{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Distribution.ArchLinux.PkgBuild
-- Copyright : (c) Don Stewart, 2008-2009
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Don Stewart <dons@galois.com>

module Distribution.ArchLinux.PkgBuild where

import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.License

import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Instances
import Data.Char
import Numeric

-- | A data type to represent PKGBUILD files
data PkgBuild =
    { arch_pkgname :: String
        -- ^
        -- The name of the package. This has be a unix-friendly name
        -- as it will be used in the package filename.
    , arch_pkgver  :: Version
        -- ^ The version of the software as released from the authorii
        --  (e.g. ´2.7.1´).
    , arch_pkgrel  :: !Int
        -- ^
        --  This is the release number specific to the Arch Linux
        -- release. This allows package maintainers to make updates to
        -- the package´s configure flags, for example. A pkgrel of 1
        -- is typically used for each upstream software release and is
        -- incremented for intermediate PKGBUILD updates.
    , arch_pkgdesc :: String
        -- ^
        -- This should be a brief description of the package and its
        -- functionality. Try to keep the description to one line of text.
    , arch_arch    :: ArchList ArchArch
        -- ^
        -- Defines on which architectures the given package is
        -- available (e.g. arch=(´i686´ ´x86_64´)).
    , arch_url     :: String
        -- ^
        -- This field contains a URL that is associated with the software
        -- being packaged. This is typically the project´s website.
    , arch_license :: ArchList License
        -- ^
        -- This field specifies the license(s) that apply to the package.
        -- Commonly-used licenses are found in /usr/share/licenses/common. If
        -- you see the package´s license there, simply reference it in the
        -- license field (e.g.  license=(´GPL´)). If the package provides a
        -- license not found in /usr/share/licenses/common, then you should
        -- include the license in the package itself and set
        -- license=(´custom´) or license=(´custom:LicenseName´). The license
        -- should be placed in $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname when
        -- building the package. If multiple licenses are applicable for a
        -- package, list all of them: license=(´GPL´ ´FDL´).
    , arch_makedepends :: ArchList ArchDep
        -- ^
        -- An array of packages that this package depends on to build, but are
        -- not needed at runtime. Packages in this list follow the same format
        -- as depends.

    , arch_depends     :: ArchList ArchDep
        -- ^
        -- An array of packages that this package depends on to run. Packages
        -- in this list should be surrounded with single quotes and contain at
        -- least the package name. Entries can also include a version
        -- requirement of the form name<>version, where <> is one of five
        -- comparisons: >= (greater than or equal to), <= (less than or equal
        -- to), = (equal to), > (greater than), or < (less than).
    , arch_source      :: ArchList String
        -- ^
        -- An array of source files required to build the package. Source
        -- files must either reside in the same directory as the PKGBUILD
        -- file, or be a fully-qualified URL that makepkg will use to download
        -- the file. In order to make the PKGBUILD as useful as possible, use
        -- the $pkgname and $pkgver variables if possible when specifying the
        -- download location. Any files that are compressed will automatically
        -- be extracted, unless found in the noextract array listed below.
    , arch_md5sum      :: ArchList String
        -- ^
        -- This array contains an MD5 hash for every source file specified in
        -- the source array (in the same order). makepkg will use this to
        -- verify source file integrity during subsequent builds. To easily
        -- generate md5sums, run “makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD”. If desired, move
        -- the md5sums line to an appropriate location.  NOTE: makepkg
        -- supports multiple integrity algorithms and their corresponding
        -- arrays (i.e. sha1sums for the SHA1 algorithm); however, official
        -- packages use only md5sums for the time being.
    , arch_build        :: [String]
        -- ^
        -- The build hook

    , arch_install      :: Maybe String
        -- ^
        -- Specifies a special install script that is to be included in the package. This
        -- file should reside in the same directory as the PKGBUILD, and will be copied
        -- into the package by makepkg. It does not need to be included in the source
        -- array (e.g.  install=pkgname.install).
    , arch_options      :: ArchList ArchOptions
        -- ^
        -- This array allows you to override some of makepkg´s default behavior when
        -- building packages. To set an option, just include the option name in the
        -- options array. To reverse the default behavior, place an “!” at the front of
        -- the option. Only specify the options you specifically want to override, the
        -- rest will be taken from makepkg.conf(5).  NOTE: force is a special option only
        -- used in a PKGBUILD(5), do not use it unless you know what you are doing.

    deriving (Show, Eq)

data ArchOptions
    = Strip
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | An empty PKGBUILD
emptyPkgBuild :: PkgBuild
emptyPkgBuild =
    { arch_pkgname     = display $ pkgName (package e)
    , arch_pkgver      = pkgVersion (package e)
    , arch_pkgrel      = 1
    , arch_pkgdesc     = synopsis e
    , arch_arch        = ArchList [Arch_X86, Arch_X86_64]
    , arch_url         = homepage e
    , arch_license     = ArchList [license e]

    -- everything depends on ghc and Cabal 1.4.x
    , arch_makedepends = ArchList
        [(ArchDep (Dependency (PackageName "ghc")    AnyVersion))
        ,(ArchDep (Dependency (PackageName "haskell-cabal") AnyVersion))
--        ,(ArchDep (Dependency "haskell-cabal" (LaterVersion (Version  [1,4,0,0] []))))

        -- makedepends=('ghc>=6.6') ?
    , arch_depends     = ArchList []
    , arch_source      = ArchList []
    , arch_md5sum      = ArchList []
        -- sha1sums=('a08670e4c749850714205f425cb460ed5a0a56b2')
    , arch_build       = []
    , arch_install     = Nothing  -- executable
    , arch_options     = ArchList [Strip]
    e = emptyPackageDescription

-- Extra pretty printer instances and types

newtype ArchDep = ArchDep Dependency
  deriving (Eq,Show)

instance Text ArchOptions where
  disp Strip = text "strip"
  parse = undefined

-- the PKGBUILD version spec is less expressive than cabal, we can't
-- really handle unions or intersections well yet.

instance Text ArchDep where
  disp (ArchDep (Dependency name ver)) =
    text (display name) <> mydisp ver
     --  >= (greater than or equal to), <= (less than or
     --  equal to), = (equal to), > (greater than), or <
      mydisp AnyVersion           = empty

      mydisp (ThisVersion    v)   = text "=" <> disp v
      mydisp (LaterVersion   v)   = char '>' <> disp v
      mydisp (EarlierVersion v)   = char '<' <> disp v

      mydisp (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion  v1) (LaterVersion v2))
        | v1 == v2 = text ">=" <> disp v1
      mydisp (UnionVersionRanges (LaterVersion v2) (ThisVersion  v1))
        | v1 == v2 = text ">=" <> disp v1
      mydisp (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion v1) (EarlierVersion v2))
        | v1 == v2 = text "<=" <> disp v1
      mydisp (UnionVersionRanges (EarlierVersion v2) (ThisVersion v1))
        | v1 == v2 = text "<=" <> disp v1

      mydisp (UnionVersionRanges r1 r2)
        = disp r1 <+> text "||" <+> disp r2

      mydisp (IntersectVersionRanges r1 r2)
        = disp r1 <+> text "&&" <+> disp r2

      mydisp x = trace ("WARNING: Can't handle this version format yet: " ++ show x ++ "\ncheck the dependencies by hand.")$ empty

  parse = undefined

-- | Valid linux platforms
data ArchArch = Arch_X86 | Arch_X86_64
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Text ArchArch where
    disp x = case x of
       Arch_X86      -> text "i686"
       Arch_X86_64   -> text "x86_64"
    parse = error "Text.parrse not defined for ArchList"

-- Lists with quotes
newtype ArchList a = ArchList [a]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Monoid, Functor)

instance Text String where
    disp s = text s
    parse = error "Text.parse not defined for String"

instance Text a => Text (ArchList a) where
    disp (ArchList xs) =
         parens (hcat
                (intersperse space
                    (map (quotes . disp) xs)))
    parse = error "Text.parse not defined for ArchList"

-- | Printing with no quotes
dispNoQuotes :: Text a => ArchList a -> Doc
dispNoQuotes (ArchList xs) =
         parens (hcat
                (intersperse space
                    (map disp xs)))

-- Support for parsing PKGBULIDs

-- | A PKGBUILD data structure with additional metadata
data AnnotatedPkgBuild =
        {pkgBuiltWith :: Maybe Version   -- ^ version of cabal2arch used, if any
        ,pkgHeader    :: String          -- ^ header strings
        ,pkgBody      :: PkgBuild }      -- ^ contents of pkgbuild file
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Empty state structure
emptyPkg :: AnnotatedPkgBuild
emptyPkg = AnnotatedPkgBuild
    { pkgBuiltWith = Nothing
    , pkgHeader    = []
    , pkgBody      = emptyPkgBuild { arch_options = ArchList []
                                , arch_makedepends = ArchList []

-- | Result type for pkgbuild parsers
type ResultP a = Either String a

decodePackage :: String -> ResultP AnnotatedPkgBuild
decodePackage s = runGetPKG (readPackage emptyPkg) s

-- | The type of pkgbuild parsers for String
newtype GetPKG a = GetPKG { un :: String -> Either String (a,String) }

instance Functor GetPKG where fmap = liftM

instance Monad GetPKG where
  return x       = GetPKG (\s -> Right (x,s))
  fail x         = GetPKG (\_ -> Left x)
  GetPKG m >>= f = GetPKG (\s -> case m s of
                                     Left err -> Left err
                                     Right (a,s1) -> un (f a) s1)


-- | Run a PKG reader on an input String, returning a PKGBUILD
runGetPKG :: GetPKG a -> String -> ResultP a
runGetPKG (GetPKG m) s = case m s of
     Left err    -> Left err
     Right (a,t) -> case t of
                        [] -> Right a
                        _  -> Left $ "Invalid tokens at end of PKG string: "++ show (take 10 t)

getInput   :: GetPKG String
getInput    = GetPKG (\s -> Right (s,s))

setInput   :: String -> GetPKG ()
setInput s  = GetPKG (\_ -> Right ((),s))

(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
x <$> y = fmap x y


-- read until end of line
line s = case break (== '\n') s of
    (h , _ : rest) -> do
        setInput rest
        return h

-- | Recursively parse the pkgbuild
readPackage :: AnnotatedPkgBuild -> GetPKG AnnotatedPkgBuild
readPackage st = do
  cs <- getInput

  case cs of
    _ | "# Contributor"       `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            readPackage st { pkgHeader = h }

      | "# Package generated" `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let v = simpleParse
                    . reverse
                    . takeWhile (not . isSpace)
                    . reverse $ h
            readPackage st { pkgBuiltWith = v }

      | "pkgname="  `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let s = drop 8 h
            readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgname = s } }

      | "pkgrel="   `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let s = drop 7 h
            readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgrel = read s } }

      | "pkgver="   `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let s = drop 7 h
            case simpleParse s of
                Nothing -> fail $ "Unable to parse package version"
                Just v  -> readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgver = v } }

      | "pkgdesc="  `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let s = drop 8 h
            readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_pkgdesc = s } }

      | "url="      `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let s = drop 4 h
            readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_url = s } }

      | "license="  `isPrefixOf` cs -> do
            h <- line cs
            let s = takeWhile (/= '\'')
                    . drop 1
                    . dropWhile (/= '\'')
                    . drop 8 $ h
                s' | "custom:" `isPrefixOf` s = drop 7 s
                   | otherwise                = s

            case simpleParse s' of
                Nothing -> readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_license = ArchList [UnknownLicense s'] } }
                Just l  -> readPackage st { pkgBody = (pkgBody st) { arch_license = ArchList [l] } }

    -- do these later:

      | "arch="     `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "makedepends=" `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "depends="  `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "options="  `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "source="   `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "install="  `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "md5sums="  `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st
      | "build()"   `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do setInput [] ; return st

    -- skip comments
      | "#" `isPrefixOf` cs
            -> do _ <- line cs ; readPackage st

      | otherwise -> fail $ "Malformed PKGBUILD: " ++ take 80 cs


# Contributor: Arch Haskell Team <arch-haskell@haskell.org>
# Package generated by cabal2arch 0.6.1
pkgdesc="A small, efficient and portable regex library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('ghc' 'haskell-cabal' 'pcre')
build() {
    cd ${srcdir}/pcre-light-0.3.1
    runhaskell Setup configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${pkgname} || return 1
    runhaskell Setup build                   || return 1
    runhaskell Setup haddock || return 1
    runhaskell Setup register   --gen-script || return 1
    runhaskell Setup unregister --gen-script || return 1
    install -D -m744 register.sh   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/haskell/$pkgname/register.sh
    install    -m744 unregister.sh ${pkgdir}/usr/share/haskell/$pkgname/unregister.sh
    install -d -m755 $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/ghc/libraries
    ln -s /usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/ghc/libraries/pcre-light
    runhaskell Setup copy --destdir=${pkgdir} || return 1
    install -D -m644 LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE || return 1
    rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/LICENSE

-- Checker

type Warnings = String

-- Hard code the cabal2arch version
recentCabal2ArchVersion :: Maybe Version
recentCabal2ArchVersion = case simpleParse "0.4" of
    Nothing -> error "Unable to parse cabal2arch version"
    Just v  -> Just v

-- | Look for problems in the PKGBUILD
oldCabal2Arch :: AnnotatedPkgBuild -> Bool
oldCabal2Arch s
    | isNothing (pkgBuiltWith s)
    = True

    | pkgBuiltWith s < recentCabal2ArchVersion
    = True -- ["Old version of cabal2arch: " ++ display (fromJust (pkgBuiltWith s))]

    | otherwise                             = False