Copyright | (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay <> |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype AccessKey = AccessKey ByteString
- newtype SecretKey = SecretKey ByteString
- newtype SessionToken = SessionToken ByteString
- data AuthEnv = AuthEnv {}
- data Auth
- withAuth :: MonadIO m => Auth -> (AuthEnv -> m a) -> m a
- data LogLevel
- type Logger = LogLevel -> Builder -> IO ()
- data Abbrev
- class AWSSigner (Sg a) => AWSService a where
- data Service s = Service {
- _svcAbbrev :: !Abbrev
- _svcPrefix :: ByteString
- _svcVersion :: ByteString
- _svcEndpoint :: Region -> Endpoint
- _svcTimeout :: Maybe Seconds
- _svcStatus :: Status -> Bool
- _svcError :: Abbrev -> Status -> [Header] -> LazyByteString -> Error
- _svcRetry :: Retry
- serviceOf :: forall a. AWSService (Sv a) => a -> Service (Sv a)
- data Retry = Exponential {
- _retryBase :: !Double
- _retryGrowth :: !Int
- _retryAttempts :: !Int
- _retryCheck :: ServiceError -> Maybe Text
- class AWSSigner v where
- class AWSPresigner v where
- data family Meta v :: *
- data Signed v a where
- Signed :: ToLog (Meta v) => {
- _sgMeta :: Meta v
- _sgRequest :: ClientRequest
- Signed :: ToLog (Meta v) => {
- sgMeta :: ToLog (Meta v) => Lens' (Signed v a) (Meta v)
- sgRequest :: Lens' (Signed v a) ClientRequest
- class AWSService (Sv a) => AWSRequest a where
- data Request a = Request {
- _rqMethod :: !StdMethod
- _rqPath :: !RawPath
- _rqQuery :: !QueryString
- _rqHeaders :: ![Header]
- _rqBody :: !RqBody
- rqMethod :: Lens' (Request a) StdMethod
- rqHeaders :: Lens' (Request a) [Header]
- rqPath :: Lens' (Request a) RawPath
- rqQuery :: Lens' (Request a) QueryString
- rqBody :: Lens' (Request a) RqBody
- type Response a = (Status, Rs a)
- class AsError a where
- data Error
- data HttpException :: *
- data SerializeError = SerializeError' {}
- serializeAbbrev :: Lens' SerializeError Abbrev
- serializeStatus :: Lens' SerializeError Status
- serializeMessage :: Lens' SerializeError String
- data ServiceError = ServiceError' {}
- serviceAbbrev :: Lens' ServiceError Abbrev
- serviceStatus :: Lens' ServiceError Status
- serviceHeaders :: Lens' ServiceError [Header]
- serviceCode :: Lens' ServiceError ErrorCode
- serviceMessage :: Lens' ServiceError (Maybe ErrorMessage)
- serviceRequestId :: Lens' ServiceError (Maybe RequestId)
- newtype ErrorCode = ErrorCode Text
- newtype ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage Text
- newtype RequestId = RequestId Text
- data Endpoint = Endpoint {}
- data Region
- type ClientRequest = Request
- type ClientResponse = Response ResponseBody
- type ResponseBody = ResumableSource (ResourceT IO) ByteString
- clientRequest :: ClientRequest
- newtype Seconds = Seconds Int
- _Seconds :: Iso' Seconds Int
- seconds :: Seconds -> Int
- microseconds :: Seconds -> Int
- _Coerce :: (Coercible a b, Coercible b a) => Iso' a b
- _Default :: Monoid a => Iso' (Maybe a) a
Access key credential.
Secret key credential.
newtype SessionToken Source
A session token used by STS to temporarily authorise access to an AWS resource.
The authorisation environment.
An authorisation environment containing AWS credentials, and potentially a reference which can be refreshed out-of-band as temporary credentials expire.
type Logger = LogLevel -> Builder -> IO () Source
A function threaded through various request and serialisation routines to log informational and debug messages.
Abbreviated service name.
class AWSSigner (Sg a) => AWSService a where Source
Attributes and functions specific to an AWS service.
Service | |
Constants and predicates used to create a RetryPolicy
Exponential | |
class AWSPresigner v where Source
data family Meta v :: * Source
Signing metadata data specific to a signing algorithm.
Note: this is used for logging purposes, and is otherwise ignored.
ToLog (Meta V2) Source | |
ToLog (Meta V4) Source | |
data Meta V2 = Meta {
| |
data Meta V4 = Meta {
A signed ClientRequest
and associated metadata specific to the signing
algorithm that was used.
Signed :: ToLog (Meta v) => Meta v -> ClientRequest -> Signed v a | |
sgRequest :: Lens' (Signed v a) ClientRequest Source
class AWSService (Sv a) => AWSRequest a where Source
Specify how a request can be de/serialised.
The successful, expected response associated with a request.
The default sevice configuration for the request.
An unsigned request.
rqQuery :: Lens' (Request a) QueryString Source
_Error :: Prism' a Error Source
A general Amazonka error.
_TransportError :: Prism' a HttpException Source
An error occured while communicating over HTTP with a remote service.
_SerializeError :: Prism' a SerializeError Source
A serialisation error occured when attempting to deserialise a response.
_ServiceError :: Prism' a ServiceError Source
A service specific error returned by the remote service.
An error type representing errors that can be attributed to this library.
HTTP Errors
Serialize Errors
data SerializeError Source
Service Errors
Error Types
newtype ErrorMessage Source
The sum of available AWS regions.
Ireland | Europe / eu-west-1 |
Frankfurt | Europe / eu-central-1 |
Tokyo | Asia Pacific / ap-northeast-1 |
Singapore | Asia Pacific / ap-southeast-1 |
Sydney | Asia Pacific / ap-southeast-2 |
Beijing | China / cn-north-1 |
NorthVirginia | US / us-east-1 |
NorthCalifornia | US / us-west-1 |
Oregon | US / us-west-2 |
GovCloud | AWS GovCloud / us-gov-west-1 |
GovCloudFIPS | AWS GovCloud (FIPS 140-2) S3 Only / fips-us-gov-west-1 |
SaoPaulo | South America / sa-east-1 |
type ClientRequest = Request Source
A convenience alias to avoid type ambiguity.
type ClientResponse = Response ResponseBody Source
A convenience alias encapsulating the common Response
type ResponseBody = ResumableSource (ResourceT IO) ByteString Source
A convenience alias encapsulating the common Response
clientRequest :: ClientRequest Source
Construct a ClientRequest
using common parameters such as TLS and prevent
throwing errors when receiving erroneous status codes in respones.
An integral value representing seconds.
microseconds :: Seconds -> Int Source