amazonka-ds-1.3.4: Amazon Directory Service SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




Restores a directory using an existing directory snapshot.

When you restore a directory from a snapshot, any changes made to the directory after the snapshot date are overwritten.

This action returns as soon as the restore operation is initiated. You can monitor the progress of the restore operation by calling the DescribeDirectories operation with the directory identifier. When the DirectoryDescription.Stage value changes to Active, the restore operation is complete.

See: AWS API Reference for RestoreFromSnapshot.


Creating a Request

restoreFromSnapshot Source

Creates a value of RestoreFromSnapshot with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Request Lenses

rfsSnapshotId :: Lens' RestoreFromSnapshot Text Source

The identifier of the snapshot to restore from.

Destructuring the Response

restoreFromSnapshotResponse Source

Creates a value of RestoreFromSnapshotResponse with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Response Lenses