amazonka-kms-0.0.3: Amazon Key Management Service SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Returns a key wrapped by a customer master key without the plaintext copy of that key. To retrieve the plaintext, see GenerateDataKey.



Request constructor

Request lenses

gdkwpEncryptionContext :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext (HashMap Text Text) Source

Name:value pair that contains additional data to be authenticated during the encryption and decryption processes.

gdkwpGrantTokens :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext [Text] Source

A list of grant tokens that represent grants which can be used to provide long term permissions to generate a key.

gdkwpKeyId :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext Text Source

Unique identifier of the key. This can be an ARN, an alias, or a globally unique identifier.

gdkwpKeySpec :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext (Maybe DataKeySpec) Source

Value that identifies the encryption algorithm and key size. Currently this can be AES_128 or AES_256.

gdkwpNumberOfBytes :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext (Maybe Natural) Source

Integer that contains the number of bytes to generate. Common values are 128, 256, 512, 1024 and so on.


Response constructor

Response lenses

gdkwprCiphertextBlob :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextResponse (Maybe Base64) Source

Ciphertext that contains the wrapped key. You must store the blob and encryption context so that the key can be used in a future operation.

gdkwprKeyId :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextResponse (Maybe Text) Source

System generated unique identifier for the key.