amazonka-codedeploy-0.2.3: Amazon CodeDeploy SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Lists the Amazon EC2 instances for a deployment within the AWS user account.



Request constructor

Request lenses

ldiDeploymentId :: Lens' ListDeploymentInstances Text Source

The unique ID of a deployment.

ldiInstanceStatusFilter :: Lens' ListDeploymentInstances [InstanceStatus] Source

A subset of instances to list, by status:

Pending: Include in the resulting list those instances with pending deployments. InProgress: Include in the resulting list those instances with in-progress deployments. Succeeded: Include in the resulting list those instances with succeeded deployments. Failed: Include in the resulting list those instances with failed deployments. Skipped: Include in the resulting list those instances with skipped deployments. Unknown: Include in the resulting list those instances with deployments in an unknown state.

ldiNextToken :: Lens' ListDeploymentInstances (Maybe Text) Source

An identifier that was returned from the previous list deployment instances call, which can be used to return the next set of deployment instances in the list.


Response constructor

Response lenses

ldirNextToken :: Lens' ListDeploymentInstancesResponse (Maybe Text) Source

If the amount of information that is returned is significantly large, an identifier will also be returned, which can be used in a subsequent list deployment instances call to return the next set of deployment instances in the list.