amazonka-kms-0.1.2: Amazon Key Management Service SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Generates a secure data key. Data keys are used to encrypt and decrypt data. They are wrapped by customer master keys.



Request constructor

Request lenses

gdkEncryptionContext :: Lens' GenerateDataKey (HashMap Text Text) Source

Name/value pair that contains additional data to be authenticated during the encryption and decryption processes that use the key. This value is logged by AWS CloudTrail to provide context around the data encrypted by the key.

gdkGrantTokens :: Lens' GenerateDataKey [Text] Source

A list of grant tokens that represent grants which can be used to provide long term permissions to generate a key.

gdkKeyId :: Lens' GenerateDataKey Text Source

Unique identifier of the key. This can be an ARN, an alias, or a globally unique identifier.

gdkKeySpec :: Lens' GenerateDataKey (Maybe DataKeySpec) Source

Value that identifies the encryption algorithm and key size to generate a data key for. Currently this can be AES_128 or AES_256.

gdkNumberOfBytes :: Lens' GenerateDataKey (Maybe Natural) Source

Integer that contains the number of bytes to generate. Common values are 128, 256, 512, 1024 and so on. 1024 is the current limit.


Response constructor

Response lenses

gdkrCiphertextBlob :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyResponse (Maybe Base64) Source

Ciphertext that contains the wrapped key. You must store the blob and encryption context so that the ciphertext can be decrypted. You must provide both the ciphertext blob and the encryption context.

gdkrKeyId :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyResponse (Maybe Text) Source

System generated unique identifier for the key.

gdkrPlaintext :: Lens' GenerateDataKeyResponse (Maybe Base64) Source

Plaintext that contains the unwrapped key. Use this for encryption and decryption and then remove it from memory as soon as possible.