Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- Waiters
- Operations
- ConfigureLogs
- CreateChannel
- CreateHarvestJob
- CreateOriginEndpoint
- DeleteChannel
- DeleteOriginEndpoint
- DescribeChannel
- DescribeHarvestJob
- DescribeOriginEndpoint
- ListChannels (Paginated)
- ListHarvestJobs (Paginated)
- ListOriginEndpoints (Paginated)
- ListTagsForResource
- RotateIngestEndpointCredentials
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- UpdateChannel
- UpdateOriginEndpoint
- Types
- AdMarkers
- AdTriggersElement
- AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- CmafEncryptionMethod
- EncryptionMethod
- ManifestLayout
- Origination
- PeriodTriggersElement
- PlaylistType
- PresetSpeke20Audio
- PresetSpeke20Video
- Profile
- SegmentTemplateFormat
- Status
- StreamOrder
- UtcTiming
- Authorization
- Channel
- CmafEncryption
- CmafPackage
- CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters
- DashEncryption
- DashPackage
- EgressAccessLogs
- EncryptionContractConfiguration
- HarvestJob
- HlsEncryption
- HlsIngest
- HlsManifest
- HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters
- HlsPackage
- IngestEndpoint
- IngressAccessLogs
- MssEncryption
- MssPackage
- OriginEndpoint
- S3Destination
- SpekeKeyProvider
- StreamSelection
Derived from API version 2017-10-12
of the AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
AWS Elemental MediaPackage
- defaultService :: Service
- _ForbiddenException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InternalServerErrorException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _NotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _TooManyRequestsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _UnprocessableEntityException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- data ConfigureLogs = ConfigureLogs' (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) Text
- newConfigureLogs :: Text -> ConfigureLogs
- data ConfigureLogsResponse = ConfigureLogsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newConfigureLogsResponse :: Int -> ConfigureLogsResponse
- data CreateChannel = CreateChannel' (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text
- newCreateChannel :: Text -> CreateChannel
- data CreateChannelResponse = CreateChannelResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newCreateChannelResponse :: Int -> CreateChannelResponse
- data CreateHarvestJob = CreateHarvestJob' S3Destination Text Text Text Text
- newCreateHarvestJob :: S3Destination -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> CreateHarvestJob
- data CreateHarvestJobResponse = CreateHarvestJobResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe S3Destination) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Status) Int
- newCreateHarvestJobResponse :: Int -> CreateHarvestJobResponse
- data CreateOriginEndpoint = CreateOriginEndpoint' (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe [Text]) Text Text
- newCreateOriginEndpoint :: Text -> Text -> CreateOriginEndpoint
- data CreateOriginEndpointResponse = CreateOriginEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int
- newCreateOriginEndpointResponse :: Int -> CreateOriginEndpointResponse
- data DeleteChannel = DeleteChannel' Text
- newDeleteChannel :: Text -> DeleteChannel
- data DeleteChannelResponse = DeleteChannelResponse' Int
- newDeleteChannelResponse :: Int -> DeleteChannelResponse
- data DeleteOriginEndpoint = DeleteOriginEndpoint' Text
- newDeleteOriginEndpoint :: Text -> DeleteOriginEndpoint
- data DeleteOriginEndpointResponse = DeleteOriginEndpointResponse' Int
- newDeleteOriginEndpointResponse :: Int -> DeleteOriginEndpointResponse
- data DescribeChannel = DescribeChannel' Text
- newDescribeChannel :: Text -> DescribeChannel
- data DescribeChannelResponse = DescribeChannelResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newDescribeChannelResponse :: Int -> DescribeChannelResponse
- data DescribeHarvestJob = DescribeHarvestJob' Text
- newDescribeHarvestJob :: Text -> DescribeHarvestJob
- data DescribeHarvestJobResponse = DescribeHarvestJobResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe S3Destination) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Status) Int
- newDescribeHarvestJobResponse :: Int -> DescribeHarvestJobResponse
- data DescribeOriginEndpoint = DescribeOriginEndpoint' Text
- newDescribeOriginEndpoint :: Text -> DescribeOriginEndpoint
- data DescribeOriginEndpointResponse = DescribeOriginEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int
- newDescribeOriginEndpointResponse :: Int -> DescribeOriginEndpointResponse
- data ListChannels = ListChannels' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text)
- newListChannels :: ListChannels
- data ListChannelsResponse = ListChannelsResponse' (Maybe [Channel]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListChannelsResponse :: Int -> ListChannelsResponse
- data ListHarvestJobs = ListHarvestJobs' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text)
- newListHarvestJobs :: ListHarvestJobs
- data ListHarvestJobsResponse = ListHarvestJobsResponse' (Maybe [HarvestJob]) (Maybe Text) Int
- newListHarvestJobsResponse :: Int -> ListHarvestJobsResponse
- data ListOriginEndpoints = ListOriginEndpoints' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text)
- newListOriginEndpoints :: ListOriginEndpoints
- data ListOriginEndpointsResponse = ListOriginEndpointsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [OriginEndpoint]) Int
- newListOriginEndpointsResponse :: Int -> ListOriginEndpointsResponse
- data ListTagsForResource = ListTagsForResource' Text
- newListTagsForResource :: Text -> ListTagsForResource
- data ListTagsForResourceResponse = ListTagsForResourceResponse' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newListTagsForResourceResponse :: Int -> ListTagsForResourceResponse
- data RotateIngestEndpointCredentials = RotateIngestEndpointCredentials' Text Text
- newRotateIngestEndpointCredentials :: Text -> Text -> RotateIngestEndpointCredentials
- data RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse = RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newRotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse :: Int -> RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse
- data TagResource = TagResource' Text (HashMap Text Text)
- newTagResource :: Text -> TagResource
- data TagResourceResponse = TagResourceResponse' {
- newTagResourceResponse :: TagResourceResponse
- data UntagResource = UntagResource' [Text] Text
- newUntagResource :: Text -> UntagResource
- data UntagResourceResponse = UntagResourceResponse' {
- newUntagResourceResponse :: UntagResourceResponse
- data UpdateChannel = UpdateChannel' (Maybe Text) Text
- newUpdateChannel :: Text -> UpdateChannel
- data UpdateChannelResponse = UpdateChannelResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int
- newUpdateChannelResponse :: Int -> UpdateChannelResponse
- data UpdateOriginEndpoint = UpdateOriginEndpoint' (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe [Text]) Text
- newUpdateOriginEndpoint :: Text -> UpdateOriginEndpoint
- data UpdateOriginEndpointResponse = UpdateOriginEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int
- newUpdateOriginEndpointResponse :: Int -> UpdateOriginEndpointResponse
- newtype AdMarkers where
- AdMarkers' { }
- pattern AdMarkers_DATERANGE :: AdMarkers
- pattern AdMarkers_NONE :: AdMarkers
- pattern AdMarkers_PASSTHROUGH :: AdMarkers
- pattern AdMarkers_SCTE35_ENHANCED :: AdMarkers
- newtype AdTriggersElement where
- AdTriggersElement' { }
- pattern AdTriggersElement_BREAK :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_DISTRIBUTOR_ADVERTISEMENT :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_DISTRIBUTOR_OVERLAY_PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_DISTRIBUTOR_PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_PROVIDER_ADVERTISEMENT :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_PROVIDER_OVERLAY_PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_PROVIDER_PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY :: AdTriggersElement
- pattern AdTriggersElement_SPLICE_INSERT :: AdTriggersElement
- newtype AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions where
- AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions' { }
- pattern AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions_BOTH :: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- pattern AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions_NONE :: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- pattern AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions_RESTRICTED :: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- pattern AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions_UNRESTRICTED :: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- newtype CmafEncryptionMethod where
- newtype EncryptionMethod where
- EncryptionMethod' { }
- pattern EncryptionMethod_AES_128 :: EncryptionMethod
- pattern EncryptionMethod_SAMPLE_AES :: EncryptionMethod
- newtype ManifestLayout where
- ManifestLayout' { }
- pattern ManifestLayout_COMPACT :: ManifestLayout
- pattern ManifestLayout_FULL :: ManifestLayout
- newtype Origination where
- Origination' { }
- pattern Origination_ALLOW :: Origination
- pattern Origination_DENY :: Origination
- newtype PeriodTriggersElement where
- newtype PlaylistType where
- PlaylistType' { }
- pattern PlaylistType_EVENT :: PlaylistType
- pattern PlaylistType_NONE :: PlaylistType
- pattern PlaylistType_VOD :: PlaylistType
- newtype PresetSpeke20Audio where
- PresetSpeke20Audio' { }
- pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_PRESET_AUDIO_1 :: PresetSpeke20Audio
- pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_PRESET_AUDIO_2 :: PresetSpeke20Audio
- pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_PRESET_AUDIO_3 :: PresetSpeke20Audio
- pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_SHARED :: PresetSpeke20Audio
- pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_UNENCRYPTED :: PresetSpeke20Audio
- newtype PresetSpeke20Video where
- PresetSpeke20Video' { }
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_1 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_2 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_3 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_4 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_5 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_6 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_7 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_8 :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_SHARED :: PresetSpeke20Video
- pattern PresetSpeke20Video_UNENCRYPTED :: PresetSpeke20Video
- newtype Profile where
- Profile' {
- fromProfile :: Text
- pattern Profile_DVB_DASH_2014 :: Profile
- pattern Profile_HBBTV_1_5 :: Profile
- pattern Profile_HYBRIDCAST :: Profile
- pattern Profile_NONE :: Profile
- Profile' {
- newtype SegmentTemplateFormat where
- newtype Status where
- Status' {
- fromStatus :: Text
- pattern Status_FAILED :: Status
- pattern Status_IN_PROGRESS :: Status
- pattern Status_SUCCEEDED :: Status
- Status' {
- newtype StreamOrder where
- StreamOrder' { }
- pattern StreamOrder_ORIGINAL :: StreamOrder
- pattern StreamOrder_VIDEO_BITRATE_ASCENDING :: StreamOrder
- pattern StreamOrder_VIDEO_BITRATE_DESCENDING :: StreamOrder
- newtype UtcTiming where
- UtcTiming' { }
- pattern UtcTiming_HTTP_HEAD :: UtcTiming
- pattern UtcTiming_HTTP_ISO :: UtcTiming
- pattern UtcTiming_HTTP_XSDATE :: UtcTiming
- pattern UtcTiming_NONE :: UtcTiming
- data Authorization = Authorization' Text Text
- newAuthorization :: Text -> Text -> Authorization
- data Channel = Channel' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- newChannel :: Channel
- data CmafEncryption = CmafEncryption' (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafEncryptionMethod) (Maybe Int) SpekeKeyProvider
- newCmafEncryption :: SpekeKeyProvider -> CmafEncryption
- data CmafPackage = CmafPackage' (Maybe CmafEncryption) (Maybe [HlsManifest]) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe StreamSelection)
- newCmafPackage :: CmafPackage
- data CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters = CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters' (Maybe CmafEncryption) (Maybe [HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters]) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe StreamSelection)
- newCmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters :: CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters
- data DashEncryption = DashEncryption' (Maybe Int) SpekeKeyProvider
- newDashEncryption :: SpekeKeyProvider -> DashEncryption
- data DashPackage = DashPackage' (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe DashEncryption) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe ManifestLayout) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe [PeriodTriggersElement]) (Maybe Profile) (Maybe Int) (Maybe SegmentTemplateFormat) (Maybe StreamSelection) (Maybe Int) (Maybe UtcTiming) (Maybe Text)
- newDashPackage :: DashPackage
- data EgressAccessLogs = EgressAccessLogs' (Maybe Text)
- newEgressAccessLogs :: EgressAccessLogs
- data EncryptionContractConfiguration = EncryptionContractConfiguration' PresetSpeke20Audio PresetSpeke20Video
- newEncryptionContractConfiguration :: PresetSpeke20Audio -> PresetSpeke20Video -> EncryptionContractConfiguration
- data HarvestJob = HarvestJob' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe S3Destination) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Status)
- newHarvestJob :: HarvestJob
- data HlsEncryption = HlsEncryption' (Maybe Text) (Maybe EncryptionMethod) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Bool) SpekeKeyProvider
- newHlsEncryption :: SpekeKeyProvider -> HlsEncryption
- data HlsIngest = HlsIngest' (Maybe [IngestEndpoint])
- newHlsIngest :: HlsIngest
- data HlsManifest = HlsManifest' (Maybe AdMarkers) (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PlaylistType) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) Text
- newHlsManifest :: Text -> HlsManifest
- data HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters = HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters' (Maybe AdMarkers) (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PlaylistType) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) Text
- newHlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters :: Text -> HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters
- data HlsPackage = HlsPackage' (Maybe AdMarkers) (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe HlsEncryption) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe PlaylistType) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe StreamSelection) (Maybe Bool)
- newHlsPackage :: HlsPackage
- data IngestEndpoint = IngestEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newIngestEndpoint :: IngestEndpoint
- data IngressAccessLogs = IngressAccessLogs' (Maybe Text)
- newIngressAccessLogs :: IngressAccessLogs
- data MssEncryption = MssEncryption' SpekeKeyProvider
- newMssEncryption :: SpekeKeyProvider -> MssEncryption
- data MssPackage = MssPackage' (Maybe MssEncryption) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe StreamSelection)
- newMssPackage :: MssPackage
- data OriginEndpoint = OriginEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text])
- newOriginEndpoint :: OriginEndpoint
- data S3Destination = S3Destination' Text Text Text
- newS3Destination :: Text -> Text -> Text -> S3Destination
- data SpekeKeyProvider = SpekeKeyProvider' (Maybe Text) (Maybe EncryptionContractConfiguration) Text [Text] Text Text
- newSpekeKeyProvider :: Text -> Text -> Text -> SpekeKeyProvider
- data StreamSelection = StreamSelection' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe StreamOrder)
- newStreamSelection :: StreamSelection
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2017-10-12
of the Amazon Elemental MediaPackage SDK configuration.
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by MediaPackage
_ForbiddenException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The client is not authorized to access the requested resource.
_InternalServerErrorException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An unexpected error occurred.
_NotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The requested resource does not exist.
_ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An unexpected error occurred.
_TooManyRequestsException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The client has exceeded their resource or throttling limits.
_UnprocessableEntityException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The parameters sent in the request are not valid.
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the Wait
specification is fulfilled. The Wait
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the ListObjects
operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.
Operations that have an AWSPager
instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.
Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the individual operation parameters for details.
data ConfigureLogs Source #
the option to configure log subscription.
See: newConfigureLogs
smart constructor.
Create a value of ConfigureLogs
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, configureLogs_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, configureLogs_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, configureLogs_id
- The ID of the channel to log subscription.
data ConfigureLogsResponse Source #
See: newConfigureLogsResponse
smart constructor.
ConfigureLogsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int |
newConfigureLogsResponse Source #
Create a value of ConfigureLogsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, configureLogsResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
, configureLogsResponse_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, configureLogsResponse_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, configureLogsResponse_hlsIngest
- Undocumented member.
, configureLogsResponse_id
- The ID of the Channel.
, configureLogsResponse_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, configureLogsResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, configureLogsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateChannel Source #
A new Channel configuration.
See: newCreateChannel
smart constructor.
Create a value of CreateChannel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createChannel_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, createChannel_tags
- Undocumented member.
, createChannel_id
- The ID of the Channel. The ID must be unique within the region and it
cannot be changed after a Channel is created.
data CreateChannelResponse Source #
See: newCreateChannelResponse
smart constructor.
CreateChannelResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int |
newCreateChannelResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateChannelResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createChannelResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
, createChannelResponse_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, createChannelResponse_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, createChannelResponse_hlsIngest
- Undocumented member.
, createChannelResponse_id
- The ID of the Channel.
, createChannelResponse_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, createChannelResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, createChannelResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateHarvestJob Source #
Configuration parameters used to create a new HarvestJob.
See: newCreateHarvestJob
smart constructor.
:: S3Destination | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateHarvestJob |
Create a value of CreateHarvestJob
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createHarvestJob_s3Destination
- Undocumented member.
, createHarvestJob_endTime
- The end of the time-window which will be harvested
, createHarvestJob_originEndpointId
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from. This
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, createHarvestJob_startTime
- The start of the time-window which will be harvested
, createHarvestJob_id
- The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region and it
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted
data CreateHarvestJobResponse Source #
See: newCreateHarvestJobResponse
smart constructor.
CreateHarvestJobResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe S3Destination) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Status) Int |
newCreateHarvestJobResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateHarvestJobResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createHarvestJobResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the HarvestJob.
, createHarvestJobResponse_channelId
- The ID of the Channel that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
, createHarvestJobResponse_createdAt
- The time the HarvestJob was submitted
, createHarvestJobResponse_endTime
- The end of the time-window which will be harvested.
, createHarvestJobResponse_id
- The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region and it
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, createHarvestJobResponse_originEndpointId
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from. This
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, createHarvestJobResponse_s3Destination
- Undocumented member.
, createHarvestJobResponse_startTime
- The start of the time-window which will be harvested.
, createHarvestJobResponse_status
- The current status of the HarvestJob. Consider setting up a CloudWatch
Event to listen for HarvestJobs as they succeed or fail. In the event of
failure, the CloudWatch Event will include an explanation of why the
HarvestJob failed.
, createHarvestJobResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateOriginEndpoint Source #
Configuration parameters used to create a new OriginEndpoint.
See: newCreateOriginEndpoint
smart constructor.
CreateOriginEndpoint' (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe [Text]) Text Text |
newCreateOriginEndpoint Source #
Create a value of CreateOriginEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createOriginEndpoint_authorization
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpoint_cmafPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpoint_dashPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpoint_description
- A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
, createOriginEndpoint_hlsPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpoint_manifestName
- A short string that will be used as the filename of the OriginEndpoint
URL (defaults to "index").
, createOriginEndpoint_mssPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpoint_origination
- Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint.
If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint may by requested, pursuant to any
other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not
be requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for
temporarily disabling origination
, createOriginEndpoint_startoverWindowSeconds
- Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the
, createOriginEndpoint_tags
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpoint_timeDelaySeconds
- Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content. If
not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the
, createOriginEndpoint_whitelist
- A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the
, createOriginEndpoint_channelId
- The ID of the Channel that the OriginEndpoint will be associated with.
This cannot be changed after the OriginEndpoint is created.
, createOriginEndpoint_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint. The ID must be unique within the region
and it cannot be changed after the OriginEndpoint is created.
data CreateOriginEndpointResponse Source #
See: newCreateOriginEndpointResponse
smart constructor.
CreateOriginEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int |
newCreateOriginEndpointResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateOriginEndpointResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createOriginEndpointResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_authorization
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_channelId
- The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_cmafPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_dashPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_description
- A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_hlsPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_manifestName
- A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_mssPackage
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_origination
- Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint.
If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint may by requested, pursuant to any
other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not
be requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for
temporarily disabling origination
, createOriginEndpointResponse_startoverWindowSeconds
- Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the
, createOriginEndpointResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_timeDelaySeconds
- Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content. If
not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the
, createOriginEndpointResponse_url
- The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
, createOriginEndpointResponse_whitelist
- A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the
, createOriginEndpointResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteChannel Source #
See: newDeleteChannel
smart constructor.
Create a value of DeleteChannel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteChannel_id
- The ID of the Channel to delete.
data DeleteChannelResponse Source #
See: newDeleteChannelResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteChannelResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteChannelResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteChannelResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteOriginEndpoint Source #
See: newDeleteOriginEndpoint
smart constructor.
newDeleteOriginEndpoint Source #
Create a value of DeleteOriginEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteOriginEndpoint_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint to delete.
data DeleteOriginEndpointResponse Source #
See: newDeleteOriginEndpointResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteOriginEndpointResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteOriginEndpointResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteOriginEndpointResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeChannel Source #
See: newDescribeChannel
smart constructor.
Create a value of DescribeChannel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeChannel_id
- The ID of a Channel.
data DescribeChannelResponse Source #
See: newDescribeChannelResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeChannelResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int |
newDescribeChannelResponse Source #
Create a value of DescribeChannelResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeChannelResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
, describeChannelResponse_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, describeChannelResponse_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, describeChannelResponse_hlsIngest
- Undocumented member.
, describeChannelResponse_id
- The ID of the Channel.
, describeChannelResponse_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, describeChannelResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, describeChannelResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeHarvestJob Source #
See: newDescribeHarvestJob
smart constructor.
newDescribeHarvestJob Source #
Create a value of DescribeHarvestJob
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeHarvestJob_id
- The ID of the HarvestJob.
data DescribeHarvestJobResponse Source #
See: newDescribeHarvestJobResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeHarvestJobResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe S3Destination) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Status) Int |
newDescribeHarvestJobResponse Source #
Create a value of DescribeHarvestJobResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeHarvestJobResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the HarvestJob.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_channelId
- The ID of the Channel that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_createdAt
- The time the HarvestJob was submitted
, describeHarvestJobResponse_endTime
- The end of the time-window which will be harvested.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_id
- The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region and it
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_originEndpointId
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from. This
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_s3Destination
- Undocumented member.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_startTime
- The start of the time-window which will be harvested.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_status
- The current status of the HarvestJob. Consider setting up a CloudWatch
Event to listen for HarvestJobs as they succeed or fail. In the event of
failure, the CloudWatch Event will include an explanation of why the
HarvestJob failed.
, describeHarvestJobResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DescribeOriginEndpoint Source #
See: newDescribeOriginEndpoint
smart constructor.
newDescribeOriginEndpoint Source #
Create a value of DescribeOriginEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeOriginEndpoint_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
data DescribeOriginEndpointResponse Source #
See: newDescribeOriginEndpointResponse
smart constructor.
DescribeOriginEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int |
newDescribeOriginEndpointResponse Source #
Create a value of DescribeOriginEndpointResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_authorization
- Undocumented member.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_channelId
- The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_cmafPackage
- Undocumented member.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_dashPackage
- Undocumented member.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_description
- A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_hlsPackage
- Undocumented member.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_manifestName
- A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_mssPackage
- Undocumented member.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_origination
- Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint.
If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint may by requested, pursuant to any
other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not
be requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for
temporarily disabling origination
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_startoverWindowSeconds
- Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_timeDelaySeconds
- Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content. If
not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_url
- The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_whitelist
- A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the
, describeOriginEndpointResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListChannels (Paginated)
data ListChannels Source #
See: newListChannels
smart constructor.
newListChannels :: ListChannels Source #
Create a value of ListChannels
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listChannels_maxResults
- Upper bound on number of records to return.
, listChannels_nextToken
- A token used to resume pagination from the end of a previous request.
data ListChannelsResponse Source #
See: newListChannelsResponse
smart constructor.
newListChannelsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListChannelsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listChannelsResponse_channels
- A list of Channel records.
, listChannelsResponse_nextToken
- A token that can be used to resume pagination from the end of the
, listChannelsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListHarvestJobs (Paginated)
data ListHarvestJobs Source #
See: newListHarvestJobs
smart constructor.
newListHarvestJobs :: ListHarvestJobs Source #
Create a value of ListHarvestJobs
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listHarvestJobs_includeChannelId
- When specified, the request will return only HarvestJobs associated with
the given Channel ID.
, listHarvestJobs_includeStatus
- When specified, the request will return only HarvestJobs in the given
, listHarvestJobs_maxResults
- The upper bound on the number of records to return.
, listHarvestJobs_nextToken
- A token used to resume pagination from the end of a previous request.
data ListHarvestJobsResponse Source #
See: newListHarvestJobsResponse
smart constructor.
newListHarvestJobsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListHarvestJobsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listHarvestJobsResponse_harvestJobs
- A list of HarvestJob records.
, listHarvestJobsResponse_nextToken
- A token that can be used to resume pagination from the end of the
, listHarvestJobsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListOriginEndpoints (Paginated)
data ListOriginEndpoints Source #
See: newListOriginEndpoints
smart constructor.
newListOriginEndpoints :: ListOriginEndpoints Source #
Create a value of ListOriginEndpoints
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listOriginEndpoints_channelId
- When specified, the request will return only OriginEndpoints associated
with the given Channel ID.
, listOriginEndpoints_maxResults
- The upper bound on the number of records to return.
, listOriginEndpoints_nextToken
- A token used to resume pagination from the end of a previous request.
data ListOriginEndpointsResponse Source #
See: newListOriginEndpointsResponse
smart constructor.
newListOriginEndpointsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListOriginEndpointsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listOriginEndpointsResponse_nextToken
- A token that can be used to resume pagination from the end of the
, listOriginEndpointsResponse_originEndpoints
- A list of OriginEndpoint records.
, listOriginEndpointsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data ListTagsForResource Source #
See: newListTagsForResource
smart constructor.
newListTagsForResource Source #
Create a value of ListTagsForResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsForResource_resourceArn
- Undocumented member.
data ListTagsForResourceResponse Source #
See: newListTagsForResourceResponse
smart constructor.
newListTagsForResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of ListTagsForResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsForResourceResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data RotateIngestEndpointCredentials Source #
See: newRotateIngestEndpointCredentials
smart constructor.
newRotateIngestEndpointCredentials Source #
Create a value of RotateIngestEndpointCredentials
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentials_ingestEndpointId
- The id of the IngestEndpoint whose credentials should be rotated
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentials_id
- The ID of the channel the IngestEndpoint is on.
data RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse Source #
See: newRotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse
smart constructor.
RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int |
newRotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse Source #
Create a value of RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_hlsIngest
- Undocumented member.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_id
- The ID of the Channel.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, rotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data TagResource Source #
See: newTagResource
smart constructor.
Create a value of TagResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tagResource_resourceArn
- Undocumented member.
, tagResource_tags
- Undocumented member.
data TagResourceResponse Source #
See: newTagResourceResponse
smart constructor.
Generic TagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.TagResource type Rep TagResourceResponse :: Type -> Type # from :: TagResourceResponse -> Rep TagResourceResponse x # to :: Rep TagResourceResponse x -> TagResourceResponse # | |
Read TagResourceResponse Source # | |
Show TagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.TagResource showsPrec :: Int -> TagResourceResponse -> ShowS # show :: TagResourceResponse -> String # showList :: [TagResourceResponse] -> ShowS # | |
NFData TagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.TagResource rnf :: TagResourceResponse -> () # | |
Eq TagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.TagResource (==) :: TagResourceResponse -> TagResourceResponse -> Bool # (/=) :: TagResourceResponse -> TagResourceResponse -> Bool # | |
type Rep TagResourceResponse Source # | |
newTagResourceResponse :: TagResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of TagResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data UntagResource Source #
See: newUntagResource
smart constructor.
Create a value of UntagResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, untagResource_tagKeys
- The key(s) of tag to be deleted
, untagResource_resourceArn
- Undocumented member.
data UntagResourceResponse Source #
See: newUntagResourceResponse
smart constructor.
Generic UntagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.UntagResource type Rep UntagResourceResponse :: Type -> Type # | |
Read UntagResourceResponse Source # | |
Show UntagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.UntagResource showsPrec :: Int -> UntagResourceResponse -> ShowS # show :: UntagResourceResponse -> String # showList :: [UntagResourceResponse] -> ShowS # | |
NFData UntagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.UntagResource rnf :: UntagResourceResponse -> () # | |
Eq UntagResourceResponse Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.UntagResource (==) :: UntagResourceResponse -> UntagResourceResponse -> Bool # (/=) :: UntagResourceResponse -> UntagResourceResponse -> Bool # | |
type Rep UntagResourceResponse Source # | |
newUntagResourceResponse :: UntagResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of UntagResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data UpdateChannel Source #
Configuration parameters used to update the Channel.
See: newUpdateChannel
smart constructor.
Create a value of UpdateChannel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateChannel_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, updateChannel_id
- The ID of the Channel to update.
data UpdateChannelResponse Source #
See: newUpdateChannelResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateChannelResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int |
newUpdateChannelResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateChannelResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateChannelResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
, updateChannelResponse_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, updateChannelResponse_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, updateChannelResponse_hlsIngest
- Undocumented member.
, updateChannelResponse_id
- The ID of the Channel.
, updateChannelResponse_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, updateChannelResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, updateChannelResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateOriginEndpoint Source #
Configuration parameters used to update an existing OriginEndpoint.
See: newUpdateOriginEndpoint
smart constructor.
UpdateOriginEndpoint' (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe [Text]) Text |
newUpdateOriginEndpoint Source #
Create a value of UpdateOriginEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateOriginEndpoint_authorization
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpoint_cmafPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpoint_dashPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpoint_description
- A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
, updateOriginEndpoint_hlsPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpoint_manifestName
- A short string that will be appended to the end of the Endpoint URL.
, updateOriginEndpoint_mssPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpoint_origination
- Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint.
If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint may by requested, pursuant to any
other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not
be requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for
temporarily disabling origination
, updateOriginEndpoint_startoverWindowSeconds
- Maximum duration (in seconds) of content to retain for startover
playback. If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the
, updateOriginEndpoint_timeDelaySeconds
- Amount of delay (in seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the
, updateOriginEndpoint_whitelist
- A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the
, updateOriginEndpoint_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint to update.
data UpdateOriginEndpointResponse Source #
See: newUpdateOriginEndpointResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateOriginEndpointResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) Int |
newUpdateOriginEndpointResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateOriginEndpointResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_authorization
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_channelId
- The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_cmafPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_dashPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_description
- A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_hlsPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_manifestName
- A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_mssPackage
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_origination
- Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint.
If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint may by requested, pursuant to any
other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not
be requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for
temporarily disabling origination
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_startoverWindowSeconds
- Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_tags
- Undocumented member.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_timeDelaySeconds
- Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content. If
not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_url
- The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_whitelist
- A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the
, updateOriginEndpointResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
pattern AdMarkers_DATERANGE :: AdMarkers | |
pattern AdMarkers_NONE :: AdMarkers | |
pattern AdMarkers_PASSTHROUGH :: AdMarkers | |
pattern AdMarkers_SCTE35_ENHANCED :: AdMarkers |
newtype AdTriggersElement Source #
newtype AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions Source #
This setting allows the delivery restriction flags on SCTE-35 segmentation descriptors to determine whether a message signals an ad. Choosing "NONE" means no SCTE-35 messages become ads. Choosing "RESTRICTED" means SCTE-35 messages of the types specified in AdTriggers that contain delivery restrictions will be treated as ads. Choosing "UNRESTRICTED" means SCTE-35 messages of the types specified in AdTriggers that do not contain delivery restrictions will be treated as ads. Choosing "BOTH" means all SCTE-35 messages of the types specified in AdTriggers will be treated as ads. Note that Splice Insert messages do not have these flags and are always treated as ads if specified in AdTriggers.
newtype CmafEncryptionMethod Source #
The encryption method to use.
pattern CmafEncryptionMethod_AES_CTR :: CmafEncryptionMethod | |
pattern CmafEncryptionMethod_SAMPLE_AES :: CmafEncryptionMethod |
newtype EncryptionMethod Source #
pattern EncryptionMethod_AES_128 :: EncryptionMethod | |
pattern EncryptionMethod_SAMPLE_AES :: EncryptionMethod |
newtype ManifestLayout Source #
pattern ManifestLayout_COMPACT :: ManifestLayout | |
pattern ManifestLayout_FULL :: ManifestLayout |
newtype Origination Source #
pattern Origination_ALLOW :: Origination | |
pattern Origination_DENY :: Origination |
newtype PeriodTriggersElement Source #
pattern PeriodTriggersElement_ADS :: PeriodTriggersElement |
newtype PlaylistType Source #
pattern PlaylistType_EVENT :: PlaylistType | |
pattern PlaylistType_NONE :: PlaylistType | |
pattern PlaylistType_VOD :: PlaylistType |
newtype PresetSpeke20Audio Source #
pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_PRESET_AUDIO_1 :: PresetSpeke20Audio | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_PRESET_AUDIO_2 :: PresetSpeke20Audio | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_PRESET_AUDIO_3 :: PresetSpeke20Audio | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_SHARED :: PresetSpeke20Audio | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Audio_UNENCRYPTED :: PresetSpeke20Audio |
newtype PresetSpeke20Video Source #
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_1 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_2 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_3 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_4 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_5 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_6 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_7 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_PRESET_VIDEO_8 :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_SHARED :: PresetSpeke20Video | |
pattern PresetSpeke20Video_UNENCRYPTED :: PresetSpeke20Video |
pattern Profile_DVB_DASH_2014 :: Profile | |
pattern Profile_HBBTV_1_5 :: Profile | |
pattern Profile_HYBRIDCAST :: Profile | |
pattern Profile_NONE :: Profile |
newtype SegmentTemplateFormat Source #
pattern Status_FAILED :: Status | |
pattern Status_IN_PROGRESS :: Status | |
pattern Status_SUCCEEDED :: Status |
newtype StreamOrder Source #
pattern StreamOrder_ORIGINAL :: StreamOrder | |
pattern StreamOrder_VIDEO_BITRATE_ASCENDING :: StreamOrder | |
pattern StreamOrder_VIDEO_BITRATE_DESCENDING :: StreamOrder |
pattern UtcTiming_HTTP_HEAD :: UtcTiming | |
pattern UtcTiming_HTTP_ISO :: UtcTiming | |
pattern UtcTiming_HTTP_XSDATE :: UtcTiming | |
pattern UtcTiming_NONE :: UtcTiming |
data Authorization Source #
CDN Authorization credentials
See: newAuthorization
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Authorization |
Create a value of Authorization
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, authorization_secretsRoleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that allows MediaPackage
to communicate with AWS Secrets Manager.
, authorization_cdnIdentifierSecret
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret in Secrets Manager that
your Content Distribution Network (CDN) uses for authorization to access
your endpoint.
A Channel resource configuration.
See: newChannel
smart constructor.
Channel' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EgressAccessLogs) (Maybe HlsIngest) (Maybe Text) (Maybe IngressAccessLogs) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) |
newChannel :: Channel Source #
Create a value of Channel
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, channel_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
, channel_description
- A short text description of the Channel.
, channel_egressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, channel_hlsIngest
- Undocumented member.
, channel_id
- The ID of the Channel.
, channel_ingressAccessLogs
- Undocumented member.
, channel_tags
- Undocumented member.
data CmafEncryption Source #
A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) encryption configuration.
See: newCmafEncryption
smart constructor.
Create a value of CmafEncryption
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cmafEncryption_constantInitializationVector
- An optional 128-bit, 16-byte hex value represented by a 32-character
string, used in conjunction with the key for encrypting blocks. If you
don't specify a value, then MediaPackage creates the constant
initialization vector (IV).
, cmafEncryption_encryptionMethod
- Undocumented member.
, cmafEncryption_keyRotationIntervalSeconds
- Time (in seconds) between each encryption key rotation.
, cmafEncryption_spekeKeyProvider
- Undocumented member.
data CmafPackage Source #
A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging configuration.
See: newCmafPackage
smart constructor.
CmafPackage' (Maybe CmafEncryption) (Maybe [HlsManifest]) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe StreamSelection) |
newCmafPackage :: CmafPackage Source #
Create a value of CmafPackage
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cmafPackage_encryption
- Undocumented member.
, cmafPackage_hlsManifests
- A list of HLS manifest configurations
, cmafPackage_segmentDurationSeconds
- Duration (in seconds) of each segment. Actual segments will be rounded
to the nearest multiple of the source segment duration.
, cmafPackage_segmentPrefix
- An optional custom string that is prepended to the name of each segment.
If not specified, it defaults to the ChannelId.
, cmafPackage_streamSelection
- Undocumented member.
data CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters Source #
A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging configuration.
See: newCmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters
smart constructor.
CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters' (Maybe CmafEncryption) (Maybe [HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters]) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe StreamSelection) |
newCmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters :: CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters Source #
Create a value of CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters_encryption
- Undocumented member.
, cmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters_hlsManifests
- A list of HLS manifest configurations
, cmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters_segmentDurationSeconds
- Duration (in seconds) of each segment. Actual segments will be rounded
to the nearest multiple of the source segment duration.
, cmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters_segmentPrefix
- An optional custom string that is prepended to the name of each segment.
If not specified, it defaults to the ChannelId.
, cmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters_streamSelection
- Undocumented member.
data DashEncryption Source #
A Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) encryption configuration.
See: newDashEncryption
smart constructor.
Create a value of DashEncryption
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dashEncryption_keyRotationIntervalSeconds
- Time (in seconds) between each encryption key rotation.
, dashEncryption_spekeKeyProvider
- Undocumented member.
data DashPackage Source #
A Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) packaging configuration.
See: newDashPackage
smart constructor.
DashPackage' (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe DashEncryption) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe ManifestLayout) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe [PeriodTriggersElement]) (Maybe Profile) (Maybe Int) (Maybe SegmentTemplateFormat) (Maybe StreamSelection) (Maybe Int) (Maybe UtcTiming) (Maybe Text) |
newDashPackage :: DashPackage Source #
Create a value of DashPackage
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dashPackage_adTriggers
- Undocumented member.
, dashPackage_adsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- Undocumented member.
, dashPackage_encryption
- Undocumented member.
, dashPackage_includeIframeOnlyStream
- When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
, dashPackage_manifestLayout
- Determines the position of some tags in the Media Presentation
Description (MPD). When set to FULL, elements like SegmentTemplate and
ContentProtection are included in each Representation. When set to
COMPACT, duplicate elements are combined and presented at the
AdaptationSet level.
, dashPackage_manifestWindowSeconds
- Time window (in seconds) contained in each manifest.
, dashPackage_minBufferTimeSeconds
- Minimum duration (in seconds) that a player will buffer media before
starting the presentation.
, dashPackage_minUpdatePeriodSeconds
- Minimum duration (in seconds) between potential changes to the Dynamic
Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) Media Presentation Description
, dashPackage_periodTriggers
- A list of triggers that controls when the outgoing Dynamic Adaptive
Streaming over HTTP (DASH) Media Presentation Description (MPD) will be
partitioned into multiple periods. If empty, the content will not be
partitioned into more than one period. If the list contains "ADS", new
periods will be created where the Channel source contains SCTE-35 ad
, dashPackage_profile
- The Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) profile type. When set
to "HBBTV_1_5", HbbTV 1.5 compliant output is enabled. When set to
"DVB-DASH_2014", DVB-DASH 2014 compliant output is enabled.
, dashPackage_segmentDurationSeconds
- Duration (in seconds) of each segment. Actual segments will be rounded
to the nearest multiple of the source segment duration.
, dashPackage_segmentTemplateFormat
- Determines the type of SegmentTemplate included in the Media
Presentation Description (MPD). When set to NUMBER_WITH_TIMELINE, a full
timeline is presented in each SegmentTemplate, with $Number$ media URLs.
When set to TIME_WITH_TIMELINE, a full timeline is presented in each
SegmentTemplate, with $Time$ media URLs. When set to
NUMBER_WITH_DURATION, only a duration is included in each
SegmentTemplate, with $Number$ media URLs.
, dashPackage_streamSelection
- Undocumented member.
, dashPackage_suggestedPresentationDelaySeconds
- Duration (in seconds) to delay live content before presentation.
, dashPackage_utcTiming
- Determines the type of UTCTiming included in the Media Presentation
Description (MPD)
, dashPackage_utcTimingUri
- Specifies the value attribute of the UTCTiming field when utcTiming is
data EgressAccessLogs Source #
Configure egress access logging.
See: newEgressAccessLogs
smart constructor.
newEgressAccessLogs :: EgressAccessLogs Source #
Create a value of EgressAccessLogs
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, egressAccessLogs_logGroupName
- Customize the log group name.
data EncryptionContractConfiguration Source #
Use encryptionContractConfiguration to configure one or more content encryption keys for your endpoints that use SPEKE 2.0. The encryption contract defines which content keys are used to encrypt the audio and video tracks in your stream. To configure the encryption contract, specify which audio and video encryption presets to use. Note the following considerations when using encryptionContractConfiguration: encryptionContractConfiguration can be used for DASH or CMAF endpoints that use SPEKE 2.0. SPEKE 2.0 relies on the CPIX 2.3 specification. You must disable key rotation for this endpoint by setting keyRotationIntervalSeconds to 0.
See: newEncryptionContractConfiguration
smart constructor.
newEncryptionContractConfiguration Source #
Create a value of EncryptionContractConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, encryptionContractConfiguration_presetSpeke20Audio
- A collection of audio encryption presets.
, encryptionContractConfiguration_presetSpeke20Video
- A collection of video encryption presets.
data HarvestJob Source #
A HarvestJob resource configuration
See: newHarvestJob
smart constructor.
HarvestJob' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe S3Destination) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Status) |
newHarvestJob :: HarvestJob Source #
Create a value of HarvestJob
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, harvestJob_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the HarvestJob.
, harvestJob_channelId
- The ID of the Channel that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
, harvestJob_createdAt
- The time the HarvestJob was submitted
, harvestJob_endTime
- The end of the time-window which will be harvested.
, harvestJob_id
- The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region and it
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, harvestJob_originEndpointId
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from. This
cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
, harvestJob_s3Destination
- Undocumented member.
, harvestJob_startTime
- The start of the time-window which will be harvested.
, harvestJob_status
- The current status of the HarvestJob. Consider setting up a CloudWatch
Event to listen for HarvestJobs as they succeed or fail. In the event of
failure, the CloudWatch Event will include an explanation of why the
HarvestJob failed.
data HlsEncryption Source #
An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) encryption configuration.
See: newHlsEncryption
smart constructor.
Create a value of HlsEncryption
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hlsEncryption_constantInitializationVector
- A constant initialization vector for encryption (optional). When not
specified the initialization vector will be periodically rotated.
, hlsEncryption_encryptionMethod
- The encryption method to use.
, hlsEncryption_keyRotationIntervalSeconds
- Interval (in seconds) between each encryption key rotation.
, hlsEncryption_repeatExtXKey
- When enabled, the EXT-X-KEY tag will be repeated in output manifests.
, hlsEncryption_spekeKeyProvider
- Undocumented member.
An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) ingest resource configuration.
See: newHlsIngest
smart constructor.
FromJSON HlsIngest Source # | |
Generic HlsIngest Source # | |
Read HlsIngest Source # | |
Show HlsIngest Source # | |
NFData HlsIngest Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.Types.HlsIngest | |
Eq HlsIngest Source # | |
Hashable HlsIngest Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.Types.HlsIngest | |
type Rep HlsIngest Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MediaPackage.Types.HlsIngest type Rep HlsIngest = D1 ('MetaData "HlsIngest" "Amazonka.MediaPackage.Types.HlsIngest" "amazonka-mediapackage-2.0-Ht5BbgvzDNJCrSLrgDmB6l" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "HlsIngest'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ingestEndpoints") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [IngestEndpoint])))) |
newHlsIngest :: HlsIngest Source #
Create a value of HlsIngest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hlsIngest_ingestEndpoints
- A list of endpoints to which the source stream should be sent.
data HlsManifest Source #
A HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration.
See: newHlsManifest
smart constructor.
HlsManifest' (Maybe AdMarkers) (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PlaylistType) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) Text |
Create a value of HlsManifest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hlsManifest_adMarkers
- This setting controls how ad markers are included in the packaged
OriginEndpoint. "NONE" will omit all SCTE-35 ad markers from the
output. "PASSTHROUGH" causes the manifest to contain a copy of the
SCTE-35 ad markers (comments) taken directly from the input HTTP Live
Streaming (HLS) manifest. "SCTE35_ENHANCED" generates ad markers and
blackout tags based on SCTE-35 messages in the input source.
"DATERANGE" inserts EXT-X-DATERANGE tags to signal ad and program
transition events in HLS and CMAF manifests. For this option, you must
set a programDateTimeIntervalSeconds value that is greater than 0.
, hlsManifest_adTriggers
- Undocumented member.
, hlsManifest_adsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- Undocumented member.
, hlsManifest_includeIframeOnlyStream
- When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
, hlsManifest_manifestName
- An optional short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
If not specified, defaults to the manifestName for the OriginEndpoint.
, hlsManifest_playlistType
- The HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist type. When either "EVENT" or
"VOD" is specified, a corresponding EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE entry will be
included in the media playlist.
, hlsManifest_playlistWindowSeconds
- Time window (in seconds) contained in each parent manifest.
, hlsManifest_programDateTimeIntervalSeconds
- The interval (in seconds) between each EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag
inserted into manifests. Additionally, when an interval is specified
ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated every 5 seconds using the
ingest time of the content. If the interval is not specified, or set to
0, then no EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags will be inserted into manifests
and no ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated. Note that
irrespective of this parameter, if any ID3 Timed Metadata is found in
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input, it will be passed through to HLS
, hlsManifest_url
- The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
, hlsManifest_id
- The ID of the manifest. The ID must be unique within the OriginEndpoint
and it cannot be changed after it is created.
data HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters Source #
A HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration.
See: newHlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters
smart constructor.
HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters' (Maybe AdMarkers) (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PlaylistType) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) Text |
newHlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters Source #
Create a value of HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_adMarkers
- This setting controls how ad markers are included in the packaged
OriginEndpoint. "NONE" will omit all SCTE-35 ad markers from the
output. "PASSTHROUGH" causes the manifest to contain a copy of the
SCTE-35 ad markers (comments) taken directly from the input HTTP Live
Streaming (HLS) manifest. "SCTE35_ENHANCED" generates ad markers and
blackout tags based on SCTE-35 messages in the input source.
"DATERANGE" inserts EXT-X-DATERANGE tags to signal ad and program
transition events in HLS and CMAF manifests. For this option, you must
set a programDateTimeIntervalSeconds value that is greater than 0.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_adTriggers
- Undocumented member.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_adsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- Undocumented member.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_includeIframeOnlyStream
- When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_manifestName
- An optional short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
If not specified, defaults to the manifestName for the OriginEndpoint.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_playlistType
- The HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist type. When either "EVENT" or
"VOD" is specified, a corresponding EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE entry will be
included in the media playlist.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_playlistWindowSeconds
- Time window (in seconds) contained in each parent manifest.
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_programDateTimeIntervalSeconds
- The interval (in seconds) between each EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag
inserted into manifests. Additionally, when an interval is specified
ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated every 5 seconds using the
ingest time of the content. If the interval is not specified, or set to
0, then no EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags will be inserted into manifests
and no ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated. Note that
irrespective of this parameter, if any ID3 Timed Metadata is found in
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input, it will be passed through to HLS
, hlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters_id
- The ID of the manifest. The ID must be unique within the OriginEndpoint
and it cannot be changed after it is created.
data HlsPackage Source #
An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) packaging configuration.
See: newHlsPackage
smart constructor.
HlsPackage' (Maybe AdMarkers) (Maybe [AdTriggersElement]) (Maybe AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions) (Maybe HlsEncryption) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe PlaylistType) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe StreamSelection) (Maybe Bool) |
newHlsPackage :: HlsPackage Source #
Create a value of HlsPackage
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, hlsPackage_adMarkers
- This setting controls how ad markers are included in the packaged
OriginEndpoint. "NONE" will omit all SCTE-35 ad markers from the
output. "PASSTHROUGH" causes the manifest to contain a copy of the
SCTE-35 ad markers (comments) taken directly from the input HTTP Live
Streaming (HLS) manifest. "SCTE35_ENHANCED" generates ad markers and
blackout tags based on SCTE-35 messages in the input source.
"DATERANGE" inserts EXT-X-DATERANGE tags to signal ad and program
transition events in HLS and CMAF manifests. For this option, you must
set a programDateTimeIntervalSeconds value that is greater than 0.
, hlsPackage_adTriggers
- Undocumented member.
, hlsPackage_adsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- Undocumented member.
, hlsPackage_encryption
- Undocumented member.
, hlsPackage_includeDvbSubtitles
- When enabled, MediaPackage passes through digital video broadcasting
(DVB) subtitles into the output.
, hlsPackage_includeIframeOnlyStream
- When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
, hlsPackage_playlistType
- The HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist type. When either "EVENT" or
"VOD" is specified, a corresponding EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE entry will be
included in the media playlist.
, hlsPackage_playlistWindowSeconds
- Time window (in seconds) contained in each parent manifest.
, hlsPackage_programDateTimeIntervalSeconds
- The interval (in seconds) between each EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag
inserted into manifests. Additionally, when an interval is specified
ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated every 5 seconds using the
ingest time of the content. If the interval is not specified, or set to
0, then no EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags will be inserted into manifests
and no ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated. Note that
irrespective of this parameter, if any ID3 Timed Metadata is found in
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input, it will be passed through to HLS
, hlsPackage_segmentDurationSeconds
- Duration (in seconds) of each fragment. Actual fragments will be rounded
to the nearest multiple of the source fragment duration.
, hlsPackage_streamSelection
- Undocumented member.
, hlsPackage_useAudioRenditionGroup
- When enabled, audio streams will be placed in rendition groups in the
data IngestEndpoint Source #
An endpoint for ingesting source content for a Channel.
See: newIngestEndpoint
smart constructor.
newIngestEndpoint :: IngestEndpoint Source #
Create a value of IngestEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, ingestEndpoint_id
- The system generated unique identifier for the IngestEndpoint
, ingestEndpoint_password
- The system generated password for ingest authentication.
, ingestEndpoint_url
- The ingest URL to which the source stream should be sent.
, ingestEndpoint_username
- The system generated username for ingest authentication.
data IngressAccessLogs Source #
Configure ingress access logging.
See: newIngressAccessLogs
smart constructor.
newIngressAccessLogs :: IngressAccessLogs Source #
Create a value of IngressAccessLogs
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, ingressAccessLogs_logGroupName
- Customize the log group name.
data MssEncryption Source #
A Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) encryption configuration.
See: newMssEncryption
smart constructor.
Create a value of MssEncryption
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, mssEncryption_spekeKeyProvider
- Undocumented member.
data MssPackage Source #
A Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) packaging configuration.
See: newMssPackage
smart constructor.
newMssPackage :: MssPackage Source #
Create a value of MssPackage
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, mssPackage_encryption
- Undocumented member.
, mssPackage_manifestWindowSeconds
- The time window (in seconds) contained in each manifest.
, mssPackage_segmentDurationSeconds
- The duration (in seconds) of each segment.
, mssPackage_streamSelection
- Undocumented member.
data OriginEndpoint Source #
An OriginEndpoint resource configuration.
See: newOriginEndpoint
smart constructor.
OriginEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Authorization) (Maybe Text) (Maybe CmafPackage) (Maybe DashPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HlsPackage) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe MssPackage) (Maybe Origination) (Maybe Int) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Text]) |
newOriginEndpoint :: OriginEndpoint Source #
Create a value of OriginEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, originEndpoint_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
, originEndpoint_authorization
- Undocumented member.
, originEndpoint_channelId
- The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
, originEndpoint_cmafPackage
- Undocumented member.
, originEndpoint_dashPackage
- Undocumented member.
, originEndpoint_description
- A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
, originEndpoint_hlsPackage
- Undocumented member.
, originEndpoint_id
- The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
, originEndpoint_manifestName
- A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
, originEndpoint_mssPackage
- Undocumented member.
, originEndpoint_origination
- Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint.
If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint may by requested, pursuant to any
other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not
be requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for
temporarily disabling origination
, originEndpoint_startoverWindowSeconds
- Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the
, originEndpoint_tags
- Undocumented member.
, originEndpoint_timeDelaySeconds
- Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content. If
not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the
, originEndpoint_url
- The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
, originEndpoint_whitelist
- A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the
data S3Destination Source #
Configuration parameters for where in an S3 bucket to place the harvested content
See: newS3Destination
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> S3Destination |
Create a value of S3Destination
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, s3Destination_manifestKey
- The key in the specified S3 bucket where the harvested top-level
manifest will be placed.
, s3Destination_bucketName
- The name of an S3 bucket within which harvested content will be exported
, s3Destination_roleArn
- The IAM role used to write to the specified S3 bucket
data SpekeKeyProvider Source #
A configuration for accessing an external Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) service that will provide encryption keys.
See: newSpekeKeyProvider
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> SpekeKeyProvider |
Create a value of SpekeKeyProvider
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, spekeKeyProvider_certificateArn
- An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a Certificate Manager certificate that
MediaPackage will use for enforcing secure end-to-end data transfer with
the key provider service.
, spekeKeyProvider_encryptionContractConfiguration
- Undocumented member.
, spekeKeyProvider_resourceId
- The resource ID to include in key requests.
, spekeKeyProvider_systemIds
- The system IDs to include in key requests.
, spekeKeyProvider_url
- The URL of the external key provider service.
, spekeKeyProvider_roleArn
- An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that AWS Elemental
MediaPackage will assume when accessing the key provider service.
data StreamSelection Source #
A StreamSelection configuration.
See: newStreamSelection
smart constructor.
StreamSelection' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) (Maybe StreamOrder) |
newStreamSelection :: StreamSelection Source #
Create a value of StreamSelection
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, streamSelection_maxVideoBitsPerSecond
- The maximum video bitrate (bps) to include in output.
, streamSelection_minVideoBitsPerSecond
- The minimum video bitrate (bps) to include in output.
, streamSelection_streamOrder
- A directive that determines the order of streams in the output.