Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Describes the specified attribute of the specified snapshot. You can specify only one attribute at a time.
For more information about Amazon EBS snapshots, see Amazon EBS Snapshots in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.
- data DescribeSnapshotAttribute
- describeSnapshotAttribute :: Text -> SnapshotAttributeName -> DescribeSnapshotAttribute
- dsaAttribute :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttribute SnapshotAttributeName
- dsaDryRun :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttribute (Maybe Bool)
- dsaSnapshotId :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttribute Text
- data DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse
- describeSnapshotAttributeResponse :: DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse
- dsarCreateVolumePermissions :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse [CreateVolumePermission]
- dsarProductCodes :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse [ProductCode]
- dsarSnapshotId :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse (Maybe Text)
data DescribeSnapshotAttribute Source
Request constructor
describeSnapshotAttribute Source
The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:
Request lenses
dsaAttribute :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttribute SnapshotAttributeName Source
The snapshot attribute you would like to view.
dsaSnapshotId :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttribute Text Source
The ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot.
Response constructor
describeSnapshotAttributeResponse :: DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse Source
The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:
Response lenses
dsarCreateVolumePermissions :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse [CreateVolumePermission] Source
A list of permissions for creating volumes from the snapshot.
dsarProductCodes :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse [ProductCode] Source
A list of product codes.
dsarSnapshotId :: Lens' DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse (Maybe Text) Source
The ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot.