherSubscription :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeTax               :: !(Maybe Bool)
  , _ctIncludeCredit            :: !(Maybe Bool)
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'CostTypes' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ctUseAmortized' - Specifies whether a budget uses the amortized rate. The default value is @false@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeRecurring' - Specifies whether a budget includes recurring fees such as monthly RI fees. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctUseBlended' - Specifies whether a budget uses blended rate. The default value is @false@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeSupport' - Specifies whether a budget includes support subscription fees. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeDiscount' - Specifies whether a budget includes discounts. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeSubscription' - Specifies whether a budget includes subscriptions. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeRefund' - Specifies whether a budget includes refunds. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeUpfront' - Specifies whether a budget includes upfront RI costs. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeOtherSubscription' - Specifies whether a budget includes non-RI subscription costs. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeTax' - Specifies whether a budget includes taxes. The default value is @true@ .
-- * 'ctIncludeCredit' - Specifies whether a budget includes credits. The default value is @true@ .
    :: CostTypes
costTypes =
    { _ctUseAmortized = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeRecurring = Nothing
    , _ctUseBlended = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeSupport = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeDiscount = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeSubscription = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeRefund = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeUpfront = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeOtherSubscription = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeTax = Nothing
    , _ctIncludeCredit = Nothing

-- | Specifies whether a budget uses the amortized rate. The default value is @false@ .
ctUseAmortized :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctUseAmortized = lens _ctUseAmortized (\ s a -> s{_ctUseAmortized = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes recurring fees such as monthly RI fees. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeRecurring :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeRecurring = lens _ctIncludeRecurring (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeRecurring = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget uses blended rate. The default value is @false@ .
ctUseBlended :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctUseBlended = lens _ctUseBlended (\ s a -> s{_ctUseBlended = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes support subscription fees. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeSupport :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeSupport = lens _ctIncludeSupport (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeSupport = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes discounts. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeDiscount :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeDiscount = lens _ctIncludeDiscount (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeDiscount = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes subscriptions. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeSubscription :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeSubscription = lens _ctIncludeSubscription (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeSubscription = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes refunds. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeRefund :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeRefund = lens _ctIncludeRefund (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeRefund = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes upfront RI costs. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeUpfront :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeUpfront = lens _ctIncludeUpfront (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeUpfront = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes non-RI subscription costs. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeOtherSubscription :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeOtherSubscription = lens _ctIncludeOtherSubscription (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeOtherSubscription = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes taxes. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeTax :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeTax = lens _ctIncludeTax (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeTax = a})

-- | Specifies whether a budget includes credits. The default value is @true@ .
ctIncludeCredit :: Lens' CostTypes (Maybe Bool)
ctIncludeCredit = lens _ctIncludeCredit (\ s a -> s{_ctIncludeCredit = a})

instance FromJSON CostTypes where
          = withObject "CostTypes"
              (\ x ->
                 CostTypes' <$>
                   (x .:? "UseAmortized") <*> (x .:? "IncludeRecurring")
                     <*> (x .:? "UseBlended")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeSupport")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeDiscount")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeSubscription")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeRefund")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeUpfront")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeOtherSubscription")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeTax")
                     <*> (x .:? "IncludeCredit"))

instance Hashable CostTypes where

instance NFData CostTypes where

instance ToJSON CostTypes where
        toJSON CostTypes'{..}
          = object
                 [("UseAmortized" .=) <$> _ctUseAmortized,
                  ("IncludeRecurring" .=) <$> _ctIncludeRecurring,
                  ("UseBlended" .=) <$> _ctUseBlended,
                  ("IncludeSupport" .=) <$> _ctIncludeSupport,
                  ("IncludeDiscount" .=) <$> _ctIncludeDiscount,
                  ("IncludeSubscription" .=) <$>
                  ("IncludeRefund" .=) <$> _ctIncludeRefund,
                  ("IncludeUpfront" .=) <$> _ctIncludeUpfront,
                  ("IncludeOtherSubscription" .=) <$>
                  ("IncludeTax" .=) <$> _ctIncludeTax,
                  ("IncludeCredit" .=) <$> _ctIncludeCredit])

-- | A notification associated with a budget. A budget can have up to five notifications.
-- Each notification must have at least one subscriber. A notification can have one SNS subscriber and up to ten email subscribers, for a total of 11 subscribers.
-- For example, if you have a budget for 200 dollars and you want to be notified when you go over 160 dollars, create a notification with the following parameters:
--     * A notificationType of @ACTUAL@
--     * A comparisonOperator of @GREATER_THAN@
--     * A notification threshold of @80@
-- /See:/ 'notification' smart constructor.
data Notification = Notification'
  { _nThresholdType      :: !(Maybe ThresholdType)
  , _nNotificationType   :: !NotificationType
  , _nComparisonOperator :: !ComparisonOperator
  , _nThreshold          :: !Double
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Notification' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'nThresholdType' - The type of threshold for a notification. For @ACTUAL@ thresholds, AWS notifies you when you go over the threshold, and for @FORECASTED@ thresholds AWS notifies you when you are forecasted to go over the threshold.
-- * 'nNotificationType' - Whether the notification is for how much you have spent (@ACTUAL@ ) or for how much you are forecasted to spend (@FORECASTED@ ).
-- * 'nComparisonOperator' - The comparison used for this notification.
-- * 'nThreshold' - The threshold associated with a notification. Thresholds are always a percentage.
    :: NotificationType -- ^ 'nNotificationType'
    -> ComparisonOperator -- ^ 'nComparisonOperator'
    -> Double -- ^ 'nThreshold'
    -> Notification
notification pNotificationType_ pComparisonOperator_ pThreshold_ =
    { _nThresholdType = Nothing
    , _nNotificationType = pNotificationType_
    , _nComparisonOperator = pComparisonOperator_
    , _nThreshold = pThreshold_

-- | The type of threshold for a notification. For @ACTUAL@ thresholds, AWS notifies you when you go over the threshold, and for @FORECASTED@ thresholds AWS notifies you when you are forecasted to go over the threshold.
nThresholdType :: Lens' Notification (Maybe ThresholdType)
nThresholdType = lens _nThresholdType (\ s a -> s{_nThresholdType = a})

-- | Whether the notification is for how much you have spent (@ACTUAL@ ) or for how much you are forecasted to spend (@FORECASTED@ ).
nNotificationType :: Lens' Notification NotificationType
nNotificationType = lens _nNotificationType (\ s a -> s{_nNotificationType = a})

-- | The comparison used for this notification.
nComparisonOperator :: Lens' Notification ComparisonOperator
nComparisonOperator = lens _nComparisonOperator (\ s a -> s{_nComparisonOperator = a})

-- | The threshold associated with a notification. Thresholds are always a percentage.
nThreshold :: Lens' Notification Double
nThreshold = lens _nThreshold (\ s a -> s{_nThreshold = a})

instance FromJSON Notification where
          = withObject "Notification"
              (\ x ->
                 Notification' <$>
                   (x .:? "ThresholdType") <*> (x .: "NotificationType")
                     <*> (x .: "ComparisonOperator")
                     <*> (x .: "Threshold"))

instance Hashable Notification where

instance NFData Notification where

instance ToJSON Notification where
        toJSON Notification'{..}
          = object
                 [("ThresholdType" .=) <$> _nThresholdType,
                  Just ("NotificationType" .= _nNotificationType),
                  Just ("ComparisonOperator" .= _nComparisonOperator),
                  Just ("Threshold" .= _nThreshold)])

-- | A notification with subscribers. A notification can have one SNS subscriber and up to ten email subscribers, for a total of 11 subscribers.
-- /See:/ 'notificationWithSubscribers' smart constructor.
data NotificationWithSubscribers = NotificationWithSubscribers'
  { _nwsNotification :: !Notification
  , _nwsSubscribers  :: !(List1 Subscriber)
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'NotificationWithSubscribers' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'nwsNotification' - The notification associated with a budget.
-- * 'nwsSubscribers' - A list of subscribers who are subscribed to this notification.
    :: Notification -- ^ 'nwsNotification'
    -> NonEmpty Subscriber -- ^ 'nwsSubscribers'
    -> NotificationWithSubscribers
notificationWithSubscribers pNotification_ pSubscribers_ =
    { _nwsNotification = pNotification_
    , _nwsSubscribers = _List1 # pSubscribers_

-- | The notification associated with a budget.
nwsNotification :: Lens' NotificationWithSubscribers Notification
nwsNotification = lens _nwsNotification (\ s a -> s{_nwsNotification = a})

-- | A list of subscribers who are subscribed to this notification.
nwsSubscribers :: Lens' NotificationWithSubscribers (NonEmpty Subscriber)
nwsSubscribers = lens _nwsSubscribers (\ s a -> s{_nwsSubscribers = a}) . _List1

instance Hashable NotificationWithSubscribers where

instance NFData NotificationWithSubscribers where

instance ToJSON NotificationWithSubscribers where
        toJSON NotificationWithSubscribers'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Notification" .= _nwsNotification),
                  Just ("Subscribers" .= _nwsSubscribers)])

-- | The amount of cost or usage being measured for a budget.
-- For example, a @Spend@ for @3 GB@ of S3 usage would have the following parameters:
--     * An @Amount@ of @3@
--     * A @unit@ of @GB@
-- /See:/ 'spend' smart constructor.
data Spend = Spend'
  { _sAmount :: !Text
  , _sUnit   :: !Text
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Spend' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sAmount' - The cost or usage amount associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold.
-- * 'sUnit' - The unit of measurement used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as dollars or GB.
    :: Text -- ^ 'sAmount'
    -> Text -- ^ 'sUnit'
    -> Spend
spend pAmount_ pUnit_ = Spend' {_sAmount = pAmount_, _sUnit = pUnit_}

-- | The cost or usage amount associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold.
sAmount :: Lens' Spend Text
sAmount = lens _sAmount (\ s a -> s{_sAmount = a})

-- | The unit of measurement used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as dollars or GB.
sUnit :: Lens' Spend Text
sUnit = lens _sUnit (\ s a -> s{_sUnit = a})

instance FromJSON Spend where
          = withObject "Spend"
              (\ x -> Spend' <$> (x .: "Amount") <*> (x .: "Unit"))

instance Hashable Spend where

instance NFData Spend where

instance ToJSON Spend where
        toJSON Spend'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Amount" .= _sAmount),
                  Just ("Unit" .= _sUnit)])

-- | The subscriber to a budget notification. The subscriber consists of a subscription type and either an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic or an email address.
-- For example, an email subscriber would have the following parameters:
--     * A @subscriptionType@ of @EMAIL@
--     * An @address@ of @example@example.com@
-- /See:/ 'subscriber' smart constructor.
data Subscriber = Subscriber'
  { _sSubscriptionType :: !SubscriptionType
  , _sAddress          :: !Text
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Subscriber' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'sSubscriptionType' - The type of notification that AWS sends to a subscriber.
-- * 'sAddress' - The address that AWS sends budget notifications to, either an SNS topic or an email.
    :: SubscriptionType -- ^ 'sSubscriptionType'
    -> Text -- ^ 'sAddress'
    -> Subscriber
subscriber pSubscriptionType_ pAddress_ =
  Subscriber' {_sSubscriptionType = pSubscriptionType_, _sAddress = pAddress_}

-- | The type of notification that AWS sends to a subscriber.
sSubscriptionType :: Lens' Subscriber SubscriptionType
sSubscriptionType = lens _sSubscriptionType (\ s a -> s{_sSubscriptionType = a})

-- | The address that AWS sends budget notifications to, either an SNS topic or an email.
sAddress :: Lens' Subscriber Text
sAddress = lens _sAddress (\ s a -> s{_sAddress = a})

instance FromJSON Subscriber where
          = withObject "Subscriber"
              (\ x ->
                 Subscriber' <$>
                   (x .: "SubscriptionType") <*> (x .: "Address"))

instance Hashable Subscriber where

instance NFData Subscriber where

instance ToJSON Subscriber where
        toJSON Subscriber'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("SubscriptionType" .= _sSubscriptionType),
                  Just ("Address" .= _sAddress)])

-- | The period of time covered by a budget. Has a start date and an end date. The start date must come before the end date. There are no restrictions on the end date.
-- /See:/ 'timePeriod' smart constructor.
data TimePeriod = TimePeriod'
  { _tpStart :: !(Maybe POSIX)
  , _tpEnd   :: !(Maybe POSIX)
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TimePeriod' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'tpStart' - The start date for a budget. If you created your budget and didn't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period (i.e. DAILY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY). For example, if you created your budget on January 24th 2018, chose @DAILY@ , and didn't set a start date, AWS set your start date to @01/24/18 00:00 UTC@ . If you chose @MONTHLY@ , AWS set your start date to @01/01/18 00:00 UTC@ . The defaults are the same for the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and the API. You can change your start date with the @UpdateBudget@ operation.
-- * 'tpEnd' - The end date for a budget. If you didn't specify an end date, AWS set your end date to @06/15/87 00:00 UTC@ . The defaults are the same for the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and the API. After the end date, AWS deletes the budget and all associated notifications and subscribers. You can change your end date with the @UpdateBudget@ operation.
    :: TimePeriod
timePeriod = TimePeriod' {_tpStart = Nothing, _tpEnd = Nothing}

-- | The start date for a budget. If you created your budget and didn't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period (i.e. DAILY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY). For example, if you created your budget on January 24th 2018, chose @DAILY@ , and didn't set a start date, AWS set your start date to @01/24/18 00:00 UTC@ . If you chose @MONTHLY@ , AWS set your start date to @01/01/18 00:00 UTC@ . The defaults are the same for the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and the API. You can change your start date with the @UpdateBudget@ operation.
tpStart :: Lens' TimePeriod (Maybe UTCTime)
tpStart = lens _tpStart (\ s a -> s{_tpStart = a}) . mapping _Time

-- | The end date for a budget. If you didn't specify an end date, AWS set your end date to @06/15/87 00:00 UTC@ . The defaults are the same for the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and the API. After the end date, AWS deletes the budget and all associated notifications and subscribers. You can change your end date with the @UpdateBudget@ operation.
tpEnd :: Lens' TimePeriod (Maybe UTCTime)
tpEnd = lens _tpEnd (\ s a -> s{_tpEnd = a}) . mapping _Time

instance FromJSON TimePeriod where
          = withObject "TimePeriod"
              (\ x ->
                 TimePeriod' <$> (x .:? "Start") <*> (x .:? "End"))

instance Hashable TimePeriod where

instance NFData TimePeriod where

instance ToJSON TimePeriod where
        toJSON TimePeriod'{..}
          = object
                 [("Start" .=) <$> _tpStart, ("End" .=) <$> _tpEnd])