amazonka-cloudsearch-0.3.3: Amazon CloudSearch SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Gets information about the index fields configured for the search domain. Can be limited to specific fields by name. By default, shows all fields and includes any pending changes to the configuration. Set the Deployed option to true to show the active configuration and exclude pending changes. For more information, see Getting Domain Information in the Amazon CloudSearchDeveloper Guide.



Request constructor

describeIndexFields Source

DescribeIndexFields constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

difDeployed :: Lens' DescribeIndexFields (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether to display the deployed configuration (true) or include any pending changes (false). Defaults to false.

difDomainName :: Lens' DescribeIndexFields Text Source

The name of the domain you want to describe.

difFieldNames :: Lens' DescribeIndexFields [Text] Source

A list of the index fields you want to describe. If not specified, information is returned for all configured index fields.


Response constructor

describeIndexFieldsResponse :: DescribeIndexFieldsResponse Source

DescribeIndexFieldsResponse constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Response lenses

difrIndexFields :: Lens' DescribeIndexFieldsResponse [IndexFieldStatus] Source

The index fields configured for the domain.