argparser-0.3.4: Command line parsing framework for console applications

Copyright(c) Simon Bergot
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Simple command line parsing library. This library provides a small combinator dsl to specify a parser for a datatype. Running the parser will automatically consume and convert command line arguments. Default special action such as help/usage are automatically built from the parser specification.

Here is a quick example.

data MyTest =  -- First, we need a datatype
  MyTest Int Int
  deriving (Show) -- we will print the values

myTestParser -- Then, we define a parser
  :: ParserSpec MyTest
myTestParser = MyTest
  `parsedBy` reqPos "pos1"
  `andBy` optPos 0 "pos2"

main = withParseResult myTestParser print

Building this app will produce an executable foo which will behave like this:

$ foo 1 2
MyTest 1 2
$ foo 3
MyTest 3 0
$ foo -h
usage : foo pos1 [pos2] [-h] [--version]

mandatory arguments:

optional arguments:
 -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
 --version                     print the program version and exit


Creating a parser


parsedBy :: ParamSpec spec => (a -> b) -> spec a -> ParserSpec b infixl 1 Source

Build a parser from a type constructor and a ParamSpec

MyApp `parsedBy` myparamspec

andBy :: ParamSpec spec => ParserSpec (a -> b) -> spec a -> ParserSpec b infixl 1 Source

Build a parser from a parser and a ParamSpec

MyApp `parsedBy` myparamspec `andBy` myotherparamspec

mkApp :: ParserSpec a -> IO (CmdLnInterface a) Source

Build an application with no version/description and with a name equal to the file name.

mkDefaultApp :: ParserSpec a -> String -> CmdLnInterface a Source

Build an application with no version/description and with a name equal to the provided String.

Adding descriptions

You can add descriptions for individual arguments and for the application:

import System.Console.ArgParser
import Control.Applicative

data MyTest = MyTest Int Int
  deriving (Show) -- we will print the values

myTestParser :: ParserSpec MyTest
myTestParser = MyTest
  `parsedBy` reqPos "pos1" `Descr` "description for the first argument"
  `andBy` optPos 0 "pos2" `Descr` "description for the second argument"

myTestInterface :: IO (CmdLnInterface MyTest)
myTestInterface =
  (`setAppDescr` "top description")
  <$> (`setAppEpilog` "bottom description")
  <$> mkApp myTestParser

main = do
  interface <- myTestInterface
  runApp interface print

The new help will look like:

usage : foo pos1 [pos2] [-h] [--version]
top description

mandatory arguments:
 pos1                          description for the first argument

optional arguments:
 pos2                          description for the second
 -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
 --version                     print the program version and exit

bottom description

data Descr spec a infixl 2 Source

Allows the user to provide a description for a particular parameter. Can be used as an infix operator:

myparam `Descr` "this is my description"


Descr (spec a) String infixl 2 


ParamSpec spec => ParamSpec (Descr spec) 

setAppDescr :: CmdLnInterface a -> String -> CmdLnInterface a Source

Set the description of an interface

setAppEpilog :: CmdLnInterface a -> String -> CmdLnInterface a Source

Set the bottom text of an interface

Sub commands

You can also split different parsers of the same type into sub-commands with mkSubParser:

data MyTest =
  MyCons1 Int Int |
  MyCons2 Int
  deriving (Eq, Show)

myTestParser :: IO (CmdLnInterface MyTest)
myTestParser = mkSubParser
  [ ("A", mkDefaultApp
    (MyCons1 `parsedBy` reqPos "pos1" `andBy` reqPos "pos2") "A")
  , ("B", mkDefaultApp
    (MyCons2 `parsedBy` reqPos "pos1") "B")

main = do
  interface <- myTestParser
  runApp interface print

Running this script will yield:

$ hscmd A 1 2
MyCons1 1 2
$ hscmd B 3
MyCons2 3
$ hscmd -h
usage : hscmd {A,B} [-h] [--version]

commands arguments:

optional arguments:
 -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
 --version                     print the program version and exit

$ hscmd A -h
hscmd A
usage : hscmd A pos1 pos2 [-h] [--version]

mandatory arguments:

optional arguments:
 -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
 --version                     print the program version and exit

mkSubParser :: [(Arg, CmdLnInterface a)] -> IO (CmdLnInterface a) Source

Create a parser composed of a list of subparsers.

Each subparser is associated with a command which the user must type to activate.

Running a parser

withParseResult :: ParserSpec a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () Source

Runs an apllication with the user provided arguments. It is a shorter way of calling mkApp and runApp

runApp Source


:: CmdLnInterface a

Command line spec

-> (a -> IO ())

Process to run if the parsing success

-> IO () 

Runs a command line application with the user provided arguments. If the parsing succeeds, run the application. Print the returned message otherwise

parseArgs Source


:: Args

Arguments to parse

-> CmdLnInterface a

Command line spec

-> ParseResult a 

Parse the arguments with the parser provided to the function.

Creating parameters

Values provided to parsedBy and andBy should be created with the following functions. Those are shortcuts based on data types defined in System.Console.ArgParser.Params. The types are inferred. argparser will use read to convert the arguments to haskell values, except for strings which will be passed unmodified.

Flags can be passed in long form (--foo) or short form (-f) You may also provide a prefix form such as --fo.

Mandatory parameters will fail if the argument is absent or invalid. Optional parameters only fail if the argument is invalid (ie foo passed as Int)

Note that single arg parameters need exactly one arg, and that multiple args parameters can have any number of args (0 included).

Those functions are all defined in System.Console.ArgParser.QuickParams.

boolFlag Source


:: Key

flag key

-> FlagParam Bool 

A simple command line flag. The parsing function will return True if the flag is present, if the flag is provided to the command line, and False otherwise. For a key foo, the flag can either be --foo or -f

Parameters with one arg


reqFlag Source


:: RawRead a 
=> Key

Flag name

-> StdArgParam a 

A mandatory flag argument parameter

optFlag Source


:: RawRead a 
=> a

Default value

-> Key

Flag name

-> StdArgParam a 

An optional flag argument parameter


reqPos Source


:: RawRead a 
=> Key

Param name

-> StdArgParam a 

A mandatory positional argument parameter

optPos Source


:: RawRead a 
=> a

Default value

-> Key

Param name

-> StdArgParam a 

An optional positional argument parameter

Parameters with multiple args


reqFlagArgs Source


:: RawRead a 
=> Key

Flag name

-> b

Initial value

-> (b -> a -> b)

Accumulation function

-> StdArgParam b 

A mandatory flag argument parameter taking multiple arguments

optFlagArgs Source


:: RawRead a 
=> b

Default value

-> Key

Flag name

-> b

Initial value

-> (b -> a -> b)

Accumulation function

-> StdArgParam b 

An optional flag argument parameter taking multiple arguments


posArgs Source


:: RawRead a 
=> Key

Param name

-> b

Initial value

-> (b -> a -> b)

Accumulation function

-> StdArgParam b 

A parameter consuming all the remaining positional parameters

Common types