apiary-0.12.5: Simple and type safe web framework that can be automatically generate API documentation.

Safe HaskellNone



typeRep :: forall proxy a. Typeable a => proxy a -> TypeRepSource

jsToBool :: (IsString a, Eq a) => a -> BoolSource

readPathAs :: Path a => proxy a -> Text -> Maybe aSource

data Text Source


class Typeable a => Path a whereSource


readPath :: Text -> Maybe aSource

pathRep :: proxy a -> TypeRepSource


Path Bool

javascript boolean. when "false", "0", "-0", "", "null", "undefined", "NaN" then False, else True. since

Path Char 
Path Double 
Path Float 
Path Int 
Path Int8 
Path Int16 
Path Int32 
Path Int64 
Path Integer 
Path Word 
Path Word8 
Path Word16 
Path Word32 
Path Word64 
Path String 
Path ByteString 
Path ByteString 
Path Text 
Path Text 

class Typeable a => Query a whereSource


Query Bool

javascript boolean. when "false", "0", "-0", "", "null", "undefined", "NaN" then False, else True. since

Query Double 
Query Float 
Query Int 
Query Int8 
Query Int16 
Query Int32 
Query Int64 
Query Integer 
Query Word 
Query Word8 
Query Word16 
Query Word32 
Query Word64 
Query String 
Query ()

always success. for exists check.

Query ByteString 
Query ByteString 
Query Text 
Query Text 
Query a => Query (Maybe a)

allow no parameter. but check parameter type.

pMaybe :: proxy a -> Proxy (Maybe a)Source

class ReqParam a whereSource


reqParams :: proxy a -> Request -> [Param] -> [File] -> [(ByteString, Maybe a)]Source

reqParamRep :: proxy a -> QueryRepSource
