amazonka-ml- Amazon Machine Learning SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




Returns a BatchPrediction that includes detailed metadata, status, and data file information for a 'Batch Prediction' request.

See: AWS API Reference for GetBatchPrediction.


Creating a Request

getBatchPrediction Source

Creates a value of GetBatchPrediction with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Request Lenses

Destructuring the Response

Response Lenses

gbprsLastUpdatedAt :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time of the most recent edit to BatchPrediction. The time is expressed in epoch time.

gbprsCreatedAt :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The time when the BatchPrediction was created. The time is expressed in epoch time.

gbprsInputDataLocationS3 :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The location of the data file or directory in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

gbprsMLModelId :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the MLModel that generated predictions for the BatchPrediction request.

gbprsBatchPredictionId :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

An ID assigned to the BatchPrediction at creation. This value should be identical to the value of the BatchPredictionID in the request.

gbprsName :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

A user-supplied name or description of the BatchPrediction.

gbprsCreatedByIAMUser :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS user account that invoked the BatchPrediction. The account type can be either an AWS root account or an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user account.

gbprsLogURI :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

A link to the file that contains logs of the CreateBatchPrediction operation.

gbprsMessage :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

A description of the most recent details about processing the batch prediction request.

gbprsOutputURI :: Lens' GetBatchPredictionResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The location of an Amazon S3 bucket or directory to receive the operation results.