Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- Waiters
- Operations
- ActivateEventSource
- CancelReplay
- CreateApiDestination
- CreateArchive
- CreateConnection
- CreateEndpoint
- CreateEventBus
- CreatePartnerEventSource
- DeactivateEventSource
- DeauthorizeConnection
- DeleteApiDestination
- DeleteArchive
- DeleteConnection
- DeleteEndpoint
- DeleteEventBus
- DeletePartnerEventSource
- DeleteRule
- DescribeApiDestination
- DescribeArchive
- DescribeConnection
- DescribeEndpoint
- DescribeEventBus
- DescribeEventSource
- DescribePartnerEventSource
- DescribeReplay
- DescribeRule
- DisableRule
- EnableRule
- ListApiDestinations
- ListArchives
- ListConnections
- ListEndpoints
- ListEventBuses
- ListEventSources
- ListPartnerEventSourceAccounts
- ListPartnerEventSources
- ListReplays
- ListRuleNamesByTarget (Paginated)
- ListRules (Paginated)
- ListTagsForResource
- ListTargetsByRule (Paginated)
- PutEvents
- PutPartnerEvents
- PutPermission
- PutRule
- PutTargets
- RemovePermission
- RemoveTargets
- StartReplay
- TagResource
- TestEventPattern
- UntagResource
- UpdateApiDestination
- UpdateArchive
- UpdateConnection
- UpdateEndpoint
- Types
- ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- ApiDestinationState
- ArchiveState
- AssignPublicIp
- ConnectionAuthorizationType
- ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod
- ConnectionState
- EndpointState
- EventSourceState
- LaunchType
- PlacementConstraintType
- PlacementStrategyType
- PropagateTags
- ReplayState
- ReplicationState
- RuleState
- ApiDestination
- Archive
- AwsVpcConfiguration
- BatchArrayProperties
- BatchParameters
- BatchRetryStrategy
- CapacityProviderStrategyItem
- Condition
- Connection
- ConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters
- ConnectionAuthResponseParameters
- ConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters
- ConnectionBodyParameter
- ConnectionHeaderParameter
- ConnectionHttpParameters
- ConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters
- ConnectionOAuthResponseParameters
- ConnectionQueryStringParameter
- CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters
- CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters
- CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters
- CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters
- CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters
- DeadLetterConfig
- EcsParameters
- Endpoint
- EndpointEventBus
- EventBus
- EventSource
- FailoverConfig
- HttpParameters
- InputTransformer
- KinesisParameters
- NetworkConfiguration
- PartnerEventSource
- PartnerEventSourceAccount
- PlacementConstraint
- PlacementStrategy
- Primary
- PutEventsRequestEntry
- PutEventsResultEntry
- PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry
- PutPartnerEventsResultEntry
- PutTargetsResultEntry
- RedshiftDataParameters
- RemoveTargetsResultEntry
- Replay
- ReplayDestination
- ReplicationConfig
- RetryPolicy
- RoutingConfig
- Rule
- RunCommandParameters
- RunCommandTarget
- SageMakerPipelineParameter
- SageMakerPipelineParameters
- Secondary
- SqsParameters
- Tag
- Target
- UpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters
- UpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters
- UpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters
- UpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters
- UpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters
Derived from API version 2015-10-07
of the AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
Amazon EventBridge helps you to respond to state changes in your Amazon Web Services resources. When your resources change state, they automatically send events to an event stream. You can create rules that match selected events in the stream and route them to targets to take action. You can also use rules to take action on a predetermined schedule. For example, you can configure rules to:
- Automatically invoke an Lambda function to update DNS entries when an event notifies you that Amazon EC2 instance enters the running state.
- Direct specific API records from CloudTrail to an Amazon Kinesis data stream for detailed analysis of potential security or availability risks.
- Periodically invoke a built-in target to create a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume.
For more information about the features of Amazon EventBridge, see the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.
- defaultService :: Service
- _ConcurrentModificationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _IllegalStatusException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InternalException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InvalidEventPatternException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InvalidStateException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ManagedRuleException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _OperationDisabledException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _PolicyLengthExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ResourceAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- data ActivateEventSource = ActivateEventSource' Text
- newActivateEventSource :: Text -> ActivateEventSource
- data ActivateEventSourceResponse = ActivateEventSourceResponse' {
- newActivateEventSourceResponse :: ActivateEventSourceResponse
- data CancelReplay = CancelReplay' Text
- newCancelReplay :: Text -> CancelReplay
- data CancelReplayResponse = CancelReplayResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplayState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newCancelReplayResponse :: Int -> CancelReplayResponse
- data CreateApiDestination = CreateApiDestination' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text Text Text ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- newCreateApiDestination :: Text -> Text -> Text -> ApiDestinationHttpMethod -> CreateApiDestination
- data CreateApiDestinationResponse = CreateApiDestinationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int
- newCreateApiDestinationResponse :: Int -> CreateApiDestinationResponse
- data CreateArchive = CreateArchive' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text Text
- newCreateArchive :: Text -> Text -> CreateArchive
- data CreateArchiveResponse = CreateArchiveResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ArchiveState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newCreateArchiveResponse :: Int -> CreateArchiveResponse
- data CreateConnection = CreateConnection' (Maybe Text) Text ConnectionAuthorizationType CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters
- newCreateConnection :: Text -> ConnectionAuthorizationType -> CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters -> CreateConnection
- data CreateConnectionResponse = CreateConnectionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int
- newCreateConnectionResponse :: Int -> CreateConnectionResponse
- data CreateEndpoint = CreateEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) Text RoutingConfig (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)
- newCreateEndpoint :: Text -> RoutingConfig -> NonEmpty EndpointEventBus -> CreateEndpoint
- data CreateEndpointResponse = CreateEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RoutingConfig) (Maybe EndpointState) Int
- newCreateEndpointResponse :: Int -> CreateEndpointResponse
- data CreateEventBus = CreateEventBus' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Tag]) Text
- newCreateEventBus :: Text -> CreateEventBus
- data CreateEventBusResponse = CreateEventBusResponse' (Maybe Text) Int
- newCreateEventBusResponse :: Int -> CreateEventBusResponse
- data CreatePartnerEventSource = CreatePartnerEventSource' Text Text
- newCreatePartnerEventSource :: Text -> Text -> CreatePartnerEventSource
- data CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse = CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse' (Maybe Text) Int
- newCreatePartnerEventSourceResponse :: Int -> CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse
- data DeactivateEventSource = DeactivateEventSource' Text
- newDeactivateEventSource :: Text -> DeactivateEventSource
- data DeactivateEventSourceResponse = DeactivateEventSourceResponse' {
- newDeactivateEventSourceResponse :: DeactivateEventSourceResponse
- data DeauthorizeConnection = DeauthorizeConnection' Text
- newDeauthorizeConnection :: Text -> DeauthorizeConnection
- data DeauthorizeConnectionResponse = DeauthorizeConnectionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int
- newDeauthorizeConnectionResponse :: Int -> DeauthorizeConnectionResponse
- data DeleteApiDestination = DeleteApiDestination' Text
- newDeleteApiDestination :: Text -> DeleteApiDestination
- data DeleteApiDestinationResponse = DeleteApiDestinationResponse' Int
- newDeleteApiDestinationResponse :: Int -> DeleteApiDestinationResponse
- data DeleteArchive = DeleteArchive' Text
- newDeleteArchive :: Text -> DeleteArchive
- data DeleteArchiveResponse = DeleteArchiveResponse' Int
- newDeleteArchiveResponse :: Int -> DeleteArchiveResponse
- data DeleteConnection = DeleteConnection' Text
- newDeleteConnection :: Text -> DeleteConnection
- data DeleteConnectionResponse = DeleteConnectionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int
- newDeleteConnectionResponse :: Int -> DeleteConnectionResponse
- data DeleteEndpoint = DeleteEndpoint' Text
- newDeleteEndpoint :: Text -> DeleteEndpoint
- data DeleteEndpointResponse = DeleteEndpointResponse' Int
- newDeleteEndpointResponse :: Int -> DeleteEndpointResponse
- data DeleteEventBus = DeleteEventBus' Text
- newDeleteEventBus :: Text -> DeleteEventBus
- data DeleteEventBusResponse = DeleteEventBusResponse' {
- newDeleteEventBusResponse :: DeleteEventBusResponse
- data DeletePartnerEventSource = DeletePartnerEventSource' Text Text
- newDeletePartnerEventSource :: Text -> Text -> DeletePartnerEventSource
- data DeletePartnerEventSourceResponse = DeletePartnerEventSourceResponse' {
- newDeletePartnerEventSourceResponse :: DeletePartnerEventSourceResponse
- data DeleteRule = DeleteRule' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) Text
- newDeleteRule :: Text -> DeleteRule
- data DeleteRuleResponse = DeleteRuleResponse' {
- newDeleteRuleResponse :: DeleteRuleResponse
- data DescribeApiDestination = DescribeApiDestination' Text
- newDescribeApiDestination :: Text -> DescribeApiDestination
- data DescribeApiDestinationResponse = DescribeApiDestinationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationState) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationHttpMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeApiDestinationResponse :: Int -> DescribeApiDestinationResponse
- data DescribeArchive = DescribeArchive' Text
- newDescribeArchive :: Text -> DescribeArchive
- data DescribeArchiveResponse = DescribeArchiveResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Integer) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Integer) (Maybe ArchiveState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeArchiveResponse :: Int -> DescribeArchiveResponse
- data DescribeConnection = DescribeConnection' Text
- newDescribeConnection :: Text -> DescribeConnection
- data DescribeConnectionResponse = DescribeConnectionResponse' (Maybe ConnectionAuthResponseParameters) (Maybe ConnectionAuthorizationType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeConnectionResponse :: Int -> DescribeConnectionResponse
- data DescribeEndpoint = DescribeEndpoint' (Maybe Text) Text
- newDescribeEndpoint :: Text -> DescribeEndpoint
- data DescribeEndpointResponse = DescribeEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RoutingConfig) (Maybe EndpointState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeEndpointResponse :: Int -> DescribeEndpointResponse
- data DescribeEventBus = DescribeEventBus' (Maybe Text)
- newDescribeEventBus :: DescribeEventBus
- data DescribeEventBusResponse = DescribeEventBusResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeEventBusResponse :: Int -> DescribeEventBusResponse
- data DescribeEventSource = DescribeEventSource' Text
- newDescribeEventSource :: Text -> DescribeEventSource
- data DescribeEventSourceResponse = DescribeEventSourceResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EventSourceState) Int
- newDescribeEventSourceResponse :: Int -> DescribeEventSourceResponse
- data DescribePartnerEventSource = DescribePartnerEventSource' Text
- newDescribePartnerEventSource :: Text -> DescribePartnerEventSource
- data DescribePartnerEventSourceResponse = DescribePartnerEventSourceResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribePartnerEventSourceResponse :: Int -> DescribePartnerEventSourceResponse
- data DescribeReplay = DescribeReplay' Text
- newDescribeReplay :: Text -> DescribeReplay
- data DescribeReplayResponse = DescribeReplayResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplayDestination) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ReplayState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newDescribeReplayResponse :: Int -> DescribeReplayResponse
- data DescribeRule = DescribeRule' (Maybe Text) Text
- newDescribeRule :: Text -> DescribeRule
- data DescribeRuleResponse = DescribeRuleResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RuleState) Int
- newDescribeRuleResponse :: Int -> DescribeRuleResponse
- data DisableRule = DisableRule' (Maybe Text) Text
- newDisableRule :: Text -> DisableRule
- data DisableRuleResponse = DisableRuleResponse' {
- newDisableRuleResponse :: DisableRuleResponse
- data EnableRule = EnableRule' (Maybe Text) Text
- newEnableRule :: Text -> EnableRule
- data EnableRuleResponse = EnableRuleResponse' {
- newEnableRuleResponse :: EnableRuleResponse
- data ListApiDestinations = ListApiDestinations' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newListApiDestinations :: ListApiDestinations
- data ListApiDestinationsResponse = ListApiDestinationsResponse' (Maybe [ApiDestination]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListApiDestinationsResponse :: Int -> ListApiDestinationsResponse
- data ListArchives = ListArchives' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ArchiveState)
- newListArchives :: ListArchives
- data ListArchivesResponse = ListArchivesResponse' (Maybe [Archive]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListArchivesResponse :: Int -> ListArchivesResponse
- data ListConnections = ListConnections' (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newListConnections :: ListConnections
- data ListConnectionsResponse = ListConnectionsResponse' (Maybe [Connection]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListConnectionsResponse :: Int -> ListConnectionsResponse
- data ListEndpoints = ListEndpoints' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newListEndpoints :: ListEndpoints
- data ListEndpointsResponse = ListEndpointsResponse' (Maybe [Endpoint]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListEndpointsResponse :: Int -> ListEndpointsResponse
- data ListEventBuses = ListEventBuses' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newListEventBuses :: ListEventBuses
- data ListEventBusesResponse = ListEventBusesResponse' (Maybe [EventBus]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListEventBusesResponse :: Int -> ListEventBusesResponse
- data ListEventSources = ListEventSources' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newListEventSources :: ListEventSources
- data ListEventSourcesResponse = ListEventSourcesResponse' (Maybe [EventSource]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListEventSourcesResponse :: Int -> ListEventSourcesResponse
- data ListPartnerEventSourceAccounts = ListPartnerEventSourceAccounts' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListPartnerEventSourceAccounts :: Text -> ListPartnerEventSourceAccounts
- data ListPartnerEventSourceAccountsResponse = ListPartnerEventSourceAccountsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [PartnerEventSourceAccount]) Int
- newListPartnerEventSourceAccountsResponse :: Int -> ListPartnerEventSourceAccountsResponse
- data ListPartnerEventSources = ListPartnerEventSources' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListPartnerEventSources :: Text -> ListPartnerEventSources
- data ListPartnerEventSourcesResponse = ListPartnerEventSourcesResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [PartnerEventSource]) Int
- newListPartnerEventSourcesResponse :: Int -> ListPartnerEventSourcesResponse
- data ListReplays = ListReplays' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplayState)
- newListReplays :: ListReplays
- data ListReplaysResponse = ListReplaysResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Replay]) Int
- newListReplaysResponse :: Int -> ListReplaysResponse
- data ListRuleNamesByTarget = ListRuleNamesByTarget' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListRuleNamesByTarget :: Text -> ListRuleNamesByTarget
- data ListRuleNamesByTargetResponse = ListRuleNamesByTargetResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int
- newListRuleNamesByTargetResponse :: Int -> ListRuleNamesByTargetResponse
- data ListRules = ListRules' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newListRules :: ListRules
- data ListRulesResponse = ListRulesResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Rule]) Int
- newListRulesResponse :: Int -> ListRulesResponse
- data ListTagsForResource = ListTagsForResource' Text
- newListTagsForResource :: Text -> ListTagsForResource
- data ListTagsForResourceResponse = ListTagsForResourceResponse' (Maybe [Tag]) Int
- newListTagsForResourceResponse :: Int -> ListTagsForResourceResponse
- data ListTargetsByRule = ListTargetsByRule' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListTargetsByRule :: Text -> ListTargetsByRule
- data ListTargetsByRuleResponse = ListTargetsByRuleResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty Target)) Int
- newListTargetsByRuleResponse :: Int -> ListTargetsByRuleResponse
- data PutEvents = PutEvents' (Maybe Text) (NonEmpty PutEventsRequestEntry)
- newPutEvents :: NonEmpty PutEventsRequestEntry -> PutEvents
- data PutEventsResponse = PutEventsResponse' (Maybe [PutEventsResultEntry]) (Maybe Int) Int
- newPutEventsResponse :: Int -> PutEventsResponse
- data PutPartnerEvents = PutPartnerEvents' (NonEmpty PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry)
- newPutPartnerEvents :: NonEmpty PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry -> PutPartnerEvents
- data PutPartnerEventsResponse = PutPartnerEventsResponse' (Maybe [PutPartnerEventsResultEntry]) (Maybe Int) Int
- newPutPartnerEventsResponse :: Int -> PutPartnerEventsResponse
- data PutPermission = PutPermission' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Condition) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newPutPermission :: PutPermission
- data PutPermissionResponse = PutPermissionResponse' {
- newPutPermissionResponse :: PutPermissionResponse
- data PutRule = PutRule' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RuleState) (Maybe [Tag]) Text
- newPutRule :: Text -> PutRule
- data PutRuleResponse = PutRuleResponse' (Maybe Text) Int
- newPutRuleResponse :: Int -> PutRuleResponse
- data PutTargets = PutTargets' (Maybe Text) Text (NonEmpty Target)
- newPutTargets :: Text -> NonEmpty Target -> PutTargets
- data PutTargetsResponse = PutTargetsResponse' (Maybe [PutTargetsResultEntry]) (Maybe Int) Int
- newPutTargetsResponse :: Int -> PutTargetsResponse
- data RemovePermission = RemovePermission' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text)
- newRemovePermission :: RemovePermission
- data RemovePermissionResponse = RemovePermissionResponse' {
- newRemovePermissionResponse :: RemovePermissionResponse
- data RemoveTargets = RemoveTargets' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) Text (NonEmpty Text)
- newRemoveTargets :: Text -> NonEmpty Text -> RemoveTargets
- data RemoveTargetsResponse = RemoveTargetsResponse' (Maybe [RemoveTargetsResultEntry]) (Maybe Int) Int
- newRemoveTargetsResponse :: Int -> RemoveTargetsResponse
- data StartReplay = StartReplay' (Maybe Text) Text Text POSIX POSIX ReplayDestination
- newStartReplay :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> ReplayDestination -> StartReplay
- data StartReplayResponse = StartReplayResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ReplayState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newStartReplayResponse :: Int -> StartReplayResponse
- data TagResource = TagResource' Text [Tag]
- newTagResource :: Text -> TagResource
- data TagResourceResponse = TagResourceResponse' Int
- newTagResourceResponse :: Int -> TagResourceResponse
- data TestEventPattern = TestEventPattern' Text Text
- newTestEventPattern :: Text -> Text -> TestEventPattern
- data TestEventPatternResponse = TestEventPatternResponse' (Maybe Bool) Int
- newTestEventPatternResponse :: Int -> TestEventPatternResponse
- data UntagResource = UntagResource' Text [Text]
- newUntagResource :: Text -> UntagResource
- data UntagResourceResponse = UntagResourceResponse' Int
- newUntagResourceResponse :: Int -> UntagResourceResponse
- data UpdateApiDestination = UpdateApiDestination' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationHttpMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newUpdateApiDestination :: Text -> UpdateApiDestination
- data UpdateApiDestinationResponse = UpdateApiDestinationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int
- newUpdateApiDestinationResponse :: Int -> UpdateApiDestinationResponse
- data UpdateArchive = UpdateArchive' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newUpdateArchive :: Text -> UpdateArchive
- data UpdateArchiveResponse = UpdateArchiveResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ArchiveState) (Maybe Text) Int
- newUpdateArchiveResponse :: Int -> UpdateArchiveResponse
- data UpdateConnection = UpdateConnection' (Maybe UpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters) (Maybe ConnectionAuthorizationType) (Maybe Text) Text
- newUpdateConnection :: Text -> UpdateConnection
- data UpdateConnectionResponse = UpdateConnectionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int
- newUpdateConnectionResponse :: Int -> UpdateConnectionResponse
- data UpdateEndpoint = UpdateEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RoutingConfig) Text
- newUpdateEndpoint :: Text -> UpdateEndpoint
- data UpdateEndpointResponse = UpdateEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RoutingConfig) (Maybe EndpointState) Int
- newUpdateEndpointResponse :: Int -> UpdateEndpointResponse
- newtype ApiDestinationHttpMethod where
- ApiDestinationHttpMethod' { }
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_DELETE :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_GET :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_HEAD :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_OPTIONS :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_PATCH :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_POST :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- pattern ApiDestinationHttpMethod_PUT :: ApiDestinationHttpMethod
- newtype ApiDestinationState where
- newtype ArchiveState where
- ArchiveState' { }
- pattern ArchiveState_CREATE_FAILED :: ArchiveState
- pattern ArchiveState_CREATING :: ArchiveState
- pattern ArchiveState_DISABLED :: ArchiveState
- pattern ArchiveState_ENABLED :: ArchiveState
- pattern ArchiveState_UPDATE_FAILED :: ArchiveState
- pattern ArchiveState_UPDATING :: ArchiveState
- newtype AssignPublicIp where
- AssignPublicIp' { }
- pattern AssignPublicIp_DISABLED :: AssignPublicIp
- pattern AssignPublicIp_ENABLED :: AssignPublicIp
- newtype ConnectionAuthorizationType where
- newtype ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod where
- newtype ConnectionState where
- ConnectionState' { }
- pattern ConnectionState_AUTHORIZED :: ConnectionState
- pattern ConnectionState_AUTHORIZING :: ConnectionState
- pattern ConnectionState_CREATING :: ConnectionState
- pattern ConnectionState_DEAUTHORIZED :: ConnectionState
- pattern ConnectionState_DEAUTHORIZING :: ConnectionState
- pattern ConnectionState_DELETING :: ConnectionState
- pattern ConnectionState_UPDATING :: ConnectionState
- newtype EndpointState where
- EndpointState' { }
- pattern EndpointState_ACTIVE :: EndpointState
- pattern EndpointState_CREATE_FAILED :: EndpointState
- pattern EndpointState_CREATING :: EndpointState
- pattern EndpointState_DELETE_FAILED :: EndpointState
- pattern EndpointState_DELETING :: EndpointState
- pattern EndpointState_UPDATE_FAILED :: EndpointState
- pattern EndpointState_UPDATING :: EndpointState
- newtype EventSourceState where
- EventSourceState' { }
- pattern EventSourceState_ACTIVE :: EventSourceState
- pattern EventSourceState_DELETED :: EventSourceState
- pattern EventSourceState_PENDING :: EventSourceState
- newtype LaunchType where
- LaunchType' { }
- pattern LaunchType_EC2 :: LaunchType
- pattern LaunchType_EXTERNAL :: LaunchType
- pattern LaunchType_FARGATE :: LaunchType
- newtype PlacementConstraintType where
- newtype PlacementStrategyType where
- newtype PropagateTags where
- PropagateTags' { }
- pattern PropagateTags_TASK_DEFINITION :: PropagateTags
- newtype ReplayState where
- ReplayState' { }
- pattern ReplayState_CANCELLED :: ReplayState
- pattern ReplayState_CANCELLING :: ReplayState
- pattern ReplayState_COMPLETED :: ReplayState
- pattern ReplayState_FAILED :: ReplayState
- pattern ReplayState_RUNNING :: ReplayState
- pattern ReplayState_STARTING :: ReplayState
- newtype ReplicationState where
- ReplicationState' { }
- pattern ReplicationState_DISABLED :: ReplicationState
- pattern ReplicationState_ENABLED :: ReplicationState
- newtype RuleState where
- RuleState' { }
- pattern RuleState_DISABLED :: RuleState
- pattern RuleState_ENABLED :: RuleState
- data ApiDestination = ApiDestination' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationState) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ApiDestinationHttpMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text)
- newApiDestination :: ApiDestination
- data Archive = Archive' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Integer) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Integer) (Maybe ArchiveState) (Maybe Text)
- newArchive :: Archive
- data AwsVpcConfiguration = AwsVpcConfiguration' (Maybe AssignPublicIp) (Maybe [Text]) [Text]
- newAwsVpcConfiguration :: AwsVpcConfiguration
- data BatchArrayProperties = BatchArrayProperties' (Maybe Int)
- newBatchArrayProperties :: BatchArrayProperties
- data BatchParameters = BatchParameters' (Maybe BatchArrayProperties) (Maybe BatchRetryStrategy) Text Text
- newBatchParameters :: Text -> Text -> BatchParameters
- data BatchRetryStrategy = BatchRetryStrategy' (Maybe Int)
- newBatchRetryStrategy :: BatchRetryStrategy
- data CapacityProviderStrategyItem = CapacityProviderStrategyItem' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newCapacityProviderStrategyItem :: Text -> CapacityProviderStrategyItem
- data Condition = Condition' Text Text Text
- newCondition :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Condition
- data Connection = Connection' (Maybe ConnectionAuthorizationType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newConnection :: Connection
- data ConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters = ConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters' (Maybe Text)
- newConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters :: ConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters
- data ConnectionAuthResponseParameters = ConnectionAuthResponseParameters' (Maybe ConnectionApiKeyAuthResponseParameters) (Maybe ConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters) (Maybe ConnectionHttpParameters) (Maybe ConnectionOAuthResponseParameters)
- newConnectionAuthResponseParameters :: ConnectionAuthResponseParameters
- data ConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters = ConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters' (Maybe Text)
- newConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters :: ConnectionBasicAuthResponseParameters
- data ConnectionBodyParameter = ConnectionBodyParameter' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newConnectionBodyParameter :: ConnectionBodyParameter
- data ConnectionHeaderParameter = ConnectionHeaderParameter' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newConnectionHeaderParameter :: ConnectionHeaderParameter
- data ConnectionHttpParameters = ConnectionHttpParameters' (Maybe [ConnectionBodyParameter]) (Maybe [ConnectionHeaderParameter]) (Maybe [ConnectionQueryStringParameter])
- newConnectionHttpParameters :: ConnectionHttpParameters
- data ConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters = ConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters' (Maybe Text)
- newConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters :: ConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters
- data ConnectionOAuthResponseParameters = ConnectionOAuthResponseParameters' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionOAuthClientResponseParameters) (Maybe ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod) (Maybe ConnectionHttpParameters)
- newConnectionOAuthResponseParameters :: ConnectionOAuthResponseParameters
- data ConnectionQueryStringParameter = ConnectionQueryStringParameter' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newConnectionQueryStringParameter :: ConnectionQueryStringParameter
- data CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters = CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters' Text Text
- newCreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters :: Text -> Text -> CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters
- data CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters = CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters' (Maybe CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters) (Maybe CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters) (Maybe ConnectionHttpParameters) (Maybe CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters)
- newCreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters :: CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters
- data CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters = CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters' Text Text
- newCreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters :: Text -> Text -> CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters
- data CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters = CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters' Text Text
- newCreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters :: Text -> Text -> CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters
- data CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters = CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters' (Maybe ConnectionHttpParameters) CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters Text ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod
- newCreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters :: CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters -> Text -> ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod -> CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters
- data DeadLetterConfig = DeadLetterConfig' (Maybe Text)
- newDeadLetterConfig :: DeadLetterConfig
- data EcsParameters = EcsParameters' (Maybe [CapacityProviderStrategyItem]) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe LaunchType) (Maybe NetworkConfiguration) (Maybe [PlacementConstraint]) (Maybe [PlacementStrategy]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PropagateTags) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Tag]) (Maybe Natural) Text
- newEcsParameters :: Text -> EcsParameters
- data Endpoint = Endpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RoutingConfig) (Maybe EndpointState) (Maybe Text)
- newEndpoint :: Endpoint
- data EndpointEventBus = EndpointEventBus' Text
- newEndpointEventBus :: Text -> EndpointEventBus
- data EventBus = EventBus' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newEventBus :: EventBus
- data EventSource = EventSource' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EventSourceState)
- newEventSource :: EventSource
- data FailoverConfig = FailoverConfig' Primary Secondary
- newFailoverConfig :: Primary -> Secondary -> FailoverConfig
- data HttpParameters = HttpParameters' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- newHttpParameters :: HttpParameters
- data InputTransformer = InputTransformer' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text
- newInputTransformer :: Text -> InputTransformer
- data KinesisParameters = KinesisParameters' Text
- newKinesisParameters :: Text -> KinesisParameters
- data NetworkConfiguration = NetworkConfiguration' (Maybe AwsVpcConfiguration)
- newNetworkConfiguration :: NetworkConfiguration
- data PartnerEventSource = PartnerEventSource' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newPartnerEventSource :: PartnerEventSource
- data PartnerEventSourceAccount = PartnerEventSourceAccount' (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe EventSourceState)
- newPartnerEventSourceAccount :: PartnerEventSourceAccount
- data PlacementConstraint = PlacementConstraint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe PlacementConstraintType)
- newPlacementConstraint :: PlacementConstraint
- data PlacementStrategy = PlacementStrategy' (Maybe Text) (Maybe PlacementStrategyType)
- newPlacementStrategy :: PlacementStrategy
- data Primary = Primary' Text
- newPrimary :: Text -> Primary
- data PutEventsRequestEntry = PutEventsRequestEntry' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text)
- newPutEventsRequestEntry :: PutEventsRequestEntry
- data PutEventsResultEntry = PutEventsResultEntry' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newPutEventsResultEntry :: PutEventsResultEntry
- data PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry = PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX)
- newPutPartnerEventsRequestEntry :: PutPartnerEventsRequestEntry
- data PutPartnerEventsResultEntry = PutPartnerEventsResultEntry' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newPutPartnerEventsResultEntry :: PutPartnerEventsResultEntry
- data PutTargetsResultEntry = PutTargetsResultEntry' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newPutTargetsResultEntry :: PutTargetsResultEntry
- data RedshiftDataParameters = RedshiftDataParameters' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) Text Text
- newRedshiftDataParameters :: Text -> Text -> RedshiftDataParameters
- data RemoveTargetsResultEntry = RemoveTargetsResultEntry' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newRemoveTargetsResultEntry :: RemoveTargetsResultEntry
- data Replay = Replay' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ReplayState) (Maybe Text)
- newReplay :: Replay
- data ReplayDestination = ReplayDestination' (Maybe [Text]) Text
- newReplayDestination :: Text -> ReplayDestination
- data ReplicationConfig = ReplicationConfig' (Maybe ReplicationState)
- newReplicationConfig :: ReplicationConfig
- data RetryPolicy = RetryPolicy' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Natural)
- newRetryPolicy :: RetryPolicy
- data RoutingConfig = RoutingConfig' FailoverConfig
- newRoutingConfig :: FailoverConfig -> RoutingConfig
- data Rule = Rule' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RuleState)
- newRule :: Rule
- data RunCommandParameters = RunCommandParameters' (NonEmpty RunCommandTarget)
- newRunCommandParameters :: NonEmpty RunCommandTarget -> RunCommandParameters
- data RunCommandTarget = RunCommandTarget' Text (NonEmpty Text)
- newRunCommandTarget :: Text -> NonEmpty Text -> RunCommandTarget
- data SageMakerPipelineParameter = SageMakerPipelineParameter' Text Text
- newSageMakerPipelineParameter :: Text -> Text -> SageMakerPipelineParameter
- data SageMakerPipelineParameters = SageMakerPipelineParameters' (Maybe [SageMakerPipelineParameter])
- newSageMakerPipelineParameters :: SageMakerPipelineParameters
- data Secondary = Secondary' Text
- newSecondary :: Text -> Secondary
- data SqsParameters = SqsParameters' (Maybe Text)
- newSqsParameters :: SqsParameters
- data Tag = Tag' Text Text
- newTag :: Text -> Text -> Tag
- data Target = Target' (Maybe BatchParameters) (Maybe DeadLetterConfig) (Maybe EcsParameters) (Maybe HttpParameters) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe InputTransformer) (Maybe KinesisParameters) (Maybe RedshiftDataParameters) (Maybe RetryPolicy) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RunCommandParameters) (Maybe SageMakerPipelineParameters) (Maybe SqsParameters) Text Text
- newTarget :: Text -> Text -> Target
- data UpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters = UpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newUpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters :: UpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters
- data UpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters = UpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters' (Maybe UpdateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters) (Maybe UpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters) (Maybe ConnectionHttpParameters) (Maybe UpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters)
- newUpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters :: UpdateConnectionAuthRequestParameters
- data UpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters = UpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newUpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters :: UpdateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters
- data UpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters = UpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newUpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters :: UpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters
- data UpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters = UpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters' (Maybe Text) (Maybe UpdateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters) (Maybe ConnectionOAuthHttpMethod) (Maybe ConnectionHttpParameters)
- newUpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters :: UpdateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2015-10-07
of the Amazon EventBridge SDK configuration.
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by CloudWatchEvents
_ConcurrentModificationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
There is concurrent modification on a rule, target, archive, or replay.
_IllegalStatusException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An error occurred because a replay can be canceled only when the state is Running or Starting.
_InternalException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
This exception occurs due to unexpected causes.
_InvalidEventPatternException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The event pattern is not valid.
_InvalidStateException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified state is not a valid state for an event source.
_LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The request failed because it attempted to create resource beyond the allowed service quota.
_ManagedRuleException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
This rule was created by an Amazon Web Services service on behalf of
your account. It is managed by that service. If you see this error in
response to DeleteRule
or RemoveTargets
, you can use the Force
parameter in those calls to delete the rule or remove targets from the
rule. You cannot modify these managed rules by using DisableRule
, PutTargets
, PutRule
, TagResource
, or
_OperationDisabledException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The operation you are attempting is not available in this region.
_PolicyLengthExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The event bus policy is too long. For more information, see the limits.
_ResourceAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The resource you are trying to create already exists.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An entity that you specified does not exist.
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the Wait
specification is fulfilled. The Wait
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the ListObjects
operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.
Operations that have an AWSPager
instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.
Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the individual operation parameters for details.
data ActivateEventSource Source #
See: newActivateEventSource
smart constructor.
newActivateEventSource Source #
Create a value of ActivateEventSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, activateEventSource_name
- The name of the partner event source to activate.
data ActivateEventSourceResponse Source #
See: newActivateEventSourceResponse
smart constructor.
newActivateEventSourceResponse :: ActivateEventSourceResponse Source #
Create a value of ActivateEventSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data CancelReplay Source #
See: newCancelReplay
smart constructor.
Create a value of CancelReplay
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cancelReplay_replayName
- The name of the replay to cancel.
data CancelReplayResponse Source #
See: newCancelReplayResponse
smart constructor.
newCancelReplayResponse Source #
Create a value of CancelReplayResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cancelReplayResponse_replayArn
- The ARN of the replay to cancel.
, cancelReplayResponse_state
- The current state of the replay.
, cancelReplayResponse_stateReason
- The reason that the replay is in the current state.
, cancelReplayResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateApiDestination Source #
See: newCreateApiDestination
smart constructor.
newCreateApiDestination Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ApiDestinationHttpMethod | |
-> CreateApiDestination |
Create a value of CreateApiDestination
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createApiDestination_description
- A description for the API destination to create.
, createApiDestination_invocationRateLimitPerSecond
- The maximum number of requests per second to send to the HTTP invocation
, createApiDestination_name
- The name for the API destination to create.
, createApiDestination_connectionArn
- The ARN of the connection to use for the API destination. The
destination endpoint must support the authorization type specified for
the connection.
, createApiDestination_invocationEndpoint
- The URL to the HTTP invocation endpoint for the API destination.
, createApiDestination_httpMethod
- The method to use for the request to the HTTP invocation endpoint.
data CreateApiDestinationResponse Source #
See: newCreateApiDestinationResponse
smart constructor.
CreateApiDestinationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ApiDestinationState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int |
newCreateApiDestinationResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateApiDestinationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createApiDestinationResponse_apiDestinationArn
- The ARN of the API destination that was created by the request.
, createApiDestinationResponse_apiDestinationState
- The state of the API destination that was created by the request.
, createApiDestinationResponse_creationTime
- A time stamp indicating the time that the API destination was created.
, createApiDestinationResponse_lastModifiedTime
- A time stamp indicating the time that the API destination was last
, createApiDestinationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateArchive Source #
See: newCreateArchive
smart constructor.
Create a value of CreateArchive
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createArchive_description
- A description for the archive.
, createArchive_eventPattern
- An event pattern to use to filter events sent to the archive.
, createArchive_retentionDays
- The number of days to retain events for. Default value is 0. If set to
0, events are retained indefinitely
, createArchive_archiveName
- The name for the archive to create.
, createArchive_eventSourceArn
- The ARN of the event bus that sends events to the archive.
data CreateArchiveResponse Source #
See: newCreateArchiveResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateArchiveResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateArchiveResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createArchiveResponse_archiveArn
- The ARN of the archive that was created.
, createArchiveResponse_creationTime
- The time at which the archive was created.
, createArchiveResponse_state
- The state of the archive that was created.
, createArchiveResponse_stateReason
- The reason that the archive is in the state.
, createArchiveResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateConnection Source #
See: newCreateConnection
smart constructor.
CreateConnection' (Maybe Text) Text ConnectionAuthorizationType CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters |
Create a value of CreateConnection
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createConnection_description
- A description for the connection to create.
, createConnection_name
- The name for the connection to create.
, createConnection_authorizationType
- The type of authorization to use for the connection.
, createConnection_authParameters
- A CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters
object that contains the
authorization parameters to use to authorize with the endpoint.
data CreateConnectionResponse Source #
See: newCreateConnectionResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateConnectionResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateConnectionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createConnectionResponse_connectionArn
- The ARN of the connection that was created by the request.
, createConnectionResponse_connectionState
- The state of the connection that was created by the request.
, createConnectionResponse_creationTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was created.
, createConnectionResponse_lastModifiedTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was last updated.
, createConnectionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateEndpoint Source #
See: newCreateEndpoint
smart constructor.
CreateEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) Text RoutingConfig (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus) |
Create a value of CreateEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createEndpoint_description
- A description of the global endpoint.
, createEndpoint_replicationConfig
- Enable or disable event replication.
, createEndpoint_roleArn
- The ARN of the role used for replication.
, createEndpoint_name
- The name of the global endpoint. For example,
, createEndpoint_routingConfig
- Configure the routing policy, including the health check and secondary
, createEndpoint_eventBuses
- Define the event buses used.
The names of the event buses must be identical in each Region.
data CreateEndpointResponse Source #
See: newCreateEndpointResponse
smart constructor.
CreateEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe (NonEmpty EndpointEventBus)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe ReplicationConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe RoutingConfig) (Maybe EndpointState) Int |
newCreateEndpointResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateEndpointResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createEndpointResponse_arn
- The ARN of the endpoint that was created by this request.
, createEndpointResponse_eventBuses
- The event buses used by this request.
, createEndpointResponse_name
- The name of the endpoint that was created by this request.
, createEndpointResponse_replicationConfig
- Whether event replication was enabled or disabled by this request.
, createEndpointResponse_roleArn
- The ARN of the role used by event replication for this request.
, createEndpointResponse_routingConfig
- The routing configuration defined by this request.
, createEndpointResponse_state
- The state of the endpoint that was created by this request.
, createEndpointResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateEventBus Source #
See: newCreateEventBus
smart constructor.
Create a value of CreateEventBus
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createEventBus_eventSourceName
- If you are creating a partner event bus, this specifies the partner
event source that the new event bus will be matched with.
, createEventBus_tags
- Tags to associate with the event bus.
, createEventBus_name
- The name of the new event bus.
Event bus names cannot contain the / character. You can't use the name
for a custom event bus, as this name is already used for your
account's default event bus.
If this is a partner event bus, the name must exactly match the name of the partner event source that this event bus is matched to.
data CreateEventBusResponse Source #
See: newCreateEventBusResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateEventBusResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateEventBusResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createEventBusResponse_eventBusArn
- The ARN of the new event bus.
, createEventBusResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreatePartnerEventSource Source #
See: newCreatePartnerEventSource
smart constructor.
newCreatePartnerEventSource Source #
Create a value of CreatePartnerEventSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createPartnerEventSource_name
- The name of the partner event source. This name must be unique and must
be in the format
. The
Amazon Web Services account that wants to use this partner event source
must create a partner event bus with a name that matches the name of the
partner event source.
, createPartnerEventSource_account
- The Amazon Web Services account ID that is permitted to create a
matching partner event bus for this partner event source.
data CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source #
See: newCreatePartnerEventSourceResponse
smart constructor.
Generic CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source # | |
Read CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source # | |
Show CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source # | |
NFData CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.CreatePartnerEventSource rnf :: CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse -> () # | |
Eq CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source # | |
type Rep CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.CreatePartnerEventSource type Rep CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse = D1 ('MetaData "CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse" "Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.CreatePartnerEventSource" "amazonka-cloudwatch-events-2.0-GJzRBos1CnlE3BT39axMc5" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "eventSourceArn") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "httpStatus") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Int))) |
newCreatePartnerEventSourceResponse Source #
Create a value of CreatePartnerEventSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createPartnerEventSourceResponse_eventSourceArn
- The ARN of the partner event source.
, createPartnerEventSourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeactivateEventSource Source #
See: newDeactivateEventSource
smart constructor.
newDeactivateEventSource Source #
Create a value of DeactivateEventSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deactivateEventSource_name
- The name of the partner event source to deactivate.
data DeactivateEventSourceResponse Source #
See: newDeactivateEventSourceResponse
smart constructor.
newDeactivateEventSourceResponse :: DeactivateEventSourceResponse Source #
Create a value of DeactivateEventSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
newDeauthorizeConnection Source #
Create a value of DeauthorizeConnection
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deauthorizeConnection_name
- The name of the connection to remove authorization from.
data DeauthorizeConnectionResponse Source #
See: newDeauthorizeConnectionResponse
smart constructor.
DeauthorizeConnectionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int |
newDeauthorizeConnectionResponse Source #
Create a value of DeauthorizeConnectionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deauthorizeConnectionResponse_connectionArn
- The ARN of the connection that authorization was removed from.
, deauthorizeConnectionResponse_connectionState
- The state of the connection.
, deauthorizeConnectionResponse_creationTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was created.
, deauthorizeConnectionResponse_lastAuthorizedTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was last authorized.
, deauthorizeConnectionResponse_lastModifiedTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was last updated.
, deauthorizeConnectionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteApiDestination Source #
See: newDeleteApiDestination
smart constructor.
newDeleteApiDestination Source #
Create a value of DeleteApiDestination
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteApiDestination_name
- The name of the destination to delete.
data DeleteApiDestinationResponse Source #
See: newDeleteApiDestinationResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteApiDestinationResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteApiDestinationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteApiDestinationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteArchive Source #
See: newDeleteArchive
smart constructor.
Create a value of DeleteArchive
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteArchive_archiveName
- The name of the archive to delete.
data DeleteArchiveResponse Source #
See: newDeleteArchiveResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteArchiveResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteArchiveResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteArchiveResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteConnection Source #
See: newDeleteConnection
smart constructor.
Create a value of DeleteConnection
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteConnection_name
- The name of the connection to delete.
data DeleteConnectionResponse Source #
See: newDeleteConnectionResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteConnectionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe ConnectionState) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Int |
newDeleteConnectionResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteConnectionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteConnectionResponse_connectionArn
- The ARN of the connection that was deleted.
, deleteConnectionResponse_connectionState
- The state of the connection before it was deleted.
, deleteConnectionResponse_creationTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was created.
, deleteConnectionResponse_lastAuthorizedTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was last authorized before
it wa deleted.
, deleteConnectionResponse_lastModifiedTime
- A time stamp for the time that the connection was last modified before
it was deleted.
, deleteConnectionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteEndpoint Source #
See: newDeleteEndpoint
smart constructor.
Create a value of DeleteEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteEndpoint_name
- The name of the endpoint you want to delete. For example,
data DeleteEndpointResponse Source #
See: newDeleteEndpointResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteEndpointResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteEndpointResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteEndpointResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteEventBus Source #
See: newDeleteEventBus
smart constructor.
Create a value of DeleteEventBus
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteEventBus_name
- The name of the event bus to delete.
data DeleteEventBusResponse Source #
See: newDeleteEventBusResponse
smart constructor.
Generic DeleteEventBusResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.DeleteEventBus type Rep DeleteEventBusResponse :: Type -> Type # | |
Read DeleteEventBusResponse Source # | |
Show DeleteEventBusResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.DeleteEventBus showsPrec :: Int -> DeleteEventBusResponse -> ShowS # show :: DeleteEventBusResponse -> String # showList :: [DeleteEventBusResponse] -> ShowS # | |
NFData DeleteEventBusResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.DeleteEventBus rnf :: DeleteEventBusResponse -> () # | |
Eq DeleteEventBusResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.DeleteEventBus | |
type Rep DeleteEventBusResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.CloudWatchEvents.DeleteEventBus |
newDeleteEventBusResponse :: DeleteEventBusResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteEventBusResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data DeletePartnerEventSource Source #
See: newDeletePartnerEventSource
smart constructor.