{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

-- Screen datatypes and functions
-- 2017 Francesco Ariis GPLv3

-- a canvas where to draw our stuff

module Terminal.Game.Plane where

import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.Split as LS
import qualified Data.Tuple as T


type Width  = Integer
type Height = Integer
type Row    = Integer
type Column = Integer
type Coords = (Row, Column) -- row, column, from TL (TL = 1, 1)

type Bold     = Bool
type Reversed = Bool

-- can be an ASCIIChar or a special, transparent character
data Cell = CellChar Char Bold Reversed
          | Transparent
          deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, G.Generic)

-- | A two-dimensional surface (Row, Column) where to blit stuff.
newtype Plane = Plane { fromPlane :: A.Array Coords Cell }
              deriving (Show, Eq, G.Generic)

-- CREA --

creaCell :: Char -> Cell
creaCell ch = CellChar ch False False

boldCell :: Cell -> Cell
boldCell (CellChar c _ r) = CellChar c True r
boldCell Transparent      = Transparent

reverseCell :: Cell -> Cell
reverseCell (CellChar c b _) = CellChar c b True
reverseCell Transparent      = Transparent

-- | Creates 'Plane' from 'String', good way to import ASCII
-- art/diagrams.
stringPlane :: String -> Plane
stringPlane t = stringPlaneGeneric Nothing t

-- | Same as 'stringPlane', but with transparent 'Char'.
stringPlaneTrans :: Char -> String -> Plane
stringPlaneTrans c t = stringPlaneGeneric (Just c) t

-- | Creates an empty, opaque 'Plane'.
blankPlane :: Width -> Height -> Plane
blankPlane w h = listPlane (h, w) (repeat $ creaCell ' ')

-- add transparency to a plane, matching a given character
addVitrum :: Char -> Plane -> Plane
addVitrum tc p = mapPlane f p
          f cl | cellChar cl == tc = Transparent
               | otherwise         = cl

-- SLICE --

-- paste one plane over the other at a certain position (p1 gets over p2).
-- Remember that coordinates start from bottom left!
-- Maybe char = possible transparency
pastePlane :: Plane -> Plane -> Coords -> Plane
pastePlane p1 p2 (r, c) = updatePlane p2 filtered
          cs        = assocsPlane p1
          (w2, h2)  = planeSize p2
          traslated = fmap (\((r1, c1), cl) -> ((r1 + r - 1, c1 + c -1), cl))
          filtered  = filter (\x -> inside x && solid x) traslated

          inside ((r1, c1), _) | r1 >= 1 && r1 <= h2 &&
                                 c1 >= 1 && c1 <= w2    = True
                               | otherwise              = False

          solid (_, Transparent) = False
          solid _                = True


planeSize :: Plane -> (Width, Height)
planeSize p = T.swap . snd $ A.bounds (fromPlane p)

cellChar :: Cell -> Char
cellChar (CellChar ch _ _) = ch
cellChar Transparent       = ' '

isBold :: Cell -> Bool
isBold (CellChar _ b _) = b
isBold _                = False

isReversed :: Cell -> Bool
isReversed (CellChar _ _ r) = r
isReversed _                = False

assocsPlane :: Plane -> [(Coords, Cell)]
assocsPlane p = A.assocs (fromPlane p)

-- an '\n' divided (and ended) String ready to be written on file
paperPlane :: Plane -> String
paperPlane p = unlines . LS.chunksOf w .
               map cellChar . A.elems $ fromPlane p
          w :: Int
          w = fromIntegral . fst . planeSize $ p


-- faux map
mapPlane :: (Cell -> Cell) -> Plane -> Plane
mapPlane f (Plane a) = Plane $ fmap f a

-- Array.//
updatePlane :: Plane -> [(Coords, Cell)] -> Plane
updatePlane (Plane a) kcs = Plane $ a A.// kcs

listPlane :: Coords -> [Cell] -> Plane
listPlane (r, c) cs = Plane $ A.listArray ((1,1), (r, c)) cs

stringPlaneGeneric :: Maybe Char -> String -> Plane
stringPlaneGeneric mc t = vitrous
          lined = lines t

          h :: Integer
          h = L.genericLength lined

          w :: Integer
          w = maximum (map L.genericLength lined)

          pad :: Integer -> String -> String
          pad mw tl = take (fromIntegral mw) (tl ++ repeat ' ')

          padded :: [String]
          padded = map (pad w) lined

          celled :: [Cell]
          celled = map creaCell . concat $ padded

          plane :: Plane
          plane = listPlane (h, w) celled

          vitrous :: Plane
          vitrous = case mc of
                      Just c  -> addVitrum c plane
                      Nothing -> plane