amazonka-lambda-0.3.6: Amazon Lambda SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Invokes a specified Lambda function.

This operation requires permission for the 'lambda:InvokeFunction' action.



Request constructor

invoke Source


:: Text


-> Invoke 

Invoke constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

iClientContext :: Lens' Invoke (Maybe Text) Source

Using the ClientContext you can pass client-specific information to the Lambda function you are invoking. You can then process the client information in your Lambda function as you choose through the context variable. For an example of a ClientContext JSON, go to PutEvents in the Amazon MobileAnalytics API Reference and User Guide.

The ClientContext JSON must be base64-encoded.

iFunctionName :: Lens' Invoke Text Source

The Lambda function name.

You can specify an unqualified function name (for example, Thumbnail) or you can specify Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for example, "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:ThumbNail"). AWS Lambda also allows you to specify only the account ID qualifier (for example, "account-id:Thumbnail"). Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 character in length.

iInvocationType :: Lens' Invoke (Maybe InvocationType) Source

By default, the Invoke API assumes RequestResponse invocation type. You can optionally request asynchronous execution by specifying Event as the InvocationType. You can also use this parameter to request AWS Lambda to not execute the function but do some verification, such as if the caller is authorized to invoke the function and if the inputs are valid. You request this by specifying DryRun as the InvocationType. This is useful in a cross-account scenario when you want to verify access to a function without running it.

iLogType :: Lens' Invoke (Maybe LogType) Source

You can set this optional parameter to Tail in the request only if you specify the InvocationType parameter with value RequestResponse. In this case, AWS Lambda returns the base64-encoded last 4 KB of log data produced by your Lambda function in the 'x-amz-log-results' header.

iPayload :: Lens' Invoke (Maybe Object) Source

JSON that you want to provide to your Lambda function as input.


Response constructor

invokeResponse :: InvokeResponse Source

InvokeResponse constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Response lenses

irFunctionError :: Lens' InvokeResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Indicates whether an error occurred while executing the Lambda function. If an error occurred this field will have one of two values; Handled or Unhandled . Handled errors are errors that are reported by the function while the Unhandled errors are those detected and reported by AWS Lambda. Unhandled errors include out of memory errors and function timeouts. For information about how to report an Handled error, see Programming Model.

irLogResult :: Lens' InvokeResponse (Maybe Text) Source

It is the base64-encoded logs for the Lambda function invocation. This is present only if the invocation type is RequestResponse and the logs were requested.

irPayload :: Lens' InvokeResponse (Maybe Object) Source

It is the JSON representation of the object returned by the Lambda function. In This is present only if the invocation type is RequestResponse.

In the event of a function error this field contains a message describing the error. For the Handled errors the Lambda function will report this message. For Unhandled errors AWS Lambda reports the message.

irStatusCode :: Lens' InvokeResponse (Maybe Int) Source

The HTTP status code will be in the 200 range for successful request. For the RequestResonse invocation type this status code will be 200. For the Event invocation type this status code will be 202. For the DryRun invocation type the status code will be 204.