ansi-terminal-game- sdl-like functions for terminal applications, based on ansi-terminal
Copyright© 2017-2019 Francesco Ariis
LicenseGPLv3 (see LICENSE file)
MaintainerFrancesco Ariis <>
Safe HaskellNone



Machinery and utilities for 2D terminal games.

New? Start from Game.



type FPS = Integer Source #

Frames per second.

data Event Source #

An Event is a Tick (time passes) or a KeyPress.


KeyPress Char 


Instances details
Eq Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface


(==) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(/=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

Show Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface


showsPrec :: Int -> Event -> ShowS #

show :: Event -> String #

showList :: [Event] -> ShowS #

Generic Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface

Associated Types

type Rep Event :: Type -> Type #


from :: Event -> Rep Event x #

to :: Rep Event x -> Event #

Arbitrary Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface


arbitrary :: Gen Event #

shrink :: Event -> [Event] #

Serialize Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface


put :: Putter Event #

get :: Get Event #

type Rep Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface

type Rep Event = D1 ('MetaData "Event" "Terminal.Game.Layer.Object.Interface" "ansi-terminal-game-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Tick" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "KeyPress" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Char)))

data Game s Source #

Game definition datatype, parametrised on your gamestate. The two most important elements are the function dealing with logic and the drawing one. Check alone (you can compile it with cabal run -f examples alone) to see a simple game in action.




playGame :: Game s -> IO () Source #

Entry point for the game execution, should be called in main.

You must compile your programs with -threaded; if you do not do this the game will crash at start-up. Just add:

ghc-options:      -threaded

in your .cabal file and you will be fine!

Game logic

Some convenient function dealing with Timers (Timed) and Animations.

Usage of these is not mandatory: Game is parametrised over any state s, you are free to implement game logic as you prefer.



data Timed a #

A timed resource is a timer which, at any given moment, points to a specific item (like an animation).


timer = creaTimedRes (Times 1 Elapse) [(2, "a "), (1, "b "), (2, "c ")]
test t | isExpired t = putStrLn "Fine."
       | otherwise   = do putStr (fetchFrame t)
                          test (tick t)

   -- λ> test timer
   -- a a b c c Fine.


Instances details
Functor Timed

Mapping on frames.

Instance details

Defined in Control.Timer.Tick


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Timed a -> Timed b #

(<$) :: a -> Timed b -> Timed a #

Eq a => Eq (Timed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Timer.Tick


(==) :: Timed a -> Timed a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Timed a -> Timed a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (Timed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Timer.Tick


showsPrec :: Int -> Timed a -> ShowS #

show :: Timed a -> String #

showList :: [Timed a] -> ShowS #

Generic (Timed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Timer.Tick

Associated Types

type Rep (Timed a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Timed a -> Rep (Timed a) x #

to :: Rep (Timed a) x -> Timed a #

type Rep (Timed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Timer.Tick

creaTimer :: a -> a -> Integer -> Timed a #

A simple off/on timer expiring in fixed number of ticks.


timer = creaTimer Nothing (Just "Over!") 4
test t | isExpired t = print (fetchFrame t)
       | otherwise   = do print (fetchFrame t)
                          test (tick t)

   -- λ> test timer
   -- Nothing
   -- Nothing
   -- Nothing
   -- Nothing
   -- Just "Over"!

creaBoolTimer :: Integer -> Timed Bool #

Shorthand for: creaTimer False True i.

creaTimerLoop :: a -> a -> Integer -> Timed a #

A looped version of creaTimer.

creaBoolTimerLoop :: Integer -> Timed Bool #

Shorthand for: creaTimerLoop False True i.


type Animation = Timed Plane Source #

An Animation is a series of timed time-separated Planes.

T/A interface

tick :: Timed a -> Timed a #

Ticks the timer (one step).

ticks :: Integer -> Timed a -> Timed a #

Ticks the timer (multiple steps).

reset :: Timed a -> Timed a #

Resets the timer to its original state.

lapse :: Timed a -> Timed a #

Ticks the timer until isExpired is True.

fetchFrame :: Timed a -> a #

Fetches the current resource of the timer.

isExpired :: Timed a -> Bool #

Checks wheter the timer is expired (an expired timer will not respond to tick).

getFrames :: Timed a -> [(Integer, a)] #

Return a list of all frames plus their duration.

Random numbers

data StdGen #

The standard pseudo-random number generator.


Instances details
Eq StdGen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


(==) :: StdGen -> StdGen -> Bool #

(/=) :: StdGen -> StdGen -> Bool #

Show StdGen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal

NFData StdGen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal


rnf :: StdGen -> () #

RandomGen StdGen 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random.Internal

getStdGen :: MonadIO m => m StdGen #

Gets the global pseudo-random number generator. Extracts the contents of globalStdGen

Since: random-1.0.0

mkStdGen :: Int -> StdGen #

Constructs a StdGen deterministically.

getRandom :: Random a => (a, a) -> StdGen -> (a, StdGen) Source #

Simple pseudo-random generator.

getRandomList :: Random a => (a, a) -> StdGen -> [a] Source #

Returns an infinite list of random values.

class Random a #

The class of types for which random values can be generated. Most instances of Random will produce values that are uniformly distributed on the full range, but for those types without a well-defined "full range" some sensible default subrange will be selected.

Random exists primarily for backwards compatibility with version 1.1 of this library. In new code, use the better specified Uniform and UniformRange instead.

Since: random-1.0.0


Instances details
Random Bool 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Bool, Bool) -> g -> (Bool, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Bool, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Bool, Bool) -> g -> [Bool] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Bool] #

Random Char 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Char, Char) -> g -> (Char, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Char, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Char, Char) -> g -> [Char] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Char] #

Random Double

Note - random produces values in the closed range [0,1].

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Double, Double) -> g -> (Double, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Double, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Double, Double) -> g -> [Double] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Double] #

Random Float

Note - random produces values in the closed range [0,1].

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Float, Float) -> g -> (Float, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Float, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Float, Float) -> g -> [Float] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Float] #

Random Int 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Int, Int) -> g -> (Int, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Int, Int) -> g -> [Int] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int] #

Random Int8 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Int8, Int8) -> g -> (Int8, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int8, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Int8, Int8) -> g -> [Int8] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int8] #

Random Int16 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Int16, Int16) -> g -> (Int16, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int16, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Int16, Int16) -> g -> [Int16] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int16] #

Random Int32 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Int32, Int32) -> g -> (Int32, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int32, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Int32, Int32) -> g -> [Int32] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int32] #

Random Int64 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Int64, Int64) -> g -> (Int64, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int64, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Int64, Int64) -> g -> [Int64] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int64] #

Random Integer

Note - random generates values in the Int range

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> (Integer, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Integer, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> [Integer] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Integer] #

Random Word 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word, Word) -> g -> (Word, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word, Word) -> g -> [Word] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word] #

Random Word8 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word8, Word8) -> g -> (Word8, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word8, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word8, Word8) -> g -> [Word8] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word8] #

Random Word16 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word16, Word16) -> g -> (Word16, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word16, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word16, Word16) -> g -> [Word16] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word16] #

Random Word32 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word32, Word32) -> g -> (Word32, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word32, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word32, Word32) -> g -> [Word32] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word32] #

Random Word64 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word64, Word64) -> g -> (Word64, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word64, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word64, Word64) -> g -> [Word64] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word64] #

Random CChar 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CChar, CChar) -> g -> (CChar, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CChar, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CChar, CChar) -> g -> [CChar] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CChar] #

Random CSChar 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CSChar, CSChar) -> g -> (CSChar, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CSChar, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CSChar, CSChar) -> g -> [CSChar] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CSChar] #

Random CUChar 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CUChar, CUChar) -> g -> (CUChar, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CUChar, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CUChar, CUChar) -> g -> [CUChar] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CUChar] #

Random CShort 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CShort, CShort) -> g -> (CShort, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CShort, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CShort, CShort) -> g -> [CShort] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CShort] #

Random CUShort 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CUShort, CUShort) -> g -> (CUShort, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CUShort, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CUShort, CUShort) -> g -> [CUShort] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CUShort] #

Random CInt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CInt, CInt) -> g -> (CInt, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CInt, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CInt, CInt) -> g -> [CInt] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CInt] #

Random CUInt 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CUInt, CUInt) -> g -> (CUInt, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CUInt, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CUInt, CUInt) -> g -> [CUInt] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CUInt] #

Random CLong 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CLong, CLong) -> g -> (CLong, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CLong, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CLong, CLong) -> g -> [CLong] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CLong] #

Random CULong 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CULong, CULong) -> g -> (CULong, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CULong, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CULong, CULong) -> g -> [CULong] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CULong] #

Random CLLong 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CLLong, CLLong) -> g -> (CLLong, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CLLong, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CLLong, CLLong) -> g -> [CLLong] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CLLong] #

Random CULLong 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CULLong, CULLong) -> g -> (CULLong, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CULLong, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CULLong, CULLong) -> g -> [CULLong] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CULLong] #

Random CBool 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CBool, CBool) -> g -> (CBool, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CBool, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CBool, CBool) -> g -> [CBool] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CBool] #

Random CFloat

Note - random produces values in the closed range [0,1].

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CFloat, CFloat) -> g -> (CFloat, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CFloat, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CFloat, CFloat) -> g -> [CFloat] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CFloat] #

Random CDouble

Note - random produces values in the closed range [0,1].

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CDouble, CDouble) -> g -> (CDouble, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CDouble, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CDouble, CDouble) -> g -> [CDouble] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CDouble] #

Random CPtrdiff 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CPtrdiff, CPtrdiff) -> g -> (CPtrdiff, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CPtrdiff, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CPtrdiff, CPtrdiff) -> g -> [CPtrdiff] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CPtrdiff] #

Random CSize 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CSize, CSize) -> g -> (CSize, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CSize, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CSize, CSize) -> g -> [CSize] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CSize] #

Random CWchar 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CWchar, CWchar) -> g -> (CWchar, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CWchar, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CWchar, CWchar) -> g -> [CWchar] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CWchar] #

Random CSigAtomic 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CSigAtomic, CSigAtomic) -> g -> (CSigAtomic, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CSigAtomic, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CSigAtomic, CSigAtomic) -> g -> [CSigAtomic] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CSigAtomic] #

Random CIntPtr 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CIntPtr, CIntPtr) -> g -> (CIntPtr, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CIntPtr, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CIntPtr, CIntPtr) -> g -> [CIntPtr] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CIntPtr] #

Random CUIntPtr 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CUIntPtr, CUIntPtr) -> g -> (CUIntPtr, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CUIntPtr, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CUIntPtr, CUIntPtr) -> g -> [CUIntPtr] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CUIntPtr] #

Random CIntMax 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CIntMax, CIntMax) -> g -> (CIntMax, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CIntMax, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CIntMax, CIntMax) -> g -> [CIntMax] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CIntMax] #

Random CUIntMax 
Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => (CUIntMax, CUIntMax) -> g -> (CUIntMax, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CUIntMax, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (CUIntMax, CUIntMax) -> g -> [CUIntMax] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [CUIntMax] #

(Random a, Random b) => Random (a, b)

Note - randomR treats a and b types independently

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => ((a, b), (a, b)) -> g -> ((a, b), g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> ((a, b), g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => ((a, b), (a, b)) -> g -> [(a, b)] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [(a, b)] #

(Random a, Random b, Random c) => Random (a, b, c)

Note - randomR treats a, b and c types independently

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c), (a, b, c)) -> g -> ((a, b, c), g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> ((a, b, c), g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c), (a, b, c)) -> g -> [(a, b, c)] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [(a, b, c)] #

(Random a, Random b, Random c, Random d) => Random (a, b, c, d)

Note - randomR treats a, b, c and d types independently

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c, d), (a, b, c, d)) -> g -> ((a, b, c, d), g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> ((a, b, c, d), g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c, d), (a, b, c, d)) -> g -> [(a, b, c, d)] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [(a, b, c, d)] #

(Random a, Random b, Random c, Random d, Random e) => Random (a, b, c, d, e)

Note - randomR treats a, b, c, d and e types independently

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c, d, e), (a, b, c, d, e)) -> g -> ((a, b, c, d, e), g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> ((a, b, c, d, e), g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c, d, e), (a, b, c, d, e)) -> g -> [(a, b, c, d, e)] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [(a, b, c, d, e)] #

(Random a, Random b, Random c, Random d, Random e, Random f) => Random (a, b, c, d, e, f)

Note - randomR treats a, b, c, d, e and f types independently

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c, d, e, f), (a, b, c, d, e, f)) -> g -> ((a, b, c, d, e, f), g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> ((a, b, c, d, e, f), g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => ((a, b, c, d, e, f), (a, b, c, d, e, f)) -> g -> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] #

(Random a, Random b, Random c, Random d, Random e, Random f, Random g) => Random (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

Note - randomR treats a, b, c, d, e, f and g types independently

Instance details

Defined in System.Random


randomR :: RandomGen g0 => ((a, b, c, d, e, f, g), (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) -> g0 -> ((a, b, c, d, e, f, g), g0) #

random :: RandomGen g0 => g0 -> ((a, b, c, d, e, f, g), g0) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g0 => ((a, b, c, d, e, f, g), (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) -> g0 -> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] #

randoms :: RandomGen g0 => g0 -> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] #


To get to the gist of drawing, check the documentation for %.

Blitting on screen is double-buffered and diff'd (at each frame, only cells with changed character will be redrawn).


data Plane Source #

A two-dimensional surface (Row, Column) where to blit stuff.


Instances details
Eq Plane Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Plane


(==) :: Plane -> Plane -> Bool #

(/=) :: Plane -> Plane -> Bool #

Show Plane Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Plane


showsPrec :: Int -> Plane -> ShowS #

show :: Plane -> String #

showList :: [Plane] -> ShowS #

Generic Plane Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Plane

Associated Types

type Rep Plane :: Type -> Type #


from :: Plane -> Rep Plane x #

to :: Rep Plane x -> Plane #

type Rep Plane Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Terminal.Game.Plane

type Rep Plane

type Coords = (Row, Column) Source #

Rows and Columns are 1-based (top-left position is 1 1).

type Width = Integer Source #

Expressed in Columns.

type Height = Integer Source #

Expressed in Rows.

blankPlane :: Width -> Height -> Plane Source #

Creates an empty, opaque Plane.

stringPlane :: String -> Plane Source #

Creates Plane from String, good way to import ASCII art/diagrams.

stringPlaneTrans :: Char -> String -> Plane Source #

Same as stringPlane, but with transparent Char.

makeTransparent :: Char -> Plane -> Plane Source #

Adds transparency to a plane, matching a given character

makeOpaque :: Plane -> Plane Source #

Changes every transparent cell in the Plane to an opaque ' ' character.

paperPlane :: Plane -> String Source #

A String (n divided and ended) representing the Plane. Useful for debugging/testing purposes.

planeSize :: Plane -> (Width, Height) Source #

Dimensions or a plane.


type Draw = Plane -> Plane Source #

A drawing function, usually executed with the help of %.

(%) :: Coords -> Plane -> Draw infixl 4 Source #

Pastes one Plane onto another. To be used along with & like this:

 d :: Plane
 d =          blankPlane 100 100  &
     (3, 4) % box '_' 3 5         &
     (a, b) % cell 'A' # bold

(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixl 1 #

& is a reverse application operator. This provides notational convenience. Its precedence is one higher than that of the forward application operator $, which allows & to be nested in $.

>>> 5 & (+1) & show

Since: base-

(#) :: Plane -> Draw -> Plane infixl 8 Source #

Apply style to plane, e.g.

cell 'w' # bold

subPlane :: Plane -> Coords -> Coords -> Plane Source #

Cut out a plane by top-left and bottom-right coordinates.

mergePlanes :: Plane -> [(Coords, Plane)] -> Plane Source #

Shorthand for sequencing Planes, e.g.

          firstPlane  &
 (3, 4) % secondPlane &
 (1, 9) % thirdPlane

is equal to

 mergePlanes firstPlane [((3,4), secondPlane),
                         ((1,9), thirdPlane)]

cell :: Char -> Plane Source #

A 1x1 cell.

word :: String -> Plane Source #

1xn Plane with a word in it. If you need to import multiline ASCII art, check stringPlane and stringPlaneTrans.

box :: Char -> Width -> Height -> Plane Source #

A box of dimensions w h.

textBox :: String -> Width -> Height -> Plane Source #

A text-box. Assumes ' 's are transparent.

textBoxLiquid :: String -> Width -> Plane Source #

Like textBox, but tall enough to fit String.

data Color #

ANSI's eight standard colors. They come in two intensities, which are controlled by ColorIntensity. Many terminals allow the colors of the standard palette to be customised, so that, for example, setSGR [ SetColor Foreground Vivid Green ] may not result in bright green characters.




Instances details
Bounded Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Enum Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Eq Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types


(==) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(/=) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

Ord Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types


compare :: Color -> Color -> Ordering #

(<) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(<=) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(>) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(>=) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

max :: Color -> Color -> Color #

min :: Color -> Color -> Color #

Read Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Show Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Color -> ShowS #

show :: Color -> String #

showList :: [Color] -> ShowS #

Ix Color 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

data ColorIntensity #

ANSI's standard colors come in two intensities




Instances details
Bounded ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Enum ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Eq ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Ord ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Read ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Show ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

Ix ColorIntensity 
Instance details

Defined in System.Console.ANSI.Types

color :: Color -> ColorIntensity -> Plane -> Plane Source #

Set foreground color.

bold :: Plane -> Plane Source #

Apply bold style to Plane.

invert :: Plane -> Plane Source #

Swap foreground and background colours of Plane.

Declarative drawing

(|||) :: Plane -> Plane -> Plane infixl 6 Source #

Place two Planes side-by-side, horizontally.

(===) :: Plane -> Plane -> Plane infixl 6 Source #

Place two Planes side-by-side, vertically.

(***) :: Plane -> Plane -> Plane infixl 6 Source #

a *** b blits b in the centre of a.

hcat :: [Plane] -> Plane Source #

Place a list of Planes side-by-side, horizontally.

vcat :: [Plane] -> Plane Source #

Place a list of Planes side-by-side, vertically.


testGame :: Game s -> [Event] -> s Source #

Tests a game in a pure environment. You can supply the Events yourself or use recordGame to obtain them.

setupGame :: Game s -> [Event] -> Game s Source #

As testGame, but returns Game instead of a bare state. Useful to fast-forward (e.g.: skip menus) before invoking playGame.

recordGame :: Game s -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

Play as in playGame and write the session to file. Useful to produce input for testGame and replayGame. Session will be recorded even if an exception happens while playing.

readRecord :: FilePath -> IO [Event] Source #

Reads a file containing a recorded session.

narrateGame :: Game s -> [Event] -> IO s Source #

Similar to testGame, runs the game given a list of Events. Unlike testGame, the playthrough will be displayed on screen. Useful when a test fails and you want to see how.

See this in action with cabal run -f examples alone-playback.

playGameS :: Game s -> IO s Source #

As playGame, but do not discard state.


displaySize :: IO (Width, Height) Source #

Usable terminal display size (on Win32 console the last line is set aside for input).

errorPress :: IO a -> IO a Source #

Wraps an IO computation so that any error gets displayed along with a <press any key to quit> prompt. Some terminals shut-down immediately upon program end; adding errorPress to playGame makes it easier to beta-test games on those terminals.

Cross platform

Good practices for cross-compatibility:

  • choose game dimensions of no more than 24 rows and 80 columns. This ensures compatibility with the trickiest terminals (i.e. Win32 console);
  • use ASCII characters only. Again this is for Win32 console compatibility, until this GHC bug gets fixed;
  • employ colour sparingly: as some users will play your game in a light-background terminal and some in a dark one, choose only colours that go well with either (blue, red, etc.);
  • some terminals/multiplexers (i.e. tmux) do not make a distinction between vivid/dull; do not base your game mechanics on that difference.