amazonka-route53-domains-0.1.3: Amazon Route 53 Domains SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




This operation returns detailed information about the domain. The domain's contact information is also returned as part of the output.



Request constructor

getDomainDetail Source

GetDomainDetail constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

gddDomainName :: Lens' GetDomainDetail Text Source

The name of a domain.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: The domain name can contain only the letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Internationalized Domain Names are not supported.

Required: Yes


Response constructor

Response lenses

gddrAbuseContactEmail :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Email address to contact to report incorrect contact information for a domain, to report that the domain is being used to send spam, to report that someone is cybersquatting on a domain name, or report some other type of abuse.

Type: String

gddrAbuseContactPhone :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Phone number for reporting abuse.

Type: String

gddrAdminContact :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse ContactDetail Source

Provides details about the domain administrative contact.

Type: Complex

Children: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, ContactType, OrganizationName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, CountryCode, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Fax, ExtraParams

gddrAdminPrivacy :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether contact information for the admin contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.

Type: Boolean

gddrAutoRenew :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether the domain registration is set to renew automatically.

Type: Boolean

gddrCreationDate :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date when the domain was created as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date format is Unix time.

gddrDomainName :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse Text Source

The name of a domain.

Type: String

gddrExpirationDate :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date when the registration for the domain is set to expire. The date format is Unix time.

gddrNameservers :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse [Nameserver] Source

The name of the domain.

Type: String

gddrRegistrantContact :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse ContactDetail Source

Provides details about the domain registrant.

Type: Complex

Children: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, ContactType, OrganizationName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, CountryCode, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Fax, ExtraParams

gddrRegistrantPrivacy :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether contact information for the registrant contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.

Type: Boolean

gddrRegistrarName :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Name of the registrar of the domain as identified in the registry. Amazon Route 53 domains are registered by registrar Gandi. The value is '"GANDI SAS"'.

Type: String

gddrRegistrarUrl :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Web address of the registrar.

Type: String

gddrReseller :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Reseller of the domain. Domains registered or transferred using Amazon Route 53 domains will have 'Amazon' as the reseller.

Type: String

gddrStatusList :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse [Text] Source

An array of domain name status codes, also known as Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) status codes.

ICANN, the organization that maintains a central database of domain names, has developed a set of domain name status codes that tell you the status of a variety of operations on a domain name, for example, registering a domain name, transferring a domain name to another registrar, renewing the registration for a domain name, and so on. All registrars use this same set of status codes.

For a current list of domain name status codes and an explanation of what each code means, go to the ICANN website and search for 'epp status codes'. (Search on the ICANN website; web searches sometimes return an old version of the document.)

Type: Array of String

gddrTechContact :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse ContactDetail Source

Provides details about the domain technical contact.

Type: Complex

Children: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, ContactType, OrganizationName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, CountryCode, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Fax, ExtraParams

gddrTechPrivacy :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether contact information for the tech contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.

Type: Boolean

gddrUpdatedDate :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The last updated date of the domain as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date format is Unix time.

gddrWhoIsServer :: Lens' GetDomainDetailResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The fully qualified name of the WHOIS server that can answer the WHOIS query for the domain.

Type: String