Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- DataType
- MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- Owner
- PluginHealth
- RunEnvironment
- StepActionType
- StepGroupStatus
- StepStatus
- TargetType
- TemplateStatus
- MigrationWorkflowSummary
- PlatformCommand
- PlatformScriptKey
- PluginSummary
- StepAutomationConfiguration
- StepInput
- StepOutput
- TemplateInput
- TemplateStepGroupSummary
- TemplateStepSummary
- TemplateSummary
- Tool
- WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration
- WorkflowStepGroupSummary
- WorkflowStepOutput
- WorkflowStepOutputUnion
- WorkflowStepSummary
- defaultService :: Service
- _AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- newtype DataType where
- DataType' {
- fromDataType :: Text
- pattern DataType_INTEGER :: DataType
- pattern DataType_STRING :: DataType
- pattern DataType_STRINGLIST :: DataType
- pattern DataType_STRINGMAP :: DataType
- DataType' {
- newtype MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum where
- MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum' { }
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_COMPLETED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_CREATING :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_CREATION_FAILED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_DELETED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_DELETING :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_DELETION_FAILED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_IN_PROGRESS :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_NOT_STARTED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_PAUSED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_PAUSING :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_PAUSING_FAILED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_STARTING :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_USER_ATTENTION_REQUIRED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- pattern MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum_WORKFLOW_FAILED :: MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum
- newtype Owner where
- Owner' { }
- pattern Owner_AWS_MANAGED :: Owner
- pattern Owner_CUSTOM :: Owner
- newtype PluginHealth where
- PluginHealth' { }
- pattern PluginHealth_HEALTHY :: PluginHealth
- pattern PluginHealth_UNHEALTHY :: PluginHealth
- newtype RunEnvironment where
- RunEnvironment' { }
- pattern RunEnvironment_AWS :: RunEnvironment
- pattern RunEnvironment_ONPREMISE :: RunEnvironment
- newtype StepActionType where
- StepActionType' { }
- pattern StepActionType_AUTOMATED :: StepActionType
- pattern StepActionType_MANUAL :: StepActionType
- newtype StepGroupStatus where
- StepGroupStatus' { }
- pattern StepGroupStatus_AWAITING_DEPENDENCIES :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_COMPLETED :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_FAILED :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_PAUSED :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_PAUSING :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_READY :: StepGroupStatus
- pattern StepGroupStatus_USER_ATTENTION_REQUIRED :: StepGroupStatus
- newtype StepStatus where
- StepStatus' { }
- pattern StepStatus_AWAITING_DEPENDENCIES :: StepStatus
- pattern StepStatus_COMPLETED :: StepStatus
- pattern StepStatus_FAILED :: StepStatus
- pattern StepStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: StepStatus
- pattern StepStatus_PAUSED :: StepStatus
- pattern StepStatus_READY :: StepStatus
- pattern StepStatus_USER_ATTENTION_REQUIRED :: StepStatus
- newtype TargetType where
- TargetType' { }
- pattern TargetType_ALL :: TargetType
- pattern TargetType_NONE :: TargetType
- pattern TargetType_SINGLE :: TargetType
- newtype TemplateStatus where
- TemplateStatus' { }
- pattern TemplateStatus_CREATED :: TemplateStatus
- data MigrationWorkflowSummary = MigrationWorkflowSummary' {}
- newMigrationWorkflowSummary :: MigrationWorkflowSummary
- migrationWorkflowSummary_adsApplicationConfigurationName :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_completedSteps :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Int)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_creationTime :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_endTime :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe UTCTime)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_id :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_name :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_status :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_statusMessage :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_templateId :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text)
- migrationWorkflowSummary_totalSteps :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Int)
- data PlatformCommand = PlatformCommand' {}
- newPlatformCommand :: PlatformCommand
- platformCommand_linux :: Lens' PlatformCommand (Maybe Text)
- platformCommand_windows :: Lens' PlatformCommand (Maybe Text)
- data PlatformScriptKey = PlatformScriptKey' {}
- newPlatformScriptKey :: PlatformScriptKey
- platformScriptKey_linux :: Lens' PlatformScriptKey (Maybe Text)
- platformScriptKey_windows :: Lens' PlatformScriptKey (Maybe Text)
- data PluginSummary = PluginSummary' {}
- newPluginSummary :: PluginSummary
- pluginSummary_hostname :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text)
- pluginSummary_ipAddress :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text)
- pluginSummary_pluginId :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text)
- pluginSummary_registeredTime :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text)
- pluginSummary_status :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe PluginHealth)
- pluginSummary_version :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text)
- data StepAutomationConfiguration = StepAutomationConfiguration' {}
- newStepAutomationConfiguration :: StepAutomationConfiguration
- stepAutomationConfiguration_command :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformCommand)
- stepAutomationConfiguration_runEnvironment :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe RunEnvironment)
- stepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Bucket :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- stepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Key :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformScriptKey)
- stepAutomationConfiguration_targetType :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe TargetType)
- data StepInput = StepInput' {
- integerValue :: Maybe Int
- listOfStringsValue :: Maybe [Text]
- mapOfStringValue :: Maybe (HashMap Text Text)
- stringValue :: Maybe Text
- newStepInput :: StepInput
- stepInput_integerValue :: Lens' StepInput (Maybe Int)
- stepInput_listOfStringsValue :: Lens' StepInput (Maybe [Text])
- stepInput_mapOfStringValue :: Lens' StepInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- stepInput_stringValue :: Lens' StepInput (Maybe Text)
- data StepOutput = StepOutput' {}
- newStepOutput :: StepOutput
- stepOutput_dataType :: Lens' StepOutput (Maybe DataType)
- stepOutput_name :: Lens' StepOutput (Maybe Text)
- stepOutput_required :: Lens' StepOutput (Maybe Bool)
- data TemplateInput = TemplateInput' {}
- newTemplateInput :: TemplateInput
- templateInput_dataType :: Lens' TemplateInput (Maybe DataType)
- templateInput_inputName :: Lens' TemplateInput (Maybe Text)
- templateInput_required :: Lens' TemplateInput (Maybe Bool)
- data TemplateStepGroupSummary = TemplateStepGroupSummary' {}
- newTemplateStepGroupSummary :: TemplateStepGroupSummary
- templateStepGroupSummary_id :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateStepGroupSummary_name :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateStepGroupSummary_next :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text])
- templateStepGroupSummary_previous :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text])
- data TemplateStepSummary = TemplateStepSummary' {
- id :: Maybe Text
- name :: Maybe Text
- next :: Maybe [Text]
- owner :: Maybe Owner
- previous :: Maybe [Text]
- stepActionType :: Maybe StepActionType
- stepGroupId :: Maybe Text
- targetType :: Maybe TargetType
- templateId :: Maybe Text
- newTemplateStepSummary :: TemplateStepSummary
- templateStepSummary_id :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateStepSummary_name :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateStepSummary_next :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe [Text])
- templateStepSummary_owner :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Owner)
- templateStepSummary_previous :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe [Text])
- templateStepSummary_stepActionType :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe StepActionType)
- templateStepSummary_stepGroupId :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateStepSummary_targetType :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe TargetType)
- templateStepSummary_templateId :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- data TemplateSummary = TemplateSummary' {}
- newTemplateSummary :: TemplateSummary
- templateSummary_arn :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateSummary_description :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateSummary_id :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text)
- templateSummary_name :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text)
- data Tool = Tool' {}
- newTool :: Tool
- tool_name :: Lens' Tool (Maybe Text)
- tool_url :: Lens' Tool (Maybe Text)
- data WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration = WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration' {}
- newWorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration :: WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration
- workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_command :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformCommand)
- workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_runEnvironment :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe RunEnvironment)
- workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Bucket :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Key :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformScriptKey)
- workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_targetType :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe TargetType)
- data WorkflowStepGroupSummary = WorkflowStepGroupSummary' {}
- newWorkflowStepGroupSummary :: WorkflowStepGroupSummary
- workflowStepGroupSummary_id :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepGroupSummary_name :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepGroupSummary_next :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text])
- workflowStepGroupSummary_owner :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe Owner)
- workflowStepGroupSummary_previous :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text])
- workflowStepGroupSummary_status :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe StepGroupStatus)
- data WorkflowStepOutput = WorkflowStepOutput' {}
- newWorkflowStepOutput :: WorkflowStepOutput
- workflowStepOutput_dataType :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe DataType)
- workflowStepOutput_name :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepOutput_required :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe Bool)
- workflowStepOutput_value :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe WorkflowStepOutputUnion)
- data WorkflowStepOutputUnion = WorkflowStepOutputUnion' {
- integerValue :: Maybe Int
- listOfStringValue :: Maybe [Text]
- stringValue :: Maybe Text
- newWorkflowStepOutputUnion :: WorkflowStepOutputUnion
- workflowStepOutputUnion_integerValue :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutputUnion (Maybe Int)
- workflowStepOutputUnion_listOfStringValue :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutputUnion (Maybe [Text])
- workflowStepOutputUnion_stringValue :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutputUnion (Maybe Text)
- data WorkflowStepSummary = WorkflowStepSummary' {
- description :: Maybe Text
- name :: Maybe Text
- next :: Maybe [Text]
- noOfSrvCompleted :: Maybe Int
- noOfSrvFailed :: Maybe Int
- owner :: Maybe Owner
- previous :: Maybe [Text]
- scriptLocation :: Maybe Text
- status :: Maybe StepStatus
- statusMessage :: Maybe Text
- stepActionType :: Maybe StepActionType
- stepId :: Maybe Text
- totalNoOfSrv :: Maybe Int
- newWorkflowStepSummary :: WorkflowStepSummary
- workflowStepSummary_description :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepSummary_name :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepSummary_next :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe [Text])
- workflowStepSummary_noOfSrvCompleted :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Int)
- workflowStepSummary_noOfSrvFailed :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Int)
- workflowStepSummary_owner :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Owner)
- workflowStepSummary_previous :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe [Text])
- workflowStepSummary_scriptLocation :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepSummary_status :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe StepStatus)
- workflowStepSummary_statusMessage :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepSummary_stepActionType :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe StepActionType)
- workflowStepSummary_stepId :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text)
- workflowStepSummary_totalNoOfSrv :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Int)
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2021-08-28
of the Amazon Migration Hub Orchestrator SDK configuration.
_AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An internal error has occurred.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The resource is not available.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The request was denied due to request throttling.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.
pattern DataType_INTEGER :: DataType | |
pattern DataType_STRING :: DataType | |
pattern DataType_STRINGLIST :: DataType | |
pattern DataType_STRINGMAP :: DataType |
newtype MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum Source #
pattern Owner_AWS_MANAGED :: Owner | |
pattern Owner_CUSTOM :: Owner |
newtype PluginHealth Source #
pattern PluginHealth_HEALTHY :: PluginHealth | |
pattern PluginHealth_UNHEALTHY :: PluginHealth |
newtype RunEnvironment Source #
pattern RunEnvironment_AWS :: RunEnvironment | |
pattern RunEnvironment_ONPREMISE :: RunEnvironment |
newtype StepActionType Source #
pattern StepActionType_AUTOMATED :: StepActionType | |
pattern StepActionType_MANUAL :: StepActionType |
newtype StepGroupStatus Source #
pattern StepGroupStatus_AWAITING_DEPENDENCIES :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_COMPLETED :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_FAILED :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_PAUSED :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_PAUSING :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_READY :: StepGroupStatus | |
pattern StepGroupStatus_USER_ATTENTION_REQUIRED :: StepGroupStatus |
newtype StepStatus Source #
pattern StepStatus_AWAITING_DEPENDENCIES :: StepStatus | |
pattern StepStatus_COMPLETED :: StepStatus | |
pattern StepStatus_FAILED :: StepStatus | |
pattern StepStatus_IN_PROGRESS :: StepStatus | |
pattern StepStatus_PAUSED :: StepStatus | |
pattern StepStatus_READY :: StepStatus | |
pattern StepStatus_USER_ATTENTION_REQUIRED :: StepStatus |
newtype TargetType Source #
pattern TargetType_ALL :: TargetType | |
pattern TargetType_NONE :: TargetType | |
pattern TargetType_SINGLE :: TargetType |
newtype TemplateStatus Source #
pattern TemplateStatus_CREATED :: TemplateStatus |
data MigrationWorkflowSummary Source #
The summary of a migration workflow.
See: newMigrationWorkflowSummary
smart constructor.
MigrationWorkflowSummary' | |
newMigrationWorkflowSummary :: MigrationWorkflowSummary Source #
Create a value of MigrationWorkflowSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, migrationWorkflowSummary_adsApplicationConfigurationName
- The name of the application configured in Application Discovery Service.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_completedSteps
- The steps completed in the migration workflow.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_creationTime
- The time at which the migration workflow was created.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_endTime
- The time at which the migration workflow ended.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_id
- The ID of the migration workflow.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_name
- The name of the migration workflow.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_status
- The status of the migration workflow.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_statusMessage
- The status message of the migration workflow.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_templateId
- The ID of the template.
, migrationWorkflowSummary_totalSteps
- All the steps in a migration workflow.
migrationWorkflowSummary_adsApplicationConfigurationName :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the application configured in Application Discovery Service.
migrationWorkflowSummary_completedSteps :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The steps completed in the migration workflow.
migrationWorkflowSummary_creationTime :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the migration workflow was created.
migrationWorkflowSummary_endTime :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The time at which the migration workflow ended.
migrationWorkflowSummary_id :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the migration workflow.
migrationWorkflowSummary_name :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the migration workflow.
migrationWorkflowSummary_status :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe MigrationWorkflowStatusEnum) Source #
The status of the migration workflow.
migrationWorkflowSummary_statusMessage :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message of the migration workflow.
migrationWorkflowSummary_templateId :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the template.
migrationWorkflowSummary_totalSteps :: Lens' MigrationWorkflowSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
All the steps in a migration workflow.
data PlatformCommand Source #
Command to be run on a particular operating system.
See: newPlatformCommand
smart constructor.
newPlatformCommand :: PlatformCommand Source #
Create a value of PlatformCommand
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, platformCommand_linux
- Command for Linux.
, platformCommand_windows
- Command for Windows.
platformCommand_linux :: Lens' PlatformCommand (Maybe Text) Source #
Command for Linux.
platformCommand_windows :: Lens' PlatformCommand (Maybe Text) Source #
Command for Windows.
data PlatformScriptKey Source #
The script location for a particular operating system.
See: newPlatformScriptKey
smart constructor.
newPlatformScriptKey :: PlatformScriptKey Source #
Create a value of PlatformScriptKey
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, platformScriptKey_linux
- The script location for Linux.
, platformScriptKey_windows
- The script location for Windows.
platformScriptKey_linux :: Lens' PlatformScriptKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The script location for Linux.
platformScriptKey_windows :: Lens' PlatformScriptKey (Maybe Text) Source #
The script location for Windows.
data PluginSummary Source #
The summary of the Migration Hub Orchestrator plugin.
See: newPluginSummary
smart constructor.
PluginSummary' | |
newPluginSummary :: PluginSummary Source #
Create a value of PluginSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, pluginSummary_hostname
- The name of the host.
, pluginSummary_ipAddress
- The IP address at which the plugin is located.
, pluginSummary_pluginId
- The ID of the plugin.
, pluginSummary_registeredTime
- The time at which the plugin was registered.
, pluginSummary_status
- The status of the plugin.
, pluginSummary_version
- The version of the plugin.
pluginSummary_hostname :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the host.
pluginSummary_ipAddress :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The IP address at which the plugin is located.
pluginSummary_pluginId :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the plugin.
pluginSummary_registeredTime :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The time at which the plugin was registered.
pluginSummary_status :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe PluginHealth) Source #
The status of the plugin.
pluginSummary_version :: Lens' PluginSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the plugin.
data StepAutomationConfiguration Source #
The custom script to run tests on source or target environments.
See: newStepAutomationConfiguration
smart constructor.
StepAutomationConfiguration' | |
newStepAutomationConfiguration :: StepAutomationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of StepAutomationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stepAutomationConfiguration_command
- The command to run the script.
, stepAutomationConfiguration_runEnvironment
- The source or target environment.
, stepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Bucket
- The Amazon S3 bucket where the script is located.
, stepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Key
- The Amazon S3 key for the script location.
, stepAutomationConfiguration_targetType
- The servers on which to run the script.
stepAutomationConfiguration_command :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformCommand) Source #
The command to run the script.
stepAutomationConfiguration_runEnvironment :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe RunEnvironment) Source #
The source or target environment.
stepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Bucket :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket where the script is located.
stepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Key :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformScriptKey) Source #
The Amazon S3 key for the script location.
stepAutomationConfiguration_targetType :: Lens' StepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe TargetType) Source #
The servers on which to run the script.
A map of key value pairs that is generated when you create a migration workflow. The key value pairs will differ based on your selection of the template.
See: newStepInput
smart constructor.
StepInput' | |
newStepInput :: StepInput Source #
Create a value of StepInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stepInput_integerValue
- The value of the integer.
, stepInput_listOfStringsValue
- List of string values.
, stepInput_mapOfStringValue
- Map of string values.
, stepInput_stringValue
- String value.
stepInput_mapOfStringValue :: Lens' StepInput (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
Map of string values.
data StepOutput Source #
The output of the step.
See: newStepOutput
smart constructor.
newStepOutput :: StepOutput Source #
Create a value of StepOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stepOutput_dataType
- The data type of the step output.
, stepOutput_name
- The name of the step.
, stepOutput_required
- Determine if an output is required from a step.
stepOutput_dataType :: Lens' StepOutput (Maybe DataType) Source #
The data type of the step output.
stepOutput_name :: Lens' StepOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step.
stepOutput_required :: Lens' StepOutput (Maybe Bool) Source #
Determine if an output is required from a step.
data TemplateInput Source #
The input parameters of a template.
See: newTemplateInput
smart constructor.
newTemplateInput :: TemplateInput Source #
Create a value of TemplateInput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, templateInput_dataType
- The data type of the template input.
, templateInput_inputName
- The name of the template.
, templateInput_required
- Determine if an input is required from the template.
templateInput_dataType :: Lens' TemplateInput (Maybe DataType) Source #
The data type of the template input.
templateInput_inputName :: Lens' TemplateInput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the template.
templateInput_required :: Lens' TemplateInput (Maybe Bool) Source #
Determine if an input is required from the template.
data TemplateStepGroupSummary Source #
The summary of the step group in the template.
See: newTemplateStepGroupSummary
smart constructor.
newTemplateStepGroupSummary :: TemplateStepGroupSummary Source #
Create a value of TemplateStepGroupSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, templateStepGroupSummary_id
- The ID of the step group.
, templateStepGroupSummary_name
- The name of the step group.
, templateStepGroupSummary_next
- The next step group.
, templateStepGroupSummary_previous
- The previous step group.
templateStepGroupSummary_id :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the step group.
templateStepGroupSummary_name :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step group.
templateStepGroupSummary_next :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The next step group.
templateStepGroupSummary_previous :: Lens' TemplateStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The previous step group.
data TemplateStepSummary Source #
The summary of the step.
See: newTemplateStepSummary
smart constructor.
TemplateStepSummary' | |
newTemplateStepSummary :: TemplateStepSummary Source #
Create a value of TemplateStepSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, templateStepSummary_id
- The ID of the step.
, templateStepSummary_name
- The name of the step.
, templateStepSummary_next
- The next step.
, templateStepSummary_owner
- The owner of the step.
, templateStepSummary_previous
- The previous step.
, templateStepSummary_stepActionType
- The action type of the step. You must run and update the status of a
manual step for the workflow to continue after the completion of the
, templateStepSummary_stepGroupId
- The ID of the step group.
, templateStepSummary_targetType
- The servers on which to run the script.
, templateStepSummary_templateId
- The ID of the template.
templateStepSummary_id :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the step.
templateStepSummary_name :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step.
templateStepSummary_next :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The next step.
templateStepSummary_owner :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Owner) Source #
The owner of the step.
templateStepSummary_previous :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The previous step.
templateStepSummary_stepActionType :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe StepActionType) Source #
The action type of the step. You must run and update the status of a manual step for the workflow to continue after the completion of the step.
templateStepSummary_stepGroupId :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the step group.
templateStepSummary_targetType :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe TargetType) Source #
The servers on which to run the script.
templateStepSummary_templateId :: Lens' TemplateStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the template.
data TemplateSummary Source #
The summary of the template.
See: newTemplateSummary
smart constructor.
newTemplateSummary :: TemplateSummary Source #
Create a value of TemplateSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, templateSummary_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
, templateSummary_description
- The description of the template.
, templateSummary_id
- The ID of the template.
, templateSummary_name
- The name of the template.
templateSummary_arn :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
templateSummary_description :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the template.
templateSummary_id :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the template.
templateSummary_name :: Lens' TemplateSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the template.
List of AWS services utilized in a migration workflow.
See: newTool
smart constructor.
FromJSON Tool Source # | |
Generic Tool Source # | |
Read Tool Source # | |
Show Tool Source # | |
NFData Tool Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MigrationHubOrchestrator.Types.Tool | |
Eq Tool Source # | |
Hashable Tool Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MigrationHubOrchestrator.Types.Tool | |
type Rep Tool Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.MigrationHubOrchestrator.Types.Tool type Rep Tool = D1 ('MetaData "Tool" "Amazonka.MigrationHubOrchestrator.Types.Tool" "amazonka-migrationhuborchestrator-2.0-HQHMI3I3PjN4mnuoVSsX97" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Tool'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "name") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "url") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)))) |
Create a value of Tool
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tool_name
- The name of an AWS service.
, tool_url
- The URL of an AWS service.
data WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration Source #
The custom script to run tests on source or target environments.
See: newWorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration
smart constructor.
WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration' | |
newWorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration :: WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration Source #
Create a value of WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_command
- The command required to run the script.
, workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_runEnvironment
- The source or target environment.
, workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Bucket
- The Amazon S3 bucket where the script is located.
, workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Key
- The Amazon S3 key for the script location.
, workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_targetType
- The servers on which to run the script.
workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_command :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformCommand) Source #
The command required to run the script.
workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_runEnvironment :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe RunEnvironment) Source #
The source or target environment.
workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Bucket :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon S3 bucket where the script is located.
workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_scriptLocationS3Key :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe PlatformScriptKey) Source #
The Amazon S3 key for the script location.
workflowStepAutomationConfiguration_targetType :: Lens' WorkflowStepAutomationConfiguration (Maybe TargetType) Source #
The servers on which to run the script.
data WorkflowStepGroupSummary Source #
The summary of a step group in a workflow.
See: newWorkflowStepGroupSummary
smart constructor.
newWorkflowStepGroupSummary :: WorkflowStepGroupSummary Source #
Create a value of WorkflowStepGroupSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, workflowStepGroupSummary_id
- The ID of the step group.
, workflowStepGroupSummary_name
- The name of the step group.
, workflowStepGroupSummary_next
- The next step group.
, workflowStepGroupSummary_owner
- The owner of the step group.
, workflowStepGroupSummary_previous
- The previous step group.
, workflowStepGroupSummary_status
- The status of the step group.
workflowStepGroupSummary_id :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the step group.
workflowStepGroupSummary_name :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step group.
workflowStepGroupSummary_next :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The next step group.
workflowStepGroupSummary_owner :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe Owner) Source #
The owner of the step group.
workflowStepGroupSummary_previous :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The previous step group.
workflowStepGroupSummary_status :: Lens' WorkflowStepGroupSummary (Maybe StepGroupStatus) Source #
The status of the step group.
data WorkflowStepOutput Source #
The output of a step.
See: newWorkflowStepOutput
smart constructor.
newWorkflowStepOutput :: WorkflowStepOutput Source #
Create a value of WorkflowStepOutput
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, workflowStepOutput_dataType
- The data type of the output.
, workflowStepOutput_name
- The name of the step.
, workflowStepOutput_required
- Determine if an output is required from a step.
, workflowStepOutput_value
- The value of the output.
workflowStepOutput_dataType :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe DataType) Source #
The data type of the output.
workflowStepOutput_name :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step.
workflowStepOutput_required :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe Bool) Source #
Determine if an output is required from a step.
workflowStepOutput_value :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutput (Maybe WorkflowStepOutputUnion) Source #
The value of the output.
data WorkflowStepOutputUnion Source #
A structure to hold multiple values of an output.
See: newWorkflowStepOutputUnion
smart constructor.
WorkflowStepOutputUnion' | |
newWorkflowStepOutputUnion :: WorkflowStepOutputUnion Source #
Create a value of WorkflowStepOutputUnion
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, workflowStepOutputUnion_integerValue
- The integer value.
, workflowStepOutputUnion_listOfStringValue
- The list of string value.
, workflowStepOutputUnion_stringValue
- The string value.
workflowStepOutputUnion_integerValue :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutputUnion (Maybe Int) Source #
The integer value.
workflowStepOutputUnion_listOfStringValue :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutputUnion (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The list of string value.
workflowStepOutputUnion_stringValue :: Lens' WorkflowStepOutputUnion (Maybe Text) Source #
The string value.
data WorkflowStepSummary Source #
The summary of the step in a migration workflow.
See: newWorkflowStepSummary
smart constructor.
WorkflowStepSummary' | |
newWorkflowStepSummary :: WorkflowStepSummary Source #
Create a value of WorkflowStepSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, workflowStepSummary_description
- The description of the step.
, workflowStepSummary_name
- The name of the step.
, workflowStepSummary_next
- The next step.
, workflowStepSummary_noOfSrvCompleted
- The number of servers that have been migrated.
, workflowStepSummary_noOfSrvFailed
- The number of servers that have failed to migrate.
, workflowStepSummary_owner
- The owner of the step.
, workflowStepSummary_previous
- The previous step.
, workflowStepSummary_scriptLocation
- The location of the script.
, workflowStepSummary_status
- The status of the step.
, workflowStepSummary_statusMessage
- The status message of the migration workflow.
, workflowStepSummary_stepActionType
- The action type of the step. You must run and update the status of a
manual step for the workflow to continue after the completion of the
, workflowStepSummary_stepId
- The ID of the step.
, workflowStepSummary_totalNoOfSrv
- The total number of servers that have been migrated.
workflowStepSummary_description :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The description of the step.
workflowStepSummary_name :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the step.
workflowStepSummary_next :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The next step.
workflowStepSummary_noOfSrvCompleted :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of servers that have been migrated.
workflowStepSummary_noOfSrvFailed :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The number of servers that have failed to migrate.
workflowStepSummary_owner :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Owner) Source #
The owner of the step.
workflowStepSummary_previous :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The previous step.
workflowStepSummary_scriptLocation :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The location of the script.
workflowStepSummary_status :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe StepStatus) Source #
The status of the step.
workflowStepSummary_statusMessage :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The status message of the migration workflow.
workflowStepSummary_stepActionType :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe StepActionType) Source #
The action type of the step. You must run and update the status of a manual step for the workflow to continue after the completion of the step.
workflowStepSummary_stepId :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the step.
workflowStepSummary_totalNoOfSrv :: Lens' WorkflowStepSummary (Maybe Int) Source #
The total number of servers that have been migrated.