amazonka-ec2-0.0.0: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SDK.

Safe HaskellNone





data EC2 Source

Version 2014-09-01 of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud service.


AWSService EC2 
type Er EC2 = RESTError 
type Sg EC2 = V4 


data RESTError :: *


Eq RESTError 
Show RESTError 
Generic RESTError 
FromXML RESTError 
type Rep RESTError = D1 D1RESTError (C1 C1_0RESTError ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0RESTError (Rec0 RESTMessage)) (S1 S1_0_1RESTError (Rec0 Text)))) 





naeCidrBlock :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source

The network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation.

naeEgress :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the rule is an egress rule (applied to traffic leaving the subnet).

naeIcmpTypeCode :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe IcmpTypeCode) Source

ICMP protocol: The ICMP type and code.

naePortRange :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe PortRange) Source

TCP or UDP protocols: The range of ports the rule applies to.

naeProtocol :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source

The protocol. A value of -1 means all protocols.

naeRuleAction :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates whether to allow or deny the traffic that matches the rule.

naeRuleNumber :: Lens' NetworkAclEntry (Maybe Int) Source

The rule number for the entry. ACL entries are processed in ascending order by rule number.


blobAttributeValue :: BlobAttributeValue Source

BlobAttributeValue constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


iilsGroupNames :: Lens' ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification [Text] Source

One or more security group names.

iilsInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior :: Lens' ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown).

iilsInstanceType :: Lens' ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type. For more information, see Instance Types in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.

iilsPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

Optionally, you can use this parameter to assign the instance a specific available IP address from the IP address range of the subnet.

iilsSubnetId :: Lens' ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into.

iilsUserData :: Lens' ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

User data to be made available to the instance.


sDescription :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The description for the snapshot.

sEncrypted :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the snapshot is encrypted.

sOwnerAlias :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account alias (for example, amazon, self) or AWS account ID that owns the snapshot.

sOwnerId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot owner.

sProgress :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The progress of the snapshot, as a percentage.

sSnapshotId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the snapshot.

sStartTime :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time stamp when the snapshot was initiated.

sState :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The snapshot state.

sTags :: Lens' Snapshot [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the snapshot.

sVolumeId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the volume.

sVolumeSize :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Int) Source

The size of the volume, in GiB.


spotInstanceStateFault :: SpotInstanceStateFault Source

SpotInstanceStateFault constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

sisfCode :: Lens' SpotInstanceStateFault (Maybe Text) Source

The reason code for the Spot Instance state change.

sisfMessage :: Lens' SpotInstanceStateFault (Maybe Text) Source

The message for the Spot Instance state change.


tagDescription Source

TagDescription constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

tdKey :: Lens' TagDescription Text Source

The key of the tag.

tdResourceId :: Lens' TagDescription Text Source

The ID of the resource. For example, ami-1a2b3c4d.

tdValue :: Lens' TagDescription Text Source

The value of the tag.


groupIdentifier :: GroupIdentifier Source

GroupIdentifier constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

giGroupId :: Lens' GroupIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the security group.

giGroupName :: Lens' GroupIdentifier (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the security group.



rilClientToken :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing (Maybe Text) Source

The idempotency token you provided when you created the listing.

rilCreateDate :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time the listing was created.

rilInstanceCounts :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing [InstanceCount] Source

The number of instances in this state.

rilPriceSchedules :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing [PriceSchedule] Source

The price of the Reserved Instance listing.

rilReservedInstancesListingId :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Reserved Instance listing.

rilStatus :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the Reserved Instance listing.

rilStatusMessage :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing (Maybe Text) Source

The reason for the current status of the Reserved Instance listing. The response can be blank.

rilTags :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the resource.

rilUpdateDate :: Lens' ReservedInstancesListing (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The last modified timestamp of the listing.






createVolumePermission :: CreateVolumePermission Source

CreateVolumePermission constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

cvpGroup :: Lens' CreateVolumePermission (Maybe Text) Source

The specific group that is to be added or removed from a volume's list of create volume permissions.

cvpUserId :: Lens' CreateVolumePermission (Maybe Text) Source

The specific AWS account ID that is to be added or removed from a volume's list of create volume permissions.


niacAttachmentId :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachmentChanges (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network interface attachment.

niacDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachmentChanges (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.



dhcpOptions :: DhcpOptions Source

DhcpOptions constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

doDhcpConfigurations :: Lens' DhcpOptions [DhcpConfiguration] Source

One or more DHCP options in the set.

doDhcpOptionsId :: Lens' DhcpOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the set of DHCP options.

doTags :: Lens' DhcpOptions [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the DHCP options set.


inisAssociatePublicIpAddress :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether to assign a public IP address to an instance you launch in a VPC. The public IP address can only be assigned to a network interface for eth0, and can only be assigned to a new network interface, not an existing one. You cannot specify more than one network interface in the request. If luanching into a default subnet, the default value is true.

inisDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

If set to true, the interface is deleted when the instance is terminated. You can specify true only if creating a new network interface when launching an instance.

inisDescription :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The description of the network interface. Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance.

inisDeviceIndex :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Int) Source

The index of the device on the instance for the network interface attachment. If you are specifying a network interface in a RunInstances request, you must provide the device index.

inisGroups :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification [Text] Source

The IDs of the security groups for the network interface. Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance.

inisPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The private IP address of the network interface. Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance.

inisPrivateIpAddresses :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification [PrivateIpAddressSpecification] Source

One or more private IP addresses to assign to the network interface. Only one private IP address can be designated as primary.

inisSecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Int) Source

The number of secondary private IP addresses. You can't specify this option and specify more than one private IP address using the private IP addresses option.

inisSubnetId :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet associated with the network string. Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance.



attributeValue :: AttributeValue Source

AttributeValue constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


piasPrimary :: Lens' PrivateIpAddressSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the private IP address is the primary private IP address. Only one IP address can be designated as primary.


iArchitecture :: Lens' Image Text Source

The architecture of the image.

iBlockDeviceMappings :: Lens' Image [BlockDeviceMapping] Source

Any block device mapping entries.

iDescription :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

The description of the AMI that was provided during image creation.

iHypervisor :: Lens' Image Text Source

The hypervisor type of the image.

iImageId :: Lens' Image Text Source

The ID of the AMI.

iImageLocation :: Lens' Image Text Source

The location of the AMI.

iImageOwnerAlias :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account alias (for example, amazon, self) or the AWS account ID of the AMI owner.

iImageType :: Lens' Image Text Source

The type of image.

iKernelId :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

The kernel associated with the image, if any. Only applicable for machine images.

iName :: Lens' Image Text Source

The name of the AMI that was provided during image creation.

iOwnerId :: Lens' Image Text Source

The AWS account ID of the image owner.

iPlatform :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

The value is Windows for Windows AMIs; otherwise blank.

iProductCodes :: Lens' Image [ProductCode] Source

Any product codes associated with the AMI.

iPublic :: Lens' Image Bool Source

Indicates whether the image has public launch permissions. The value is true if this image has public launch permissions or false if it has only implicit and explicit launch permissions.

iRamdiskId :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

The RAM disk associated with the image, if any. Only applicable for machine images.

iRootDeviceName :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

The device name of the root device (for example, devsda1 or xvda).

iRootDeviceType :: Lens' Image Text Source

The type of root device used by the AMI. The AMI can use an Amazon EBS volume or an instance store volume.

iSriovNetSupport :: Lens' Image (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies whether enhanced networking is enabled.

iState :: Lens' Image Text Source

The current state of the AMI. If the state is available, the image is successfully registered and can be used to launch an instance.

iStateReason :: Lens' Image (Maybe StateReason) Source

The reason for the state change.

iTags :: Lens' Image [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the image.

iVirtualizationType :: Lens' Image Text Source

The type of virtualization of the AMI.


dhcpConfiguration :: DhcpConfiguration Source

DhcpConfiguration constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

dcKey :: Lens' DhcpConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

The name of a DHCP option.

dcValues :: Lens' DhcpConfiguration [AttributeValue] Source

One or more values for the DHCP option.


tag Source


:: Text


-> Text


-> Tag 

Tag constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

tagKey :: Lens' Tag Text Source

The key of the tag. Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws:.

tagValue :: Lens' Tag Text Source

The value of the tag. Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 255 Unicode characters.



niaAttachTime :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The timestamp indicating when the attachment initiated.

niaAttachmentId :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network interface attachment.

niaDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.

niaDeviceIndex :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Int) Source

The device index of the network interface attachment on the instance.

niaInstanceOwnerId :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account ID of the owner of the instance.


runInstancesMonitoringEnabled Source

RunInstancesMonitoringEnabled constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

rimeEnabled :: Lens' RunInstancesMonitoringEnabled Bool Source

Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instance.


volumeStatusInfo :: VolumeStatusInfo Source

VolumeStatusInfo constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vsiDetails :: Lens' VolumeStatusInfo [VolumeStatusDetails] Source

The details of the volume status.

vsiStatus :: Lens' VolumeStatusInfo (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the volume.


niaIpOwnerId :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAssociation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Elastic IP address owner.

niaPublicIp :: Lens' NetworkInterfaceAssociation (Maybe Text) Source

The address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface.


cvpmAdd :: Lens' CreateVolumePermissionModifications [CreateVolumePermission] Source

Adds a specific AWS account ID or group to a volume's list of create volume permissions.

cvpmRemove :: Lens' CreateVolumePermissionModifications [CreateVolumePermission] Source

Removes a specific AWS account ID or group from a volume's list of create volume permissions.






icmpTypeCode :: IcmpTypeCode Source

IcmpTypeCode constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

itcCode :: Lens' IcmpTypeCode (Maybe Int) Source

The ICMP type. A value of -1 means all types.

itcType :: Lens' IcmpTypeCode (Maybe Int) Source

The ICMP code. A value of -1 means all codes for the specified ICMP type.


instanceCount :: InstanceCount Source

InstanceCount constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

icInstanceCount :: Lens' InstanceCount (Maybe Int) Source

he number of listed Reserved Instances in the state specified by the state.

icState :: Lens' InstanceCount (Maybe Text) Source

The states of the listed Reserved Instances.


etstContainerFormat :: Lens' ExportToS3Task (Maybe Text) Source

The container format used to combine disk images with metadata (such as OVF). If absent, only the disk image is exported.

etstDiskImageFormat :: Lens' ExportToS3Task (Maybe Text) Source

The format for the exported image.

etstS3Bucket :: Lens' ExportToS3Task (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon S3 bucket for the destination image. The destination bucket must exist and grant WRITE and READ_ACL permissions to the AWS account


bdmDeviceName :: Lens' BlockDeviceMapping Text Source

The device name exposed to the instance (for example, devsdh).

bdmEbs :: Lens' BlockDeviceMapping (Maybe EbsBlockDevice) Source

Parameters used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is launched.

bdmNoDevice :: Lens' BlockDeviceMapping (Maybe Text) Source

Suppresses the specified device included in the block device mapping of the AMI.

bdmVirtualName :: Lens' BlockDeviceMapping (Maybe Text) Source

The virtual device name (ephemeral[0..3]). The number of available instance store volumes depends on the instance type. After you connect to the instance, you must mount the volume. Constraints: For M3 instances, you must specify instance store volumes in the block device mapping for the instance. When you launch an M3 instance, we ignore any instance store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the AMI.


ctConversionTaskId :: Lens' ConversionTask Text Source

The ID of the conversion task.

ctExpirationTime :: Lens' ConversionTask (Maybe Text) Source

The time when the task expires. If the upload isn't complete before the expiration time, we automatically cancel the task.

ctImportInstance :: Lens' ConversionTask (Maybe ImportInstanceTaskDetails) Source

If the task is for importing an instance, this contains information about the import instance task.

ctImportVolume :: Lens' ConversionTask (Maybe ImportVolumeTaskDetails) Source

If the task is for importing a volume, this contains information about the import volume task.

ctState :: Lens' ConversionTask Text Source

The state of the conversion task.

ctStatusMessage :: Lens' ConversionTask (Maybe Text) Source

The status message related to the conversion task.





spAvailabilityZone :: Lens' SpotPrice (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone.

spProductDescription :: Lens' SpotPrice (Maybe Text) Source

A general description of the AMI.

spSpotPrice :: Lens' SpotPrice (Maybe Text) Source

The maximum price you will pay to launch one or more Spot Instances.

spTimestamp :: Lens' SpotPrice (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time the request was created.


instanceMonitoring :: InstanceMonitoring Source

InstanceMonitoring constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


pssCurrencyCode :: Lens' PriceScheduleSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The currency for transacting the Reserved Instance resale. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.

pssPrice :: Lens' PriceScheduleSpecification (Maybe Double) Source

The fixed price for the term.

pssTerm :: Lens' PriceScheduleSpecification (Maybe Integer) Source

The number of months remaining in the reservation. For example, 2 is the second to the last month before the capacity reservation expires.


spotInstanceStatus :: SpotInstanceStatus Source

SpotInstanceStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

sisCode :: Lens' SpotInstanceStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The status code of the request.

sisMessage :: Lens' SpotInstanceStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The description for the status code for the Spot request.

sisUpdateTime :: Lens' SpotInstanceStatus (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time of the most recent status update.



siAvailabilityZoneGroup :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone group. If you specify the same Availability Zone group for all Spot Instance requests, all Spot Instances are launched in the same Availability Zone.

siCreateTime :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time stamp when the Spot Instance request was created.

siFault :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe SpotInstanceStateFault) Source

The fault codes for the Spot Instance request, if any.

siInstanceId :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The instance ID, if an instance has been launched to fulfill the Spot Instance request.

siLaunchGroup :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The instance launch group. Launch groups are Spot Instances that launch together and terminate together.

siLaunchSpecification :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe LaunchSpecification) Source

Additional information for launching instances.

siLaunchedAvailabilityZone :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone in which the bid is launched.

siProductDescription :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The product description associated with the Spot Instance.

siSpotInstanceRequestId :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Spot Instance request.

siSpotPrice :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The maximum hourly price for any Spot Instance launched to fulfill the request.

siState :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the Spot Instance request. Spot bid status information can help you track your Spot Instance requests. For information, see Tracking Spot Requests with Bid Status Codes in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.

siStatus :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe SpotInstanceStatus) Source

The status code and status message describing the Spot Instance request.

siTags :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the resource.

siType :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The Spot Instance request type.

siValidFrom :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The start date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains active until all instances launch, the request expires, or the request is canceled. If the request is persistent, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains active until it expires or is canceled.

siValidUntil :: Lens' SpotInstanceRequest (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The end date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request remains active until all instances launch, the request is canceled, or this date is reached. If the request is persistent, it remains active until it is canceled or this date is reached.


lsBlockDeviceMappings :: Lens' LaunchSpecification [BlockDeviceMapping] Source

One or more block device mapping entries.

lsEbsOptimized :: Lens' LaunchSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS Optimized instance. Default: false.

lsInstanceType :: Lens' LaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type. Default: m1.small.

lsKeyName :: Lens' LaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the key pair.

lsPlacement :: Lens' LaunchSpecification (Maybe SpotPlacement) Source

The placement information for the instance.

lsSecurityGroups :: Lens' LaunchSpecification [GroupIdentifier] Source

One or more security groups. If requesting a Spot Instance in a nondefault VPC, you must specify the security group ID. If requesting a Spot Instance in EC2-Classic or a default VPC, you can specify either the security group name or ID.

lsSubnetId :: Lens' LaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet in which to launch the Spot Instance.

lsUserData :: Lens' LaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The Base64-encoded MIME user data to make available to the instances.


vseDescription :: Lens' VolumeStatusEvent (Maybe Text) Source

A description of the event.

vseEventType :: Lens' VolumeStatusEvent (Maybe Text) Source

The type of this event.

vseNotAfter :: Lens' VolumeStatusEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The latest end time of the event.

vseNotBefore :: Lens' VolumeStatusEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The earliest start time of the event.


vAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone for the volume.

vCreateTime :: Lens' Volume (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time stamp when volume creation was initiated.

vEncrypted :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the volume is encrypted.

vIops :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Int) Source

The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. For Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For General Purpose (SSD) volumes, this represents the baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for bursting. For more information on General Purpose (SSD) baseline performance, I/O credits, and bursting, see Amazon EBS Volume Types in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. Constraint: Range is 100 to 4000 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes and 3 to 3072 for General Purpose (SSD) volumes. Condition: This parameter is required for requests to create io1 volumes; it is not used in requests to create standard or gp2 volumes.

vSize :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Int) Source

The size of the volume, in GiBs.

vSnapshotId :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Text) Source

The snapshot from which the volume was created, if applicable.

vState :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Text) Source

The volume state.

vTags :: Lens' Volume [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the volume.

vVolumeId :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the volume.

vVolumeType :: Lens' Volume (Maybe Text) Source

The volume type. This can be gp2 for General Purpose (SSD) volumes, io1 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, or standard for Magnetic volumes.


reservation :: Reservation Source

Reservation constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

rGroups :: Lens' Reservation [GroupIdentifier] Source

One or more security groups.

rInstances :: Lens' Reservation [Instance] Source

One or more instances.

rOwnerId :: Lens' Reservation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the AWS account that owns the reservation.

rRequesterId :: Lens' Reservation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the requester that launched the instances on your behalf (for example, AWS Management Console or Auto Scaling).

rReservationId :: Lens' Reservation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the reservation.


iivdiAvailabilityZone :: Lens' ImportInstanceVolumeDetailItem Text Source

The Availability Zone where the resulting instance will reside.

iivdiStatus :: Lens' ImportInstanceVolumeDetailItem Text Source

The status of the import of this particular disk image.

iivdiStatusMessage :: Lens' ImportInstanceVolumeDetailItem (Maybe Text) Source

The status information or errors related to the disk image.



rimClientToken :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification (Maybe Text) Source

A unique, case-sensitive key supplied by the client to ensure that the modification request is idempotent.

rimCreateDate :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time when the modification request was created.

rimEffectiveDate :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time for the modification to become effective.

rimModificationResults :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification [ReservedInstancesModificationResult] Source

Contains target configurations along with their corresponding new Reserved Instance IDs.

rimReservedInstancesModificationId :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification (Maybe Text) Source

A unique ID for the Reserved Instance modification.

rimStatus :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the Reserved Instances modification request.

rimUpdateDate :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModification (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time when the modification request was last updated.



niAssociation :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe NetworkInterfaceAssociation) Source

The association information for an Elastic IP associated with the network interface.

niGroups :: Lens' NetworkInterface [GroupIdentifier] Source

Any security groups for the network interface.

niNetworkInterfaceId :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network interface.

niOwnerId :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account ID of the owner of the network interface.

niPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The IP address of the network interface within the subnet.

niPrivateIpAddresses :: Lens' NetworkInterface [NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress] Source

The private IP addresses associated with the network interface.

niRequesterId :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the entity that launched the instance on your behalf (for example, AWS Management Console or Auto Scaling).

niRequesterManaged :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the network interface is being managed by AWS.

niSourceDestCheck :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether traffic to or from the instance is validated.

niStatus :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the network interface.

niSubnetId :: Lens' NetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet.

niTagSet :: Lens' NetworkInterface [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the network interface.



s1AvailabilityZone :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone of the subnet.

s1AvailableIpAddressCount :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Int) Source

The number of unused IP addresses in the subnet. Note that the IP addresses for any stopped instances are considered unavailable.

s1CidrBlock :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) Source

The CIDR block assigned to the subnet.

s1DefaultForAz :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether this is the default subnet for the Availability Zone.

s1MapPublicIpOnLaunch :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether instances launched in this subnet receive a public IP address.

s1State :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the subnet.

s1SubnetId :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet.

s1Tags :: Lens' Subnet [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the subnet.

s1VpcId :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC the subnet is in.


keyPairInfo :: KeyPairInfo Source

KeyPairInfo constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

kpiKeyFingerprint :: Lens' KeyPairInfo (Maybe Text) Source

If you used CreateKeyPair to create the key pair, this is the SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key. If you used ImportKeyPair to provide AWS the public key, this is the MD5 public key fingerprint as specified in section 4 of RFC4716.

kpiKeyName :: Lens' KeyPairInfo (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the key pair.


lpmAdd :: Lens' LaunchPermissionModifications [LaunchPermission] Source

The AWS account ID to add to the list of launch permissions for the AMI.

lpmRemove :: Lens' LaunchPermissionModifications [LaunchPermission] Source

The AWS account ID to remove from the list of launch permissions for the AMI.



iniaIpOwnerId :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the owner of the Elastic IP address.

iniaPublicIp :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation (Maybe Text) Source

The public IP address or Elastic IP address bound to the network interface.


diskImageDetail Source

DiskImageDetail constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

didFormat :: Lens' DiskImageDetail Text Source

The disk image format.

didImportManifestUrl :: Lens' DiskImageDetail Text Source

A presigned URL for the import manifest stored in Amazon S3. For information about creating a presigned URL for an Amazon S3 object, read the "Query String Request Authentication Alternative" section of the Authenticating REST Requests topic in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.


ipiaAssociation :: Lens' InstancePrivateIpAddress (Maybe InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation) Source

The association information for an Elastic IP address for the network interface.

ipiaPrimary :: Lens' InstancePrivateIpAddress (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether this IP address is the primary private IP address of the network interface.

ipiaPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' InstancePrivateIpAddress (Maybe Text) Source

The private IP address of the network interface.


csiState :: Lens' CancelledSpotInstanceRequest (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the Spot Instance request.


vcosStaticRoutesOnly :: Lens' VpnConnectionOptionsSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. Static routes must be used for devices that don't support BGP.


aAllocationId :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The ID representing the allocation of the address for use with EC2-VPC.

aAssociationId :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The ID representing the association of the address with an instance in a VPC.

aDomain :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates whether this Elastic IP address is for use with instances in EC2-Classic (standard) or instances in a VPC (vpc).

aInstanceId :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the instance the address is associated with (if any).

aNetworkInterfaceId :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network interface.

aNetworkInterfaceOwnerId :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the AWS account that owns the network interface.

aPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The private IP address associated with the Elastic IP address.

aPublicIp :: Lens' Address (Maybe Text) Source

The Elastic IP address.



launchPermission :: LaunchPermission Source

LaunchPermission constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

lpGroup :: Lens' LaunchPermission (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the group.



rtaMain :: Lens' RouteTableAssociation (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether this is the main route table.

rtaRouteTableAssociationId :: Lens' RouteTableAssociation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the association between a route table and a subnet.



portRange :: PortRange Source

PortRange constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

prFrom :: Lens' PortRange (Maybe Int) Source

The first port in the range.

prTo :: Lens' PortRange (Maybe Int) Source

The last port in the range.



ricAvailabilityZone :: Lens' ReservedInstancesConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone for the modified Reserved Instances.

ricInstanceCount :: Lens' ReservedInstancesConfiguration (Maybe Int) Source

The number of modified Reserved Instances.

ricInstanceType :: Lens' ReservedInstancesConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type for the modified Reserved Instances.

ricPlatform :: Lens' ReservedInstancesConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

The network platform of the modified Reserved Instances, which is either EC2-Classic or EC2-VPC.


volumeStatusDetails :: VolumeStatusDetails Source

VolumeStatusDetails constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vsdName :: Lens' VolumeStatusDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the volume status.

vsdStatus :: Lens' VolumeStatusDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The intended status of the volume status.



vpnConnectionOptions :: VpnConnectionOptions Source

VpnConnectionOptions constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vcoStaticRoutesOnly :: Lens' VpnConnectionOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. Static routes must be used for devices that don't support BGP.


userIdGroupPair :: UserIdGroupPair Source

UserIdGroupPair constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

uigpGroupId :: Lens' UserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the security group in the specified AWS account.

uigpGroupName :: Lens' UserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the security group owned by the specified AWS account.

uigpUserId :: Lens' UserIdGroupPair (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of an AWS account.


instanceStatusSummary :: InstanceStatusSummary Source

InstanceStatusSummary constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

issDetails :: Lens' InstanceStatusSummary [InstanceStatusDetails] Source

The system instance health or application instance health.


spotPlacement :: SpotPlacement Source

SpotPlacement constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

sp1GroupName :: Lens' SpotPlacement (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the placement group (for cluster instances).


eibdsDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination.


naaNetworkAclAssociationId :: Lens' NetworkAclAssociation (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the association between a network ACL and a subnet.


btBundleId :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe Text) Source

The ID for this bundle task.

btBundleTaskError :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe BundleTaskError) Source

If the task fails, a description of the error.

btInstanceId :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the instance associated with this bundle task.

btProgress :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe Text) Source

The level of task completion, as a percent (for example, 20%).

btStartTime :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time this task started.

btState :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the task.

btStorage :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe Storage) Source

The Amazon S3 storage locations.

btUpdateTime :: Lens' BundleTask (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time of the most recent update for the task.


iseCode :: Lens' InstanceStatusEvent (Maybe Text) Source

The associated code of the event.

iseDescription :: Lens' InstanceStatusEvent (Maybe Text) Source

A description of the event.

iseNotAfter :: Lens' InstanceStatusEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The latest scheduled end time for the event.

iseNotBefore :: Lens' InstanceStatusEvent (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The earliest scheduled start time for the event.


data InstanceType Source















































































rDestinationCidrBlock :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The CIDR block used for the destination match.

rGatewayId :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of a gateway attached to your VPC.

rInstanceId :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of a NAT instance in your VPC.

rInstanceOwnerId :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account ID of the owner of the instance.

rNetworkInterfaceId :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network interface.

rOrigin :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

Describes how the route was created. CreateRouteTable indicates that route was automatically created when the route table was created. CreateRoute indicates that the route was manually added to the route table. EnableVgwRoutePropagation indicates that the route was propagated by route propagation.

rState :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the route. The blackhole state indicates that the route's target isn't available (for example, the specified gateway isn't attached to the VPC, or the specified NAT instance has been terminated).

rVpcPeeringConnectionId :: Lens' Route (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC peering connection.


sdsBucket :: Lens' SpotDatafeedSubscription (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon S3 bucket where the Spot Instance datafeed is located.

sdsFault :: Lens' SpotDatafeedSubscription (Maybe SpotInstanceStateFault) Source

The fault codes for the Spot Instance request, if any.

sdsOwnerId :: Lens' SpotDatafeedSubscription (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account ID of the account.

sdsPrefix :: Lens' SpotDatafeedSubscription (Maybe Text) Source

The prefix that is prepended to datafeed files.

sdsState :: Lens' SpotDatafeedSubscription (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the Spot Instance datafeed subscription.


storage :: Storage Source

Storage constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

sS3 :: Lens' Storage (Maybe S3Storage) Source

An Amazon S3 storage location.


sgDescription :: Lens' SecurityGroup Text Source

A description of the security group.

sgGroupId :: Lens' SecurityGroup Text Source

The ID of the security group.

sgGroupName :: Lens' SecurityGroup Text Source

The name of the security group.

sgIpPermissions :: Lens' SecurityGroup [IpPermission] Source

One or more inbound rules associated with the security group.

sgIpPermissionsEgress :: Lens' SecurityGroup [IpPermission] Source

One or more outbound rules associated with the security group.

sgOwnerId :: Lens' SecurityGroup Text Source

The AWS account ID of the owner of the security group.

sgTags :: Lens' SecurityGroup [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the security group.

sgVpcId :: Lens' SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC for the security group.




rimrReservedInstancesId :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModificationResult (Maybe Text) Source

The ID for the Reserved Instances that were created as part of the modification request. This field is only available when the modification is fulfilled.

rimrTargetConfiguration :: Lens' ReservedInstancesModificationResult (Maybe ReservedInstancesConfiguration) Source

The target Reserved Instances configurations supplied as part of the modification request.


ibdmsDeviceName :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMappingSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The device name exposed to the instance (for example, devsdh).

ibdmsEbs :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMappingSpecification (Maybe EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification) Source

Parameters used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is launched.

ibdmsNoDevice :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMappingSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

suppress the specified device included in the block device mapping.



vaAttachTime :: Lens' VolumeAttachment (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time stamp when the attachment initiated.

vaDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' VolumeAttachment (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.

vaInstanceId :: Lens' VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the instance.

vaState :: Lens' VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The attachment state of the volume.

vaVolumeId :: Lens' VolumeAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the volume.


customerGateway :: CustomerGateway Source

CustomerGateway constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

cgBgpAsn :: Lens' CustomerGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The customer gateway's Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASN).

cgCustomerGatewayId :: Lens' CustomerGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the customer gateway.

cgIpAddress :: Lens' CustomerGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The Internet-routable IP address of the customer gateway's outside interface.

cgState :: Lens' CustomerGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the customer gateway (pending | available | deleting | deleted).

cgTags :: Lens' CustomerGateway [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the customer gateway.

cgType :: Lens' CustomerGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The type of VPN connection the customer gateway supports (ipsec.1).


eibdAttachTime :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time stamp when the attachment initiated.

eibdDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination.

eibdVolumeId :: Lens' EbsInstanceBlockDevice (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Amazon EBS volume.



did1Checksum :: Lens' DiskImageDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The checksum computed for the disk image.

did1ImportManifestUrl :: Lens' DiskImageDescription Text Source

A presigned URL for the import manifest stored in Amazon S3. For information about creating a presigned URL for an Amazon S3 object, read the "Query String Request Authentication Alternative" section of the Authenticating REST Requests topic in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

did1Size :: Lens' DiskImageDescription Integer Source

The size of the disk image.


diskImageVolumeDescription Source

DiskImageVolumeDescription constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


monitoring :: Monitoring Source

Monitoring constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

mState :: Lens' Monitoring (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instance.




availabilityZoneMessage :: AvailabilityZoneMessage Source

AvailabilityZoneMessage constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

azmMessage :: Lens' AvailabilityZoneMessage (Maybe Text) Source

The message about the Availability Zone.


vpcAttachment :: VpcAttachment Source

VpcAttachment constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

va1State :: Lens' VpcAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the attachment.

va1VpcId :: Lens' VpcAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC.


ibdmDeviceName :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMapping (Maybe Text) Source

The device name exposed to the instance (for example, devsdh).

ibdmEbs :: Lens' InstanceBlockDeviceMapping (Maybe EbsInstanceBlockDevice) Source

Parameters used to automatically set up Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is launched.



etstsS3Prefix :: Lens' ExportToS3TaskSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The image is written to a single object in the Amazon S3 bucket at the S3 key s3prefix + exportTaskId + . + diskImageFormat.




instanceExportDetails :: InstanceExportDetails Source

InstanceExportDetails constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

iedInstanceId :: Lens' InstanceExportDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the resource being exported.

iedTargetEnvironment :: Lens' InstanceExportDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The target virtualization environment.



azMessages :: Lens' AvailabilityZone [AvailabilityZoneMessage] Source

Any messages about the Availability Zone.

azRegionName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the region.

azState :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the Availability Zone (available | impaired | unavailable).

azZoneName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the Availability Zone.



rtAssociations :: Lens' RouteTable [RouteTableAssociation] Source

The associations between the route table and one or more subnets.

rtPropagatingVgws :: Lens' RouteTable [PropagatingVgw] Source

Any virtual private gateway (VGW) propagating routes.

rtRouteTableId :: Lens' RouteTable (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the route table.

rtRoutes :: Lens' RouteTable [Route] Source

The routes in the route table.

rtTags :: Lens' RouteTable [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the route table.

rtVpcId :: Lens' RouteTable (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC.



instanceStatusDetails :: InstanceStatusDetails Source

InstanceStatusDetails constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

isdImpairedSince :: Lens' InstanceStatusDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.

isdName :: Lens' InstanceStatusDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The type of instance status.


iamInstanceProfile :: IamInstanceProfile Source

IamInstanceProfile constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

iipArn :: Lens' IamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.

iipId :: Lens' IamInstanceProfile (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the instance profile.


internetGatewayAttachment Source

InternetGatewayAttachment constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

igaState :: Lens' InternetGatewayAttachment Text Source

The current state of the attachment.




ipPermission Source

IpPermission constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

ipFromPort :: Lens' IpPermission Int Source

The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP types.

ipIpProtocol :: Lens' IpPermission Text Source

The protocol. When you call DescribeSecurityGroups, the protocol value returned is the number. Exception: For TCP, UDP, and ICMP, the value returned is the name (for example, tcp, udp, or icmp). For a list of protocol numbers, see Protocol Numbers.

ipIpRanges :: Lens' IpPermission [IpRange] Source

One or more IP ranges.

ipToPort :: Lens' IpPermission Int Source

The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP codes for the specified ICMP type.

ipUserIdGroupPairs :: Lens' IpPermission [UserIdGroupPair] Source

One or more security group and AWS account ID pairs.



diskImage :: DiskImage Source

DiskImage constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:



vpcsrCode :: Lens' VpcPeeringConnectionStateReason (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the VPC peering connection.

vpcsrMessage :: Lens' VpcPeeringConnectionStateReason (Maybe Text) Source

A message that provides more information about the status, if applicable.


iipsArn :: Lens' IamInstanceProfileSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.

iipsName :: Lens' IamInstanceProfileSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the instance profile.


ivtdAvailabilityZone :: Lens' ImportVolumeTaskDetails Text Source

The Availability Zone where the resulting volume will reside.

ivtdBytesConverted :: Lens' ImportVolumeTaskDetails Integer Source

The number of bytes converted so far.

ivtdDescription :: Lens' ImportVolumeTaskDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The description you provided when starting the import volume task.



iniAssociation :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterface (Maybe InstanceNetworkInterfaceAssociation) Source

The association information for an Elastic IP associated with the network interface.

iniOwnerId :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the AWS account that created the network interface.

iniPrivateIpAddress :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The IP address of the network interface within the subnet.

iniPrivateIpAddresses :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterface [InstancePrivateIpAddress] Source

The private IP addresses associated with the network interface.

iniSourceDestCheck :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterface (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether to validate network traffic to or from this network interface.

iniStatus :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterface (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the network interface.


volumeStatusAction :: VolumeStatusAction Source

VolumeStatusAction constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vsaCode :: Lens' VolumeStatusAction (Maybe Text) Source

The code identifying the operation, for example, enable-volume-io.

vsaDescription :: Lens' VolumeStatusAction (Maybe Text) Source

A description of the operation.

vsaEventId :: Lens' VolumeStatusAction (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the event associated with this operation.

vsaEventType :: Lens' VolumeStatusAction (Maybe Text) Source

The event type associated with this operation.


vpcviOwnerId :: Lens' VpcPeeringConnectionVpcInfo (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS account ID of the VPC owner.


rilpAmount :: Lens' ReservedInstanceLimitPrice (Maybe Double) Source

Used for Reserved Instance Marketplace offerings. Specifies the limit price on the total order (instanceCount * price).

rilpCurrencyCode :: Lens' ReservedInstanceLimitPrice (Maybe Text) Source

The currency in which the limitPrice amount is specified. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.


vpc :: Vpc Source

Vpc constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vpcCidrBlock :: Lens' Vpc (Maybe Text) Source

The CIDR block for the VPC.

vpcDhcpOptionsId :: Lens' Vpc (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the set of DHCP options you've associated with the VPC (or default if the default options are associated with the VPC).

vpcInstanceTenancy :: Lens' Vpc (Maybe Text) Source

The allowed tenancy of instances launched into the VPC.

vpcIsDefault :: Lens' Vpc (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the VPC is the default VPC.

vpcState :: Lens' Vpc (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the VPC.

vpcTags :: Lens' Vpc [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the VPC.

vpcVpcId :: Lens' Vpc (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC.


isAvailabilityZone :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone of the instance.

isEvents :: Lens' InstanceStatus [InstanceStatusEvent] Source

Extra information regarding events associated with the instance.

isInstanceId :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the instance.

isInstanceState :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceState) Source

The intended state of the instance. DescribeInstanceStatus requires that an instance be in the running state.

isInstanceStatus :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceStatusSummary) Source

Reports impaired functionality that stems from issues internal to the instance, such as impaired reachability.

isSystemStatus :: Lens' InstanceStatus (Maybe InstanceStatusSummary) Source

Reports impaired functionality that stems from issues related to the systems that support an instance, such as hardware failures and network connectivity problems.




ebdDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.

ebdEncrypted :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the Amazon EBS volume is encrypted. Encrypted Amazon EBS volumes may only be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption.

ebdIops :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Int) Source

The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. For Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For General Purpose (SSD) volumes, this represents the baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for bursting. For more information on General Purpose (SSD) baseline performance, I/O credits, and bursting, see Amazon EBS Volume Types in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. Constraint: Range is 100 to 4000 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes and 3 to 3072 for General Purpose (SSD) volumes. Condition: This parameter is required for requests to create io1 volumes; it is not used in requests to create standard or gp2 volumes.

ebdSnapshotId :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the snapshot.

ebdVolumeSize :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Int) Source

The size of the volume, in GiB. Constraints: If the volume type is io1, the minimum size of the volume is 10 GiB; otherwise, the minimum size is 1 GiB. The maximum volume size is 1024 GiB. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size. Default: If you're creating the volume from a snapshot and don't specify a volume size, the default is the snapshot size.

ebdVolumeType :: Lens' EbsBlockDevice (Maybe Text) Source

The volume type. gp2 for General Purpose (SSD) volumes, io1 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, and standard for Magnetic volumes. Default: standard.


accountAttribute :: AccountAttribute Source

AccountAttribute constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

aaAttributeName :: Lens' AccountAttribute (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the account attribute.

aaAttributeValues :: Lens' AccountAttribute [AccountAttributeValue] Source

One or more values for the account attribute.


priceSchedule :: PriceSchedule Source

PriceSchedule constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

psActive :: Lens' PriceSchedule (Maybe Bool) Source

The current price schedule, as determined by the term remaining for the Reserved Instance in the listing. A specific price schedule is always in effect, but only one price schedule can be active at any time. Take, for example, a Reserved Instance listing that has five months remaining in its term. When you specify price schedules for five months and two months, this means that schedule 1, covering the first three months of the remaining term, will be active during months 5, 4, and 3. Then schedule 2, covering the last two months of the term, will be active for months 2 and 1.

psCurrencyCode :: Lens' PriceSchedule (Maybe Text) Source

The currency for transacting the Reserved Instance resale. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.

psPrice :: Lens' PriceSchedule (Maybe Double) Source

The fixed price for the term.

psTerm :: Lens' PriceSchedule (Maybe Integer) Source

The number of months remaining in the reservation. For example, 2 is the second to the last month before the capacity reservation expires.




region :: Region Source

Region constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

rEndpoint :: Lens' Region (Maybe Text) Source

The region service endpoint.

rRegionName :: Lens' Region (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the region.


propagatingVgw :: PropagatingVgw Source

PropagatingVgw constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

pvGatewayId :: Lens' PropagatingVgw (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the virtual private gateway (VGW).



vpnGateway :: VpnGateway Source

VpnGateway constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vgAvailabilityZone :: Lens' VpnGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone where the virtual private gateway was created.

vgState :: Lens' VpnGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the virtual private gateway.

vgTags :: Lens' VpnGateway [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the virtual private gateway.

vgType :: Lens' VpnGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The type of VPN connection the virtual private gateway supports.

vgVpcAttachments :: Lens' VpnGateway [VpcAttachment] Source

Any VPCs attached to the virtual private gateway.

vgVpnGatewayId :: Lens' VpnGateway (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the virtual private gateway.


filter' Source


:: Text


-> Filter 

Filter constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

fName :: Lens' Filter Text Source

The name of the filter.

fValues :: Lens' Filter [Text] Source

One or more filter values.



iscCurrentState :: Lens' InstanceStateChange (Maybe InstanceState) Source

The current state of the instance.

iscPreviousState :: Lens' InstanceStateChange (Maybe InstanceState) Source

The previous state of the instance.


naAssociations :: Lens' NetworkAcl [NetworkAclAssociation] Source

Any associations between the network ACL and one or more subnets.

naEntries :: Lens' NetworkAcl [NetworkAclEntry] Source

One or more entries (rules) in the network ACL.

naIsDefault :: Lens' NetworkAcl (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether this is the default network ACL for the VPC.

naNetworkAclId :: Lens' NetworkAcl (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network ACL.

naTags :: Lens' NetworkAcl [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the network ACL.

naVpcId :: Lens' NetworkAcl (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC for the network ACL.




iniaAttachTime :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time stamp when the attachment initiated.

iniaAttachmentId :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the network interface attachment.

iniaDeleteOnTermination :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.

iniaDeviceIndex :: Lens' InstanceNetworkInterfaceAttachment (Maybe Int) Source

The index of the device on the instance for the network interface attachment.


attributeBooleanValue :: AttributeBooleanValue Source

AttributeBooleanValue constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


recurringCharge :: RecurringCharge Source

RecurringCharge constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

rcAmount :: Lens' RecurringCharge (Maybe Double) Source

The amount of the recurring charge.

rcFrequency :: Lens' RecurringCharge (Maybe Text) Source

The frequency of the recurring charge.


newDhcpConfiguration :: NewDhcpConfiguration Source

NewDhcpConfiguration constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


stateReason :: StateReason Source

StateReason constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

srCode :: Lens' StateReason (Maybe Text) Source

The reason code for the state change.

srMessage :: Lens' StateReason (Maybe Text) Source

The message for the state change. Server.SpotInstanceTermination: A Spot Instance was terminated due to an increase in the market price. Server.InternalError: An internal error occurred during instance launch, resulting in termination. Server.InsufficientInstanceCapacity: There was insufficient instance capacity to satisfy the launch request. Client.InternalError: A client error caused the instance to terminate on launch. Client.InstanceInitiatedShutdown: The instance was shut down using the shutdown -h command from the instance. Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: The instance was shut down using the Amazon EC2 API. Client.VolumeLimitExceeded: The volume limit was exceeded. Client.InvalidSnapshot.NotFound: The specified snapshot was not found.



reservedInstancesId :: ReservedInstancesId Source

ReservedInstancesId constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

riiReservedInstancesId :: Lens' ReservedInstancesId (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Reserved Instance.



internetGateway Source

InternetGateway constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

igAttachments :: Lens' InternetGateway [InternetGatewayAttachment] Source

Any VPCs attached to the Internet gateway.

igInternetGatewayId :: Lens' InternetGateway Text Source

The ID of the Internet gateway.

igTags :: Lens' InternetGateway [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the Internet gateway.




iitdPlatform :: Lens' ImportInstanceTaskDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The instance operating system.


placementGroup :: PlacementGroup Source

PlacementGroup constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

pgGroupName :: Lens' PlacementGroup (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the placement group.

pgState :: Lens' PlacementGroup (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the placement group.

pgStrategy :: Lens' PlacementGroup (Maybe Text) Source

The placement strategy.


productCode :: ProductCode Source

ProductCode constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

pcProductCodeType :: Lens' ProductCode (Maybe Text) Source

The type of product code.



ipRange Source


:: Text


-> IpRange 

IpRange constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

irCidrIp :: Lens' IpRange Text Source

The CIDR range. You can either specify a CIDR range or a source security group, not both.



accountAttributeValue :: AccountAttributeValue Source

AccountAttributeValue constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:



rioAvailabilityZone :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone in which the Reserved Instance can be used.

rioCurrencyCode :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The currency of the Reserved Instance offering you are purchasing. It's specified using ISO 4217 standard currency codes. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.

rioDuration :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Integer) Source

The duration of the Reserved Instance, in seconds.

rioFixedPrice :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Double) Source

The purchase price of the Reserved Instance.

rioInstanceTenancy :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The tenancy of the reserved instance.

rioInstanceType :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type on which the Reserved Instance can be used.

rioMarketplace :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the offering is available through the Reserved Instance Marketplace (resale) or AWS. If it's a Reserved Instance Marketplace offering, this is true.

rioOfferingType :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The Reserved Instance offering type.

rioPricingDetails :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering [PricingDetail] Source

The pricing details of the Reserved Instance offering.

rioProductDescription :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The Reserved Instance description.

rioRecurringCharges :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering [RecurringCharge] Source

The recurring charge tag assigned to the resource.

rioReservedInstancesOfferingId :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Reserved Instance offering.

rioUsagePrice :: Lens' ReservedInstancesOffering (Maybe Double) Source

The usage price of the Reserved Instance, per hour.


ri1AvailabilityZone :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone in which the Reserved Instance can be used.

ri1CurrencyCode :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The currency of the Reserved Instance. It's specified using ISO 4217 standard currency codes. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.

ri1Duration :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Integer) Source

The duration of the Reserved Instance, in seconds.

ri1End :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time when the Reserved Instance expires.

ri1FixedPrice :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Double) Source

The purchase price of the Reserved Instance.

ri1InstanceCount :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Int) Source

The number of Reserved Instances purchased.

ri1InstanceTenancy :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The tenancy of the reserved instance.

ri1InstanceType :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type on which the Reserved Instance can be used.

ri1OfferingType :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The Reserved Instance offering type.

ri1ProductDescription :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The Reserved Instance description.

ri1RecurringCharges :: Lens' ReservedInstances [RecurringCharge] Source

The recurring charge tag assigned to the resource.

ri1ReservedInstancesId :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Reserved Instance.

ri1Start :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time the Reserved Instance started.

ri1State :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the Reserved Instance purchase.

ri1Tags :: Lens' ReservedInstances [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the resource.

ri1UsagePrice :: Lens' ReservedInstances (Maybe Double) Source

The usage price of the Reserved Instance, per hour.





vcCustomerGatewayConfiguration :: Lens' VpnConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The configuration information for the VPN connection's customer gateway (in the native XML format). This element is always present in the CreateVpnConnection response; however, it's present in the DescribeVpnConnections response only if the VPN connection is in the pending or available state.

vcCustomerGatewayId :: Lens' VpnConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the customer gateway at your end of the VPN connection.

vcRoutes :: Lens' VpnConnection [VpnStaticRoute] Source

The static routes associated with the VPN connection.

vcState :: Lens' VpnConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the VPN connection.

vcTags :: Lens' VpnConnection [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the VPN connection.

vcType :: Lens' VpnConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The type of VPN connection.

vcVgwTelemetry :: Lens' VpnConnection [VgwTelemetry] Source

Information about the VPN tunnel.

vcVpnConnectionId :: Lens' VpnConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPN connection.

vcVpnGatewayId :: Lens' VpnConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the virtual private gateway at the AWS side of the VPN connection.


instanceState Source

InstanceState constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

isCode :: Lens' InstanceState Int Source

The low byte represents the state. The high byte is an opaque internal value and should be ignored. 0 : pending 16 : running 32 : shutting-down 48 : terminated 64 : stopping 80 : stopped.

isName :: Lens' InstanceState Text Source

The current state of the instance.


placement :: Placement Source

Placement constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

pAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Placement (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone of the instance.

pGroupName :: Lens' Placement (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances).

pTenancy :: Lens' Placement (Maybe Text) Source

The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware.




vpc1ExpirationTime :: Lens' VpcPeeringConnection (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time that an unaccepted VPC peering connection will expire.

vpc1Tags :: Lens' VpcPeeringConnection [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the resource.

vpc1VpcPeeringConnectionId :: Lens' VpcPeeringConnection (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC peering connection.


ssAWSAccessKeyId :: Lens' S3Storage (Maybe Text) Source

The access key ID of the owner of the bucket. Before you specify a value for your access key ID, review and follow the guidance in Best Practices for Managing AWS Access Keys.

ssBucket :: Lens' S3Storage (Maybe Text) Source

The bucket in which to store the AMI. You can specify a bucket that you already own or a new bucket that Amazon EC2 creates on your behalf. If you specify a bucket that belongs to someone else, Amazon EC2 returns an error.

ssPrefix :: Lens' S3Storage (Maybe Text) Source

The beginning of the file name of the AMI.

ssUploadPolicy :: Lens' S3Storage (Maybe Base64) Source

A Base64-encoded Amazon S3 upload policy that gives Amazon EC2 permission to upload items into Amazon S3 on your behalf.

ssUploadPolicySignature :: Lens' S3Storage (Maybe Text) Source

The signature of the Base64 encoded JSON document.


vtAcceptedRouteCount :: Lens' VgwTelemetry (Maybe Int) Source

The number of accepted routes.

vtLastStatusChange :: Lens' VgwTelemetry (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time of the last change in status.

vtOutsideIpAddress :: Lens' VgwTelemetry (Maybe Text) Source

The Internet-routable IP address of the virtual private gateway's outside interface.

vtStatus :: Lens' VgwTelemetry (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the VPN tunnel.

vtStatusMessage :: Lens' VgwTelemetry (Maybe Text) Source

If an error occurs, a description of the error.


vpnStaticRoute :: VpnStaticRoute Source

VpnStaticRoute constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vsrDestinationCidrBlock :: Lens' VpnStaticRoute (Maybe Text) Source

The CIDR block associated with the local subnet of the customer data center.

vsrSource :: Lens' VpnStaticRoute (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates how the routes were provided.

vsrState :: Lens' VpnStaticRoute (Maybe Text) Source

The current state of the static route.



i1AmiLaunchIndex :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Int) Source

The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance in the launch group.

i1Architecture :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The architecture of the image.

i1BlockDeviceMappings :: Lens' Instance [InstanceBlockDeviceMapping] Source

Any block device mapping entries for the instance.

i1ClientToken :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The idempotency token you provided when you launched the instance.

i1EbsOptimized :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS Optimized instance.

i1Hypervisor :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The hypervisor type of the instance.

i1IamInstanceProfile :: Lens' Instance (Maybe IamInstanceProfile) Source

The IAM instance profile associated with the instance.

i1ImageId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance.

i1InstanceId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the instance.

i1InstanceLifecycle :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates whether this is a Spot Instance.

i1InstanceType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type.

i1KernelId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The kernel associated with this instance.

i1KeyName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the key pair, if this instance was launched with an associated key pair.

i1LaunchTime :: Lens' Instance (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time the instance was launched.

i1Monitoring :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Monitoring) Source

The monitoring information for the instance.

i1NetworkInterfaces :: Lens' Instance [InstanceNetworkInterface] Source

One or more network interfaces for the instance.

i1Placement :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Placement) Source

The location where the instance launched.

i1Platform :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The value is Windows for Windows instances; otherwise blank.

i1PrivateDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The private DNS name assigned to the instance. This DNS name can only be used inside the Amazon EC2 network. This name is not available until the instance enters the running state.

i1PrivateIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The private IP address assigned to the instance.

i1ProductCodes :: Lens' Instance [ProductCode] Source

The product codes attached to this instance.

i1PublicDnsName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The public DNS name assigned to the instance. This name is not available until the instance enters the running state.

i1PublicIpAddress :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The public IP address assigned to the instance.

i1RamdiskId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The RAM disk associated with this instance.

i1RootDeviceName :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The root device name (for example, devsda1).

i1RootDeviceType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The root device type used by the AMI. The AMI can use an Amazon EBS volume or an instance store volume.

i1SecurityGroups :: Lens' Instance [GroupIdentifier] Source

One or more security groups for the instance.

i1SourceDestCheck :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether to enable an instance launched in a VPC to perform NAT. This controls whether source/destination checking is enabled on the instance. A value of true means checking is enabled, and false means checking is disabled. The value must be false for the instance to perform NAT. For more information, see NAT Instances in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

i1SpotInstanceRequestId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the Spot Instance request.

i1SriovNetSupport :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies whether enhanced networking is enabled.

i1State :: Lens' Instance (Maybe InstanceState) Source

The current state of the instance.

i1StateReason :: Lens' Instance (Maybe StateReason) Source

The reason for the most recent state transition.

i1StateTransitionReason :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The reason for the most recent state transition. This might be an empty string.

i1SubnetId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running.

i1Tags :: Lens' Instance [Tag] Source

Any tags assigned to the instance.

i1VirtualizationType :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The virtualization type of the instance.

i1VpcId :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running.


etDescription :: Lens' ExportTask (Maybe Text) Source

A description of the resource being exported.

etExportTaskId :: Lens' ExportTask (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the export task.

etState :: Lens' ExportTask (Maybe Text) Source

The state of the conversion task.

etStatusMessage :: Lens' ExportTask (Maybe Text) Source

The status message related to the export task.



rslsEbsOptimized :: Lens' RequestSpotLaunchSpecification (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS Optimized instance. Default: false.

rslsInstanceType :: Lens' RequestSpotLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type. Default: m1.small.

rslsPlacement :: Lens' RequestSpotLaunchSpecification (Maybe SpotPlacement) Source

The placement information for the instance.

rslsSubnetId :: Lens' RequestSpotLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the subnet in which to launch the Spot Instance.

rslsUserData :: Lens' RequestSpotLaunchSpecification (Maybe Text) Source

The Base64-encoded MIME user data to make available to the instances.


volumeDetail Source


:: Integer


-> VolumeDetail 

VolumeDetail constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vdSize :: Lens' VolumeDetail Integer Source

The size of the volume, in GiB.


pricingDetail :: PricingDetail Source

PricingDetail constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

pdCount :: Lens' PricingDetail (Maybe Int) Source

The number of instances available for the price.

pdPrice :: Lens' PricingDetail (Maybe Double) Source

The price per instance.


nipiaAssociation :: Lens' NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress (Maybe NetworkInterfaceAssociation) Source

The association information for an Elastic IP address associated with the network interface.

nipiaPrimary :: Lens' NetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether this IP address is the primary private IP address of the network interface.



bundleTaskError :: BundleTaskError Source

BundleTaskError constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


vsiActions :: Lens' VolumeStatusItem [VolumeStatusAction] Source

The details of the operation.

vsiAvailabilityZone :: Lens' VolumeStatusItem (Maybe Text) Source

The Availability Zone of the volume.

vsiEvents :: Lens' VolumeStatusItem [VolumeStatusEvent] Source

A list of events associated with the volume.
