amazonka-route53-domains-0.3.3: Amazon Route 53 Domains SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




This operation transfers a domain from another registrar to Amazon Route 53. When the transfer is complete, the domain is registered with the AWS registrar partner, Gandi.

For transfer requirements, a detailed procedure, and information about viewing the status of a domain transfer, see Transferring Registration for aDomain to Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

If the registrar for your domain is also the DNS service provider for the domain, we highly recommend that you consider transferring your DNS service to Amazon Route 53 or to another DNS service provider before you transfer your registration. Some registrars provide free DNS service when you purchase a domain registration. When you transfer the registration, the previous registrar will not renew your domain registration and could end your DNS service at any time.

Caution! If the registrar for your domain is also the DNS service provider for the domain and you don't transfer DNS service to another provider, your website, email, and the web applications associated with the domain might become unavailable. If the transfer is successful, this method returns an operation ID that you can use to track the progress and completion of the action. If the transfer doesn't complete successfully, the domain registrant will be notified by email.



Request constructor

Request lenses

tdAdminContact :: Lens' TransferDomain ContactDetail Source

Provides detailed contact information.

Type: Complex

Children: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, ContactType, OrganizationName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, CountryCode, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Fax, ExtraParams

Required: Yes

tdAuthCode :: Lens' TransferDomain (Maybe Text) Source

The authorization code for the domain. You get this value from the current registrar.

Type: String

Required: Yes

tdAutoRenew :: Lens' TransferDomain (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates whether the domain will be automatically renewed (true) or not (false). Autorenewal only takes effect after the account is charged.

Type: Boolean

Valid values: true | false

Default: true

Required: No

tdDomainName :: Lens' TransferDomain Text Source

The name of a domain.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: The domain name can contain only the letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Internationalized Domain Names are not supported.

Required: Yes

tdDurationInYears :: Lens' TransferDomain Natural Source

The number of years the domain will be registered. Domains are registered for a minimum of one year. The maximum period depends on the top-level domain.

Type: Integer

Default: 1

Valid values: Integer from 1 to 10

Required: Yes

tdIdnLangCode :: Lens' TransferDomain (Maybe Text) Source

Reserved for future use.

tdNameservers :: Lens' TransferDomain [Nameserver] Source

Contains details for the host and glue IP addresses.

Type: Complex

Children: GlueIps, Name

Required: No

tdPrivacyProtectAdminContact :: Lens' TransferDomain (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Valid values: true | false

Required: No

tdPrivacyProtectRegistrantContact :: Lens' TransferDomain (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Valid values: true | false

Required: No

tdPrivacyProtectTechContact :: Lens' TransferDomain (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Valid values: true | false

Required: No

tdRegistrantContact :: Lens' TransferDomain ContactDetail Source

Provides detailed contact information.

Type: Complex

Children: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, ContactType, OrganizationName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, CountryCode, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Fax, ExtraParams

Required: Yes

tdTechContact :: Lens' TransferDomain ContactDetail Source

Provides detailed contact information.

Type: Complex

Children: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, ContactType, OrganizationName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, CountryCode, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Fax, ExtraParams

Required: Yes


Response constructor

transferDomainResponse Source

TransferDomainResponse constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Response lenses

tdrOperationId :: Lens' TransferDomainResponse Text Source

Identifier for tracking the progress of the request. To use this ID to query the operation status, use GetOperationDetail.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Maximum 255 characters.