Metadata revisions for app-lens-

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No. Time User SHA256
-r3 (app-lens- 2015-09-03T05:15:24Z kztk ad87bfb247b35e26e965582ae05b62da4be7747e521a3df18fa51406de88c02e
  • Changed description from

    A bidirectional transformation connects data in difference formats,
    maintaining consistency amid separate updates. The "lens"
    programming language---with Kmett's Haskell lens package being
    one of the most influentials---is a solution to this problem.
    Many lens implementations (including Kmett's Haskell library) only
    support the point-free style of programming. Though concise at times,
    this style becomes less handy when programs get more complicated.
    This module provides the infrastructure for programming complex
    bidirectional transformations, by representing lenses as functions
    that are subject to the normal applicative-style programming.  For
    example, let us consider the 'unlines' functions and to define a
    lens version of it. In our framework we can program through pattern
    matching and explicit recursion as in normal functional programming.
    > unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String
    > unlinesF []     = new ""
    > unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs)
    >    where catLineF = lift2 catLineL
    Here, @lift2 :: Lens' (a,b) c -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s
    c)@ and @new :: a -> (forall s. L s a)@ lift lenses to functions.
    The former is for binary lenses and the latter is for constant
    lenses.  We can then apply lenses as functions, alleviating the
    need of specialized combinators. In the above, we omitted the
    definition of a primitive lens @catLineL :: Lens' (String, String)
    String@ that concatenates two strings with a newline in between.
    Simply unlifting ('unlift', 'unlift2', 'unliftT') such "lens functions"
    gives us the desired lenses.
    > unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String
    > unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
    The obtained lens works as expected.
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
    > "banana\norange\napple\n"
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
    > ["Banana","Orange","Apple"]
    One may prefer to define @unlinesF@ with 'foldr'. Indeed, we can
    use 'foldr' as below because @catLineF@ and @unlinesF@ are simply
    Haskell functions.
    > unlinesF = foldr (lift2 catLineL) (new "")
    Here, the program is written in a point-free manner similar to that
    of the other lens frameworks. But note that this 'foldr' is just
    Haskell's 'foldr', instead of a special combinator for lenses.
    More examples can be found at \"Examples\" in the source code
    The applicative-style programming is possible in our implementation
    because a function representation different from Kmett's is used for lenses.
    As a result, when we program record-field access chains such as
    > src .^ l1 . l2
    > src & l1 . l2 .~ tgt'
    The order of composition is inverted in our implementation.
    > src .^ unlift (lift l2 . lift l1)
    > src & unlift (lift l2 . lift l1) .~ tgt'
    This difference causes slight inconvenience for record updates, but is
    crucial in allowing the applicative-style lens programming we
    aim for.
    A bidirectional transformation connects data in difference formats,
    maintaining consistency amid separate updates. The "lens"
    programming language---with Kmett's Haskell lens package being
    one of the most influentials---is a solution to this problem.
    Many lens implementations (including Kmett's Haskell library) only
    support the point-free style of programming. Though concise at times,
    this style becomes less handy when programs get more complicated.
    This module provides the infrastructure for programming complex
    bidirectional transformations, by representing lenses as functions
    that are subject to the normal applicative-style programming.  For
    example, let us consider the 'unlines' functions and to define a
    lens version of it. In our framework we can program through pattern
    matching and explicit recursion as in normal functional programming.
    > unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String
    > unlinesF []     = new ""
    > unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs)
    >    where catLineF = lift2 catLineL
    Here, @lift2 :: Lens' (a,b) c -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s
    c)@ and @new :: a -> (forall s. L s a)@ lift lenses to functions.
    The former is for binary lenses and the latter is for constant
    lenses.  We can then apply lenses as functions, alleviating the
    need of specialized combinators. In the above, we omitted the
    definition of a primitive lens @catLineL :: Lens' (String, String)
    String@ that concatenates two strings with a newline in between.
    Simply unlifting ('unlift', 'unlift2', 'unliftT') such "lens functions"
    gives us the desired lenses.
    > unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String
    > unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
    The obtained lens works as expected.
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
    > "banana\norange\napple\n"
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
    > ["Banana","Orange","Apple"]
    One may prefer to define @unlinesF@ with 'foldr'. Indeed, we can
    use 'foldr' as below because @catLineF@ and @unlinesF@ are simply
    Haskell functions.
    > unlinesF = foldr (lift2 catLineL) (new "")
    Here, the program is written in a point-free manner similar to that
    of the other lens frameworks. But note that this 'foldr' is just
    Haskell's 'foldr', instead of a special combinator for lenses.
    More examples can be found at \"Examples\" in the source code
    The applicative-style programming is possible in our implementation
    because a function representation different from Kmett's is used for lenses.
    As a result, when we program record-field access chains such as
    > src .^ l1 . l2
    > src & l1 . l2 .~ tgt'
    The order of composition is inverted in our implementation.
    > src .^ unlift (lift l2 . lift l1)
    > src & unlift (lift l2 . lift l1) .~ tgt'
    This difference causes slight inconvenience for record updates, but is
    crucial in allowing the applicative-style lens programming we
    aim for.

  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'base' from

    >=4.7 && <4.8
    >=4.7 && <4.9

  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'lens' from

    >=4 && <4.12
    >=4 && <4.13

  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'mtl' from

    >=2.2 && <2.3
    >=2.2 && <2.4

  • Changed the benchmark 'compositions' component's library dependency on 'deepseq' from

    >=1.3 && <1.4
    >=1.3 && <1.5

  • Changed the benchmark 'eval' component's library dependency on 'deepseq' from

    >=1.3 && <1.4
    >=1.3 && <1.5

-r2 (app-lens- 2015-07-01T23:21:21Z kztk 29d9e8cabf54f27b1ccf007530fe698c0895c0bb6a2a6da50b71fafd4c27bd6d
  • Changed description from

    A bidirectional transformation connects data in difference formats,
    maintaining consistency amid separate updates. The "lens"
    programming language---with Kmett's Haskell lens package being
    one of the most influentials---is a solution to this problem.
    Many lens implementations (including Kmett's Haskell library) only
    support the point-free style of programming. Though concise at times,
    this style becomes less handy when programs get more complicated.
    This module provides the infrastructure for programming complex
    bidirectional transformations, by representing lenses as functions
    that are subject to the normal applicative-style programming.  For
    example, let us consider the 'unlines' functions and to define a
    lens version of it. In our framework we can program through pattern
    matching and explicit recursion as in normal functional programming.
    > unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String
    > unlinesF []     = new ""
    > unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs)
    >    where catLineF = lift2 catLineL
    Here, @lift2 :: Lens' (a,b) c -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s
    c)@ and @new :: a -> (forall s. L s a)@ lift lenses to functions.
    The former is for binary lenses and the latter is for constant
    lenses.  We can then apply lenses as functions, alleviating the
    need of specialized combinators. In the above, we omitted the
    definition of a primitive lens @catLineL :: Lens' (String, String)
    String@ that concatenates two strings with a newline in between.
    Simply unlifting ('unlift', 'unlift2', 'unliftT') such "lens functions"
    gives us the desired lenses.
    > unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String
    > unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
    The obtained lens works as expected.
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
    > "banana\norange\napple\n"
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
    > ["Banana","Orange","Apple"]
    One may prefer to define @unliftF@ with 'foldr'. Indeed, we can
    use 'foldr' as below because @catLineF@ and @unlinesF@ are simply
    Haskell functions.
    > unliftF = foldr (lift2 catLineL) (new "")
    Here, the program is written in a point-free manner similar to that
    of the other lens frameworks. But note that this 'foldr' is just
    Haskell's 'foldr', instead of a special combinator for lenses.
    More examples can be found at \"Examples\" in the source code
    The applicative-style programming is possible in our implementation
    because a function representation different from Kmett's is used for lenses.
    As a result, when we program record-field access chains such as
    > src .^ l1 . l2
    > src & l1 . l2 .~ tgt'
    The order of composition is inverted in our implementation.
    > src .^ unlift (lift l2 . lift l1)
    > src & unlift (lift l2 . lift l1) .~ tgt'
    This difference causes slight inconvenience for record updates, but is
    crucial in allowing the applicative-style lens programming we
    aim for.
    A bidirectional transformation connects data in difference formats,
    maintaining consistency amid separate updates. The "lens"
    programming language---with Kmett's Haskell lens package being
    one of the most influentials---is a solution to this problem.
    Many lens implementations (including Kmett's Haskell library) only
    support the point-free style of programming. Though concise at times,
    this style becomes less handy when programs get more complicated.
    This module provides the infrastructure for programming complex
    bidirectional transformations, by representing lenses as functions
    that are subject to the normal applicative-style programming.  For
    example, let us consider the 'unlines' functions and to define a
    lens version of it. In our framework we can program through pattern
    matching and explicit recursion as in normal functional programming.
    > unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String
    > unlinesF []     = new ""
    > unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs)
    >    where catLineF = lift2 catLineL
    Here, @lift2 :: Lens' (a,b) c -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s
    c)@ and @new :: a -> (forall s. L s a)@ lift lenses to functions.
    The former is for binary lenses and the latter is for constant
    lenses.  We can then apply lenses as functions, alleviating the
    need of specialized combinators. In the above, we omitted the
    definition of a primitive lens @catLineL :: Lens' (String, String)
    String@ that concatenates two strings with a newline in between.
    Simply unlifting ('unlift', 'unlift2', 'unliftT') such "lens functions"
    gives us the desired lenses.
    > unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String
    > unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
    The obtained lens works as expected.
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
    > "banana\norange\napple\n"
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
    > ["Banana","Orange","Apple"]
    One may prefer to define @unlinesF@ with 'foldr'. Indeed, we can
    use 'foldr' as below because @catLineF@ and @unlinesF@ are simply
    Haskell functions.
    > unlinesF = foldr (lift2 catLineL) (new "")
    Here, the program is written in a point-free manner similar to that
    of the other lens frameworks. But note that this 'foldr' is just
    Haskell's 'foldr', instead of a special combinator for lenses.
    More examples can be found at \"Examples\" in the source code
    The applicative-style programming is possible in our implementation
    because a function representation different from Kmett's is used for lenses.
    As a result, when we program record-field access chains such as
    > src .^ l1 . l2
    > src & l1 . l2 .~ tgt'
    The order of composition is inverted in our implementation.
    > src .^ unlift (lift l2 . lift l1)
    > src & unlift (lift l2 . lift l1) .~ tgt'
    This difference causes slight inconvenience for record updates, but is
    crucial in allowing the applicative-style lens programming we
    aim for.

-r1 (app-lens- 2015-06-16T06:00:41Z kztk a143bd5aec7a06285e0ef56e76f31e0d8b69f277da57ce4d88a7688355ca86a6
  • Changed description from

    A bidirectional transformation connects data in difference formats,
    maintaining consistency amid separate updates. The "lens"
    programming language---with Kmett's Haskell lens package being
    one of the most influentials---is a solution to this problem.
    Many lens implementations (including Kmett's Haskell library) only
    support the point-free style of programming. Though concise at times,
    this style becomes less handy when programs get more complicated.
    This module provides the infrastructure for programming complex
    bidirectional transformations, by representing lenses as functions
    that are subject to the normal applicative-style programming.  For
    example, let us consider the 'unlines' functions and to define a
    lens version of it. In our framework we can program through pattern
    matching and explicit recursion as in normal functional programming.
    > unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String
    > unlinesF []     = new ""
    > unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs)
    >    where catLineF = lift2 catLineL
    Here, @lift2 :: Lens' (a,b) c -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s
    c)@ and @new :: a -> (forall s. L s a)@ lift lenses to functions.
    The former is for binary lenses and the latter is for constant
    lenses.  We can then apply lenses as functions, alleviating the
    need of specialized combinators. In the above, we omitted the
    definition of a primitive lens @catLineL :: Lens' (String, String)
    String@ that concatenates two strings with a newline in between.
    Simply unlifting ('unlift', 'unlift2', 'unliftT') such "lens functions"
    gives us the desired lenses.
    > unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String
    > unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
    The obtained lens works as expected.
    >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
    >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
    One may prefer to define @unliftF@ with 'foldr'. Indeed, we can
    use 'foldr' as below because @catLineF@ and @unlinesF@ are simply
    Haskell functions.
    > unliftF = foldr (lift2 catLineL) (new "")
    Here, the program is written in a point-free manner similar to that
    of the other lens frameworks. But note that this 'foldr' is just
    Haskell's 'foldr', instead of a special combinator for lenses.
    More examples can be found at \"Examples\" in the source code
    === Remark
    The applicative-style programming is possible in our implementation
    because a function representation different from Kmett's is used for lenses.
    As a result, when we program record-field access chains such as
    > src .^ l1 . l2
    > src & l1 . l2 .~ tgt'
    The order of composition is inverted in our implementation.
    > src .^ unlift (lift l2 . lift l1)
    > src & unlift (lift l2 . lift l1) .~ tgt'
    This difference causes slight inconvenience for record updates, but is
    crucial in allowing the applicative-style lens programming we
    aim for.
    A bidirectional transformation connects data in difference formats,
    maintaining consistency amid separate updates. The "lens"
    programming language---with Kmett's Haskell lens package being
    one of the most influentials---is a solution to this problem.
    Many lens implementations (including Kmett's Haskell library) only
    support the point-free style of programming. Though concise at times,
    this style becomes less handy when programs get more complicated.
    This module provides the infrastructure for programming complex
    bidirectional transformations, by representing lenses as functions
    that are subject to the normal applicative-style programming.  For
    example, let us consider the 'unlines' functions and to define a
    lens version of it. In our framework we can program through pattern
    matching and explicit recursion as in normal functional programming.
    > unlinesF :: [L s String] -> L s String
    > unlinesF []     = new ""
    > unlinesF (x:xs) = catLineF x (unlinesF xs)
    >    where catLineF = lift2 catLineL
    Here, @lift2 :: Lens' (a,b) c -> (forall s. L s a -> L s b -> L s
    c)@ and @new :: a -> (forall s. L s a)@ lift lenses to functions.
    The former is for binary lenses and the latter is for constant
    lenses.  We can then apply lenses as functions, alleviating the
    need of specialized combinators. In the above, we omitted the
    definition of a primitive lens @catLineL :: Lens' (String, String)
    String@ that concatenates two strings with a newline in between.
    Simply unlifting ('unlift', 'unlift2', 'unliftT') such "lens functions"
    gives us the desired lenses.
    > unlinesL :: Lens' [String] String
    > unlinesL = unliftT unlinesF
    The obtained lens works as expected.
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] ^. unlinesL
    > "banana\norange\napple\n"
    > >>> ["banana", "orange", "apple"] & unlinesL .~ "Banana\nOrange\nApple\n"
    > ["Banana","Orange","Apple"]
    One may prefer to define @unliftF@ with 'foldr'. Indeed, we can
    use 'foldr' as below because @catLineF@ and @unlinesF@ are simply
    Haskell functions.
    > unliftF = foldr (lift2 catLineL) (new "")
    Here, the program is written in a point-free manner similar to that
    of the other lens frameworks. But note that this 'foldr' is just
    Haskell's 'foldr', instead of a special combinator for lenses.
    More examples can be found at \"Examples\" in the source code
    The applicative-style programming is possible in our implementation
    because a function representation different from Kmett's is used for lenses.
    As a result, when we program record-field access chains such as
    > src .^ l1 . l2
    > src & l1 . l2 .~ tgt'
    The order of composition is inverted in our implementation.
    > src .^ unlift (lift l2 . lift l1)
    > src & unlift (lift l2 . lift l1) .~ tgt'
    This difference causes slight inconvenience for record updates, but is
    crucial in allowing the applicative-style lens programming we
    aim for.

-r0 (app-lens- 2015-06-16T05:27:21Z kztk 35a639608f58b6d37f14c52b32e6f039ae5de5e32a5d1116b98b5ea20838530b